Index for the Heart of America Genealogy Society
Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
extracted text
Heart of America Genealogy Society Collection
Folder Index
1971-72 Deaths as reported in Baldwin, Kansas Ledger
Abbott / Abbot / Abbett
Adair, Joseph
Adams, Betty Harshbarger
Adams, Betty Sue
Adams Dairy Farm
Adams, Elmer C.
Adams, James M.
Adams, Leland: Family Charts; file 1
Adams, Leland: Family Charts; file 2
Adams, Leland: Family Charts; file 3
Adams, Louisa
Adams, Lynchburg
Adams, Shelby
Adams, Stephen: Family Data
Adams, W. Howard
Adams, Wash
Agee, Walter Richard, Jr. ("Dick")
Alcock, John
Alcock, Richard
Alcock, Thomas
Alden / Gould
Alderson, H.
Allcock / Alcock / Alcox
Alley, Frank M. and Mary F.
Alley, George Washington
Alley, Samuel
Alley, Samuel
Allcock, Richard
2 pages: listing deaths in 1971 & 1972 in Baldwin, Kansas
15 pages: family information
15 pages: family information
1 page: obituary and family group page
3 pages: obituaries & 1 page: Re: Adams Cemetery
1 page: obituary
wedding write-up
KMBC-TV schedule re: Civil War series
4 pages: biographical info (horses, etc.)
1 page: biographical info
pages 1 - 85
pages 86-138
pages 139-186
1 page: obituary
1 page: biographical info
1 page: funeral notice
19 pages: compiled by Miss Margaret Hord
2 pages: newspaper clippings
1 page: suicide notice
1 page: auto accident
5 pages: will
3 of 4 pages of will (page 1 missing)
11 pages: affidavits of Revolutionary War service
1 page: directions to Family Tree
3 pages: 1801 letter from Kentucky
1 page: ref from William & Mary Quarterly re Marh Alexander ancestry
29 pages: family charts, letters, etc.
1 page: Golden Wedding party
1 page: in memory of: by niece
1 page: obituary (buried in Adams Cemetery)
1 page: will
6 pages: biographical info and will
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Allen, Tom
Allen, Amos
Allen, Rosa B.
Allen - Long, Virginia Wood
Allen, William Canady
Allen, F. R.
Allison, Nancy
American Institute of Banking; Kansas City Chapter
Andrews / Carlisle / Foley / Hagarty Families
Armstrong, Benton H.
Arndt, Carl Frederick
Arnold, John
Asay, Eleazer Hatch
Asay, Jerome, Sr.
Ault, Harley Addison
Austion, Ailene
Bailey, Nathaniel Green and Family
Baker, Edith
Baker, Pearl
Balch, Mrs. William M (nee: Richards)
Baldwin / Balwin, Josiah
Barber / Barbour (of Virginia)
Barnes, Dannie
Barnes, Robert
Barnett, Robert M.
1 picture
1 page: biographical info
1 page: obituary
marriage photo
1 page: family chart
1 page: newspaper article re: scrapbook donation
1 page: obituary
1 pamphlet
10 pages of family info starting with George W. Anderson b: Sept. 3, 1810
21 pages compiled by Dr. John B. Arthaud: pedigree charts & family group pages
1 page: family chart
5 pages: handwritten biographical info
1 page: obituary
1 page: newspaper article re: "shot in self defense"
pages from book written by Flossie Wortham Asay re: family history
1 page: family group chart
7 pages: from book re: history of Jerome Asay, Sr.
pages 1-27 from "History of Atwood Family" 1888
1 page: obituary
1 page: marriage announcement
2 pages: family group charts
1 page: Family chart of Kenneth D. Baker
1 small photo
1 page: obituary
1 page: obituary
14 pages: Revolutionary War Data
1 page: family history (from "Treeshakers" magazine)
9 pages: compiled by Frances C. Griffin et al.
1 page: newspaper article re: "missing in action in Viet Nam"
6 pages: family history starting in Suffolk, England
19 pages: family history compiled by Faith Marie Moore
1 page: obituary
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Barron, Dorothy
Basham, George
Battle of Westport
Beatty, Elmer Otis
Beedles, Roy William
Bell and related families
Bell, John, Sr.
Bell, Minnie (nee: Wilson): wife of John Bell, Sr.
Benear of Virginia / Bynier / Bernere / Binear / Barnier
Bennett, Florence Edna
Berry, James
Berry, Thornley
Betz, Carl
Bianda, Kenneth
Bingham, George Caleb
Blighton, Hiram C.
Blighton, Permeno Alfred
Blood, Charles I
Blount Family
Blue Summit School
Blue Valley Park
Blyholder, John
Bohon, John
1 page: newspaper report of wedding
1 page: obituary
8 pages: historical information-including 1966 newspaper recounting of event
11 pages: family history research info
1 page: obituary
2 pages: family chart
1 page: obituary
4 pages: family history info
9 pages: family group charts
1 page: obituary
1 page: obituary
7 pages: family info with related families
1 page: obituary
12 pages: family history
4 pages: family history
1 page: obituary
1 page: letter from genealogist
4 pages from Library of Cape Cod History and Genealogy
1 pages: re: death
2 pages: newspaper accounts of fatal accident
2 pages: letter re: family history
2 pages: reprint from Wednesday Magazine, Kansas City, Mo.
3 pages: Family History of Seth Greely Blanchard & Margaret
1 page: Family Group page
1 page: Family Group page
1 page: newspaper article re: 90th birthday celebration
4 pages: family history info on Blount Family of North Carolina
original class photo 1921: William L. Moore, teacher
1 page: copy of 1948 letter re: park needs
1 page: 1959 newspaper article re: Raytown teacher
1 page: newspaper article re: Joseph Boggs, Clay Co. 1825
1 page: family history of 3 Bohon families
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Boicourt, George
Bond, Beulah (Mrs. Clyde W.)
Boone, Louis Raymond , great-grandson of Daniel Boone
Booth, Harvey
Bosserman, Sue (Moyer)
Bostian family
Bowler / Boulware / Boulware (grandfather of George
Bower, Eliza J.
Bowman, Thaddeus (Capt.)
Bradley, Amy Newsome
Bradley, William H. Harrison
Brammer, Green Chapman
Bray, Violettia A.
Brecheisen, Philip Andrew
Breidenthal, Maurice L.
Breidenthal, Oren William
Breidenthal, Willard J.
Breitenbach, Samuel
Breitenstein, Otillia
Breithaupt, Charlotte B.
Breithaupt, John William
Brewer, Daniel J.
Brizendine, Quint
1 page: 1965 obituary
2 copies of Missouri Heritage magazine re: Bollinger families
1 page: 1971 obituary
7 pages: Daniel Boone and grandson family info
6 pages: pedigree charts with photos
2 pages: newspaper articles re: his death
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1959 newspaper article re: family reunion
1 page: Family chart of Oscar George and Nancy Suttenfield
6 pages: family info compiled by James E. Boulware
Gravestone photo: 1903 @New Stark Cemetery
2 family photos
8 pages: DAR and SAR lineage papers
1 page: obituary
4 pages: family history
1 page: obituary
2 pages: 1956 letter re: family history
3 pages: family histories of James Burns Davis, Isaac Washington etc.
1956 funeral program
2 pages: 1970 obituaries
1 page: 1965 obituary
3 pages: re: 1960 death
5 pages: biographical info by Dolly Breitenbach
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
2 pages: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1969 obituary
7 pages: family lineage from Elder William Brewster
17 family photos
1 page: 1923 obituary
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Brizendine, Samuel Tilden
Brown, Elmer L.
Brown, Elsie
Brown, J. C.
Bullock, Garland
Bullock William and Hugh Bullock
Bullock, Stephen
Bullock, Rebecca
Bullock, Wingfield
Bullock, Richard
Bullock, Micajah
Bullock, Ann and John
Bullock, Edward
Bullock, James
Bullock, Thomas
Brown, Myra (Lockwood)
Brooks, David and Mary Jane (Morgan)
Bryant / O'Bryan
Bryant, John M. (M. D.)
Bumgardner, James Henry
Bundshu, A. J.
Burch / Birch
Burgess, Timothy L.
Buzbee, Richard Edgar
Byrne, John E. (professional golfer)
Campbell, Amanda S.
Campbell, Dayton D.
1 page: 1927 obituary
1 page: 1972 obituary
1 page: Pedigree Chart
1 page: 1925 obituary
1839 will
1 page: 1649 and 1650 wills
1812 will
2 pages: 1836 Will
2 pages: 1821 Will
1764 Will
1827 Will
1811 and 1784 Wills
3 pages: 1753 Will
2 pages: 1813 Will
3 pages: 1834 will
1page: 1970 obituary
2 pages: family story (19th century)
7 pages: early family history with pedigree chart
4 page letter with 2 page response about this family
19th century biographical info
3 pages: Family Charts
5 pages: 1958 & 1959 newspaper articles re: store & home
4 pages: family genealogy
1 page: 1971 obituary
6 pages: 19th century family groups
4 photos of children & birth announcement
2 pages: newspaper story of wedding to Florence Marie Palmer
4 pages: family records
1 page: family info
1 page: 1971 obituary
1page: 1906 obituary
1 page: 1959 obituary
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Campbell, George Grubb
Campbell, Maj. John
Campbell, Lelah
Campbell, Nannie (nee: Keroher)
Campbell, Ruby R.
Canfield, Jeremiah (born 1809)
Canine, Susan J.
Canon, Letitia (Mrs. Roscoe)
Cantrell. Ira & Florence (Gosny)
Carey / Cary
Carlsly, Peter
Carnahan, Bernice Iola
Carpenter, Peggy Ann
Carrigan, Margaret
Carroll Family Bible Records
Carter, Col. Richard Welby of Virginia
Cartmell, Emma A.
