- extracted text
June, Tuesday 21
June, Saturday 25
Cooler but pleasent [sic] went to plowing
and the boys went to work in the
corn I plowed till most supper
time and then broke the double
whiffle tree and then after supper
had to make a new one and then
drew in a load of hay Ett was
down here to day [sic] Samantha wen [sic] up
to Mr Poxson a little while
Very warm and dry it being
late when we came home did not
get out very early drew in
three small loads of hay
in the forenoon did not
do anything till after supper
and then drew up a load of
wood Andrew went up to Mr Burrells
June, Wednesday 22
Cooler went to plowing the
boys worked in the corn
Mr Pickett was here hoing [sic]
June, Thursday 23
Warmer went to mowing and
finished the peice [sic] that I went
around on Monday and then went
plowing till the middle of the
afternoon and then went to rake
-ing [sic] hay broke my hores [sic] rake I
went to Mr McCann after his
Samantha and Andrew went to
Fitchburgh after supper
June, Friday 24
Very warm Sowed the buck
wheat in the forenoon one of the
boys draged [sic] and the other
[illegible] down the brush in the
hedge row one of the boys with
went to rolling up hay In
the afternoon we went to Dans
ville I had the horses shod staid [stayed]
in the evening to the Lodge
[Notes added by transcriber]
June, Sunday 26
Still warm and dry did not feel
well to day [sic] and did not go to
meeting or Sunday school to
day Martha is here Mary
Moore came here to day [sic] Alpha
went to meeting with the team
and Andrew came home with him
The last Sunday in this half of
the year is gone never more to be see
Part of June 21-26, 1870 - Transcription