- extracted text
September 3, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club resumed work for the coming year with a social meeting at the
home of Mrs. Gertrude Wade. Seventeen members were present.The meeting was called
to order by our president, Mrs. Ivie Rogers. The first motion in order was to assess each
club member $1.00 for club books and incurred debts of previous year.After a general
discussion of the advisability of the enforcement of club by-laws the consensus of
opinion of all members present was that they should be strictly observed.Mrs. Young
made a short talk on observing parliamentary rules during the business session.A motion
was put before the house and carried to extend a note of thanks to the program
committee. Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Steele, members of said committee, responded in a very
gracious manner.At the close of the business session a social hour and dainty
refreshments were enjoyed by Mesdames King, Cox, Love, Hixson, Giehl, Steele,
Robertson, Tunnell, Park, Rees, Rogers, Adams, Reid, Joberson, Young, Bingham and
Elizabeth Adams. Signed – Elizabeth R. Adams, Recording Secretary
September 10, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday, September 10th, at Mrs. Young’s home.
Members answered to roll call with quotations from Homer’s writings. As there was no
business to come before the club, the regular program was followed. Mrs. Adams,
Alderman and Appleby responded with excellent papers.At this time Mrs. Rogers asked
to be given the authority to appoint a club critic. This being granted Mrs. Julia Robertson
was chosen.During the social hour refreshments were served to Mrs. Adams, Johnson,
Steele, Young, Kerr, Alderman, Love, Giehl, Park, Gray, Robertson, Reid, Hixson, Cox,
Rogers, Rees, Bingham and E. Adams. Signed – E. Adams, Recording Secretary
September 17, 1923
The Ladies Literary club met Mon. Sept 17th at the home of Mrs. Shollenberger. Every
member responded to roll call with lines from old and familiar songs. Mrs. Young’s
impersonation of a colored mammy at a spinning wheel singing a Georgia camp meeting
hymn was particularly interesting and clever. A letter was read from Mrs. Byrda M.
Taylor, Secretary of the 6th district asking that our club send delegates the district meeting
to be held in Springfield the 9th and 10th of October. This question was deferred to a later
date.At this time, Mrs. Adams, Alderman and Bingham gave excellent papers on musical
subjects: “The Origin of the Opera”, “The Opera Carmen and its composer ‘Beget’ were
the subjects of discussion.A parliamentary drill was conducted by our president and
proved to be beneficial to all.Elizabeth Adams asked to be excused from the program
assignment and in place sang “The Valley of Daughter”. During the social hour Mrs.
Steele gave several piano selections.Dainty refreshments were enjoyed by Mrs. Adams,
Alderman, Alderman, Bingham, Cox, Giehl, Hixson, King, Rees, Reid, Robertson,
Rogers, Steele, Tunnell, Wade, Young, E. Adams. Signed – Elizabeth R. Adams. Rec.
September 24, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday, September 24th, at the home of Mrs. Tunnell.
Members responded to roll call with quotations from the Scriptures.It was decided that
the suggestion of names to fill the vacancy made Mrs. Love was in order. Three names
were presented.The regular program was followed. As Mrs. Steele was not present it was
decided she should respond with a program assignment at the next religious program.
Mrs. Hixson gave a beautiful sketch of the character of Ruth.During the social hour
dainty refreshments were served to Mrs. King, Baugham, Rogers, Alderman, Wade,
Young, Hixson, Adams, Johnson, Cox, Giehl, Appleby, Reid and E. Adams.
Signed. Elizabeth R. Adams Rec. Sec.
October 1, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club enjoyed a social afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mattie Adams
Oct 1. The club program includes one such meeting in each month. Elizabeth Adams
and Miss Maude Rees were assistant hostesses for the afternoon.A short business session
was held. The names presented at last meeting were voted upon for club membership –
Josephine Jones, receiving the majority of votes was made a member to fill the vacancy
of Mrs. Love. Mrs. Robertson resigned from the club owing to the fact that she is leaving
the city. Her resignation was accepted and thereupon was unanimously voted an
honorary member.Because of this vacancy Mrs. Alderman was appointed club critic.
Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Steele were appointed as delegates to the district convention in
Springfield.The program for the afternoon which was arranged by the assistant hostesses
was given at this time.Mrs. Steele played a Chopin Prelude. Mrs. Bingham could not be
present and there was no response to her part. The club trio gave a selection “Pretty
Pretty Maid Called Spring”.A contest was enjoyed by the guests. It consisted of the nomde-plumes of well known men. The answers were supplied with their real names. Mrs.
Julia Robertson was dubbed the victor.Refreshments were served to Mrs. Alderman,
Appleby, Cox, Giehl, Gray, Hixson, Kerr, King, Reid, Park, Robertson, Rogers, Steele,
Tunnell, Wade, Young and E. Adams.Signed Elizabeth R. Adams Rec. Sec.
October 8, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon Oct. 8th with Elizabeth Adams. The responses were
any thing about ?? Some very interesting facts were given. Names were voted on for
club membership. Mrs. Hawkins receiving the majority of votes was made a club
member. Mrs. Love was accepted unanimously as an honorary member.
A letter was read from the Women’s Auxiliary to Mark Twain Memorial Association
asking our club to contribute a donation to the fund for a Memorial Park. It was decided
that we send $5.00.The regular program was followed with the exception of Mrs.
Bingham’s paper – who was not present. Mrs. Alderman read a chapter of Mark Twain’s
“Innocent Abroad” which covered this subject.The corresponding secretary previous to
this had written to Mrs. Garrison asking her to send a paper on Venice – which also was a
part of the program. This did not arrive and Mrs. Jones in connection gave a description
of the city from Mark Twain’s writings.Those present were Mrs. Alderman, Appleby,
Cox, Giehl, Gray, Hixson, Johnson, Kerr, King, Jones, Park, Reid, Rogers, Steele,
Tunnell and Young. Signed Elizabeth Adams Rec. Sec.
October 15, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Oct. 15th with Mrs. Alderman. Fifteen members
responded to roll call.Mrs. Steele opened the business session with a report from the 6th
District convention, after which there was a general discussion as to the possibility of the
L.L. Club entertaining this convention next year. No decision was reached and it was
decided that the question be deferred to next meeting.The club critic gave a report on
mispronounced words of the previous week. Assessments amounting to $9.75 were paid
to the secretary.Mrs. Rogers welcomed the new members to the club which was followed
with a response.The regular program was followed with the exception of Mrs. Cox’s
paper.Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Appleby, Bingham, Giehl, Gray,
Johnson, Jones, Hawkins, Rogers, Steele, Park, Tunnell, Wade, Young and E. Adams
Signed Elizabeth R. Adams Rec. Sec.
October 22, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Oct. 22 at Mrs. Appleby’s home. Sixteen
members responded to roll call with short sketches of the lives of women mentioned in
the Bible.After a general discussion by all members present it was decided that the 6th
district convention could not be held in Ozark.Mrs. Young, having previously been asked
by the President to read the plays, “Sofroma’s Wedding” and “Clubbing a Husband”
gave a report at this time. Mrs. Rogers appointed a committee consisting of Mrs. Young,
Giehl and Gray to decide which play should be used and also to assign the parts. It was
voted that the play should be given as soon as possible.The question of assessing
members who failed to comply with programs was discussed and the members present
voted to leave this as it stand. It was decided advisable to give it a years trial.
During the social hour dainty refreshments were served to Mrs. Adams, Bingham, Cox,
Giehl, Hixson, Johnson, Kerr, King, Jones, Park, Hawkins, Rogers, Steele, Young & E.
Adams.The regular program was followed with the exception of Mrs. Wade’s paper on
“Literature in Homes”. Signed. Elizabeth Adams.
October 29, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club was entertained on Monday Oct. 29 at Mrs. Binghams home.
This being the monthly social meeting a quite unique and interesting ?? been arranged by
the hostess and her assistants Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Young.A short business session was
held before the program. At this time a letter was read from the President of the Sixth
district stating that each Federated Club would be expected to contribute at least one
advertisement for the Missouri Federation of Women’s clubs Biennial Book. No definite
action was taken on this matter. A letter was read from one of our number, Miss Maude
Rees thanking the club for their kindness at the time of the death of her father and also
thanks for the flora offering. In this letter Miss Rees asked that she be given a temporary
leave of absence from the club and that Mrs. Love be given her place for the present.
This the club accepted and granted.The committee appointed to plan for a play to be
given by the club reported that the play had been chosen and parts assigned. Mrs. Wade
remitted 25 cents as a fine for failure to comply with assignment on the program.
This concluding the business a program allowed portraying the Spirit of Halloween
proved a real treat to all.Mrs. Wade carried away the honors a real ghost story teller. Mrs.
Hixson proved to be the artist in the club. She was presented with a basket of choice
fruits of the Ozarks for drawing the best picture of a witch.Dainty refreshments also in
keeping with the spirit of the day were served by the hostess. Those enjoying the
afternoon were Mrs. King, Park, Tunnell, Gray, Johnson, Hawkins, Giehl, Steele, Kerr,
Love, Jones, Hixson, Garrison, Reid, Wade, Rogers, Cox, Young. Signed Elizabeth R.
Adams Rec. Sec.
November 5, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Nov. 5th at Mrs. Cox’s home. Members
responded to roll call with short biographies of Italian artists.During the business session
Mrs. Young reported that a place needs to be filled in the cast for the play. It was
decided that Mrs. Hixson be asked to take the part. The regular program was followed.
This program covered the subject of Italian art – including under this the names of
Michael Angelo, Leonardo De Vinci and Raphael. Also the subject of Rome, The
Vatican and the Sistine Chapel were discussed in papers.The duet played by Mrs. Jones
and Steele was enjoyed by all present. Those enjoying the social hours were Mrs.
Adams, Garrison, Gray, Johnson, Jones, Park, ??, Reid, Hawkins, Rogers, Steele, Young
and E. Adams. Signed. Elizabeth R. Adams Rec Sec.
November 12, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Nov. 12th at the home of Mrs. Giehl. Sixteen
members joined in the singing of the National Hymn.During the business session a letter
was read from Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker, Chairman of the Nat’l Woman’s Committee
on the Near East Relief asking this club to observe the Golden Rule Sunday on Dec. 2nd.
It was voted that this should be done and on the following Mon – Dec. 5th – the club
members should bring the offerings. At this time there was a discussion as to the clubs
annual gift to the Alms house. This matter was deferred to a later time.The regular
program, which was of a musical study, was given. Papers, discussions ??, Beethoven
and “The Story of Fidelis” were given after which the Fidelis Overture was played by
Mrs. Steele and Adams.Dainty refreshments were served to Mrs. Adams, Bingham, Cox,
Gray, Hixson, Johnson, Kerr, King, Love, Jones, Reid, Hawkins, Rogers, Steele, Wade,
Young and E. Adams. Signed Elizabeth R. Adams. Rec. Sec.
November 19, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Nov. 19th at Mrs. Love’s home.
After the reading of the 23rd Psalm the members joined in singing one of the favorite
hymns.During the business session a motion was made and carried to use the money in
the club treasury to buy foods for the inmates of the Alms house. Mrs. Rogers offered
her services to prepare this food in individual boxes and deliver it on Thanksgiving Day.
Two program assignments, the papers of Mrs. Alderman, and Mrs. Appleby, were not
given. However these were discussed by members. During the social hour dainty
refreshments were served to Mrs. Park, Tunnell, Steele, Giehl, Johnson, Hawkins, King,
Reid, Hixson, Cox, Adams, Young, Kerr, Rogers, E. Adams and one visitor, Mrs. Hays.
Signed. Elizabeth Reid Adams Rec. Sec.
November 26, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club enjoyed the fourth social afternoon of the year on Monday Nov.
26th. During the business session it was decided to send boxes of food to the almshouse
on Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Young and Love volunteered to assist Mrs. Rogers in
preparing the boxes and delivery. The assistants to the hostess had prepared a program
which included two contests – one pertaining to geography and another a story in which
books of present as well as past days were used. In the geographical contest Mrs. Young
was awarded a prize for her intellect and Mrs. Steele proved to be winner in detecting the
books in the story.Later in the afternoon dainty refreshments were served to Mrs. Rogers,
Adams, Wade, Cox, King, Hixson, Steele, Jones, Reid, Young, love, Tunnell,
December 3, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon Dec. 3rd at Mrs. Clay Jones home. This was Mrs.
