- extracted text
March, Friday 11
March, Tuesday 15
Cold wind east and cloudy looks
like snow Went down into the
woods to cut some wood and
was going to draw it up in the
afternoon But it commenced to
snow and it snowed hard
for some time and still storms
in the evening
Cold wind east and looks like
a storm commences to rain in
the afternoon and then it snowed
and then rained and then it snowed
all the time till into evening
Samantha was sick we sent for a doctor
but he did not get here till after the
baby was born Mrs Poxen Mrs West was here
March, Saturday 12
March, Wednesday 16
Cold and stormy wind North
East Snowed in the forenoon
In the afternoon went over to
Fitchburgh to Quaterly
Meeting Staid [stayed] to the conferen
[conference] It rained while I was gone
and snowed and sleet thus
ends another week
Cold but pleasent [sic] snow a
foot on the level The boys
went to take a cow off that I
sold to Mr Beals for forty
dollars Hariett and Ett came
home with the boys I went
in the afternoon over to Squares
to the trustees meeting but did
not do anything Brother Curnailia
was not there
March, Sunday 13
Snowed all night last night and
part of the forenoon Went to meet
-ing over to Fitchburg Mrs Richm
-ond went home this morning when
I went to meeting We had a good
love feast and then a good sermon
from the Elder from the words found
in the 13 chap [chapter] of Luke 24 verse
And may we all try to live as the text
points out the way
March, Monday 14
Pleasent [sic] and thawed some worked
in the house to day [sic] Washed two
bed quilts and one sheet and three
shirts and moped [sic] the floor
in the west room And helped
to do the chores at the barn
The boys choped [sic] wood at the door
Andrew went up to Fathers this afternoon
[Notes added by transcriber]