Carwell, George H.
Casey, Marion Avery and (Alley), Birdie Mae
Casey, Thomas L.
Cassell, William Henry
Cathey, Capt. Andrew Wagon Train
Cecil / Thomas
Chancellor / Fitzgerald / Cooper / Edwards Tree
Chancellor - Rogers, Dr. Penelope
Chandler, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Chanay, Artie
Charles, Roscoe C.
Family Group Chart with notes
1965 KC Times article re: early KC history and Harris home
1967 Indep. Examiner article re: retirement
1 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: biographical info
1 page: Family Group chart
1 page: biographical info re: a KC pioneer
4 pages: 4 Family Group Charts compiled by Mrs. O. N. Lewis
1 page: 1966 obituary
1 page: 1920 marriage announcement
4 pages: letters from Luther Carey re: various Cary/Carey families
1 page: Maryland Calendar of Wills
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1967 obituary
1 page: WEIR family tree compiled by John Weir
11 pages: family history research info and family group pages
5 pages: encapsulated pages from family Bibles
3 pages: biographical info
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: re: 1913 wedding
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1964 obituary
26 pages: genealogy of participating and related families
7 pages: genealogy info
36 pages: genealogical info
8 pages: genealogical info
1961 article re: 50th wedding anniversary
1page: 1969 obituary
18th Century Family Chart & pedigree Chart
1 page: 1961 obituary
8 pages: pension files from National Archives
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Chatburn, Mrs. Ruie
Childers, Spencer
Chiles, Llewellyn (Heidelberger)
Chiles, Miss Margaret
Chiles, Miss Susan
Chouteau Family
Chouteau, Berenice & Francois
Christensen, Jessie Louise (Denman)
Christian, William
Clark, John
Clark, Col. Henry
Clark, James
Clark, James Beauchamp
Clark, John
Clark, Rev. John
Clark, Robert S.
Clary, Roy Elwood
Cleland, George, Jr.
Coates, Kersey
Coe, Samuel Gwynn
Coffman / Kauffman
Coffman, Samuel
Cogswell, Miriam (Barnes)
Coleman, Elizabeth Marie
Collins, Charles & Viola
Cook, Jean
Colton, Charles & Margerie
Compton, George L.
Cook, Will
Cooksey, Charles H.
1 page: 1964 obituary
1958 KC Times article re: Family moves in with 18 horses
1 page: obituary
1 page: 1966 obituary
1 page: 1966 obituary
1950 article & picture re: pioneer French Family
4 pages: KC Star Oct. 27, 1991 re: pioneer mailings & 1934 obituary of daughter
1 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: 1968 inquiry letter
5 pages: genealogical info
10 pages: genealogical info
1867 poster of drowned child
1958 article re: biographical info
2 pages: 1832 Will
pamphlet "A Sketch of the Life of ---" plus 2 loose pages
1966 newspaper article: "Survivor Commemorates Air Crash"
1 page: 1967 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
biographical info from Missouri Heritage
13 pages: genealogical info
1 page: biographical info
9 pages: genealogical info
3 pages: Washington County, Iowa Coffman family info
1 page: 1966 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: family chart
15 pages: family history compiled by Iris Edwards
1 page: obituary
2 pages: pedigree chart & family chart
1 page: 1921 obituary
1 page: 1965 obituary
3 pages: 1972 letter re: family history
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Cooper, James M.
Corder, Mary Ann (Kennedy)
Corn / Gosney Family Bible
Couch, Alvin H.
Cousins Family
Cox, Norman Eugene
Craig, Toliver & Mary (Hawkins)
Craigue, William
Crain / Crane, John; descendants of
Cravens, Mary Clarissa
Crittenden Family
Crowley, Mary Catherine
Crump, Daniel
Crump, Palina
Cummins, Athol
Cummins, Betty Jeane
Cunningham, Nellie Jane (Turner)
Curry / Currie of Virginia
Curtis, Mary E.
Custer, Cleo A.
Dabney, Samuel
Dalby, John
Dalke, Diedrich L.
Dalton, Rev. James Grigsby
Daniels, Susan
Danley, Albert Thomas
Darnall, Robert N.
Daughters of the Revolution (DAR)
DAR - Fort Osage Chapter
Davenport, Richard
1 page: family group chart
1 page: obituary
8 pages: family history & 7 pages: photos from Bible
1 page: 1969 obituary
11 pages: genealogical info
1 page: Family Chart
2 pages: biographical info & family chart
3 pages: genealogical info
3 pages: genealogical info
1 page: Weir family tree compiled by John Weir (see #178)
11 pages: Family Group Records
1 page: 1971 obituary
3 pages: Family charts
1 page: receipt for 1859 Railroad Tax payment
1 page: various family event items
1 page: 1960 obituary
1 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: genealogical info
1 page: 1961 obituary with picture
1 page: 1970 death notice
1 page: re: 1879 cyclone
13 pages: "descendants of Samuel Dabney of Cobb Creek, Va."
will dated 1821 (transcribed incorrectly as 1921)
1 page: 1971 obituary
2 pages:1946 article of KC Times: "last of the Daltons leave-3 pages: biographical info and Family Chart
1 photo
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1960 obituary with picture
1974/5 roster from White Alloe Chapter, Parkville, Mo.
1965 meeting notice
2 pages: 1792 Will
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Davenport, Martin
Davenport, William
Davis et al
Davis, Bertha Antoinette
Davis Bible Records
Davis, Ethelbert (Bud)
Davis Family
Davis, James
Davis, John
Davison, Ben Morton
Dearing, Charles Thomas
DeCamp, John Nelson & Anne (Easly)
Deck Families
Delong, Emanuel
DeMasters, James
Detwiler, Wayne Thomas
Dick, Sarah Jane
Diemer, Myrtle (Casebolt), (Mrs. George)
Dillingham, John & Eliza
Dillon, Lillian Irene
Dinwiddie file 2
Dinwiddie file 3
Dinwiddie, John
Dinwiddie, Sarah (widow of John)
Diuguid / Duguid / Duiguid Families
1732 Will
3 pages: 1828 Will
3 pages: genealogical info
1 page: 1968 obituary
19 th century family info: Bible owned by Catherine Ford Montgomery
1 page: story by Beulah Boone re: encounter with Jesse James
10 pages: History of Davis Family descended from Morgan Davis
4 pages: History of James Davis from 1607
1 page: obituary
10 pages: Family info including pedigree Charts
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: history of several family members
1 page : family group page
19 pages: memories written by daughter, Clara L. DeCamp
3 pages: genealogical info of various family members
2 pages: family Bible owned by Mrs. Leander M. Dehoney
1 photo of his family
4 pages: 1960 SAR application & KC Star article
8 pages: "The Maryland Dents" & genealogical info
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1962 obituary
1961 obituary & history
9 pages: 18th century wills & genealogy of various Dillards
1 photo
1 page: 1971 obituary
87 pages: genealogical info, etc. from 18th & 19th centuries
15 pages: genealogical info: 19th and 20th centuries
57 pages: genealogical info, including various family group pages
16 pages: pension records, etc.
4 pages: pension application, etc. for John
4 pages: genealogical info from Mrs. Clinton Mills Dinwoodey
5 pages: family group pages
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Dixon, Rebekah L.
Dodson, John Matthew et al
Dorsey, Joshua
Downing, Kossine
Drane, Meritt and wife, Malvina
Drew, George
Driscoll, Dr. Asa
Ducks, John
Dulin, Elijah Shelton
Duncan, Prior White
Duncan, Sanford S.
Dunn, Perry C.
Dunwody, Thomas E.
Dunwoody, John
Dyer, Anna M.
Dyke, Horace M.
Easley / Esley, Robert
Edwards, John W.
Edmonds, Mae
Edwards, Oscar
Edwards, Solomon, Amos and Haywood
Eidson, Chester
Ekdahl, Myrtle B.
1 page: 1971 obituary
5 pages: Family group pages & pedigree chart
18 pages: genealogical info with some pictures
1 page: Maryland Calendar of Wills: 1687 - 1688
1960 wedding to Robert Mann
10 pages: Biography of this couple and their ancestors
Maryland Calendar of Wills: 1735
memorial tablet unveiled @ Methodist Church
7 pages: "The Drummond Clan" & genealogical info
Maryland Calendar of Wills: 1716-7
1 page: biographical info (other pages not found)
4 pages: several obituaries of 1959-1960, plus Duncan Memorial Chapel (of KY)
obituary from undated, unknown newspaper
1 page: obituary
16 pages: Bible records of James Carnachan Dunlap III, et al
1 page: 1969 obituary
1 page: genealogical info from 18th & 19th centuries
1 page: death & biographical info
36 pages: genealogical info from "Genealogy Of Dunwoody & Hood Families"
1 page: 1829 Will from South Carolina
1 page: 1939 obituary
1 page: 1959 newspaper article re: Civil War death wish
4 pages: 1711 Wills published in THE HUGENOT #5, 1931, PAGES 80-82
1 page: 1968 obituary
1 page: 1979 obituary
1 page: 1963 obituary
"EDWARDS" Brothers
1 page: 1972 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
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Eldridge, Thomas
Eltonhead, Richard
Elkins, Lottie Louise (Talbot)
Elliott, William Stafford
Ellis, Amasa or Amzi S.
Elmore, Clarence Arthur
Erdman, Loula Grace
Evans, Edmund
Evens, George W., D.D.S.
Evelyn, Robert et al
Everton, George B. Jr.