Hixson’s day to entertain, however there being no piano in her home for the musical
numbers the change was made. On this day members responded with contribution for
Golden Rule Sunday. A total of $5.75 was received. The regular program was followed
with the exception of Mrs. Gray’s paper on Monaco.A social hour was enjoyed by
fourteen members and three guests. Signed E. Adams Rec. Sec.
January 7, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Jan __ at Mrs. Rogers home. Members responded
to roll call with quotations from the writing of Dante.The meeting was called to order by
the Vice Pres. Mrs. Wade. As there was no business the regular program was followed
with the exception of Mrs. Johnson’s paper on the Education of Italy. Two excellent
papers were given by Mrs. Adams & Young. During the social hour a rain bow contest
was enjoyed. At the end of each rainbow we were told was our ?? of club – which
proved to be the exchange of club Xmas gifts. Dainty refreshments were served to
January 14, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon January 14th at Mrs. Reid’s home. Members
responded to roll call with names and biographies of French composers. During the
business session Mrs. Rogers read literature which had been sent to the club pertaining to
the Bob Peace place.The regular program was given which was interesting as all persons
who had an assignment were present and responded with excellent papers. Mrs. Gray
sang “I have Signed To Rest Me” from L. L. Trandore which was thoroughly enjoyed by
all.During the social hour refreshments were served to Mrs. Adams, Alderman, King,
Hixson, Biehl, Steele, Gray, Cox, Rogers, Young, Harrison, Farthing, Herston, Anderson,
Gibson and E. Adams. Signed E. Adams Rec Sec
January 22, 1924
The Literary Club met Tuesday, Jan. 22nd at Mrs. Park’s home. The change was made
because of Mr. Allan’s funeral which was held on the regular club day.Members
responded to roll call with favorite Bible verses. During the business session it was
decided that work on the play to be given by the club should begin at once. A decision
was also made that no assessment would be made for the flowers for Mr. Allan yet.
Theclub funds should be drawn upon for same. Mrs. Johnson remitted .25 cents for fine.
The assessment was for failure to comply with program assignment.The program at this
meeting was very interesting as three excellent talks were given. Mrs. Johnson told in a
beautiful manner the life of one of our most illustrious Bible character - that of Joseph.
Mrs. King’s talk on the subject of Hagar and her descendants was also quite interesting.
Mrs. Gray in her subject “Is a Christian Life Important?’ portrayed the true Christian life
in a most zealous manner. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Young, Adams,
Cox, Wade, Rogers, Reid, King, Johnson, Hawkins, Steele and E. Adams.
Signed E. Adams Rec. Sec
January 28, 1923
The Ladies Literary Club enjoyed the monthly social meeting at Mrs. Hawkin’s home.
The feature of the afternoon was a very clever contest prepared by our hostess in which
Mrs. ?? Adams was winner. The contest gave us all reason to dub Mrs. Hawkins as club
poet. After this Mrs. Cloy Jones was showered with various dainty and useful gifts from
club members.Dainty refreshments were served to Mrs. Adams, Appleby, Giehl, Johnson,
Cox, Kerr Young, Hixson, Reid, Rogers, Wade, Steele, Anderson, Jones, Mrs. ? Hays (a
guest) and E. Adams. Signed Elizabeth R. Adams Rec. Sec.
February 4, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Feb 4th at Miss Rees home. Members responded
to roll call with movie melodies. During the business session Mrs. Rogers enlightened
the members on the amendments which are to be voted on. The program for the afternoon
was a very interesting one on Ireland. Two features were an Irish reading by Mrs. Adams
and an Irish dialogue by Mrs. Tunnell and Mrs. Wade. Both were especially amusing.
The Religion, Education of Ireland were touched upon in very good papers by Mrs. Kerr
and King. Mrs. Hixson, who could not be present, was to have told of the architecture.
During the social hour refreshments were served to Mrs. Giehl, Cox, Johnson, Hawkins,
Tunnell, Wade, Park, Reid, Jones, Steele, Adams, Rogers
February 11, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Feb. 11th at Mrs. Steele’s home. Members
responded to roll call with names and biographies of German composers. An interesting
program was given – A Sketch of the Opera Louishauser and one area from it were given
by Elizabeth Adams. Mrs. Aurey Hawkins told of Wagner’s life and the club quartette
gave one number. At the conclusion Mrs. J. W. Robertson, a guest, gave a very
interesting paper on the life of the person who ?? the “Boe (?) Peace Plan”. This proved
to be very interesting to all. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess to Mrs.
Adams, Cox, Johnson, Appleby, Hawkins, Hixson, Reid, Jones, Giehl, Kerr, Park,
Rogers, Tunnell, Wade, Young & two guests, Mrs. Robertson & Herston.
P.S. Mrs. Hixson remitted 25 cents for fine.
February 18, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon Feb 18th at Mrs. Rogers home. During the business
session two letters were read for the approval of the club. The one of importance was
concerning the Federated Club dues. All members were requested to pay by the next
meeting.A decision was made by vote of all members present to reconsider the
entertaining of the 6th District. It was decided to take a vote on this at the next meeting.
After this the regular program was given. It was of a religious nature and was very
interesting to all. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess to Mrs. Cox, Adams,
Hawkins, Giehl, Reid, Park, Tunnell, Garrison, Wade, Steele, King, Hixson.
Miss Rees remitted 25 cents for fine.
February 25, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club was given a very enjoyable afternoon at Mrs. Wade’s home on
Mon. Feb. 25. This being the monthly social meeting a program was arranged by Mrs.
Wade’s assistants, Mrs. Rogers and Garrison.Mrs. Cox, dressed in the attire of an old
gentleman sang in an impressive manner the beautiful song “Silver Threads Among the
Gold”. These words were directed to Mrs. King. Next, Mrs. Rogers, in costume, gave
the poem “Over The Hills to the Poor House” and all the while this was pantomimed by
Mrs. Alderman, Shollenberger, Garrison, Cox, King. Babies are Preston Appleby and
Phyllis Alderman. After this the situation was relived by the poem “Over the Hill From
the Poor Farm” which Mrs. Bingham read. The afternoon was a complete success and
was greatly enjoyed by all.A very short business session was held for the purpose of
voting on the reconsideration of entertaining the 6th district convention. The motion
carried unanimously.Those enjoying Mrs. Wade’s hospitality were Mrs. Adams,
Alderman, Appleby, Bingham, Cox, Reid, King, Shollenberger, Garrison, Hixson, Kerr,
Young, Park, Tunnell.
March 10, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club was entertained on Monday March 10th at Mrs. Shollenberger’s
home.During the business session three letters were read – one from Mrs. John Hays of
Montana, a former L.L. Club member, calling the attention of this club to the candidacy
of Mrs. Wallace to perform & Montana for Pres. of the General Federation of Women’s
clubs. Another letter from the Sec of 6th district asking for 5 cents per capita in the club.
It was agreed by those present to remit this and last a very nice letter was read from Mrs.
Appleby thanking the club for its interest in the school and for the proceeds of the play.
It was voted by members present to make the first Monday in April the set date for the
election of officers, and that this should be inserted in the club by-laws. A committee
was appointed by the President to visit the faculty of the school and get their ideas as to
the spending of the money which we realized from the play. This committee consisted of
Mrs. Johnson, Steele and Shollenberger. The regular program was followed. During the
social hour dainty refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. King & Miss
Mary Elizabeth. The following members enjoyed this meeting. Mrs. Adams,
Cox,Johnson, Hawkins, Park, Wade, Young, Rogers & E. Adams. Signed E. Adams Rec.
March 17, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday March 17th at Mrs. J. F. Adam’s home.
The regular program was followed. In the absence of Miss Rees, Mrs. Park gave a short
talk on the Queen of Sheba. Also Mrs. Park talked in a very impressive manner on the
subject of service. Mrs. Reid and Hixson sang a very beautiful sacred duet. This
program, following on St. Patrick’s day, was observed as the hostess had planned a
contest in which cities in Ireland were to be supplied. Mrs. Reid was the winner and
received a box of dainties which were in keeping with the day. Elizabeth Adams sang an
Irish song “ A Little Bit of Heaven”. In conclusion Mrs. Cox was asked to give an
account of the Saturday club luncheon at which she was a guest. This proved to quite
interesting to our club members. Dainty refreshments were served to Mrs. Cox, Giehl,
Rogers, Hixson, Johnson Kerr, King, Hawkins, Steele, Young & E. Adams.
A motion carried to use money realized from play for shades for the school, this being the
recommendation of the committee. The same committee was asked to see about the cost
of same – also ascertain the requirements for a rest room at school house.
March 24, 1924
The L.L. Club was entertained at Mrs. Young’s home on March 24th. This being a social
day the hostess & her assistants, Mrs. Kerr and Johnson, had planned a very unique
program. It was one consisting of old fashioned numbers. First Mrs. Steele played
“Silver Waves”. To this number she responded with an encore entitled “The Music
Box”.Mrs. Reid and Hixson sang “Juanita”. They were in excellent voice. Mrs. Hixson
with her high soprano and Mrs. Reid her rich contralto. They might have been rivals to
Galli-Airci & Scherwan-Heick. Altho alas, the pathway was not hewn to their door.
A quartet consisting of Mrs. Hawkins, Wade, Rogers & Young, sang the songs that
could easily have put the light fantastic tingle in any listeners toes. After repeated
encores Mrs. Hawkins gave a terpsichorean number. Great fear was expressed that
Ziegfield might demand her services even earlier than the age of fifty.
Mrs. Bingham gave in her usual manner a beautiful poem during which impressive
strains of music were heard.Mrs. Gray sang that beautiful old ballad “Maggie”. It was
well rendered. All expressed a desire that this voice & face might be seen at the L.L.
Club at least on social days. Mrs. Tunnell gave the beautiful poem “The Village
Blacksmith”. Here might well have been a Jane Cowl or an Ethel Barrymore. But alas.
She chose to be the good Samaritan to refresh the forlorn traveler. And last, but not least,
and with gray locks in reality, the grim inevitable song the ballad entitled “Silver
Threads among the Gold”.A contest had been prepared and after the exhaustion of our
wits and lack of wits, time was called and Mrs. Rogers in the opinion of the hostess and
all present was dubbed the winner. Such intelligence was marvelous for some of the
more inferior in knowledge doubted that it might have been Sherman a National Hero
who said “War is Hell”. Delicious refreshments were served to Mrs. Adams, Alderman,
Bingham, Giehl, Gray, Hixson, Johnson, Kerr, King, Park, Reid, Hawkins, Rogers,
Steele, Tunnell, Wade, E. Adams and one guest Mrs. Carl Brown of Miss.
Our versatile Mrs. Alderman gave the beautiful poem “Orphan Annie”. She not only
sings and sings, her talent as a reader as well, holds distinction.
March 31, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club was entertained at Mrs. Alderman’s home Monday March 31st.
Minutes of two previous meetings were read and one correction was made. That being
the names of the committee appointed to see what would be required for a rest room at
the school house. The committee named was Mrs. Wade, Tunnell & Alderman.
The regular program was given with the exception of a duet. At this time Mrs. Steele
played a spring song and also a paper to be given by Mrs. Gray was omitted on the
account of her absence.Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Adams, Cox, Garrison,
Giehl, Hixson, Johnson, Kerr, Park, Tunnell, Reid, Hawkins, Rogers, Steele, Young & E.
Adams. The club members again enjoyed the presence of Mrs. Carl Brown of Miss.
April 7, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met at Mrs. ?? Adams’ home on Monday Apr 7th.
Members responded to roll call with short biographies of English composers.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. During the business
session the committee on the question of the shades for the schoolhouse gave a report and
also submitted samples for the same. It was decided by the club to use the money for
these shades. The president appointed a committee to make suggestions as to course of
study to be used in the club next year. This committee was composed of Mrs. Young,
Tunnell & King.Election of officers was next in order. The officers of this year were reelected.The regular program was given. It was a real pleasure to all to hear Christine
Giehl’s exquisite rendition of Paderewski’s Minuet. For an encore Miss Christine gave
Souvenir.Refreshments were served to Mrs. Adams, Alderman, Appleby, Cox, Giehl,
Gray, Hixson, Johnson, Kerr, King, Park, Reid, Hawkins, Rogers, Steele, Tunnell, Wade
& Young. The guests at this meeting were Mrs. Carl Brown, Christine Giehl & Thomas
Steele. Signed Elizabeth Adams Rec. Sec.
