- extracted text
February, Tuesday 15
February, Saturday 19
Pleasent [sic] Went to Jackson to do
some trading traded seventeen
dollars and tirty [thirty?] two cts [cents] Sent
a box to Allen with some things
Paid seventy three cts [cents] freight
on the box thawed considerable
and quite muddy did not get home
till late it was pleasent [sic] in the eve
Cold looks like snow James and
Addison went from here after break
fast along about ten o clock it
commenced to snow and is snowing
still helped around the house
moved down a bedstead from up
stairs and set it up in the bedroom
and filled a bed with straw
February, Wednesday 16
February, Sunday 20
Pleasent [sic] wind South thawed
to day [sic] Went over to Squares in
the afternoon Byron and his
folks and Tommy and Lucinda
was there with them Looks
some like storm in the after
noon but cleared off in the even
Very cold the coldest day we have
had in some time I did not go
to meeting to day [sic] The boy went
I staid [stayed] at home with Samantha
and the children the weeks are
passing away and we are all still
spared to enjoy each others
society and may we all so live
that we may meet to part no more
February, Thursday 17
Warm and cloudy looks like rain went
to choping [sic] to draw to the house and
choped [sic] some rail cuts and after dinner
drew up a load wood and it commences
rain in the afternoon and it snowed
in the evening and it was a cold night
There was a man here to look at
my cows and staid [stayed] to dinner for
which he paid 50 cts [cents]
February, Friday 18
Cold but pleasent [sic] wind west The
boys staid [stayed] home in the forenoon to
help me load some hay to take to
Dansville to Martha went to Dansville
with the hay And when I came home
found James and one of his boys
there and was glad to see them I
bought some things amounting 85 cts [cents]
[Notes added by transcriber]