Ewers, William I
Fackler, Wilma Fay (Daly)
Fales, Levi Sherman
Fields, J. C.
Finlay, Andrew H.
Finley, Mary Alainne Belle (Fariss)
Fisher, G. Prewitt
Fisher, John Wesley
Fite, William Arthur & Julia (Twyman) Fite
Fite, Charles C.
Flanary, Elkanah
Flannery, Laura Elizabeth (Harris) Bridges
Fleshner, Virgil V.
Florence, Fred
Flournoy, Dr. Lawrence
genealogical info from VIRGINIA HISTORICAL GENEALOGIES by John Bennett
Bodie, 1954: page 279: ELDRIDGE of Surry
1 page: small pedigree chart
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: Family chart
3 pages: genealogical info
3 pages: genealogical info
1 page: Family group chart
10 pages: 20th century Missouri historical novelist
8 pages: genealogical history by Helen Euson Gray
2 pages: biographical sketch
3 pages: biographical/genealogical info from 2 pages: biographical sketch
"ADVENTURES OF PURSE AND PERSON (of Virginia) 1607-1625"
1977 KC Times article re: "Family Line Expert"
19th century family group
1 page: 1969 obituary
1 page: 1945 obituary
1 page: 1895 funeral notice
1 page: Finlay Family Bible
pedigree chart & memorial cards
1990 retirement
44 pages: JOHN WESLEY FISHER FAMILY 1822-1962
1 page: family chart
1 page: grandson of Mrs. Carrie Twyman to study piano in NYC
1 page: lineage chart
2 page article from Jackson County Sentinel; Oct. 27, 1966 Re: Congressman
Randall's grandmother
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
2 copies of "Lineage of William Stone Flournoy, descendant of Joseph Flournoy"
9 pages: handwritten biographical info
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Flournoy, Roland
Flournoy, William Stone
Ford, Charles Wheland
Ford, Mrs. Alvina Thomas (Chancellor)
Ford, Barbara Carlene
Ford, Charles Franklin
Ford, Clarence V.
Ford, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.
Ford, Edgar
Ford, Edmund Dorrel
Humphreys-Ford, Grace
Ford, Herbert C.
Ford, James Calvin
Ford, Matthew William
Ford, Mildred Ann
Ford, Mrs. Roland H.
Ford, William R.
Ford, William Webber
Ford, Mr. and Mrs. W. R.
Forest / deForest / duForest / leForest / de la Forest
Fowler, William
Francis, Katherine E.
Fredericks, John D.
Freeman-Folder 1
Freeman-Folder 2
Freeman, Hezekiah-Folder 1
Freeman, Hezekiah-Folder 2
Frick, Frank
incomplete family chart
2 pages: "Lineage of---"
see: #353
23 pages: genealogical info, including family charts, land maps, marriages, etc.
written by Vivian E. Meissner Foley (Mrs. Mervin)
8 pages: genealogical info
1 page: obituary (about 1918)
1 page: 1964 obituary
1 page: 1959 obituary
1 page: 1967 obituary
1 page: 1959 newspaper article re: visit to son @ Washington, DC
1 page: 1912 obituary of 12 year old
1 page: family group
1 page: 1968 obituary
1 page: 1966 obituary
1 page: 1961 birth announcement
1 page: 1963 obituary of infant
1 page: 1959 engagement announcement
1 page: 1950 obituary
1 page: obituary
2 pages: biographical info
1 page: 1960 50th anniversary announcement
3 pages: dispute over Coat of Arms
19 pages: genealogical info of Forrester lineage
1 page: Revolutionary War record
1 page:1971 obituary
2 sided letter re: biographical info
64 pages: family genealogy & biographical info
10 pages: for more info see #381
8 pages: Rev. War soldiers' lineage
several pages of biographical info, including service records from Rev. War
DAR application of Roberta Landrum Wiley
1 page: 1960 newspaper article re: 94th birthday & recollections
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Frick, William J.
Fristoe, Clyde and Opal (Rumbo)
Fristoe, Judge Richard M.
Fulkerson file 1
Fulkerson file 2
Gary, James Clarke
Gardner, Florence
Gates, George W.
Garland, John
Gates, Mary L.
Gateley / Gately
Gatrell, W. A.
Gazlay, John
Gentry, Andy
George, Arthur
George, B. J.
George, Ben P.
Geosling, Florence F.
Gerald, Thomas
Gerlt, Kenneth
Gibbons, John and Hanjk
Gibson, Glen
Gibson, Samuel
Gilbert, Catherine (White)
Gilges, Audrey
Gill, Bessie E.
Glasgow, Mo.
Glenn, Frank
Goodman, Emily Reasor
1 page: 1967 newspaper article re: history of Dr. Frick
1 page: 1925 wedding announcement
1 page: family chart, including daughter Fannie married Dr. Lyddall Twyman
82 pages: genealogical info & 5 headstone pictures
40 pages: genealogical info
1 page: newspaper re: tracing family tree
1 page: 1963 obituary
1 page: 1959 (?) obituary
2 pages: 1734 Will
1 page: 1960 obituary
early 20th century Presbyterian Church memos re: "Dismission--"
2 pages: "The Story of W. A. Gatrell as told by his son, Frank"
1883 photos and pedigree chart of Henry Willis Gazlay: 1854-1934
6 pages: Civil War Records
1 page: newspaper article from Independence Examiner 9/4/57 Re: restoration
of 1909 horseless carriage
1 page: Maryland Calendar of Wills, vol 2, page 57: Will
1 page: 1960 newspaper article re: wins historical contest
tombstone photo from Waller Cemetery, Clay Co. Mo.
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: pedigree chart
1 page: Family Unit Chart
1 page: article re: oldest twins living in Missouri
1 photo of him as child
1 page: "A Tribute" re: 1931 death
1 page: 1968 obituary
3 pages: 1971 deadly car accident and obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1961 newspaper article re: town's 125th anniversary celebration
2 pages: 1960 & 1961 articles by Bill Moore re: bookstore owner
3 pages: genealogical info from 19th and early 20th centuries
1 page: DAR pedigree chart
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Gosney, James T.
Gosney, Walter and Iva (Douglas)
Graham, Edgar and Jewell (Johnson)
Grand Detour Plow Company
Gray, Sidney Nil
Greenwood Florence Mae
Greenwood, James M.
Gregg, Captain Bill
Gregg, Sarah Ann (Sharp)
Griffin, Claude
Griffin, Thomas
Grob, Emelia Caroline (Arnold)
Grymes, Phillip
Hagerman, Mrs. Clarence
Hagerman, Frank
Hahn, Michael
Hainline, Nathan
Haines / Haynes
Hains, Catharine
Hains, Michael
Hale, Calvin T.
Haley "A History of the Haley Family"
Hall, Gordon McDonald
Hall, Elisha
Hall, Herbert F.
Hall, Jacob
Hall, Joyce C.
2 pages: family unit charts of Levi and Martin Gore
1 page: transcription of 1917 death obituary
1 page: 1924 marriage announcement
1 page: 1925 marriage announcement
1882 Diary Memorandum Book (back pages contain info on New Salem Baptist
1 page: 1917 article from Joplin Globe re: "Man Lincoln Honored Dies Suddenly"
1 page: 1962 obituary
Commemorative Program of 100th anniversary of 1837 birth (Superintendent of
KC Mo. Schools 1874-1913)
8 pages: 2 newspaper clippings from about 1912: "Quantrell's Lieutenant"
1 page: obituary
1 page: obituary (died from fall in his barn)
1 page: "Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents and Grants:
1 page: 1973 obituary
3 pages: land transaction (page 1 missing)
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: "Richard Haines and his descendants"
1 page: family chart
56 pages: genealogical info & 1 page: same as #438
3 pages: 1800-1801 Will
2 pages: 1779 Will
1 page: family chart
12 pages: genealogical info
17 pages: by Ruth Ralls Fisher ~ 1896
1 page: Family chart
1 page: Family chart
1 page: newspaper article re: Historic Home to be razed for Linda Hall Library
1 page: 1972 obituary
1 page: 1960 newspaper article re: response to 50th anniversary tribute
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Hall - Violette, Hallie
Haller / Haller House
Hallmark, Daniel Lee
Hallmark, Janet
Hamilton, Ella Dettor & Fanny Buckner
Hankins, Eula D.
Hankins, Frank Hamilton
Hankins, Harriet Clay (Mrs. Frederick W. Kelsey)
Hardesty House
Hardy, Clyde
Hare, Mary Pearl (Mrs. George)
Hargrave, Hezekeah
Harrington, Manuel
Harris, Reuben
Harris, Lena
Harrison, Maud (Baker)
Harvey, Robert Lee
Hatcher, Myra Agnes (Turner)
Hawley, Doris D. (Travis)
Hayden, Patton Hudson
Hayman, James
Haynes, Charles M.
Haynes, Jonathan Hicks
1 page: 1936 tribute booklet
3 pages: genealogical info
7 pages: genealogical info from Jean Elizabeth Halliburton
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1969 obituary
old photo @ Elliston residence, Buckner, Mo
14 pages: genealogical info
1 page: 1889 photo
41 pages: genealogical info
6 pages: lineage info
7 pages: lineage info
3 pages: genealogical info & 2 photos
5 pages: history of house & owners
1 page: 1961 obituary
1 page: 1959 newspaper article re: "Busy Day---" for writer
3 pages: genealogical info
1 page: 1947 obituary
24 pages: genealogical info, including his son, Fleming Harris
1 photo
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1973 obituary
3 pages: Coats of Arms for deHastings/Hastings clan
1 page: 1924 obituary
11 pages: genealogical info for Sir Christopher Hatton, et al
1 page: 1972 obituary
1 page: handwritten genealogical info for Nancy Hayden, et al
2 pages: genealogical info
3 pages: genealogical info (see #438 & #440)
1 page: Maryland Calendar of Wills: p105
same as #438 & #440 & #478
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: 1962 obituary
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Hays, Lt. D. P.