April 14, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday, Apr. 14th at Mrs. Hixson’s home. Members
responded to roll call with Bible quotations on the subject of love.The election of a press
reporter had been overlooked the previous week and at this meeting Mrs. Hawkins was
elected to fill this place.By a vote of the club it was decided that the recording secretary
should be excused from the programs for the coming year with the exception of music.
The regular program was given with the exception of a paper by Mrs. Young. The fine
was remitted for same.Those enjoying Mrs. Hixson’s hospitality were – Mrs. Adams,
Cox, Giehl, Johnson, Kerr, King, Park, Hawkins, Rogers, Tunnell.Three guests were
present Mrs. Gibson, Herston & Mrs. Carl Brown of Miss.
April 21, 1924
We were urged to eggZert ourselves to be at Mrs. Cox’s house on Monday Apr 21st.
Thru this unique invitation we were assured we might eggs-pect lots of fun at our own
eggs-penses. And to this session each club member was allowed one guest.
At eggs-actley two thirty with An eggs-ceptions, the merry makers congregated
themselves at Mrs. Cox’s spacious and always hospitable home.The house might easily
have been mistaken for a Japanese flower garden. It seemed that the redbuds, the
japonicas, the apple blossoms, the cherry blossoms burst in profusion for this gala
occasion. A ?? program was given which had been arranged by the hostesses assistants,
Mrs. Adlerman & Tunnell. After this the literary ability of the crowd was displayed.
Each person was furnished with pencil & paper and asked to write a short story of Easter.
Contests were next in order. Mrs. Shollenberger & Wade were quite nimble in the art of
juggling egg on teaspoons.Mrs. Hurst, Sheppard & Bissett, clubwomen of Springfield,
honored the Literary Club’s invitation to this Easter tide social. Also Mrs. J. A.
Robertson & E. E. Love, honorary members of the Literary Club were guests. The
members who enjoyed the afternoon were Mrs. Rogers, Shollenberger, Wade, Park, M.
Adams, King, Bingham, Giehl, Kerr, Reid, Hixson, Appleby, Gray, Alderman, Garrison
& E. Adams. The guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Robertson, Herston, Farthing, C. E.
Reid, Clark, Bostic, Stewart, Harrington, West, Taylor, Madding, Stanley, Clayman & L.
P. Gibson.
April 28, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon Apr 28th at Mrs. Johnson’s home. Members
responded to roll call with quotations from Scott. During the business session a letter
was read from Mrs. Myer Pres. Of 6th district asking for donations for State endowment
fund and scholarship fund. This matter was deferred to a later date.The regular program
was given which was on the subject of Scotland. Mrs. Alderman & Miss Rees who were
not present and failed to contribute said requirement. Those enjoying the social hour were
Mrs. Adams, Bingham, Appleby, Garrison, Giehl, Kerr, Reid, Hawkins, Rogers, Steele &
Young & Mrs. Love & Robertson.
May 5, 1924
The L.L. Club met Mon. May 5th at Mrs. Kerr’s home. Ten members responded to call
with names of artists we have seen in the past.During the business session it was decided
that donations of $1.00 each should be sent to the scholarship & endowment fund.
Mrs. Young, chairman of program committee, gave suggestion as decided by committee
for course of study for the coming year. No action was taken as to this. As no persons
were present who were on the program no articles were read – only on the chief opera
houses of the world and another being the story of the opera “Faust”. These two were
program assignments for the afternoon. Those failing to prepare papers were Mrs. Reid,
Johnson & Alderman. Two musical numbers were given – a solo by E. Adams & a duet
by Mrs. Steele & Adams.Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Cox, Giehl, Park,
Rogers, Steele, Appleby, King, Gancy, E. Adams and one guest Mrs. Miller of Kansas
END OF 1923/1924 CLUB YEAR
September 1, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club held its opening meeting at Mrs. Josephine Love’s home
Monday Sept. 1st. A social afternoon was enjoyed by club members. During the business
session a motion carried to reinstate Mrs. Love as active member. Also Mrs. Love
volunteered to act as press reporter. It was decided that the club should give a play during
the year. Mrs. Reid, Giehl and Cox were appointed to select a play and assign parts.
The rest room committee was asked to report at the next meeting.Motions also carried to
make Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Appleby honorary members of the club. Mrs. Farthing’s
name was presented for membership and to be voted upon the following week.
Nine members paid one dollar each to club treasury for books.Those in attendance were
Mrs. Adams, Bingham, Giehl, Hixson, Park, Young, Tunnell, Kerr, Steele, Wade, Love,
Garrison & E. Adams Signed E. Adams Rec. Sec.
September 8, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Sept 8th. Mrs. Hixson entertaining at Mrs.
Gibson’s home. Members responded to roll call with names of naturalists. The regular
program was given. During the business session Mrs. Farthing was elected to
membership.The rest room committee gave a report and a motion was carried to equip a
room in the school building. Mrs. Steele was allowed $1.15 for music. Eight members
paid one dollar each for club books. During the social hour refreshments were served to
Mrs. Love, Steele, Young, Gray, Kerr, Cox, Bingham, Jones, Rogers, Giehl, Alderman,
Garrison, Wade, Reid, King, Hawkins & M. Adams. Signed E. Adams, Rec. Sec.
September 15, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met at Miss Rees’ home on Monday Sept 15th. Eighteen
members responded to roll call with quotations on “temptation”. During the business
session it was decided that flowers should be sent to Mrs. Johnson an honorary club
member. Mrs. Farthing was welcomed to membership and responded in a most gracious
manner. The regular program was given with the exception of Mrs. Gray’s paper. The
program was a religious one. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. W. Adams,
Alderman, Cox, Garrison, Giehl, Hawkins, Farthing, Jones, Kerr, King, Reid, Rogers,
Steele, Park, Tunnell, Wade, Young. Two guests were Addarde Brown and Ellen
Brouson-Montgomery and E. Adams. $5.00 was pd to the club treasurer.
September 22, 1924
The L.L. Club was entertained on Mon. Sept. 22nd at Mrs. Reid’s home. Sixteen
members responded to roll call with something of interest about Roosevelt. The regular
program was given with the exception of Mrs. Hawkin’s paper and a musical number by
E. Adams.The club was favored with a piano number by Mary Elizabeth Shollenberger.
Those in attendance were Mrs. Alderman, Adams, Cox, Rees, Farthing, Hixson, Rogers,
Steele, King, Giehl, Jones, Love, Garrison, Park and Tunnell.
September 29, 1924
On Monday Sept. 29th Mrs. Rogers assisted by the L. Club entertained members of the
W.C.T.U. The house was decorated in autumn colors.
October 6, 1924
Ladies Literary Club met Mon. Oct 6th at Mrs. Shollenberger’s home. Eighteen members
responded to roll call with quotations from Eugene Field’s writings. During the business
session a motion carried to allow Mrs. Rogers to give her paper for Oct. 13th on the Bible
day of next month.The regular program was given consisting of a paper “Noted Men &
Women of Missouri” by Mrs. King. Miss Rees gave “Missouri, Mother of the West”.
Mrs. Park gave the history of our state and Mrs. Kerr read “Father’s Letter” by Eugene
Fields. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Garrison, Hawkins, Wade, Alderman,
Giehl, Rogers, Young, Rees, Love, Reed, Hixson, Jones, Keen, King, Steele, Park &
Adams. Signed E. Adams Rec. Sec.
October 13, 1924
The L.L. Club met Monday Oct. 13th at Mrs. Steele’s home. Members responded to roll
call with favorite Bible quotations. In the absence of the President Mrs. Wade, Vice
President, presided.During the business session three names were presented to be voted
upon at the next meeting. Those to be voted upon were Mrs. Herston, Little and
Mathews. The regular program was given with the exception of Mrs. Reid’s paper and a
piano solo by Josephine Jones. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Cox, King,
Kerr, Young, Alderman, Adams, Rees, Giehl, Farthing, Shollenberger, Love, Tunnell,
Wade, Park, Hawkins, Steele & E. Adams.
October 20, 1924
L.L. Club met Mon. Oct 20th at Mrs. Tunnell’s home. Sixteen members responded to roll
call with poems of Edgar Guest. During the business session three names which had been
presented the previous were voted upon and by the vote of the club Mrs. Hurston was
made a member. A motion carried unanimously to ask Mrs. Mathews to be a visiting
member thru the year.
Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Adams, Cox, Garrison, Love, Hixson, Farthing,
Reid, Jones, Steele, Shollenberger, Rogers, King, Alderman, Park & E. Adams.
November 3, 1924
The L.L. Club met Mon. Nov. 3rd with Mrs. Youngs. Seventeen members responded to
roll call with quotations from or about Gene-Stratton Porter. During the business session
a motion carried to buy shades for one more room in the school building. The regular
program was given with exception of Mrs. Cox paper. Mrs. Wade & Hawkins gave the
members a rare treat – a duet in costume. The title of the song was “Twenty Five Years
Ago from November” and they were quite generous with encores. Those enjoying the
social hour were Mrs. Bingham, Jones, Hixson, Garrison, King, Wade, Herston,
Alderman, Mathews, Steele, Giehl, Rees, Love, Rogers, Park, Tunnell and E. Adams.
November 10, 1924
The L.L. Club met Mon. Nov. 10th at Mrs. J. F. Adams home. This being a religious day
members were asked to respond to roll call with “Kings of the Bible”. During the
business session a motion carried to allow members to have choice of paying fine for
failure to comply with program assignment or providing the paper at a later date. The
regular program was given. A special feature of the afternoon was two numbers given by
the girl glee club of the High School. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs ----
November 17, 1924
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. Nov. 17th. Members responded to roll call with
names of American inventors and their inventions.During the business session a letter
was read from Mrs. Cope Meyer asking our club to donate $10.00 to the International “””
Fund. It was voted to assess each member 50 cents. Arrangements were made to give
inmates at the Alms house a fruit shower on Thanksgiving day. The regular program was
given. Those enjoying the social hour Mrs. Adams, Love, Bingham, Cox, Garrison,
Giehl, Hixson, Farthing, Jones, Kerr, Park, Rees, Rogers, Tunnell, Wade, Young & E
The L.L. Club met at Mrs. Bingham’s home for the fourth social meeting of the year.
The feature of the afternoon was a one act comedy given by five members of the club.
Mrs. Alderman, Hawkins, Jones, Love & Steele. It was very entertaining and each one
an artist. After all extended applause the players demonstrated the difference betwixt a
husband teaching his wife to drive a car and a young man teaching his sweetheart.
Those addition to this two other members were given a reading by Mrs. Young and a
song by E. Adams. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Adams, Alderman, Love,
Cox, Garrison, Giehl, Hawkins, Hixson, Farthing, Jones, Kerr, King, Park, Reid, Rogers,
Steele, Tunnell, Wade, Young. E. Adams The guests for the afternoon were Mrs. Gray,
Barrett and Alonis, Miss Margaret Brown, Mr. H. V. Reid, Jr.
December 1, 1924
The L.L. Club met Mon. Dec. 1st at Mrs. Love’s home. Members responded to roll call
with current events. The regular program was given with the exception of a paper to be
given by Miss Rees. The fine of 25 cents was given in this case. Also Mrs. Reid failed
to give a paper on “American Possessions of the Atlantic”. Two instructive papers were
given by Mrs. King and Parks. A special feature of the afternoon was a piano duet by
Christine Biehl and Mary Elizabeth Shollenberger.During the social hour dainty
refreshments were served to Mrs. Adams, Alderman, Garrison, Giehl, Steele, Hawkins,
Rogers, Park, King, Kerr, Young, Cox, Mathews, Herston, Wade and Elizabeth Adams
and three guests, Mrs. Alonis Gray and Fulbright. Mrs. Cox paper for a month ago was
given “Clearing a Path”.
