- extracted text
November, Sunday 6
November, Thursday 10
Cool and pleasent [sic] did not go
to Church to day [sic] They boys
and Martha went to meeting
to Dansville in the forenoon
I staid [stayed] at home with Samantha
and the children The weeks
come and go and we are all passing
away soon we all shall be gone
Pleasent [sic] after the wind and snow
Squals [squalls] yesterday husked a load of
corn in the forenoon and in the after
noon the boys drew a load of wood
I sorted corn awhile then I cleaned
up four bushels of wheat to take
to mill in the evening went to
prayer meeting to Brother Bachelors
November, Monday 7
November, Friday 11
Cloudy and warm and windy
Started early for election and
the folks went down to Mr
Picketts to make a visit And Mrs
Bachelor went with them And
Mr Pickett went with me down
to Stockbridg[e] villiage [sic] to election
and I came to his house I
stoped [sic] for supper
Cloudy and cool riding went to
Dansville to day [sic] to mill Samantha
and Martha went with me We went
to Brother Warners I took 25 heads of
cabbage and took him a half
barel [barrel] of sweet cider for George
Douglass Samantha got her a
hat to Mrs Hufmans and done
some trading to Mr Crossmans
November, Tuesday 8
Mistake so I shall write for Mon
day [Monday] They boys drew a load of
pumpkins into the field for the cattle and then
drew a load of wood and while they
were doing that I was sorting cider
apples and then we husked a
load of corn and then the boys
unloaded the corn and then Drew
two loads of pupkins [sic] for the
November, Wednesday 9
Rained most all night but cleared
off to day [sic] I finished sorting cider
apples the boys drew a load of wood
and then we drew up two loads of
corn stalks The wind blew hard
from the west all day is cold will
freese [freeze] hard to night [sic] Samantha
[pulled?] some of the turnips to day [sic]
[Notes added by transcriber]