- extracted text
June, Wednesday 15
June, Sunday19
Cool looks some like rain yet
Fixed the plow for plowing the
summer fallow and commenced this
forenoon I sold three steeres [sic] for
one hundred and twenty five dollars
Plowed in the afternoon Clyde is
three months old to day [sic] If he should
live thirty years he will [illegible]
Pleasent [sic] and very warm did not
go to meeting any where to day [sic] Went
to Sunday school in the afternoon
Harriet was here three or four days
but went home to day [sic] Samantha
went up to Johns and they were
gone up to Hiram Burrell The
boys took the team and took Harriet
and the girls home
June, Thursday 16
Cloudy and cool Went to Fitch
burgh to get some beehives went to
Amos Lawrence he was not but
Mrs Lawrence let me have three
hives The boys plowed to day [sic] and
worked in the garden The United
States Census Marshal he staid [stayed]
with us over night
June, Friday 17
Cleared of [sic] pleasent [sic] Went to Stock
bridge with the cattle that I sold
to Mr Taylor for one hundred and
twenty five dollars two for forty five
apiece and one for thirty five Went
to Mr Ivess and paid the mortgage
on Marthas place of one hundred
and twenty six dollars and thirty
nine cts [cents] Stoped [sic] to Mother Hopkins
a little while very warm to day [sic]
June, Saturday 18
Very warm Mr Pickett had the
old horse to cultivate corn and
Alpha plowed in the fore noon
and in the afternoon Andrew
plowed to till supper time
and then after supper I plowed
till night Andrew started
for John Holt to stay all
June, Monday 20
Warm and clear Backed the mowing
machine out of the barn and com
-menced [sic] mowing and worked till
ten o’clock and then a swarm of
bees came out I got them in to the
hive and started to plow when another
swarm came out In the afternoon it
looked like rain Johns came here to
shear sheep Raked up a small load
of hay and loaded it and drew it to the
Part of June 15-20, 1870 - Transcription