Ozark Mo, Dec 15, 1924
Ladies Literary Club met on above date at the home of Mrs. Minnie Garrison. The
regular programs for Dec 15th & Dec 22 were carried out except Mrs. Young’s paper.
She paid fine 25 cents & Mrs. Love’s paper and Mrs. Bingham’s paper. Roll call was
responded to with responses on “Winter” & “Noted Ministers”. There were present, Mrs.
Adams, Alderman, Bingham, Cox, Garrison, Giehl, King, Hixson, Love, Herston,
Farthing, Park, Hawkins, Mathews, Rogers, Reid, Tunnell ^ Young & Wade. The
following were visitors – McStay & Anderson. The hostess served dainty refreshments.
The Ladies Literary Club was entertained at Mrs. Giehl home on Mon. Dec.
Roll call was responded to with “our most pleasant Christmas”. A program was given.
Those participating were Mrs. Alderman who gave a delightful reading with music.
Mary Elizabeth Shollenberger and Christine Giehl entertaining the guests with piano
solos which were beautifully rendered. Mrs. Hawkins who gave a reading pertaining to
Xmas. The Christina’s then last but not least revealed pleasant surprise for all. Clever
and appropriate verse accompanied each gift which was read. The hostess assisted by her
daughter & Mary E. Shollenberger served dainty refreshments to the following guests.
Mrs. Adams, Adlerman --January 5, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club met Jan 5th at Mrs. Herston’s home. New Year’s resolutions
were given in response to roll call. During the business session a committee was
appointed to procure a place to give a club play also the corr. Sec. Was instructed to order
books for the same. A letter was read from Mr. Elmer Donnell concerning the proposed
seventeenth amendment. It was decided that Mrs. Pope Meyer and Mrs. Harry Hurst
should be extended our invitation to the next social meeting which will be at Mrs.
Hixson’s home. The regular program was given with no exceptions. Those enjoying the
social hour were Mrs. Adams, Cox, Gray, Love, Giehl, Young, Steele, Alderman,
Garrison, Hawkins, Anderson, Reid, Hixson, Rogers and E. Adams.
January 12, 1925
The L.L. Club met Mon. Jan 12th at Mrs. Hawkin’s home. Members responded to roll
call with favorite Bible quotations. During the business session the cor sec reported that
the books for the club play had arrived. An interesting program was given by Mrs.
Farthing, Kerr and King. The subject under discussion were the lives of Elisha, of
Daniel, and the prophet Ezekiel. Josephine Jones, failed to give a paper on Elijah the
Prophet. Two beautiful and appropriate selection were played on the Edison. First,
Whispering Hope & last Ave Maria. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Adams,
Herston, Steele, Garrison, Farthing, Wade, King, Giehl, Love, Hixson, Cox, Kerr, Young,
Rogers, Reid & E. Adams & one guest Mrs. Hays. After the program officers for the
coming two year were elected as follows
Mrs. Young – Pres.
Mrs. Farthing – Vice. Pres.
Mrs. Giehl – Rec. Sec.
Mrs. Bingham – Cor. Sec.
Mrs. Love – Press Reporter
January 19, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. Jan 19th at Mrs. Jude Hixson’s home for its fifth
social meeting. Mrs. Tunnell and Josephine Jones who were assistants to the hostess had
arranged a very clever contest in which Mrs. Young carried away the honors. Mrs.
Meyer, Hurst & Shepherd – Springfield Club women were guests for the afternoon –
each gave a delightful talk during the afternoon after which a general discussion was held
regarding arrangements for the district meeting which will be in Ozark in the Spring. The
hostess served refreshments to the following members & guests – Mrs. Rogers, Young,
Hawkins, Love, Adams, Reid, Giehl, Cox, Herston, King, Garrison, Tunnell, Farthing,
Park, Jones, Ellsius Mc.Stay, Gibson, Hurst, Sheppard, Meyers, Anderson & E. Adams.
January 26, 1925
The L.L. Club met Mon. Jan. 26th at Mrs. Farthing’s home. Members responded to roll
call with quotations on nature. During the business session the following committees for
the entertainment of the 6th district convention were appointed –
Program com. – Mrs. Giehl, Shollenberger, Steele, Reid & Anderson
Entertainment – Young, Alderman, Wade, Cox, Hixson
Hospitality – Mrs. Tunnell, Brigham, Kerr, Farthing
The regular program was given with the exception of Mrs. Reid’s and Miss Rees paper.
Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Garrison, Young, Hawkins, Herston, Park,
Alderman, Giehl, Wade, Love, Bingham, Kerr, Reid, Adams, King, Hixson, Cox, Rogers,
Anderson, McStay, Rogers & E. Adams.
February 2, 1925
The L.L. Club met Mon. Feb 2 with Mrs. J. F. Adams. Members responded to roll with
their favorite funeral hymn. The regular program was given with the exception of two
members. A paper by Mrs. Steele and a duet by Mrs. Steele and Adams. Those
participating in the program were Mrs. Shollenberger, Tunnell & Wade. Christine Giehl
was very gracious with a piano solo. Those enjoying the social hour were Love,
Bingham, Cox, Garrison, Giehl, Herston, Hawkins, Hixson, Farthing, Jones, King, Park,
Rogers, Tunnell, Wade, Young, E. Adams & Mrs. Mathews and guest Mrs. McStay.
February 9, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. Feb. 9th at Mrs. King’s home. Members responded to
roll call with Bible verses. During the business session plans for the 6th district
convention were discussed. An invitation from Mrs. Robertson to Saturday Club
Luncheon was read. The regular program was given with exception of Mrs. Giehl’s
paper on Noah’s Ark. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Adams, Cox, Garrison,
Giehl, Hawkins, Hixson, Farthing, Kerr, Park, Rees, Reid, Rogers, Tunnell, Wade,
Young and E. Adams.
February 23, 1925
The L.L. Club met Mon. Feb. 23rd at Mrs. Kerr’s home. Members responded to roll call
with current events. A motion carried to appoint Mrs. Farthing to see if arrangements
could be made to give club play at Sparta. It was decided to give Miss Byers a ??
shower. On account of Saturday Club Luncheon several members were absent who were
to give paper. Mrs. Adams being the only one to respond. Those enjoying the social
hour were Mrs. Adams, Garrison, Giehl, Hawkins, Love, Wade, Bingham, & Lucile
March 3, 1925
The L.L. Club met at Mrs. Park’s home on Mon. Mar. 3rd. Seventeen members responded
to roll call with their favorite wild flower. An invitation from the school faculty to the
L.L. club was accepted. A motion carried to extend a note of thanks to ones who assisted
with the club play viz: Mr. Rathbone & daughter, Oliver Wilson, Gerald Hays & Mrs.
Matthews. A letter was read from Mrs. Luella St. Claire Moss stating that Federation
dues were to be in by Mar. 18th and that same had been increased from 25 cents to 50
cents per capita. A motion carried that Mrs. Young should procure Masonic hall – if
possible – for the 6th district banquet. Also she was asked to go before Baptist Church
Board to see whether or not the meeting & the convention could be held in that church.
The decoration committee for convention was appointed viz Mrs. Hawkins, Herston,
Love, Adams, Jones. The regular program was given with the exception of Mrs. Hixson
paper. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Adams, Garrison, Love, Cox, Herston,
Wade, Giehl, Hawkins, Young, Reid, Kerr, Farthing, Rogers, King, Anderson, E. Adams
One guest – Mrs. Bassett
March 9, 1925
The L.L. met at Elizabeth Adam’s home Mon. Mar. 9th. Members responded to roll call
with quotations on friendship. During the business session a motion carried to elect Mrs.
Park 7 King as delegates to district meeting. The president Mrs. Cox, Hixson & M.
Adams as a committee to arrange for the banquet program. A motion also carried to
allow visiting club women aside from delegates, to attend banquet. Mrs. Hixson paid an
assessment for a paper due at a previous meeting. Miss Byers had been invited to attend
this meeting. A ?? shower has been arranged for her and after a group of weddings. Mrs.
Rogers in a most original manner showered her with the little gifts. Those present were
Mrs. Adams, Alderman, Love, Bingham, Cox, Garrison, Giehl, Herston, Hawkins,
Hixson, Farthing, Jones, Kerr, Park, Rogers, Steele, Shollenberger, Tunnell, Wade,
Young and three guests Mrs. Anderson, Reid and Miss Byers.
March 30, 1925
The L.L met Mon. Mar 30 at Mrs. Steele’s home. Thirteen members responded to roll
call with state motto. During the business session Mrs. Rogers appointed Mrs. Cox to
arrange for printing of tickets for the banquet & luncheon also Mrs. Kerr to buy ribbon
for badges of official delegates. The regular program was in order. Mrs. Young being
the only one present who was to give a paper. Mrs. Shollenberger, Tunnell, Wade failed
to give their assignment. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Adams, Herston,
Love, Garrison, King, Jones, Reid, Giehl, Young, Rogers, Anderson & E. Adams.
April 6, 1925
The L.L. Club met Mon. Apr. 6 at Mrs. Young’s home. Members responded to roll call
with quotations on patience. During the business session plans were perfected for the 6th
district meeting. A motion carried to defray expenses of function for the convention with
money which is in treasury and after wards if there is a deficit assess members. Mrs.
Farthing & Tunnell paid fines for assignment failures. The regular program was given
with exception of Mrs. Love’s paper. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Adams,
Alderman, Garrison, Herston, Hawkins, Farthing, Jones, Kerr, King, Park, Rogers,
Tunnell, Wade & Elizabeth Adams.
April 13, 1925
The meeting of April 13 was omitted on account of 6th district meeting. Members of the
club met at the Baptist Church on this afternoon to perfect plans for the convention.
April 20, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. Apr. 20th at Mrs. Wade’s home. Members responded
to roll call from the Hoosier poet. During the business session bills from the convention
were submitted and allowed. Mrs. Rogers read of the works of Riley’s successor and
recommended that the club buy one of his books for its library. The regular program was
given with exception of Mrs. Giehl’s paper. Mrs. Herston favored the club with two
delightful readings from Riley. Those enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Adams,
Alderman, Bingham, Cox, Garrison, Giehl, Herston, Hawkins, Hixson, Farthing, Jones,
King, Park, Rees, Steele, Shollenberge, Tunnell, Love, Kerr, Young and E. Adams
April 27, 1925
The L.L. Club met Mon. Apr. 27th at Mrs. Bingham’s home. Members responded to roll
call with quotations from Mark Twain. During the business session the following
program committee for next year was appointed – Mrs. Garrison, Adams & Wade. The
committee for arrangement of the program for last meeting of the year as follows Mrs.
Reid, Farthing & Kerr. The regular program was given with the exception of Mrs. Park’s
paper for which she was given further time also Mrs. Adam’s failed to respond. Those
enjoying the social hour were Mrs. Adams, Cox, Garrison, Giehl, Herston, Hawkins,
Farthing, Jones, Kerr, King, Park, Rees, Reid, Rogers, Shollenberger, Tunnell, Wade &
May 11, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Matthews Monday, May 11. The time was spent
in conversation and contests in which Mrs. Shollenberger won two prizes; one prize for
making best fowl with needle, thread and thimble, and a rapid dressing contest. Mrs.
Wade also won a prize. Also Mrs. Alderman. The committee on program for the last
meeting of the present club year reported the program ready. Those present were:
Alderman, Adams, Wade, King, Young, Park, Farthing, Tunnell, Kerr, Cox,
Shollenberger, Herston, Reid, Rogers, Cox, Rees, Hawkins, Love & Garrison. Three
guests: Mrs. Anderson, Fulbright and Mrs. Matthews.
May 18, 1925
L.L. Club met Mon. May 18 with Mrs. Clay Jones. Members responded to roll call with
favorite quotations. During the business session a motion carried to extend a written vote
of thanks to Baptist Church & Masons & include pictures made during the convention.
