- extracted text
May, Sunday 22
May, Thursday 26
Rained in night and had
a nice rain in the forenoon
and then cleared off and had
a nice afternoon Went to Sun
-day school there was but a few
out not many children nos [sic]
other persons
Pleasent [sic] still drawing rails
talked of washing sheep to day [sic]
but gave it up for the water
is cold on account of the cold
nights in the afternoon went
to choping [sic] rails cuts and after
supper splt [split] rails till most
sundown and went after Samantha over
to Squares
May, Monday 23
Rained in night and looks
like rain went down into the
field to split some rails and
cut down a tree and then
started for the house and it
rained very hard for a little
while it cleared off in the after
noon went to spliting [sic] rails
May, Tuesday 24
Cooler wind North West went
to cuting [sic] and spliting [sic] rails in
the forenoon The folks went over
to Fitchburgh in the forenoon
Mrs Lawrence came home with
them drew three loads of rails
and I went to laying up fence
Andrew went to Dansville to take
Martha home and he got a letter
from Allen and Samanthas carpet
May, Wednesday 25
Cool in the morning went to laying
up fence Andrew we [went] to drawing
rails And Mr Bowdish went
to choping [sic] and spliting [sic] rails
for me down in the woods we
drew some of the rails that
he split for bottom rails And
drew some out of the woods that
been split before
[Notes added by transcriber]
May, Friday 27
Cold nights wind north but
pleasent [sic] laid up fence in the
forenoon in the afternoon went
over to George Bachelors to split
some rail cuts that I had
over there and Samantha went
up to Mr Mc canns in the
afternoon and Alpha went after
a load of rails
Part of May 22-27, 1870 - Transcription