Hays, Irma Bray
Heaston, Cecila May
Heffelfinger, Phyllis
Heintz, Michael
Henderson, Donald Robert
Herald, Robert L. (Bob)
Herrington, Bessie Lee (Brown)
Herrington, Ester Mayzelle
Herrington, Merrick Marin
Herrmaqn, Patricia
Hey, Emma Marie (Hauser)
Hickman, Captain Edwin Alfred
Hickock / Hickox, Ebebezer
Hicks, Martha K.
Hindman, Nora E. (White)
Hinkebein, Vincent Theodore Anthony, Sr.
Hinters - Johnson, Eva Marguerite
Hird, Virgil
Hitchcock, M. L. "Ty"
Hively, Wells
Hobson, Martha A. (Turner)
Hoel, Jesse Adrian, Jr.
Hoffbauer, Alfred C.
Hoglund, Roy A.
Holland, Louis Edward
Holliday - Dillard
Holloday, John
2 newspaper articles (1959 & 1960) re: missing airplane in Libya
1 page: 1960 obituary
1 page: genealogical info
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1950 newspaper article re: "Queen of Missouri VFW"
see #438, #440 and #478
1 page: pedigree chart
1 page: 1966 newspaper article re co-founder of Jones-Herald Co.
1 page: 1925 obituary
1 page: 1923 obituary
1 page: 1927 obituary
1 page: newspaper re: new job @ Truman Library (no date given)
2 pages: 1974 obituary
4 pages: Biographical info
16 pages: genealogical info
21 pages: letters and genealogical info. Also see: #497
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: family chart
4 pages: estate settlement info
1 page:1965 obituary
1 page:1973 obituary with picture
1 page: 1969 obituary
1 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: family chart
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1962 obituary
40 pages: family charts starting with Caleb Holbrook born 1742
2 pages: 1960 death with picture
5 pages: genealogical info
9 pages: family charts, including Mayberry families
4 pages: info from Wills
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Hooper, Miller H.
Hoover, Lulu
Hough / Huff Families
House, S. M.
Howard, Paul Patrick
Howard School
Howard, William T.
Howell, Nathaniel
Hudson, Samuel White
Huffine, Rev. Herman D.
Hughes,Rev. Everett Samuel
Hufford / Huffert / Hoffarth
Humston, William
Hungate, Justice A. P.
Hungate, Ada
Hungate, Adlai
Hungate, Adolphus Phelonius
Hungate Adolphus Phelonius
Hungate, Adolphus Phelonius
Hungate, Adonijah
Hungate, Adonijah / Adonix
Hungate, Adonijah / Adonix
Hungate, Adonijah Piat
Hungate, Albert (born 1848)
Hungate, Albert (born 1860)
2 pages: Barren County, Kentucky marriages: 1797-1935: brides and grooms
1 page: 1915 obituary
1 page: marriage certificate (marriage to C. Walton Smith 1905)
3 pages: family charts starting with Alfred, born before 1800
26 pages: various Hord family members
24 pages: "Hough and Huff Families of the U.S. 1790-1850
The Southern Expansion" vol. 4 by Granville W. Hough
1 page: 1959 letter to former students
1 page: 1973 obituary
5 pages: 1960 newspaper articles re moving of historical school
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: Maryland Calendar of Wills page 30
28 pages: genealogical info by Ceatta L. Theg, granddaughter of Ralph
1 page: 1962 newspaper historical article
1 page: 1929 obituary
1 page: 1965 obituary
81 pages: genealogical info from "Hufford Ancestry in Germany", etc. by Donald
R. Singleton
1 page: marriage to Catherine Samuels: newspaper write-up
1911 Report vs. Newt Cantrell
58 pages: genealogical & biographical info & 5 photos
1 page: family chart of Ada Hungate & Clinton F. Clark
1 page: family chart: Adlai & Mary Peterson
6 pages: genealogical info. Also see #534
12 pages: Civil War military records. Also see #538
8 pages: pension records
3 pages: biographical & genealogical info
7 pages: Civil War military records
7 pages: pension info. Also see #542
1 page: family group chart. Also see #541-#543
1 page: biographical info (born 1848)
1 page: copy of 1938 death certificate
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Hungate, Allen
Hungate - American Line
Hungate - An American Historic Background
Hungate, Andrew J.
Hungate, Andrew J.
Hungate, Arch Theodore
Hungate, Ariton / Araton P.
Hungate, Baby boy
Hungate, Bart
Hungate, Beatrice May
Hungate, Bert
Hungate, Bert Farr
Hungate, Bertha
Hungate, Bessie Alice
Hungate, Betty Catherine
Hungate, Blanche K.
Hungate, Bobby
Hungate, Byron Jerald
Hungate, Carol Grace
Hungate, Carrie Laverne
Hungate, Dr. Carroll P.
Hungate, Catharine (Illinois)
Hungate, Catharine (Nebraska)
Hungate, Charles Enni9s
Hungate, Charles Odel
Hungate, Clara
Hungate, Clarence
Hungate, Clarence Lee
Hungate, Clinton Ward
Hungate, Clyde
Hungate - Collins
Hungate - Companionship of Kindred
1 page: family chart married to Elizabeth Hall
2 pages: genealogical info starting with Charles, colonist of Virginia
20 pages: handwritten historical info
19 pages: Civil War military records
8 pages: pension records
3 pages: letter re: genealogical info
9 pages: Civil War Military records
1 page: 1935 Montana birth certificate
1 page: 1903 Montana Marriage License to Tine Patterson
1 page: 1927 Virginia marriage license to Raymond Vaught
2 pages: genealogical info of Bert and Fred
1 page: family chart married to Kathleen McCarn
1 page: 1944 Oregon death certificate
1 page: 1967 Oregon death certificate
1 page: 1949 Virginia marriage certificate to Harold Daniel Walters
1 page: 1902 Nebraska marriage certificate to Homer Ashbaugh
letter to Dr. Carroll P. Hungate re: location of Bobby, Rodeo rider
3 pages: letter from Eula May Hungate
Carol Grace Crawford marries Clyde Kent Gilbert
incomplete family chart
2 letters, 1 obituary and 7 photos
3 pages: legal documents
1 page: property settlement
incomplete family chart
2 pages: 2 family charts (2 wives)
1 page: 1914 Montana marriage license
3 pages: letter from Eulah Melvin re: Great-grandfather's descendants
1 page: 1930 Virginia marriage license to Denia Kefer
1 page: 1919 Oregon death certificate
1 page: 1927 Indiana marriage license to Dorothy Axton
10 pages: genealogical info
24 pages: handwritten genealogical info (*see #549)
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Hungate, Cora E.
Hungate, Cumming City
Hungate, Cynthia Ann
Hungate, Dallas Edward
Hungate, Dallas Riley
Hungate - Dartt
Hungate, Damon Leicester
Hungate - Dartt, Lucy
Hungate, David Baker
Hungate, David Michael
Hungate, Davis
Hungate, Davis (born 1825)
Hungate, Davis (military)
Hungate, Davis/David (pension)
Hungate, Davis Bottom
Hungate, Della M.
Hungate, Dolly May
Hungate, Donald Dixon
Hungate, Dora Ann
Hungate, Dortha Maxine
Hungate, Earl
Hungate, Earl Ewood
Hungate, Edgar
Hungate, Edgar W. (military)
Hungate, Earl W. (pension)
Hungate, Edith Clare
Hungtate, Dalton
Hungate, Edw.
Hungate, Edward Theodore
Hungate, Edward Gordon
Hungate, Eileen B.
1 page: 1895 Montana marriage license to Charles Crawford
13 pages: handwritten family story (see Hungate - Companionship of Kindred &
Hungate - An American Historic Background)
1 page: family chart (husband: Preston Jones)
2 pages: copies of family chart (wife: Abna Mae Scroggan)
2 pages: copies family chart (wife: Hattie Belle Nance)
1 page: genealogical info by Flora Dartt Walters
2 pages: family chart & Illinois birth certificate
1 page: genealogical info (see #584)
3 pages: family chart, obituary & letter
1 page: 1946 Kentucky birth certificate
1 page: family chart; wife: Gertrude Catherine Gebhardt
3 pages family chart info
4 pages: Mexican War records
17 pages: pension records
1 page: family chart (wife: Jennie Lind Dearinger)
1 page: handwritten genealogical info
8 pages: Oregon legal records
2 pages: copies family chart (wife: Blanche Boyd)
2 pages: copies family chart (husband: Louis J. Wagner)
1 page: family chart (husband: Trille)
1 page: family chart (wife: Blanch Beatrice Raider)
1 page: family chart (wife: Marie Mincer)
1 page: 1930 Washington State death certificate
4 pages: Civil War records
8 pages: pension records
1 page: DAR Lineage Book
2 pages: family chart & 1908 Indiana marriage license to Bessie Broyles
1 page: 1885 Kansas census
1 page: family chart (wife: Olive Shepherd)
1 page: 1941 Virginia marriage license to Eleanor Elizabeth Linkous
1 page: 1943 Montana death certificate
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Hungate, Eliza
Hungate, Eliza
Hungate, Elias
Hungate, Eliza Caroline
Hungate, Elizabeth
Hungate, Elizabeth (born ~1860)
Hungate, Ella
Hungate, Ellen Cordella
Hungate, Elsie
Hungate, Emma Frances
Hungate - English Line
Hungate, Essie/Essa
Hungate, Essie Leona
Hungate, Esther
Hungate, Ethel
Hungate, Eugenia
Hungate, Everett Earl
Hungate, Everett Riley
Hungate, Evie Lou
Hungate Family Data
Hungate Family, History of
Hungate Family Information
"Hungate Family" manuscript: file 1
"Hungate Family" manuscript: file 2
"Hungate Family" manuscript: file 3
"Hungate Family" manuscript: file 4
Hungate Family Tree
Hungate - First Baptist Church, Albion, Neb.
