- extracted text
February, Monday 21
February, Friday 25
Very cold the coldest of the season
wind in the west cut a load of
wood and drew it up and put
some meat a smoking and done
the chores Byron stoped [sic] in the
afternoon to get the buggy to go
to Jackson did not feel very well
in the evening I have a very bad cold
Cold but pleasent [sic] Squares folks
came over here he brought home the
vats that he borrowed last fall
and he went up to Tommy Smith
to send for his wool to Dexter
he stoped [sic]for dinner when he
came back and Jimmy came over
to stay with the boys while they went
to meeting
February, Tuesday 22
February, Saturday 26
Still very cold but cloudy
and looked like snow did do much
to day [sic] only cut wood and do the chores
and keep a smoke under the meat
and sorted over a few cranberries
Not quite as cold in afternoon and
evening as it has been for a day
or two
February, Wednesday 23
Pleasent [sic] but cold cut and drew
up a load of wood Byron came
home with the buggy this morning
he got some things for me to Jack
son Went to the donation this
evening had a good time and
raised over eighty dollars for
Brother Holt Cash 47.60 and
the ballance [sic] in produce
February, Thursday 24
Still cold did not do much
to day [sic] I did not feel very
well haveing [sic] a very bad cold
the boys went to school and
I done the chores and cut some
of the wood to burn We [illegible]
out to the donation three dollars
and twenty five cts [cents] last evening
[Notes added by transcriber]
Rained some this morning ground
the axes this morning and the boys
went to choping [sic] wood down in the
field I did not feel well to day [sic]
in the afternoon I run the oats
throught [through] the mill and put them
into the granery [granary] and then drew
up a load of wood another week
is gone never more to be recalled