January, Friday 28
Pleasent [sic] and moderate Squares
folks came over here and Hannah
staid [stayed] all day and went to meet
ing and Mrs Richmond went
home when we went to meeting
over to Fitchburg we had very
good meeting but it seames [seems] very
dark at the close of the meeting
January, Saturday 29
Cold went to Dansville to quarter
-ly meeting staid [stayed] to quarterly
conference Martha went home
with me went to the mill got
my grist and came home did
not get home till after dark
and was late so I did not
go to meeting to night
January, Sunday 30
I got up early and wrote a
letter to Allen and then went
to Dansville to meeting and
Samantha went up to Fathers
while I was gone Martha came
home with me we all went
over to Fitchburgh in the
evening to meeting and a
good meeting
January, Monday 31
Pleasent [sic] choped [sic] wood at the
house and done the chores at
the barn and ground the meat
for sausages Brother Holt
came down here and we went
over to Fitchburgh to meeting
had a good time Martha staid
to Mr Millers with Phobe