January, Saturday 1
Cloudy and looks like snow
came in this morning from
Chicago on my way home
from Mo Staid [stayed] at Jackson
till afternoon and then started
for home on foot got a chance
to ride half way home and
I came there a little after dark
January, Sunday 2
Snowing and blowing hard all
night It commenced to snow
yesterday afternoon and has
kept it up all day did not
go any where [sic] Hannah staid [stayed]
here last night and Square came
over here to day [sic] after her and
staid [stayed] for a while
January, Monday 3
Cold and blustering snow
drifted badly in places
Went over to Fitchburgh in
the afternoon Samantha went
over there and got her a pair of
shoes and some cloth for the
boys some pants stoped [stopped] a
little while at Squares when
we came home