At this meeting a committee was appointed to revise By-laws with Mrs. Cox chair. The
program committee submitted plans for next years work and same were accepted. This
committee was advised to proceed with the work. Mrs. Young – Pres. for coming year
appointed chairmen for committee namely
Applied Education – Mrs. Shollenberger
Legislation – Mrs. J. F. Adams
Public Welfare – Miss Rees
Inter Natl Relations – Mrs. Garrison
The regular program was given with the exception of Mrs. Steele’s paper. Mary E
Shollenberger and Christine Giehl favored the club with a duet. Those enjoying the
social hour were Adams, Alderman, Bingham, Cox, Garrison, Herston, Hawkins,
Farthing, Kerr, King, Park, Rogers, Shollenberger, Tunnell, Wade & Young & E. Adams
After the adjournment of the club and several members had gone the remaining members
were called to order by the Vice Pres. Mrs. Wade. A letter had been received by Mrs. E.
Adams from Miss Sherwood in Springfield asking some organization in Ozark to sponsor
a concert for which they should share on a 50% basis. At this time it was voted that the
club should do this. Mrs. Shollenberger was appointed to arrange for the place and Mrs.
Adams to arrange with Miss Sherwood. It was noted that proceeds from same should be
given to Boy Scout Band.
May 25, 1925
The L.L. Club met Mon. May 25th at Mrs. Cox home. Members responded to roll call
with quotations from Edmond Vause Cook. During the business session Mrs. Cox read
the changes in the by laws. Plans were made for the last day meeting at Mrs. Alderman’s
home. A note was read from Mrs. Rogers asking to be made an associate member of the
club. This was not granted however by vote of the club it was decided that she should be
retained but be excused from active work. At this meeting Mrs. King was made club
reporter. The regular program was given and also a paper by Mrs. Park. After which
members enjoyed a social hour.
END OF 1924/1925 CLUB YEAR
September 7, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club held the first meeting of the year 1925 at the home of Mrs.
Farthing. 17 members responded to roll with quotations from the Bible. A motion was
made and carried that each member be assessed $1.00 to pay for the year books. The bill
of $13.50 for year books was allowed. After the business session the program for the
afternoon was given. Dainty refreshments were served and club adjourned to meet Sept.
14 with Mrs. Fulbright. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
September 14, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club was called to order by our president. 15 members and 1 visitor,
Mrs. Hayes, responded to roll call. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
A motion was made and carried to give Miss Rees leave of absence for the year and to
ask Mrs. Moore to fill her place on the program. Mrs. King asked to be relieved of the
duties of press reporter. Mrs. Bingham gave her fine as she was not prepared to fill her
place on the program. Mrs. Adams and Mrs. E. Adams were not present to fill their
places on the program. After dainty refreshments club adjourned to meet Sept. 21 with
Mrs. Garrison. At this meeting the president appointed a committee (Mrs. Giehl, Steele
and Hawkins) to see about getting the school for a play.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
September 21, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club was called to order by the president. 19 members and one
visitor responded to roll call with current events. The minutes of the last meeting were
read and after one correction were accepted. A motion was made and carried to keep a
record of the attendance from Oct. to Feb. and at that time the twelve who have the best
record will be entertained by the losing twelve. Mrs. Adams paid a fine of 25 cents. The
regular program for the afternoon was given. A dialogue by Mrs. Hawkins & Steele
caused much merriment. During the social hour dainty refreshments were served and
club adjourned to meet at the home of Mrs. Giehl Sept. 28.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
September 28, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Giehl and was called to order by the
president. 18 members and two visitors, Mrs. Love and Robertson responded to roll call
with reading a little joke. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
The committee reported that they thought it would be possible to give a play in the
school. A committee of the following was appointed to select a play. Mrs. Bingham,
Shollenberger and Wade. Mrs. Fulbright was appointed press reporter. After the
business session the meeting was turned over to the hostess and her assistants for a social
afternoon. A missing letter contest was won by Mrs. Robertson, and in the game of
Ozark, Mrs. Cox, Robertson, Love, Garrison, Park, Herston, Hixson & King were each
made happy with a candy bar. After refreshments were served club adjourned to meet
Oct. 5 with Mrs. Hawkins.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
October 5, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Hawkins. 23 members and two
visitors Mrs. Hayes and Brezeal, responded to roll call with Bible verses. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read and approved. The committee on the play were not ready
to report. There being no further business the program for the afternoon was given.
Dainty refreshments were served during the social hour and club was adjourned to meet
Oct. 12, with Mrs. Hixson.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
October 12, 1925
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Hixson at her beautiful country home. 21
members and one visitor responded to roll call. The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved. Mrs. Bingham reported that the books for the play had not been
received. After the business session the program for the afternoon was given. Dainty
refreshments were served by the hostess and club adjourned to meet Oct 19th with Mrs.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
October 19, 1925
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Herston. The meeting was called to order by our
president. During the business session a motion was made and carried to give the Boy
Scouts $25.00, each member to be assessed $1.00 for this fund. A motion was carried to
change the meeting for the Armistice Day program to the following Wednesday, same to
be held at the school house. The regular program was given. The readings by little Mary
Juanita Bingham were very much enjoyed by the club. During the social hour, dainty
refreshments were served to 19 members and one visitor, Mrs. Breazile. At this time
plans were made for the meeting to be held in Springfield with Mrs. Love.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
October 26, 1925
The L.L. Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Love in Springfield. This being a
social meeting a very pleasing program was prepared by the hostess. Mrs. Wade gave a
talk in her own gracious manner, and Mrs. Douglas took us on a delightful trip thro the
west and north west. This was followed by a reading “My Jim” by Mrs. Julia Robertson.
Delicious refreshments were served to 21 members and 9 guests and we all wended our
way home ward after an afternoon long to be remembered as a red letter day in our club.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
November 2, 1925
The L. L. Club met with Mrs. Jones. 19 members and 2 visitors responded to roll call
with verses from the Bible. The minutes of the past two meetings were read and
approved. The regular program was given with the exception of a solo by Mrs. Adams.
This number will be given later. $7.50 was collected for the Scout fund. Dainty
refreshments were served during the social hour and the club adjourned to meet Nov. 11
at the school house. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
November 11, 1925
The L. L. Club met in the school auditorium. Roll call was answered with something
concerning Armistice Day. Roll call was followed by a program given by the club. 14
members ere present at this meeting. Mrs. Giehl. Rec. Sec.
November 16, 1925
The L.L. Club met with Mrs. Kerr. 14 members responded to roll call. At the business
session a motion was carried to give a guest recital providing the school auditorium be
obtained. Mrs. Moore and Herston were appointed to see the directors. Motion was
carried to have a Christmas tree, every one to bring a present, the cost not to exceed 50
cents. The regular program for the afternoon was given. Dainty eats were served during
the social hour and club was adjourned to meet Nov 23 with Mrs. King. Mrs. Giehl Rec.
November 23, 1925
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. King. 21 members responded to roll call with
current events. During the business session a motion carried to buy books for the play.
A motion carried to beautify the court house grounds and a committee consisting of Mrs.
Shollenberger, Tunnell, Moore, was approved to have charge of this work. The regular
program for the afternoon was given. A dialogue by Mrs. Cox & Hixson was thoroughly
enjoyed by the club. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess during the social
hour and club was adjourned to meet Nov. 30 with Mrs. Cox. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
November 30, 1925
The Thanksgiving social meeting of the L. L. Club, was held at the home of Mrs. Cox.
Mrs. Hixson assisting the hostess with the entertaining. A “thanksgiving Pie” contest
was first – followed by a “Progressive Literary” contest. Mrs. Etta Robertson was prize
winner in the latter receiving a book of quotations as first prize and Mrs. Joe Gibson
received a lighted candle as the booby prize. Dainty refreshments were served to 14
members and two guests, Mrs. Joe Gibson and Mrs. Etta Robertson. The club will meet
with Mrs. Linnie Steele Dec. 7th. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
December 7, 1925
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Steele. The regular program for the afternoon
was given. Dainty refreshments were served to 16 members and one visitor, Mrs.
Woody. Club adjourned to meet Dec. 14 with Mrs. Reid.
December 14, 1925
The L. L. club met at the home of Mrs. Reid. 19 members responded to roll call with
childhood rhymes. During the business session a motion carried to give the inmates of
the County Farm a fruit & cookie shower for Christmas and Mrs. King, Garrison and
Tunnell were appointed to prepare the boxes. A letter was read from the Sorosis Club
inviting our club to a Club Institute to be held in Springfield Dec. 15th. Mrs. Alderman
paid $1.00 for Scout dues and Mrs. Jones 25 cents fine. The program for the afternoon
was given with the exception of music by Mrs. Jones, and after dainty refreshments were
served club was adjourned to meet with Mrs. Wade Dec. 21.Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
December 21, 1925
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Wade. 18 members responded to roll call with
current events. There being no business the regular program for the afternoon was given.
A dialogue by Mrs. Tunnell and Jones given in their usual pleasing manner, was
thoroughly enjoyed by all. During the social hour delicious refreshments were served by
the hostess assisted by her daughter Byrl and club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Moore
Dec. 28th for our annual Christmas program. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
December 28, 1925
The Christmas meeting of the L.L.C. was at the home of Mrs. Ethel Moore. The program
for the afternoon was planned by Mrs. Moore and came as a delightful surprise to the
twenty three members present. Two guests, Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Alonis, were also
present. The program was as follows:
Roll Call – Christmas Quotations
Reading – Mary Juanita Bingham
Short Play – Mrs. Steele, Hawkins, Moore, Giehl and Young
Each present then received a gift from the beautifully decorated little Xmas tree. This
was followed by a social hour and delicious refreshments served by the hostess. Mrs.
Madge Tunnell will be hostess to the club Jan. 4th. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
January 4, 1926
The L.L. C. met at the home of Mrs. Tunnell. Sixteen members responded to roll call
with quotations from Psalms. During the business session the bill for the Xmas boxes for
the County farm was allowed. Also one bill for flowers for Mrs. Rodgers was allowed
and an assessment of 35 cents per member was made to pay these bills. The program for
the afternoon followed. After the social hour, during which the hostess served dainty
refreshments club adjourned to meet Jan. 11th with Mrs. Shollenberger. Mrs. Giehl Rec.
January 11, 1926
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Shollenberger. 20 members responded to roll call
with quotations from Henry Van Dyke. A letter was read from Mrs. Rodgers thanking us
for the flowers sent to her during her illness. After the regular program the hostess
served delicious refreshments and club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Young Jan 18.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
January 18, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Young. 19 members responded to roll call with
current events. During the business session a motion was carried to spend the following
Monday with Mrs. Robertson in Springfield. The regular program for the afternoon was
given with the exception of a paper by Mrs. Cox and a reading by Jennie Taylor. During
the social hour plans were perfected for the luncheon for the following Monday.
Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and club was adjourned to meet
Monday Jan. 25th. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
January 25, 1926
The L.L. Club spent a very delightful day in Springfield with Mrs. Robertson. After
slipping and sliding we all managed to reach there in safety, and were more than ready to
partake of the most filling of luncheons. The program for the afternoon was planned by
the hostess and consisted of two clever contests. We were indeed glad to have so many
of our old club members who are now living in Springfield with us on this prestigious
occasion. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
February 1, 1926
The L.L. C. met at the home of Mrs. Mattie Adams. 18 members responded to roll call
with Bible verses. During the business session a motion was carried that the eleven
losing members in the attendance contest entertain the twelve victorious members and
Mrs. Alderman was made chairman of committee to prepare for same. A motion was
carried that the club sponsor the “School for landscape gardening” with Mr. Hawn as
teacher and the meetings to be held every Tuesday night. Mrs. Hawn gave a short talk
and Mr. Scot favored us with his ideas as to the beautifying of the court house grounds
and the best shrubs to use for the work. During the social hour the hostess served
delicious refreshments. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
February 8, 1926
The L.L.C. met with Mrs. Alderman. 18 members and 2 visitors Mrs. Medley and Mrs.
Wilson responded to roll call with a favorite poem. The minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved. During the business session a motion carried that the play be given
up. The program for the afternoon was given with the exception of papers by Mrs.
Hixson and Mrs. E. Adams. Delicious refreshments were served during the social hour.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
February 15, 1926
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Bingham. 19 members responded to roll call with
current events. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. A letter
was read from the State Treasurer asking for our dues for the coming year. The regular
program for the afternoon followed. Delicious refreshments were served during the
social hour by the hostess. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
February 22, 1926
Dressed in their best (for what could be better than the colonial dress on the birthday of
the “Father of our Country”) the winning twelve gathered at the home of Mrs. E. Adams,
Feb 22nd at 12:30 o’clock ready to enjoy all the mysterious things prepared for them by
the loosing eleven. After a round about drive the twelve were taken to Riverside Inn,
where a splendid luncheon was awaiting them. The long table was beautifully decorated.