Hungate - First Baptist Church, Blandinsville, Illinois
Hungate - First Baptist Church, Holyoke, Massachusetts
Hungate, Florene
Hungate, Florence (Matthews)
1 page: family chart (husband: Henry Banta)
1 page: Virginia property deed
incomplete family chart
1 page: 1919 Montana death certificate of Eliza Caroline (Hungate) Schick
father, Joseph Hungate, permission to marry Levi Lockhart
1 page: 1882 Virginia marriage license to Walter Akess (sp)
1 page: 1939 Washington State death certificate
1 page: 1942 Kentucky birth certificate
1 page: 1934 Virginia marriage license to Carl Winters
1 page: genealogical info
2 pages: genealogical info
1 page: genealogical info
1 page: 1905 Montana birth certificate
1 page: incomplete family chart (remained single)
1 page: 1903 Montana Marriage License to Frank Fye
1 page: family chart (husband: Milton P. McCrosky) & 2 pages: genealogy
2 pages: copies of family chart (wife: Daisy McConnell)
2 page letter & family chart (wife: Aimie Scott)
1 page: 1944 Virginia marriage license to Coy Lee Vest
7 pages: Bibliography compiled by Woodrow W. Leonard 1952
19 pages: (incomplete) 1908 History
8 pages: compiled by daughter of John Thomas Hungate
100 pages by Dr. Carroll Paul Hungate
100 pages by Dr. Carroll Paul Hungate
100 pages by Dr. Carroll Paul Hungate
42 pages by Dr. Carroll Paul Hungate
1 page: skeleton pedigree chart of Hungates from England
18 pages: handwritten family story: see #580 et al
2 pages: from 1955 celebration & 125th anniversary booklet
22 pages: handwritten family history: see #580 et al
1 page: family chart (husband: Roger LaFlask)
2 pages: biographical info & family chart
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Hungate, Florence Naomi
Hungate, Floyd Lonzo (Lon or Lou)
Hungate, Floyd Lynn
Hungate, Flossie May
Hungtate, Francis Jean
Hungate, Frances M.
Hungate, Sir Francis
Hungate, Frank
Hungate, Frank Evermont
Hungate, Frank Porter
Hungate, Franklin Ward
Hungate, Fred (born 1889)
Hungate, Fred (born 1893)
Hungate, Fredrick W.
Hungate, Fredrick William
Hungate - Frye
Hungate, Charles (born 1809)
Hungate, Charles (born 1778 or 1786)
Hungate, Charles Sr.
Hungate, Charles Alvin
Hungate, Charles C.
Hungate, Charles
Hungate, Charles O'Dell
Hungate, Charles Richard
Hungate, Clark
Hungate - Classes at Alden Grove School
Hungate - At Claysville
Hungate, Chalon
Hungate, Charles (born 1745)
Hungate, Charles (born pre-1836)
1 page: 1930 Montana birth certificate
3 pages: 1895 Montana birth certificate & 1961 Montana death certificate &
1920 Montana marriage license to Eileen Johnson
1 page: 1933 Montana birth certificate
1 page: 1930 Virginia marriage license to Frank Edwin Wright
2 pages: family charts husband: Elmer Eugene Collins & son: Michael David
1 page: 1965 Montana death certificate
1 page: family chart (wife: Margaret Smith Carrington)
2 pages: letters to C.P. Hungate re: family info
2 pages: letter to C.P. Hungate re: family history
2 pages: copies of family chart (wife: Mary Virginia Griggs)
1 page: family chart (wife: Ethel May Moore)
2 page letter to C.P. Hungate plus bio from Geneva; see #557
1 page: 1965 Montana death certificate
1 page: 1891 Washington State Guardian's Bond
1 page: bio info
1 page: family chart of Inda (Judie) Frye, daughter of Alice Margaret (Hungate)
3 pages: family charts (wife: Sarah Coulter)
2 pages: family chart & letter re: genealogy (wife: Katie Korn)
2 pages: Kentucky Will
1 page: lineage
1 page: family chart: born 1884
3 pages: Kentucky Estate Settlement
1 page: letter to Captain Hungate from T.J. Dartt re family
2 pages: copies family chart (wife: Geraldine Huffman)
7 pages: Virginia Will & indentures
30 pages: handwritten chapter of family story
38 pages: handwritten chapter of family story
1 page: family chart (wife: Mary Ellen Cardwell)
1 page: family chart (wife: Catherine O'Del)
1 page: family chart (wife: Elinor Stewart)
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Hungate, Charles (born 1848)
Hungate, Charles (bounty land)
Hungate, Charles
Hungate, Charles (England)
Hungate, Charles (military)
Hungate, Charles A.
Hungate, Charles B. et al
Hungate, Charles Carrington
Hungate, Clifford Alonzo
Hungate, Charles Edgar (born 1864)
Hungate, Charles Edgar (born 1871)
Hungate, Charles Ellioitt
Hungate, Gary Ray
Hungate, Geneva
Hungate, Genn Darman
Hungate, Gennettie Jane
Hungate, George (born 1838)
Hungate, George Adolphus
Hungate, George Etta
Hungate, George Rommy
Hungate, George W.
Hungate, George W. (military)
Hungate, George W. (pension)
Hungate, George (military)
Hungate, George W. (Missouri Infantry)
Hungate, George W. (real estate)
Hungate, George Washington
Hungate, Gertrude May
Hungate, Glenn Dorman (same as Genn Darman)
Hungate, Granville (son of Charles & Elnora Stewart)
1 page: 1908 Washington State death certificate
6 pages: 1855 Illinois Land Claim
DAR application instructions from J.H. Hungate to Cousin Jennie Robinson Bell
2 pages: letters of inquiry from Dr. C.P. Hungate to County Archivist of
Hertfordshire County Council re English ancestors
2 pages: mustered out 1832
1 page: 1936 Washington State death certificate
19th century photos (negatives) of Thomas, Charles B., Jackson & Jehu H.
1 page: family chart: born 1669 @ England, wife: Anne
1 page: family chart (wife: Clotile Scheffler)
2 pages: info for Hungate Genealogy
1 page: family chart (wife: Della Reed)
1 page: 1936 Kentucky birth certificate
1 page: 3 family units
2 pages: copies family chart (husband: Robert Scott Fitzgerald)
1 page: 1930 Colorado birth certificate
1 page: 1971 letter to CP Hungate re: her biographical history (husband: Clarence
1 page: 1901 autobiography 5 pages
1 page: born 1869
1 page: marriage license to Donald Brunson 1939
1 page: family lineage
1895 & 1925 Iowa census records
17 pages: Civil War records - Indiana
6 pages: pension records Civil War - Indiana
3 pages: Civil War: confederate - Virginia
12 pages: Civil War military records.
3 pages: Nebraska real estate transactions
1 page: biographical info
1 page: 1952 Oregon death certificate
1 page: family chart
4 pages: genealogical & biographical info wife: Vinnie Sargent
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Hungate, Granville (born 1843)
Hungate, Granville (military)
Hungate, Granville (pension)
Hungate, Gustavius Adolphus
Hungate, Harold
Hungate, Harold Evan
Hungate, Harry F.
Hungate, Harrison
Hungate, Harrison H.
Hungate, Harry Lee
Hungate, Harry Riley
Hungate, Harvey
Hungate, Hattie Lee (Emma Lee)
Hungate, Hattie Maud
Hungate, Helen Elizabeth
Hungate, Henry Clay
Hungate, Herbert C.
Hungate, Herbert Lee
Hungate, Hilda Ruth
Hungate, Hollie Hubert
Hungate, Hollis
Hungate - Homer Baptist Church, New York
Hungate, Howard M.
Hungate, Ida (Idaho)
Hungate, Ida Jane
Hungate, Ida May
Hungate, Isabel
Hungate, Iva C.
Hungate, Iva U.
Hungate, Iva V. Lena
1 page: family chart (wife: Sophronia Johnson)
3 pages: Civil War records Illinois Infantry
12 pages: Illinois infantry
2 pages: biographical sketch
2 pages: copies of family chart (wife: Anna Carrigan)
1 page: family chart
1 page: family chart (wife: Erma Elwell)
1 page: 1916 Washington State death certificate
1 page: biographical info
1 page: family chart wife: Verna Zimmerlee
family chart & 2 page letter of genealogical info (wife: Minnie Agnes Wilson)
1 page: 1912 Virginia marriage license to Alice Salmon
2 pages: copies family chart (husband: Melvin Hatchett)
2 pages: copies family chart (husband: Edward Milton Wagner)
1 page: family chart (husband: Paul M. Browder)
1 page: family chart (wife: Dolly May Bowman
1 page: letter re: 2 Indiana Hungate births
1 page: incomplete family chart
1 page: genealogical info (Washington State line)
1 page: family chart (wife: Gwendolyn Clark)
2 pages: biographical info & family chart
29 pages: Chapter of Hungate family story
7 pages: Nebraska property settlement
1 page: 1914 Montana marriage license to August A. Schroeder
2 pages: family chart (husband: James Francis Cropp) & 1879 Washington State
marriage license
1 page: 1930 Washington State death certificate
1 page: family chart: daughter of Joseph & Sally
2 pages: 1890 Montana birth certificate & 1908 marriage license to Andrew
1 page: genealogical info
2 pages: genealogical info (husband: John Sowers)
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Hungate, J. H.
