- extracted text
Guy Lee Tinder, Jr. correspondence
Sat [Saturday] Eve [evening] 2:30 PM
29 Nov [November] 1952
Dearest Darling
I won’t bawl you out because I guess if you don’t want to write I doubt if it would help. It has
been over a wk [week] since I last heard from you maybe the mail is fouled or you are to busy. I thought
for sure I would get a letter today but all I got was 1 from Mom 1 from Mary K. I am lonely as the devil
for you right now. I recon [sic] you might say I am in a loving mood. I wonder if you will be able to stand
me when I get home as I will probally [sic] want to love you all the time. Since you are going to be coldnatured all I will be able to do is hug and kiss you I suppose [page 2] I will have to be satisified [satisfied]
with that. Anyway I still think you are pretty wonderful even if you don’t write.
What I am wondering about is Mom and Mary K seem to thing [think] you are mad at them for
some reason. I want you to be truthful with me on this subject because it is important. Why don’t you
ever visit them anymore? Please answer this for if something is wrong I want to know about it. I have
had a pretty good week this wk [week] seems like it just flew by. We were out in the field Mon
[Monday] nite sure was cold to, was supposed to stay out Tue [Tuesday] nite but the Col [Colonel] let us
come in. Although we went back out on Kuberg hill to train Wed [Wednesday] it was easy thou [sic] and
we came in early. Wed [Wednesday] nite I went up to the 20 Sta [Station] Hospital with Smokey [page
3] and the boys. We put on a program had a pretty nice audience to. I sang 6 or 7 songs wasn’t to
scared but forgot some words or a verse in 2 or 3 of em [them]. From what I heard they seemed to
enjoy it pretty good. This coming Tue [Tuesday] nite we are supposed to play at the E.M. [Enlisted Men]
Club for some kind of covered dish supper. As pre-usual [sic] you can guess what I did Thur [Thursday]
nite, still haven’t won a thing cain’t even come close.
We sure had a wonderful meal thanksgiving if the mess hall was like that every day it wouldn’t
be bad at all. Plenty of turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, salad, celery, pickles, Pumpkin pie, fruits,
nuts fruit cake with milk and coffee to drink. All of the stuff was well prepared to. Last night I cleaned
my Rifle then caught the late show. It [page 4] wasn’t to hot but at least it was something to do. I never
did tell you that this buildings floor cracked so we had to jam up till they were repaired. Today we finally
got moved back like we were. I hate it to as some of the colored boys are sure loud-mouthed won’t be
getting much sleep anymore. I don’t mind it as I didn’t have a thing to do. This morn [morning] Santa
Claus came in a helicopter at the Kurhaus for the kids there was really a big crowd I didn’t get to see it
come off as I had to leave and get ready to pull C.Q. [Charge of Quarters]. I received some good news
Tue [Tuesday] I finally heard from my cousin Don who came over in August [page 5] he is in Frankfort
[Frankfurt, Germany]. That is only 80 kilometers from here or around 50 miles. I hope to get to see him
soon we might even get together Christmas. It has been about 9 yrs [years] since I last saw him we sure
used to get in lots of trouble together also had a lot of fun. Angel I think I will sign off for this time.
Hope you and Kenny are fine would sure like to see you spect [except] I will have to wait till around 8
more months go by. Tell all hello for me, write me sometime if you feel like it.
All my Love
Jr Tinder
P.S. In case you didn’t know it
[Notes added by transcriber]