The place cards were caps with a humorous verse hidden in a fold. Mrs. Bingham was
toastmistress. After the invocation by Mrs. Alderman the eleven sang “Hail! Hail! The
Gang’s All Here”. The greeting by Mrs. Shollenberger and the Response by Mrs. Young
followed. The verses on the caps were next read causing much fun. The toastmistress
then called on the twelve to sing songs or give extemporaneous talks on various subjects.
During the luncheon a very amusing debate – “Resolved, that there is a reason” was
given by Mrs. Tunnell, affirmative, and Mrs. Jones, negative. A humorous description of
the party was given by Mrs. Fulbright and after a bow by our oldest member Mrs. Parks,
the program ended with a clever version of “Fare thee well” from Il Travatore sung by
the eleven. The end of a long to be remembered day was a delightful drive to Sequiota
Park. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
March 1, 1926
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Farthing. The members responded to roll call
with a parable from the Bible. During the business session our president tendered her
resignation. A motion was carried that this resignation should not be accepted. The
regular program for the afternoon was followed with the exception of a paper by Mrs.
Alderman. 18 members and 2 visitors Mrs. Horn and Mrs. Roper enjoyed the social
hour. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Roper.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
March 7, 1926
The L.L. Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Fulbright being hostess.
Members responded to roll call with current events bearing on Promotion of International
Peace. During the business session a letter was read asking for donations for the Loan
and Endowment funds. A motion carried to donate $2.00 for these funds. The regular
program for the afternoon followed. During the afternoon three of our club ladies, Mrs.
Garrison, Herston and Shollenberger were asked to go to Highlandville to act as judges in
a debate. During the social hour delicious refreshments were served by the hostess
assisted by her Mother, Mrs. Hayes, to 23 members and 1 visitor Mrs. Little.
March 15, 1926
The L.L. Club met Mar. 15 with Mrs. Minnie Garrison. Mrs. J. C. Young presiding. The
following members were present, Mesdames Herston, C.C. Adams, Bingham, Made,
Hixson, Cox, Kerr, Jones, Steele, Fulbright, King, Mattie Adams, Moore, Young, Park &
Garrison. Visitors Mrs. Breazeale & Mrs. Love. Those present responded to roll call
with current events. Mrs. Shollenberger and King paid dues. Mesdames Wade, Adams,
Tunnell & Shollenberger were appointed a committee to get prices on shrubs and flowers.
A motion was carried to beautify the court yard. Mrs. Moore gave a very interesting
paper on “Our National Capitol”. “Prohibition – Its Effect” Mrs. King
Reading, Mary E. Shollenberger Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and
the club adjourned to meet Mar 22nd with Mrs. Giehl. Mrs. Bingham Rec. Sec. Pro Tem
March 22, 1926
The L. L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Giehl. 13 members and 1 visitor Mrs. Wilson
responded to roll call with humorous quotations. The minutes of the last two meetings
were read and approved. A letter from the Missouri Library Commission was read and
laid on the table until a future meeting. The program for the afternoon was given with the
exception of a paper by Mrs. Wade and music by Mrs. Young & Hawkins. Mrs. Young
& Hawkins paid fine. Mrs. Wade will read paper later. After refreshments were served
club adjourned to meet Mar 29 with Mrs. Herston.
March 29, 1926
The L. L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Herston. 20 members and one visitor Mrs. Frank
Forrester responded to roll call with favorite characters from the Bible. During the
business session a motion was carried that Mrs. Garrison be custodian of the traveling
library. Mrs. King and Cox were elected delegates to the Third District meeting. The
regular program for the afternoon followed with the exceptions of the papers by Mrs.
Park and music by James Norvel Shollenberger and Joe Brown. After delicious
refreshments were served by Mrs. Forrester club adjourned to meet Apr 5 with Mrs.
Hawkins. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
April 5, 1926
The L.L. Club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Hawkins. After a short business
session at which alternatives, Mrs. E. Adams and Mrs. Tunnell, were appointed for the
district meeting, the program for the afternoon was given into the hands of the hostess
and her assistants Mrs. Alderman and Garrison. A clever little contest was won by Mrs.
Paul Barrett and Mrs. Hayes. After this contest, modeling clay was given to each one and
we were told to mould a rabbit. Mrs. Joe Jones produced the best looking one and then
we all tried to make an upper set of false teeth and Mrs. Giehl received prize for teeth.
Delicious refreshments were served to 19 members and six visitors, Mrs. Barrett, Wilson,
Hayes, Johnson, Whittington, and Agnes Bingham.
April 12, 1926
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Hixon. Roll call was answered to with quotations
from Shakespeare. During the business session a report from the court house committee
was accepted. The president appointed Mrs. Wade, Herston, Young and Jones to raise
money for the landscaping of the courthouse yard. The president appointed Mrs. Hixon,
Alderman and Fulbright as the program committee for the following year. The program
for the afternoon followed. Mrs. Tunnell and Fulbright were not present to give their
papers. After delicious refreshments the club adjourned to meet in a called meeting at
Mrs. Youngs.
April 14, 1926
A called meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Young. A motion was carried that each
member be assessed $1.00 to be used in buying shrubs for the court house. There being
no further business club adjourned.
April 18, 1926
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Joe Jones. Twenty members responded to roll
call with current events. During the business session a motion carried that the program
committee investigate having the programs prepared and what the cost would be. There
being no further business the regular program for the afternoon was given. After
delicious refreshments were served by the hostess, club adjourned to meet Apr 25 with
Mrs. Clell Adams.
April 25, 1926
The L.L. Club enjoyed a social afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams Apr. 25.
Mrs. Wade and Herston were assistant hostesses for the afternoon. A short business
session was held and the president appointed Mrs. Herston as chairman of the program
committee. The program for the afternoon followed. Mrs. Steele played “Spring” by
Greig and Martha Louisa sang. Next was a contest which was won by Mrs. King. James
Shollenberger and Joe Brown, with Mary E. Shollenberger at the piano, favored us with a
cornet duet. Dainty refreshments were served to nineteen members and two visitors Mrs.
Love and Mrs. Breazeal. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
May 3, 1926
The L.L. Club met with Mrs. King. Roll call was answered to with a Prophecy from the
Bible. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The program for the
afternoon was given. After dainty refreshments were served club adjourned to meet May
10 with Mrs. Park.
May 10, 1926
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Park. The regular program for the afternoon was
followed. After delicious refreshments were served club adjourned to meet May 17 with
Mrs. Shollenberger.
May 17, 1926
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Shollenberger. Roll call was answered with
current events. During the business session the president appointed the following
American Citizenship
Mrs. Rodgers
Applied Education
Mrs. Hawkins
Mrs. J. F. Adams
Press & Publicity
Mrs. Wade
Public Welfare
Mrs. Tunnell
International Relations
Mrs. Garrison
American Homes
Mrs. Alderman
The program for the afternoon followed. After dainty refreshments club adjourned to
meet May 24 with Mrs. Reid.
May 24, 1926
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Reid. The regular program for the afternoon was
followed. After the hostess served dainty refreshments the club adjourned to meet May
31 with Mrs. Moore.
May 31, 1926
The L.L. Club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Moore. During the business session a
resignation from Miss Rees was accepted with much regret from the club and Mrs.
Moore was elected to fill her place. A motion carried to make Miss Rees a life member.
Plans were perfected for the annual luncheon of the club to be held at the home of the
president Mrs. Young. After delicious refreshments were served the club adjourned.
June 7, 1926
The L. L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Young for the annual luncheon. After a most
bountiful feed, a splendid program was given during the afternoon. It was a pleasure to
have so many of our old members with us at this time. The afternoon closed with a
prophecy for each member given by a wonderful mind reading gypsy.
Thus ended the club year of 1926.
END OF 1925/1926 CLUB YEAR
September 6, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club held the first meeting of the year at the home of Mrs. Linnie
Steele, and was called to order by the president, Mrs. Young. 14 members responded to
roll call with vacation memories. During the business session a motion was carried to
assess each member $1.00 to pay for the books and other bills of the club. A motion
carried that those assigned to take part on the program must be prepared on the day
specified or pay a fine unless prevented by illness. $11.00 was collected for books and
25 cents for fine for last year. Mrs. Elizabeth Adams was granted a leave of absence.
After the regular program for the afternoon was given the hostess served bountiful
refreshments and club adjourned to meet Sept 13 with Mrs. Tunnell.
September 13, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met Sept. 13 at the home of Mrs. Tunnell. 12 members and one
visitor – Mrs. Allen, responded to roll call with quotations from Tennyson. During the
business session a motion was made to equip a rest room at the school. This motion was
laid on the table until a later meeting. $4.00 was collected for the books. The program
for the afternoon was given with the exception of a duet by Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Hixon.
Delicious refreshments were served during the social hour and club adjourned to meet
Sept 20 with Mrs. Hawkins. Mrs. Giehl Rec Sec
September 20, 1926
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Hawkins. 18 members responded to roll call with
quotations from Tennyson. During the business session $5.00 was collected for the year
books. The program for the afternoon was given. Dainty refreshments were served by
the hostess during the social hour and club adjourned to meet Sept 27 with Mrs. Young.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
September 27, 1926
Mrs. Young was hostess to the Literary Club Sept 27th. This was the social meeting for
the month, and no regular program was given. Mrs. Annie Hawkins and Mrs. Harriet
Giehl served as a committee for entertainment for the afternoon. Twenty two members
and one guest – Miss Kump were present.
October 4, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Mattie Adams. Roll call was responded to with
quotations from Bryon. The minutes of the two last meetings were approved. A motion
to have a play some time before Thanksgiving was carried, and a committee Mrs. Steele,
Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Tunnell were appointed to see Miss Beford about play. A motion
carried to give Miss Bedford curtains for her class room, provided the curtains were not
too costly, the money to be taken from the proceeds of the play. A committee, with Mrs.
Shollenberger chairman and Mrs. Ried and Miss Herstone was pointed to investigate the
condition of a family in the country. A motion carried to invite Miss Bedford to be with
us at our next meeting to talk about a library. There being no further business the regular
program for the afternoon was given. After delicious refreshments were served by the
hostess club adjourned to meet Oct 11th with Mrs. Elizabeth Adams.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
$1.00 was collected for the year books and 25 cents fine from Mrs. Reid & Mrs. Hixon.
October 11, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. E. Adams. Sixteen members
responded to roll call with quotations from Burns. The minutes of the last meeting were
approved. During the business session a motion carried to try to better the condition of
the poor farm. Mrs. Rodgers, Mrs. Farthing and Mrs. Hixon were appointed as a
committee to investigate this matter. A motion carried to ask Mrs. Breazele to be a
visiting member of the club until there shall be a vacancy at which time she will be
considered a regular member. Motion carried to visit the school each week. Mrs. King
was appointed chairman of this committee. There being no further business, the regular
program for the afternoon was given. Miss Beford gave a talk on a county library
suggesting ways that might be possible to get a public library started in Ozark. After
dainty refreshments were served club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Alderman Oct. 18.
Mrs. Giehl Rec Sec
October 18, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Alderman. Roll call was answered
with verses from Stevenson. The minutes of the last meeting, after a correction, were
approved. The poor farm committee gave a good report. Quite a discussion was held as
to the best way to help the inmates of the Co. farm, but no definite action was taken with
the exception of a miscellaneous donation to be taken to the home of Mrs. Rodgers. The
president appointed Mesdames Moore, Rodgers, Adams, Reid and Wade as a public
library committee. There being no further business the program for the afternoon was
given, with the exception of the story of “Treasure Island” by Mrs. Parks. After delicious
refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by her sister, Mrs. Wilson, club
adjourned to meet Oct. 25 with Mrs. Bingham.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
October 25, 1926
There are no handwritten minutes – but an item from the newspaper pinned into the
minute book with a straight pin. Ladies Literary (it is spelled that way in the newspaper
article) met Monday, October 25th, at the home of Mrs. Mary Bingham. This being social
day the committee had prepared a very unique program. The house was fearfully and
wonderfully decorated. The ladies were greeted at the door by a grinning skeleton;
ghostly hands reached from the walls to clutch them. Black cats, bats and witches were
everywhere, but after the first shock everyone smiled, in fact, they were compelled to
smile broadly and were rewarded for it. Then came a shadow contest that was really
wonderful in its way and would no doubt bring fame to some of the contestants if seen in
the theatre of the large cities. Mrs. Wade’s demonstration of something no one had ever
seen, would see for a moment and then never see again, showed her as one gifted with
mystic powers. This was followed by much that was interesting but space forbids further
description. Mrs. Jo Jones and Mrs. Linnie Steele furnished the music for the afternoon.