Hungate, J. T.
Hungate, Jack
Hungate, Jack Arnold
Hungate, Jackson P.
Hungate, Jacob (military)
Hungate, James
Hungate, James (born 1836)
Hungate, James (born ~1874 est.)
Hungate, James B.
Hungate, James D.
Hungate, James Donald
Hungate, James Mathew
Hungate, James Riley
Hungate, Jane Vernees
Hungate, Jay Gold
Hungate, Jefferson D.
Hungate, Jehu (bounty land)
Hungate, Jehu (pension)
Hungate, Jehu H.
Hungate, Jesse James
Hungate, Jim
Hungate, Job (bounty land)
Hungate, Job (military)
Hungate, Jonathan S.
Hungate, John
Hungate, John (bounty land)
Hungate, John (Indiana Infantry)
Hungate, John (Indiana - Mexican War)
Hungate, John (War of 1812)
Hungate, John (military)
1 page: 1916 Virginia Certificate of marriage to Louvina Compton
1 page: 1910 Virginia Certificate of marriage to F. A. Anderson
3 pages: Indiana biographical info (wife: Mary Rena Beal)
1 page: 1946 Virginia certificate of marriage to Irma Ruth Graves
1922 Nebraska property settlement & picture (negative)
2 pages: Civil War record (rejected)
1879 & 1891 Virginia certificates of marriage to: 1) Laura Akers 2) Eliza Akers
1 page: 1918 Kentucky death certificate
1 page: 1900 Montana marriage license to Elsie Aldridge
1 page: re: 1882 Indiana death of daughter, Ruth Geneveve
1 page: 1906 Virginia marriage license to Bessie Albert
1 page: incomplete family chart
1 page: family chart
1 page: family chart; father of James Donald
1 page: biographical info
1 page: 1949 Virginia marriage certificate to Beulah Mae Turner
1 page: biographical letter from son, Marion J. Hungate to Dr. Carroll P. Hungate
3 pages: 1850 Indiana bounty land
8 pages: pension from 1812 War
1 picture (negative) see: Jackson P. Hungate
1 page: family chart, unmarried
1 page: Newburg, Indiana High School yearbook page
12 pages: records from War of 1812; land in Iowa
1 page: War of 1812 Kentucky Militia
2 pages & family chart (wife: Bertha Palmer)
21 pages: Virginia estate settlement
7 pages: Washington County, Indiana
12 pages: Civil War records
4 pages: Mexican War records
3 pages: Kentucky Volunteers
17 pages: Civil War records Co. H, 4 Kentucky Mounted Infantry, Union Army.
Died Dec. 15, 1861
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Hungate, John (pension)
Hungate, John Allen
Hungate, John (C.?)
Hungate, Colonel John
Hungate, John D. (military)
Hungate, John H.
Hungate, John H. (military)
Hungate, John H. (Pension)
Hungate, John H. (military - Indiana)
Hungate, John H. (real estate)
Hungate, John Henry
Hungate, John Hurley
Hungate, John Leonard
Hungate, John Manson
Hungate, John Ralph
Hungate, Jonathon Sissil
Hungate, John Chester
Hungate, Joseph Thomas
Hungate, Joyce Gail
Hungate, J. P.
Hungate, Judith Carol
Hungate, Julia Ann
Hungate, Julia Ulena
Hungate, L. A.
Hungate, Lilla May
Hungate - Land Patents & Settlements
Hungate, Leatrice June
Hungate, Laura A.
Hungate, Leland Edgar
Hungate, LeRoy
Hungate, Lela Mae
Hungate, Lena
7 pages: Civil War
1 page: family chart (wife: Elizabeth Janney)
1 page: biographical info
1 page: bio info
4 pages: War of 1812 records from Kentucky volunteers
7 pages: biographical info (Illinois)
8 pages: Civil War: Co. D, 11 Missouri Infantry
12 pages: Civil War service
2 pages: 1847 enlistment
5 pages: 1872-1873 Washington County, Nebraska deeds, etc.
1 page: family chart (wife: Augusta Tanner)
1 page: 1945 Kentucky birth certificate
1 page: 1935 Montana death certificate (infant)
1 page: 1943 Kentucky birth certificate
1 page: 1937 Virginia marriage certificate to Katie Hickok Shelton
1 page: 1935 Oregon death certificate
1 page: family chart: born 1878 @ Ark.
1 page: bio info (envelope)
1 page: family chart (husband: Jan Haskert)
Nebraska Warranty Deed
1 page: 1939 Kentucky birth certificate
family charts of sons: Douglas Freeman & William Henry Freeman
1 page: 1944 Virginia marriage certificate to Harry Edward Kirkner
1 page: family chart (wife: Emma I. Barrett)
1 page: family chart (husband: Thomas Burbery)
25 pages: handwritten chapter from family story
1 page: family chart (husband: Joseph Cordova)
1 page: 1944 Washington State death certificate
1 page: handwritten biographical info
1 page: family chart (wife: Mollie Ann Shurtz)
1 page: family chart (Husband: -- Steinsultz)
1 page: family chart (husband: Silas Rainey)
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Hungate, Leonard Wathen
Hungate, Lester "Buster"
Hungate, Lillie May
Hungate, Lizzie
Hungate, Loretta
Hungate - Lockhart
Hungate, Lorinda Pearl
Hungate, Louvina Ann
Hungate, Lucinda
Hungate, Lulu G.
Hungate, Lula May
Hungate, Luther H.
Hungate, Luther Jay
Hungate, Lyle Lavern
Hungate, Lloyd Albert
Hungate, Mabel Geraldine
Hungate, Major
Hungate, Major (military)
Hungate, Major (military - Illinois)
Hungate, Major S. (will/probate)
Hungate, Marjorie
Hungate, Malissa
Hungate Manuscript Master - File 1
Hungate Manuscript Master - File 2
Hungate Manuscript Master - File 3
Hungate Manuscript Master - File 4
Hungate Manuscript Master - File 5
Hungate, Marie L.
Hungate, Margaret (estate sale)
Hungate, Margaret
Hungate, Margaret Irene
1 page: family chart (wife: Maude Williams
1 page: family chart (wife: Pearl McFarland)
1 page: 1920 Virginia marriage certificate to Kyle Bower
1 page: 1886 Washington State marriage document to Herbert Gardner
1 page: family chart (husband: Harold Eugene Churchill)
2 pages: family charts for John Lockhart and Samuel Lockhart, sons of Levi
Lockhart & Elizabeth Hungate
2 pages: family chart (husband: Delbert Smith) & 1915 Indiana marriage abstract
2 pages: 1936 Nebraska Will & affidavit
1 page: 1871 Virginia marriage license to F. C. Kesler
1 page: 1951 Washington State death certificate
1 page: 1906 Virginia marriage license to Jordan Weis
1 page: 1947 Virginia marriage certificate to Eva Mae Sweeney
genealogical info
1 page: genealogical info
1 page: 1951 Montana birth certificate
1 page: 1921 Montana birth certificate
1 page: family chart (wife: Mae Minton)
Civil War - Confederate Army
2 pages: Black Hawk War
13 pages: Oregon Will
1 page: family chart (husband: Wallace Howard Ruetten)
2 pages: Nebraska Warranty Deeds
pages 2-42
pages 43-84
pages 85-144
pages 145-191
pages 192-211
1 page: 1951 Washington State death certificate
1 page: 1932 Virginia record of estate sale
1 page: family chart (husband: John P. Davis)
1 page: genealogical info
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Hungate, Marion J. (born 1919)
Hungate, Marion J.
Hungate, Marion Lafayette
Hungate, Marjorie
Hungate, Marjorie Myrle
Hungate, Marquis L. (military)
Hungate, Marquis L. (pension)
Hungate, Marquis Lafayette (M. L.)
Hungate, Martha Ann
Hungate, Martha Caroline
Hungate, Martha Rose
Hungate - Martin
Hungate, Marvin Lee
Hungate, Marvin Lee (born 1940)
Hungate, Mary
Hungate, Mary Ann
Hungate, Mary C.
Hungate, Mary Cleo
Hungate, Mary Ellen
Hungate, Mary Jane
Hungate, Mary Marie
Hungate, Maryland
Hungate, Mary Theresa
Hungate, Max Edwin
Hungate, Maxine
Hungate - Meaghir, Nancy
Hungate, Melba Joyce
Hungate, Merl
Hungate, Merritt
Hungate, Michael
1 page: 1972 Oregon death certificate
1 page: genealogical info re father, Jefferson D. & grandfather, Marion M.
1 page: 1953 Kansas obituaries
1 page: 1955 Virginia marriage certificate to Claude Harmon Goddard
1 page: 1925 Colorado birth certificate
3 pages: Civil War - Union
9 pages: pension records
15 pages: genealogical & biographical info
1 page: 1928 Washington State death certificate
4 pages: biographical & genealogical info
1936 Montana birth certificate & 1957 marriage license to William Ernest Royer
7 pages: Martin, McCoy & Hungate genealogy plus tree & coat of arms: see
Hungate, Martha Caroline
1 page: family chart (wife: Mary Hurley)
1 page: 1940 Kentucky birth certificate
1 page: 1921 Kentucky birth certificate
2 pages: family chart & 1952 Indiana marriage license to John W. Shull
1 page: 1922 Washington State death certificate
1 page: 1940 Virginia marriage certificate to Buford Edward Linkous
1 page: handwritten genealogical info
1 page: handwritten biographical & genealogical info (husband: Douglas W.
