- extracted text
September, Tuesday 13
September, Saturday 17
Pleasent [sic] and warm Went to cleaning
seed wheat and broke the fanning
mill Andrew went over to Fitch
burgh [Fitchburgh] to get it mended Alpha
went to draging [sic] summer fallow
I cut some corn in the afternoon till
Andrew came home and then went
to cleaning wheat as long as I could see
Pleasent [sic] and cool went to cross draging
[sic] this morning and worked awhile when
John Holt and Ett and Harriet came
down here a visiting I came up and
Alpha went to draging [sic] After dinner
Mary Gray came down here and
staid [stayed] all night Father came
from Mr Toxens in the afternoon
September, Wednesday 14
September, Sunday 18
Still warm and pleasent [sic] went to
cleaning seed wheat Andrew went
to draging [sic] broke the drag before noon
and come up after dinner took five
bags of wheat and down into the field
fixed the drag and then went to
sowing wheat very warm in the after
noon did not sow but 2 and ½ of wheat
Warm and pleasent [sic] went to Dansville
in the forenoon to the funeral of Carlie [sic]
Sutton he was buried in the burying
ground at the Reeves school house
There was meeting at the school
house in the afternoon Samantha
went up to Johns with Mary Gray
Martha came home with me and Mary
Moore came to and is going back
in the morning
September, Thursday 15
Still pleasent [sic] and warm went to
cleaning wheat in the morning till
breakfast and then went to sowing
in the field till I sowed what I had
out there and then went to cleaning
again Took out three bags in the
afternoon and sowed them looks
like rain was going down to Brother
Bachelors to prayer meeting but
it rained very hard
September, Friday 16
Cooler after the rain finished sowing
wheat this forenoon in the afternoon
went over to Squares to get his drag
but could not for Mr Lord was
useing [sic] it I came back to George
Bachelors and got one and came home
and went to draging [sic] till nearly dark
The boys were picking cranberries
[Notes added by transcriber]