May 16-21, 1870 - Transcription
- Title
- May 16-21, 1870 - Transcription
- Description
- Transcription of Melville Titus' journal entries for May 1870
- Publisher
- Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
- Date
- 2014-06
- Contributor
- Midwest Genealogy Center
- Rights
- Rights Information
- Format
- application/pdf (Portable Document File); 103 KB; 1 page
- Language
- English
- Type
- Text
- Identifier
- May_16-21.pdf
- extracted text
May, Monday 16
May, Friday 20
Pleasent [sic] and warm Plowing
for corn Square came over
to help me with his team
he dragged the most of the day
Harritt [sic] is here I paid Square
two dollars for his days wor
-k [sic] Alpha is sick I think he
is coming down with the meas
els [sic]
Warm and pleasent [sic] went to planning
corn Mr Bowdish came overr [sic] to
help me plant The children were
sick with sick comeing [sic] down
with the measles did not get
throught [sic] to day [sic] it is nice
corn weather and it is geting [sic]
quite dry
May, Tuesday 17
Cloudy and foggy in the
morning but cleared of [sic] in
the forenoon Square came
over to plow for me to day [sic]
but did not get through
plowing at being very warm
the warmest day that we have
had for some time
[written sideways in margin]: Harritt [sic] went
home with Square
May, Wednesday 18
Pleasent [sic] and very warm finish
plowing for corn and potatoes
and buckwheat and then went
to dragging on the corn groud
and then plowed around next
to the fence and where I am
to build one John Canfrild
and his boy came here to
stay all night Recieved [sic] from
Jane a letter to night [sic]
May, Thursday 19
Warm and pleasent [sic] went
to marking corn [illegible]
Mr Pickett came to plant
he went to planting I did
not get through till most
supper time then went to
shelling seed corn and after
supper went to planting
[Notes added by transcriber]
May, Saturday 21
- Item sets
- Titus Family Collection
Part of May 16-21, 1870 - Transcription