1 page: family chart (husband: William Colliver)
1 page: family chart of son: W. Emmet Johnson
1 page: 1941 Kentucky birth certificate
3 pages: includes 1925 Colorado birth certificate
1 page: 1946 marriage license to Carl R. Neaveill (Posey County, Indiana)
1 page: bio info
1 page: 1952 marriage license to Joseph Lee Coulter (Posey County, Indiana)
f1 page: family chart (wife: Blanche Born)
1 page: letter from Wm. C. Hungate to C.P. Hungate re Merritt Hungate
2 pages: family chart (wife: Emma Barrett) & 1883 Indiana marriage affidavit
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Hungate, Miles J.
Hungate, Minerva
Hungate - Missionary's House
Hungate, M. Jackson
Hungate, Monterville (military)
Hungate, Monterville (pension)
Hungate, Muriel Lillian
Hungate, Myrtle
Hungate, Myrtle Lodese
Hungate, Nadine May
Hungate, Nancy
Hungate, Nancy (born April 4, 1884)
Hungate, Nancy A.
Hungate, Nancy Katherine
Hungate, Napoleon N.
Hungate, Nathan Ward
Hungate Newsletter
Hungate, Norman G.
Hungate, Nina Frances
Hungate, Otis Elmo
Hungate, Paul Melwood
Hungate, Pearl
Hungate, Pearl Grace
Hungate, Pearl Louise
Hungate, Pearly Emaline
Hungate, Peoria Sophronia
Hungate, Pierre j.
Hungate, Polly
HUNGATE - "Prelude to Albion Historical Background"
Hungate, Quinton Ward (born 1877)
Hungate, Quinton Ward
1 page: from 1870 Iowa census
1 page: incomplete family chart
32 pages: handwritten chapter of family story
2 pages: family chart info (wife: Maria A. Farris)
7 pages: Civil War records-Union
6 pages: Civil War pension records-Illinois
1 page: 1934 Virginia marriage license to Walter Ernest McPeake
1 page: 1937 Indiana marriage license to Clarence H. Hutchinson
4 pages: family charts husband: Delmar Jo Braden & their subsequent families
1 page: letter to Dr. Carroll Hungate
1 page: incomplete family chart
1 page: 1929 Kentucky death certificate
1 page: 1907 Indiana marriage affidavit to John R. hardesty
1 page: letter to Dr. Carroll Hungate from Charles W. Kays, grandson of Nancy
Katherine Hungate
1 page: 1886 Illinois marriage certificate to Viola Cullins
1 page: biographical info
2 pages: June 1972, Vol. II, no. 2
2 pages: handwritten letter to Dr. Hungate re family history & family chart
1 page: 1941 Virginia marriage license to Hosea Roy Kingrea
8 pages: biographical info, incl. Kansas census records 1885 & 1895
1 page: 1918 Kentucky birth certificate
1 page: 1896 Montana marriage license to Charles Flynn
1 page: family chart (husband: Gil Davis)
1 page: family chart (husband: Curtis Wright)
1 page: family chart (husband: Woodford J. Pope "Woody")
1 page: family chart (husband: Richard Flanagan)
9 pages: handwritten Chapter of family story
1 page: family chart (husband: Henry Kennedy)
3 pages: handwritten part of family story
1 page: family chart (wife: Gertrude--)
3 pages: family chart: (wife: Ethel Lawrence)
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Hungate, Ralph Robert
Hungate, Randall Kieth
Hungate, Ray Raleigh
Hungate, Rhoda
Hungate, Richard
Hungate, Robert (born 1927)
Hungate, Robert B.
Hungate, Robert Baker
Hungate, Robert Baker III
Hungate, Robert Beryl
Hungate, Robert D. O. (military)
Hungate, Dr. Robert
Hungate, Robert Edward
Hungate, Robert Paul
Hungate, Robert Theodore
Hungate, Rodger C.
Hungate, Roger Lee
Hungate, Roscoe S.
Hungate, Roxie Imogene
Hungate, Roy Curtis
Hungate, Roy Lee
Hungate, Ruby
Hungate, Ruby Louise
Hungate, Ruby May
Hungate, Ruth
Hungate, Ruth Geneveve
Hungate, Sadie
Hungate, Sammy Kay
Hungate - Sand Creek Massacre
1 page: biographical info
1 page: family chart (wife: Carole Sue Frailey)
1 page: family chart (Wife: Prudence F. Schlueter)
1 page: incomplete family chart
7 pages: Virginia property deeds
2 pages: info letter to Dr. Hungate & family chart
1 page: info letter
1 page: family chart (wife: Laurina Paula Thibert)
1 page: 1969 Washington State death certificate
1 page: family chart (wife: Carolyn Hilligoss)
Civil War records Indiana Union
1 page: letter to Dr. Carroll Hungate from "Marigold" re: family info
1 page: family chart (wife: Alice E. Wolcott)
1 page: genealogical info
2 pages: 1872 Illinois marriage certificate to Martha J. Johnson & 1925 Illinois
death certificate
Maryland photo
1 page: biographical info
1 page: 1918 Virginia marriage license to Olive J. Sorchett
1 page: family chart (husband: Cecil Browning)
1 page: 1940 Virginia marriage certificate to Helen Louise Cole
1 page: genealogical info
2 pages: 1894 Montana birth certificate & 1912 marriage license to Virgil
1 page: 1947 Virginia marriage certificate to Louis Coy Cunningham
1 page: 1923 Virginia marriage license to Robert O. Myers
1 page: family chart (husband: Wade Justin Young)
1 page: verification of Indiana 1882 infant death
1 page: 1905 Kansas census
1 page: biographical info
July 1935 copy of "The Colorado Magazine" & 2 pages: Empire Magazine re:
killing of Hungate family
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Hungate, Sandra Faye
Hungate, Sarah
Hungate, Sarah Catherine
Hungate, Sarah Elizabeth
Hungate, Sophronia
Hungate - "In Southern Indiana"
Hungate, Stallard
Hungate, Stella
Hungate, Stiles
Hungate - "Supplemental Notes"
Hungate - "Supplemental Notes" (2)
Hungate, Thad Lewis
Hungate, Thomas
Hungate, Thomas Cornwell
Hungate, Thomas R.
Hungate, Thomas W.
Hungate, Tincie Lula
Hungate, Turner Buchanan
Hungate, Uriah
Hungate, V. Beryl
Hungate, Vera Mae
Hungate, Vernon Edward
Hungate, Vesta D.
Hungate, Wade
Hungate, Walter Marion
Hungate, Walter (born 1876)
1 page: family chart (husband: William James Reynolds)
1 page: 1917 Oregon death certificate
1 page: family chart (husband: Edward Henry)
1 page: biographical info
1 page: family chart of her son, Madell D. Coleman
28 pages: handwritten chapter of family story
1 page: family chart (wife: Maud Pearson)
1 page: 1918 Oregon death certificate
1 page: 1912 Kentucky birth certificate
41 pages: handwritten family story
38 pages: handwritten family story
1 page: biographical info
1 page: 1911 Tennessee marriage certificate to Zallie Westmoreland
4 faces photo of Hungates (negative) & 1894 Nebraska marriage certificate to
Mrs. Louvine Tyson & 2 pages genealogical info
2 pages: 1922 Virginia Will
1 page: letter from Washington county, Nebraska
1 page: 1945 Virginia marriage certificate to James Hershell Mattox
1 page: family chart (wife: Elizabeth Cloud)
1 page: 1955 letter to Naomi from Dr. Carroll Hungate
2 page letter to Dr. Carroll Hungate from Mrs. Beryl Hungate with genealogical
info & family chart (wife: Blanche Rigdon)
1 page: family chart (husband:---Kalisek)
1 page: info letter to Dr. Carroll Hungate re "Lincoln, Nebraska" families & 2
pages: copies family chart (wife: Florence Rose Butterbaugh)
1 page: 1904 Nebraska death certificate
2 pages: 1870 Illinois marriage certificate & 1882 petition for Letters of
4 pages: 1934 Montana marriage license to Beth Anderson, family tree & 1966
Montana death certificate & 1907 Montana birth certificate
1 page: handwritten genealogical info
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Hungate, Walter Marion, Jr.
Hungate, Ward Rutherford
Hungate, Wayne J.
Hungate, Wilber Harrison
Hungate, William (born 1708)
Hungate, William
Hungate, William (c 1780)
Hungate, William ((born 1826)
Hungate, William (born 1899)
Hungate, William (military) (born 1826)
Hungate, William (pension) (born 1826)
Hungtate, William Alonzo
Hungate, William Clark
Hungate, William Davis
Hungate, William (deed)
Hungate, William Don
Hungate, William (indentures/will)
Hungate, William Frank
Hungate, William Jay
Hungate, William L.
Hungate, William Leonard
Hungate, William Murle
Hungate, William Thomas
Hungate, William Rufus
Hungate, Winford L.
Hungate, Zuma Hazel
Hunt, Lillie Florence
Hunter, William L.
2 pages: 1937 Montana birth certificate & 1962 Montana marriage license to
LaVon Marie McCurdy
1 page: family chart (wife: Maybell Stonebreaker)
1 page: family chart & biographical info
1 page: 1917 Kentucky birth certificate
1 page: family chart (wife: Nancy--)
1 page: family chart (wife: ---Garvin?)
1 page: pedigree tree
family chart (wife: Nancy Burnett), 1893 Illinois marriage certificate to Mrs.
