- extracted text
June, Friday 3
June, Tuesday 7
Pleasent [sic] and warm and dry
drove a cow up to George Doug
-lass in the forenoon in the
afternoon worked on the road
cuting [sic] poles for to put in a [crow?]
way it looked some like rain
and it rained some We was
going to Fitchburgh but gave it up
Pleasent [sic] and a little cooler and
cool nights Staid [stayed] in the house
and helped take care of the childr
-en [sic] in the forenoon while Saman
-tha [sic] done her washing The boys
was to work in the corn in the
afternoon went to Fitchburgh to
get some wool twine and groceries
June, Saturday 4
June, Wednesday 8
Very warm worked on the road
to day [sic] drew Sand on the road
in the forenoon in the afternoon
went to plowing and [seraping?]
on the hill north of here on the
town line Talked of going to Fitchburg
after supper but it looked like rain
Square sent after Samantha for Stela [sic] was
Pleasent [sic] was to stay at the house
to help take care of the children
and the boys went to cultivating
corn in the forenoon in the
afternoon I went and cleared
out the barn for sheep shearing
I [sic] commenced to rain about two
oclock [sic] and rained all the rest
of the day and part of night
June, Sunday 5
Looks some like rain it rained
a little in the forenoon Went
over to Squares took Lina and
Winnie with me staid [stayed] till after
dinner and then went to Sunday
School and then went after
Samantha and the children
Stella was quite sick and
Emma was sick with the measels [sic]
June, Monday 6
Pleasent [sic] and very dry went
to cultivating corn in the
forenoon went to get another
cultivator and Alpha went
after it at noon in the after
noon the boys went to work
in the corn and I staid [stayed] in the
house to help take care of Winnie for
she was sick
[Notes added by transcriber]
Part of June 3-8, 1870 - Transcription