Last, but not least, Mrs. Bingham, assisted by the committee, served a bountiful repast to
the ladies, which probably caused the husbands to revise Sherman’s statement viz:
“Clubs are _____.” Twenty two members and two visitors were present. Mrs. Ida
Breazeale was elected a member and Mrs. Margaret Wilson was elected a visiting
member amid great rejoicing. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Norah Cox, Monday,
November 1st.
November 1, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Rodgers presiding. Roll call
was responded to with quotations from Poor Richards Almanac. The minutes of the past
two meetings were approved. The regular program for the afternoon was given. During
the social hour the hostess served dainty refreshments to members and three visitors,
Mesdames Robertson, Shelton and Gibson. Club adjourned to meet Nov 8 with Mrs.
Farthing. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
November 8, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Farthing. Eighteen members and one
visitor, Mrs. Roper, answered to roll call with quotations from Longfellow. The minutes
of the previous meeting were approved. The library committee reported that the Co
Court had offered the use of the Co Superintendent’s room for a public library. A motion
was carried that the proceeds from the play be used as a nucleus for the public library
fund. The president appointed Mrs. Garrison, Mrs. Herston and Mrs. Bingham as a
committee to see school board about use of the school house for our play. There being no
further business the regular program for the afternoon was given. After dainty
refreshments were served by the hostess the club adjourned to meet Nov 15th with Mrs.
Breazele. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
November 15, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Breazele. Twenty members and two
visitors, Mrs. Love and Mrs. Robertson, responded to roll call with quotations from
Whittier. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. A motion carried that we give
the play soon after Christmas. Following the business session the regular program for the
afternoon was given. After delicious refreshments were served the club adjourned to
meet Nov 22 with Mrs. Giehl. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
November 22, 1926
There are no handwritten minutes – there is an article from the newspaper pinned into the
minute book with a straight pin. The Ladies Literary club met at the home of Mrs. Harriet
Giehl, November 22nd. This being the play day of the month, after a short business
session during which arrangements were made for sending dinner to the inmates of the
county farm on Thanksgiving Day, the meeting was turned over to the entertainment
committee and they certainly did themselves proud. Their presentation of Uncle Tom’s
Cabin was surely never surpassed – the herald dressed in robes of state carrying bell and
bugle in a very impressive manner, introduced each character as they appeared on the
stage. First, the audience was held spell bound by the appearance and playing of
Paderwiski and surely the great pianists himself would have been surprised had he been
present. The audience grew cold at the sight of the ice filled river and when Eliza with
her child clasped to her breast so fearfully sprang from one ice cake to another, the
applause fairly shook the building. Close behind her came the cruel Simon LeGree with
pistol, whip and bloodhounds. This was so realistic that the children in the audience
screamed with terror. Then came little black Topsy, who wasn’t born, but just grew and
if the real Topsy could furnish such merriment in the day of old, Uncle Tom as the
modern Topsy did, no wonder little Eva died, which she proceeded to do in the scene
which followed. After her sad death the curtain fell and the house went wild. Music and
contests filled the remainder of the afternoon. Delicious refreshments were served by the
hostess, to twenty members and one guest, Mrs. Grave Love, and the ladies went home
feeling it was good to have one play-day in the month.
Cast of Characters
Mrs. Madge Tunnell
Mrs. Linnie Steele
Mrs. Margaret Wilson
Mrs. Ethel Moore
Simon LaGree
Mrs. Ammie Hawkins
Little Eva
Mrs. Harriet Giehl
November 29, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Josephine Jones. Twenty two
members and one visitor, Mrs. Gibson, responded to roll call with quotations from
Lowell. The minutes of the last two meetings were approved. A motion was carried to
send flowers to Mrs. Kerr. $5.75 was collected to pay for the Thanksgiving dinner at the
county farm, and the treasurer was ordered to pay bill. The president appointed Mrs.
Farthing, Mrs. Herston, Mrs. Rodgers & Tunnell to go to nearby towns to talk of the
public library. The regular program for the afternoon was given and was certainly
enjoyed by all present. After delicious were served club adjourned to meet Dec. 6 with
Mrs. Wade. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
December 6, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Wade. Eighteen members responded
to roll call with quotations from Southey Keals and Shelley. The minutes of the last
meeting were approved. The Golden Rule offering from the club was $4.60. A motion
carried to send the Co farm a Xmas box for each inmate, and the president appointed
Mrs. Rodgers, Mrs. Jones & Mrs. Giehl to prepare these boxes. A motion carried to
exchange gifts at club Xmas tree. After the business session the regular program for the
afternoon was given. This was followed by a reading, Little Orphan Annie, given by
Mrs. Rodgers. This was so well given that we could all see without even closing our eyes
Little Orphaned Annie, the little boy who wouldn’t say his prayers, the naughty little girl,
and even the spooks. And I am sure we all decided then and there to be good so the
goblins wouldn’t get us. Delicious refreshments were served during the social hour and
club adjourned to meet Dec. 13 with Mrs. Herston.
December 13, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Herston. Twelve members and one
visitor Mrs. Marie Forester responded to roll call with quotations from Edgar Allan Poe.
Mrs. J. F. Adams paid 25 cents for Poor farm donation. The regular program for the
afternoon was given. After delicious refreshments were served club adjourned to meet
with Mrs. Hixon Dec. 20th.
December 20, 1926
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Hixon. Eleven members and four
visitors, Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Stice, Mrs. Roper and Mrs. Pyle, responded to roll call with
quotations from Riley. The minutes of the past two meetings were approved. $2.50 was
received for the Xmas Poor Farm fund. The regular program followed the business
session. After this program the hostess had the president and vice president choose sides
and a spelling match resulted in Mrs. Josephine Jones winning the prize, a book of
poems. After delicious refreshments were served the club adjourned to meet with Mrs.
Garrison and Mrs. Wilson for our Christmas program Dec. 27. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
December 27, 1926
Mrs. Minnie Garrison and Mrs. Oliver Wilson were hostesses to the Ladies Literary Club
December 27. As this was the annual Christmas party, each one brought a present to be
put on the tree. After a short business session Mrs. Farthing favored us by reading a
Christmas poem. Distribution of presents followed after which a pleasant hour was spent
playing charades. Delicious refreshments were served to 22 members and the following
guests Mesdames Clayman, Gibson, Love, Robertson, Wilson, Pile, Roper and the
Misses Agnes and Marguerite Bingham and club adjourned to meet Jan 3 with Miss
Maud Rees Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
January 3, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Miss Rees. Twelve members responded to
roll call with quotations from Eugene Field. Plans for a play were discussed and Mrs.
Tunnell, Mrs. Hixon, and Mrs. Moore were appointed as a committee to take charge of
arrangements. Mrs. Made Tunnell gave a group of readings from Eugene Field. Those
enjoying the social and the dainty refreshments served by the hostess were Mesdames
Young, King, Reid, Herston, Moore, Cox, Jones, Adams, Tunnell, Hixon and Garrison.
Club adjourned to meet Jan 10th with Mrs. King.
January 10, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. King. Sixteen members responded to roll call
with current events on Shepherd of the Hills Country. During the business session a
letter was read from the District President, asking us to send donations for the crippled
children also to subscribe for the club paper. No action was taken about the matter but
the letter was given to the chairman of the welfare board. The program for the afternoon
followed, with the exception of a review by Mrs. Park. After very delicious refreshments
were served by the hostess club adjourned to meet Jan. 17 with Mrs. Moore.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
January 17, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Moore. Seventeen members and one visitor
responded to roll call with poems from Edgar Guest. The minutes of the last meeting
were approved. A motion carried to send flowers to Mrs. Alderman as congratulations on
the birth of her daughter, Patricia Ann. The com on the play reported that the date of play
would be late in Feb. The welfare com reported ready to assist in the work of registration
of names of children under the age of fourteen years who have been neglected and also to
help get crippled children to the State Hospital in cases where the parents lack the means
of sending them. A motion carried to entertain the “Modern Seekers” at some early date.
The regular program for the afternoon followed. During the social hour Mrs. Bedford
talked to the club about the proposed County Library and gave instructions to the com
who are going to other towns of the county on how to present the subject. After delicious
were served the club adjourned to meet Jan. 24 with Mrs. Parks. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
January 24, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Park. Thirteen members responded to
roll call with some incident from the life of Booth Tarkington. The minutes of the last
meeting were approved. During the business session the welfare com. Made a report on
the registering of births. During the regular program for the after, Mrs. Rodgers gave a
book review of “The Romantic Comedians”. Delicious refreshments were served during
the social hour by the hostess’ daughter Mrs. Tunnell and club was adjourned to meet
with Mrs. Reid Jan. 31. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
January 31, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Ried. Nineteen members and one
visitor, Mrs. Gibson, were present. As this was the regular monthly social meeting, the
president turned it over to the social committee Mesdames, Reid, Adams and Cox. First
on the program was a contest calling for each ladies favorite quotation, the object being
to guess the authors. Mrs. Margaret Wilson won the prize. Next was a contest which
described a list of writers in a grotesque manner. Mrs. Gertrude Wade was the winner in
this contest. Mrs. Nora Cox gave a reading, “The Amateur”. Mrs. Linnie Steele favored
the club with two solos. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by
Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Cox and club adjourned to meet Feb. 7 with Mrs. Rogers.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
February 7, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. J. C. Rodgers. Eighteen members and eight
visitors responded to roll call by mentioning a favorite book written by Mrs. Gene Stallon
Porter. Unapproved minutes of two previous meetings were approved. A letter of
acceptance from the Modern Seekers was read. A note and valentine from Mrs.
Alderman, thanking the club for flowers sent her in honor of the arrival of her infant
daughter, Patricia, was read. The regular program for the afternoon was given. This was
followed by a talk from our District President, Mrs. Pope Myer. Mrs. Alice Made, a
charter member of the club gave an interesting talk. Other visiting ladies also made short
talks, after which delicious refreshments were served by the hostess during the social
hour and club adjourned to meet Feb. 14th with Mrs. Shollenberger. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
February 14, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club entertained in the beautifully decorated home of Mrs.
Shollenberger on Monday, Feb. 14, with the members of the Modern Seekers Club as
their guests. During the afternoon Mrs. Young presented Mrs. Park with a bouquet of red
carnations, a gift from the club, as a token of love and respect honoring her seventy
eighth birthday. The presentation speech by Mrs. Young was very fitting and touching.
Mrs. Park responded with well chosen words. The first contest of the afternoon was won
by Mrs. Steele, and Mrs. Anna Clayman. The next contest was won by Mrs. Fray
Johnson, and in this prize was an announcement of the approaching marriage of Miss
Euarl Hayes, which was read by Mrs. Johnson. Two piano solos by Mrs. Steele were
greatly appreciated. A group of old songs were sung by Mesdames Steele, Jones, and
Hawkins. Dainty refreshments were served to forty members and guests, after which
club adjourned to meet Feb. 21 with Mrs. Steele. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
February 21, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Linnie Steele. Sixteen members
responded to roll call with current events on National affairs. The minutes of the past
meeting was approved. The following program was given
Song, “America”
by the Club
“War Memories”
Mrs. Park
“Change in Warfare”
Mrs. King
Playlet “Tit for Tat”
Mrs. Hawking and Mrs. Young
Piano duet
Mrs. Steele and Mary E. Shollenberger
Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess to members and following guests,
Mesdames Robertson, Grey, Barrett and Love of Springfield and Mesdames Robertson,
Pile & Woody of Ozark. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
February 28, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Tunnell in a social meeting. Twenty
members and four guests, Mesdames Silvers, Clayman, Pile and
responded to roll
call humorous sayings. A letter from Mrs. Garrison was read. Two clever contests were
given, and a reading by Mrs. Wilson and one by Mrs. Tunnell was enjoyed by all present.
