- extracted text
January, Monday 10
January, Friday 14
Cold and snowing in the mor
ning went early in the morning
to help Mr Toxen butcher we
killed three hogs and went to
Mr McCanns and killed four
and got done before two o clock I
came home and got ready and went
up to Mrs Grays in the evening
Cold wind in the east and chily [sic]
Talked of going to Dansville
with some hay for Martha but
gave it up Gustavus and his folks
were here a visiting to day [sic]
The tax geatheror [gatherer?] was here to
day I paid my tax which amounte [sic]
to 19.02 cts [cents]
January, Tuesday 11
January, Saturday 15
Warmer a little frosty in the
morning went to Mr Teels
for Allen to see about geting [sic]
some money for him went to
Mason in the fore noon and
sent for the Tribune and Western
rural and the Tribun [sic] for Allen
rained in the afternoon and even
Rained all night but clared [sic] of this
fore noon went and cut some wood to
draw up to the house Came after
the team to get the wood and Alpheus
went with me after it went to
Dansville with some hay for Martha
and brought a grist from the
mill for John Holt I did get home
till after dark wind in the west
January, Wednesday 12
Still rains stops in the fore
noon I went to Mason to send
Allen some money I sent him
one hundred and fifty dollars Mr
Teall paid me one hundred &
forty nine dollars bought a peck
of corn to send to him started
for home came down to Fathers and
staid [stayed] till after singing schooll [sic]
and came home in the rain
January, Thursday 13
Cold and frosty and snowing did
not do any thing [sic] to day [sic] but the
chores and chop wood at the house
Mr Toxen was here awhile today
The boys brought home their
books from school and they
will go up to Father Holts [illegible]
to school the ballance [sic] of the winter
[Notes added by transcriber]