- extracted text
October, Saturday 1
October, Wednesday 5
Cloudy and warm Went over to
Fitchburgh in the forenoon to get
some sugar but did not get any
Went to Dansville in afternoon
to quarterly meeting Martha went
up with me to meeting I staid [stayed] to the
quarterly cofference [sic] did not get
home till after dark
Wet and cloudy cut and bound
corn stalks in the forenoon and
was going up to Mr Poxson
to cut clover seed in the after
noon but it rained so we
husked a load of corn and it
rained hard for a little while
we run the load under the shed
October, Sunday 2
October, Thursday 6
A nice day for quarterly meeting
Started early for meeting we got
there as they commenced and staid [stayed]
till after the concert in the after
noon We had a good meeting
and may we remember it a long
time as we look back over the
time to it and may we always look
back with joy to these days
Pleasent [sic] and warm The boys went
to Mason to the county fair I
dug potatoes to day [sic] and picked
up twelve bushels and we went
up to Mr Bachelors to prayer
meeting a foot and there was
no else there but Samantha and
me was well paid for going
oh that we all may live so
that we may in heaven
October, Monday 3
Wet and cloudy went to binding
corn stalks and cuting [sic] some
The boys went to picking crann
berries [cranberries] in the forenoon in the
afternoon we went to Dansville
with the boys cranberries They had
5 5/8 bushels they sold them for 2
dollars a bush [bushel] and bought them
some boots rained hard to night [sic]
before we got home
October, Tuesday 4
Rainy and wet in the forenoon Samantha
and I went down onto the marsh to
get some cranberries we picked
two pansfull [sic] in the afternoon
husked a load of corn it rained
very hard while we were going to
to the barn unloaded the corn and
went after a load of wood Andrew went
[written sideways in margin]: over to Squares
[Notes added by transcriber]