- extracted text
August, Tuesday 2
August, Saturday 6
Pleasent [sic] in the morning
went to mowing and mowed
nine times around and then I
heard it thunder in the west
Andrew went to plowing and I
went to work in the oats till it
rained in the afternoon we went
over to the parsonage a visiting
Pleasent [sic] and warm worked in the
oats this forenoon till ten o clock
and then got ready and started to
go to Mrs Walters funeral and met
on the way C B Delan coming down
here with Father and Mothers mon
ument [monument] I came back with him and
went to Dansville in the afternoon
August, Wednesday 3
August, Sunday 7
Cloudy in the forenoon went to
Mason to day [sic] stoped [sic] to Mary
Grays to dinner Recieved [sic] of Mr
Hawley fifty dollars to apply on
his note Paid Mrs Gray 6,12 cts [cents] for
clover seed Father Holt was quite sick
Nellie Gray came home with us we
stoped [sic] to Fathers when we came home
he was some better
Looks like rain but did not till
after noon We went over to Fitch
burgh [Fitchburgh] to meeting in the rain
we stoped [sic] to Squares when we
came back it rained hard
while we was there Two weeks
more to conferance [sic] and then
there will be changes among
the preachers
August, Thursday 4
Clear and pleasent [sic] went to mowing
in the morning and mowed all of
the forenoon in the afternoon went
to rakeing [sic] and after supper drew
one load and then went to rolling
up hay put up [illegible] for
five loads The days and weeks
are passing by and we are going
towards the grave all the while
August, Friday 5
Pleasent [sic] looks some like rain this
morning Went to mowing in the
forenoon mowed eight times around
the peice [sic] and went to drawing
hay drew in three loads and
went to rakeing [sic] hay while the
boys was unloading and then
drew in two loads in the afternoon
[Notes added by transcriber]
Part of August 2-7, 1870 - Transcription