The president appointed a committee composed of Mesdames Tunnell, Wilson and Jones
to see about giving the play at Nixa. Mesdames Hawkins and Steele were appointed to
pay Mr. Kelly for music. After delicious were served by the hostess, club adjourned to
meet Mar. 7 with Mrs. Wade. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
March 7, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Wade. Twelve members responded to
roll call with current events. The minutes of the past two meetings were approved. A
motion was carried to write a note of thanks to Miss Bedord. A motion carried to allow
bill of !16.90 for flowers and ice cream. A motion carried to assess all members sixty
cents to pay bills for entertaining Modern Seekers Club. A motion carried to pay Mrs.
Steele $1.50. A motion carried to pay the Glenn boys $2.00 each for music for the play.
Collected $4.50 for dues and $3.60 for assessments. Paid Miss Steele $1.50. After the
business session the regular program for the afternoon was given. During the social hour
the hostess served delicious refreshments and club adjourned to meet Mar. 14 with Mrs.
Young. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
March 14, 1927
The Ladies Literary club met with Mrs. Young. Seventeen members responded to roll
call with current events. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A
motion carried to not take the play to another town. Mrs. Breazeal reported on visit to
school. There being no further business the regular program for the afternoon was given.
$6.50 was collected for dues and assessment. After dainty refreshments were served by
the hostess club adjourned to meet Mar. 21 with Mrs. Mattie Adams.
Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
March 21, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Mattie Adams. Twenty members
responded to roll call with quotations from Mrs. Minnie Preston. The minutes of the past
meeting were approved. A motion carried to not send a donation to the bell fund. A
motion carried to send registration literature to tea classes in the country districts. The
regular annual election of officers resulted in the election of Mrs. Madge Tunnel,
President – Mrs. Ida Breazeal, Vice president – Mrs. Ethel Moore, Recording Secretary –
Mrs. Annie Hawkins, Treasurer and Corresponding Secretary and Mrs. Ivey Rodgers,
Press Reporter. After the business session the regular program for the afternoon was
given. During the social hour delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and club
adjourned to meet Mr. 28 with Mrs. Cox. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
March 28, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Cox. Fifteen members and four
visitors Mesdames Claymen, Robertson, Shelton and Anna Clayman responded to roll
call with Spring Fhowers. Mrs. Stice and Mrs. Harbert were visitors. There being no
business the club was turned over to the hostess and her assistants. A short program was
given after which a quilting contest followed. This contest was won by Mrs. Bingham.
After delicious refreshments were served by the hostess the club adjourned to meet Apr
4th with Mrs. Alderman. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
April 4, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Giehl. Fifteen members and four
visitors, Mesdames Love, Julia Robertson, Pile and Ella Robertson responded to roll call
with current events. The minutes of the last meeting were approved. A motion carried to
have program committee, and Mrs. Rodgers, Mrs. Hixon and Mrs. Farthing were
appointed as the committee. A motion carried to have a benefit bridge to raise money for
crippled children fund and scholarship loan fund. There being no further business the
program for the afternoon was given with the exception of a paper by Mrs. Wade. After
refreshments were served by the hostess the club adjourned to meet Apr. 11 with Mrs.
Bingham. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
April 11, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Bingham. 19 members and one visitor
Mrs. Ross Robertson answered to roll call with poems on Spring. During the business
session Mrs. Hixon and Mrs. Farthing reported on their visit to the school. Motions were
carried to give five dollars to the crippled children fund and two dollars to the
endowment fund. A motion carried to borrow from the library fund to pay the crippled
children and scholarship loan funds. A miscellaneous program followed and after
delicious were served by the hostess club adjourned to meet April the 18th with Mrs.
Elizabeth Adams. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
25 cents was collected from Mrs. Wade for fine.
April 18, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams. Roll call was
answered to with “What shall I Plant this Spring?” the minutes of the last meeting were
approved. The report of the program committee was accepted. The president appointed
Mesdames Tunnell, Moore and Hawkins as a committee on resolutions. Motion carried
to suspend the rules and elect Mrs. Margaret Wilson as a member of the club. The vote
was unanimous. After the business session the program for the afternoon was given.
During the social hour delicious refreshments were served by the hostess and club
adjourned to meet April 25 with Mrs. Farthing. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
April 25, 1927
The Ladies Literary club met at the home of Mrs. Farthing. The meeting was called to
order by Mrs. Farthing. A letter from Mrs. Meyers was read thanking the club for the
donations to the crippled children’s fund and the Loan Fund. The following resolutions
have been accepted. Whereas, on the thirteenth day of April, Nineteen and twenty seven,
Mrs. Mary King, a member of the Ladies Literary Club was called down into the sea of
death at the home of her daughter Mrs. Chas. Shollenberger, and was laid to rest by the
side of her husband, who has preceded her into the mysterious, beyond this vale of
sunshine and shadow. And whereas her going has caused to us sadness and sorrow, yet
we realize the value of her splendid character, lofty ideals, broad sympathies, and
womanly virtues to such an extent, that altho taken from the midst of the living, she still
lives on and on, and will continue, so long as the memory and recollections of those who
were blessed by her benign influence are not clouded and dimmed by that which is
unworthy. Therefore be it resolved that the Ladies Literary Club of Ozark, Mo. Of which
the deceased was a long and faithful member, by this form and method, express regret
and sympathy to the bereaved family. Be it further resolved that these resolutions be
placed on the records of the Ladies Literary Club and a copy sent to the members of the
family. Madge Tunnell, Annie Hawkins, Ethel Moore, Committee
After the business session the meeting was given into the hands of the social committee.
Roll call was answered to with quotations pertaining to Easter. Several Easter contests
were enjoyed by all. After the hostess served delicious refreshments club adjourned to
meet May 2 with Mrs. Breazeale.
May 2, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Breazeale. Fifteen members responded
to roll call with quotations from “Huckleberry Finn”. During the business session a letter
from Mrs. Cahill concerning a county nurse, was read, and Mesdames Tunnell, Breazeale
and Jones wee appointed as a committee to have charge of this affair. A note from Mrs.
Shollenberger was read. A motion carried to have a “Washington Birthday Banquet”.
Mrs. Rogers gave a very interesting report of her day at school. As Mrs. Young and Mrs.
Shollenberger were not present, the afternoon was spent in a social hour. After delicious
refreshments were served by the hostess, the club adjourned to meet May 9th with Mrs.
Adlerman. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
May 9, 1927
The Ladies Literary club met at the home of Mrs. Alderman. Sixteen members were
present. Roll call was quotations from Cora Harris. The minutes of the three past
meetings were approved. A motion carried that we have an assessment of ten cents per
month to be used as an incidental fund. A motion carried that we have a twenty five
assessment to meet bills. An invitation from the Modern Seekers was read, asking the
Ladies Literary Club to meet with them Friday, May 20th. Mrs. Bingham was instructed
to accept the invitation. The program for the afternoon followed. Mrs. Alderman was
not prepared to give her book review, but will do so at a later date. After most delicious
refreshments were served the club adjourned to meet May 16 with Mrs. Garrison. Mrs.
Giehl Rec. Sec.
May 16, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Hawkins. Seventeen members and one visitor,
Mrs. Pile responded to roll call with current events. Committee report a night set as being
presented to Mrs. Park. Assessment of 25 cents to flower fund was paid by 20 members.
Mrs. Farthing called attention to the matter of Boy Scout Band and urged the members to
help and encourage the band. Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Wilson were appointed to
plan for the last meeting of May 31, 1927. Mrs. Jones reported a meeting held by Mrs.
Cahill, chairman of Public Welfare of Sixth District, at which meeting a session with
Modern Seekers Club and others was arranged for Thursday evening at the Baptist
church. The following program was given:
Life and Works of the following writers
Kathleen Norris
Mrs. Farthing
Zane Gray
Mrs. Moore
Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess during the social hour and club adjourned
to meet May 23rd with Mrs. Love. Miss Rees donated 75 cents. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
May 23, 1927
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Love in Springfield. Eighteen
members and five visitors answered to roll call with current events. The minutes of the
last meeting were approved. Plans were perfected for the benefit bridge to be given June
8th at the home of Mrs. Steele. A motion was carried to give $20.00 to the Flood
Sufferers. The regular program for the afternoon was given. Mrs. Steele and Claude
Love favored the club with several duets. After delicious refreshments were served by
Mrs. Love, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Garrison, the club adjourned to meet May 31st at
Lindenlure. Mrs. Giehl Rec. Sec.
May 31, 1927
There are no handwritten minutes. There is an article from the newspaper pinned into the
minute book with a straight pin.
The Literary Club (A Never to Be Forgotten Day)
Oh, Lindenlure! Our Lindenlure!
Thy charms we love to sing;
Thy crags and rocky peaks demure,
With love and laughter ring.
I’ll ne’er forget one day in Spring,
When the Club went there to play,
We were all “as happy as kings”
On the closing club year day.
Mrs. C. Shollenberger.
The Ladies Literary club met Tuesday, May 31st at the Lindenlure hotel for a 1 o’clock
luncheon. There were twenty members and 19 guests who enjoyed the day together. Mr.
And Mrs. Ralph Park spared no pains to make the occasion delightful. The tables were
decorated with the flowers of the season and the fragrance of the roses blended with that
of the other flowers and the sound of the cool, rippling waters of the Finley river coming
through the open windows of the reception rooms were like the merry laughter of Spring
Nymphs as they played their enchantment on the dew-drop bells of falling brook. With
Mrs. J. C. Rogers as toastmaster the meeting was called to order. Mrs. Bingham gave an
impressive invocation with piano accompaniment. Each lady then read a rhyme cleverly
composed by the program committee, which reflected a phase of each member’s
peculiarities to be guessed by the others, after which the member told in short order why
she possessed such peculiarity. A song about the club was also composed by the
committee and lined in the old fashioned way by Mrs. Garrison and was sung by the
banqueters to the tune of “At the Cross.” Each chorus was different. Mrs. Clay Jones and
Mrs. Oliver Wilson gave a delightful dialogue “We Killed a Bear.” Mrs. Adams and
Mrs. Gray sang a duet, “Spring Song” accompanied by Mrs. Steele on the piano, after
which Mrs. Jones told a “Parlor Story” which was followed by a piano solo by Mrs.
Steele. Mrs. Alderman, in a few fitting words reviewed the year’s work under the retiring
president and bade her God’s speed, to which Mrs. Young very graciously responded.
Mrs. Shollenberger greeted the new President, Mrs. Tunnell, and told the origin of the
club which was conceived in the minds of three earnest women and which has developed
from a club of 12 to a club of 24. Mrs. Tunnell was assured that the club will be ready to
assist her in all that she attempts when the club meets again in September. Mrs.
Shollenberger gave her remarks in rhyme. Mrs. Tunnell responded, assuring the club that
she will endeavor to keep it up to the high standard maintained by Mrs. Young. The
program closed by singing “America”. In the remaining hour the ladies visited and
strolled up and down the beautiful banks of the Finley at Lindenlure. The guests were:
Mesdames W. M. Wade, C. B. Elkins, F. W. Barrett, E. E. Love, J. A. Robertson, R. Neil
Gray, of Springfield; Lyman Kerr, J. A Roper, J. M Pile, Zoe Gibson, J. ? Taylor of
Ozark; J. W. Bruton of Nevada, Mo., Mrs. Lyon, of Florida, Mrs. Lucile Anderson of St.
Louis and Misses Cleo Acuff of California, Agnes and Marguerite Bingham of Ozark and
Juanita Bingham of Springfield.
Special Mention
Flowers for the sick
Thanksgiving dinner to Co Farm
Offering of $4.75 for the Golden Rule Sunday
Christmas treat for Co Farm
New Years cards for Mrs. Kerr
Entertained the Modern Seekers Club
Gave play in February
Gave $10.00 to Crippled Children Fund
And $2.00 to Loan Fund
Gave $20.00 to Flood Sufferers
Part of Ladies Literary Club 1923-1927