Cordelia Burnett; family info, & Illinois Petition to Probate Will
1 page: biographical info
11 pages: Civil War records-Illinois Infantry-Union
9 pages: Civil War pension records-Illinois
1 page: family chart (wife: Una Dulcie Farr)
2 pages: copies family chart (wife: Minerva J. Sissel), & 1 page from 1885 Kansas
census, & Bible records re; family
1 page: family chart (wife: Doce Narville)
4 pages: Virginia deeds
1 page: family chart (wife: Ellen Works) & 2 copies 1943 Oregon death certificate
7 pages: Virginia documents
1 page: family chart (wife: Frances McFarland) & 2 pages: bio info
1 page: family chart (wife: Madelyn Eastwood)
4 pages: Shelbina Democrat, Shelbina, Mo.
2 pages: copies family chart (wife: Dorothy Bell Wilson)
1 page: 1936 Oregon death certificate
1 page: family chart
1 page: 1928 Virginia marriage license to Lelia Roxie Smith
1 page: genealogical info by mother, Maude Hungate
1 page: family chart (husband: Arthur Weisbecker)
1 page: 1911 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
6 photos & 6 misc. items
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Hurd, Herman
Hurd, Thaddeus B.
Hurlburt, Eldon
Ingalls - Wilder, Laura
Inman, Anna E.
Jackson County Historical Society
Jackson County Jail
Jackson, Robert C.
Jackson, W. A.
James, Jesse
James, Richard
Jameson, J. D. ("Red")
Jardon, Cecil "Mike"
Jefferies, Raymond E.
Johnson, Alex
Johnson, Clarence F.
Johnson, E. A. (Gus)
Johnson, Eric Chester
Johnson, Marjorie B.
Johnson, William Henry
Johnston, Ernest Albert
Johnson, (Williams, Mrs. Reginald N. is married name),
Frances McCauley lineage
Johnson, Nathan
Johnson, Stewart M.
Jones, Clarence William
4 pages: including 1963 Clyde, Ohio obituary & photo
9 pages: including 1985 Clyde, Ohio obituary & 1974 photo
1947 engagement notice to Anna E. Inman
1 page: 9/2/1966 KC Star article re author's house @ Mansfield, Mo.
23 pages: "The Inman Family of Surry & Sussex Counties, Virginia and some of
their kin" by Joseph Francis Inman, 1975
1 page: engagement announcement to Eldon Hurlburt, 1947
3 pages: newspaper articles
1 page: KC Times 1959 newspaper article re: history of jail
1 page: 1969 obituary
1 page: 1899 marriage announcement to Miss Dora Renick
1 page: 1966 KC Times article re burial @ Kearney, Mo.
1 page: page 144 of Maryland Calendar of Wills
1 page: 1965 KC Times re: retirement from Depot job
1 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: 1991 article re genealogy @ Benton county
7 pages: "Jennings Family Garrard County, Kentucky" 1929
6 pages: 1965 KC Star article & 5 pages: genealogical info
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: 1959 article re: eviction from JaCoMo Park property
1 page: 1960 obituary
2 pages: family chart of his father & pedigree chart
1 page: 1971 obituary
2 pages: presentation letter from Edward F. Bowman & 14 pages: "William H.
Johnson - Educator, (and his place in Jackson County History)"
1 page: 1965 obituary
5 pages: genealogical info
1 page: obituary
2 pages: family chart & 1960 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
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Jones, Elenor (Sedge)
Jones, James H. & Nellie M.
Jones, Marie (Field)
Joseph, Lyall E.
Keating, George
Keck, Pearl
Keinadt, Michael & Diller, Margaret
Keister, Ward Lavon, II
Kemp, Richard
Kennedy, Emma Smith
Kennedy, Mary Alice (Thompson)
Kilet, Charles
Kindred, Andrew
Kindred, Ephrain
Kindred, Granville L.
Kindred, Hezekiah
Kindred, India
Kindred, James
Kindred, Juda
Kindred, Lewis G.
Kindred, Thomas
Kindred, Thomas (family church)
Kindred, William
King, David Cornelius
6 pages & family chart: by Laura Schroeder Smith, 8th grader
1 page: 1902 obituary
1 page: 1971 Probate petition
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
2 pages: biographical info
1 page: 1912 memorial poem
13 pages: "A Historical Sketch of ---" 1892 & 1941
2 pages: 1972 obituary
6 pages from Leavenworth Times: family obituaries, etc.
1 page: from "Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents & Grants,
1623-1666 by Nugent"
7 pages: genealogical info of family, compiled by Ella Kennard
36 pages: "Sand in their Craws" by Mary H. Kelly
1 page: 1960 obituary: granddaughter of Joseph Smith
1 page: 1934 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
7 pages: land records (Jackson County, Indiana), Civil War records, etc.
1 page: Civil War record
2 pages: Civil War records
4 pages: property/loan records (Illinois)
8 pages: property/loan records (Illinois)
10 pages: property/loan records (Illinois)
15 pages: more property/loan records (Illinois)
2 pages: property/loan records (Illinois)
1 page: letter from VA re biographical info
3 pages: legal records
2 photos of Nether Denton Church, Cumberland, England where Thomas Kindred
was baptized, 1760
28 pages: Mercer County, Mo. Will 1881
2 pages: family charts 18th, 19th & 20th centuries
1 page: 1928 obituary
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King, Floyd E.
King, Rufus
Kirchner, Jack J.
Kirker, William Earl
Knapp, Merle Coe, Sr.
Knight, Nora
Kraft, Velman I.
Ksiazek, Helen Josephine
Lacock, Carol Joyce
Lacock - Michigan
Lacy, Thomas & Curran, Ellen
Laffoon, William B.
Landers, Thomas B. Family
Landrum file 1
Landrum file 2
Landrum file 3
Landrum file 4
Landrum file 5
Landrum (Bible Records) file 6
Landrum, George Washington
Landrum, J. J. (John)
Landrum, John
Landrum, Rev. John G.
Landrum, John William
Landrum, Thomas
Landrum, Thomas and descendants
Landrum, Thomas (Descendants of)
Landrum, Thomas Richard
Landrum, William
Lane, Gen. James Henry
1 page: 1965 obituary
8 pages: criminal court records at Wabaunsee County, Ks.
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1969 obituary
1 page: biographical info (no date)
1 page: 1964 obituary
1 page: 1968 obituary
1 page: family tree, starting with Eric Lee, born 1947
1 page: 1970 obituary
4 generation pedigree chart
3 pages: (2 sided) Michigan families
7 pages: genealogical info by Mrs. Pat Mathews
1 page: 1973 obituary
9 pages: "Thomas B. landers' Family and the Civil War" several family stories
4 pages: genealogical info - Virginia
53 pages: DAR application of Roberta Vesta Landrum
56 pages: genealogical info (research by J.H. Landrum)
Approx.. 78 pages: genealogical info & picture of Roberta Landrum
7 pages: DAR application of Jane Walden Landrum Bell
14 pages: genealogical info
25 pages: copied from Landrum Bible
1 page: 1963 obituary
4 pages: Civil War records (Confederate)
6 pages: John Landrum & his sons; Orange Co. & Chatham Co. N. C.
10 pages : "Life of Rev. John Landrum" chapter 1
1 page: 1945 marriage announcement to Miss Dorothy Barron
15 pages: Rev. War records, Will & biographical info
10 pages: "Amherst County, Va. Thomas Landrum & Descendants"
162 pages: genealogical info
3 pages: genealogical info
1 page: will info
1 page: Missouri Heritage-Civil War article
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Larrick, Inex (Latimer)
Latter Day Saints' Temples
Lawler, Leslie R.
Laycox Coat of Arms
Laycox Deeds
Laycox / Laycock Family charts
Laycock - New Jersey
Laycock - Ohio
Laycox, Mayme
Laycox, Randolph G.
Lea, Thomas C.
Leinweber - Chrisman mansion
Lendrum, William
Lewallen, Jackie Lee, PFC
Lewis Family Tree (descendants of Robert Lewis)
Lewis, Claude H.
Lewis, Emma
Lewis, Wm. T. Herschel
Link / Linck / Linkous
Lions Club (Independence)
Lister, Albert F.
Liston, Virdon Milne
Litts, Sarah (Davis)
Lobb Cemetery
Lobb (Little Blue) Church
Lobb, Elizabeth
Long, Charles A.
Long, George Alvin
Long, Harriet
1 page: 1973 obituary
4 pages: 1974 newspaper article re: Temple "Rules"
1 page: 1965 obituary
4 pages: genealogy by Mayme Gazlay Laycox
3 pages
39 pages: family charts
2 pages: genealogical info
1 page: genealogical info
2 pages: 2002 obituary & pedigree chart
1 page: 1923 Ohio death certificate
5 pages: biographical info, including 1910 funeral notice
8 pages: family genealogical info
1 page: 1968 newspaper article re: historical house razing
1 page: 1779 Virginia Will
1 page: 1970 obituary
2 pages: genealogical info from Askew School project
located in Chart Trolley
1 page: 1966 funeral program
1 page: 1929 obituary
1 page: 1958 funeral program
15 pages: family charts
2 pages: 1960 Independence Examiner picture & article
1 page: 1962 obituary
2 pages: 1970 obituary
1 page: obituary
6 pages: Jackson County Sentinel, 1968 re: desecrated
6 pages: history of church
1 page: 1915 memorial card
15 pages: genealogical info from England and connection to Landrum family
1 page: 1960 obituary
2 pages: 1960 obituary
1 page: 1959 obituary
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Long, Linda Mae
Long, Maryetta
Long, Nannie V.
Long, Robert Alexander
Long, Thomas R. (Mrs.)
Long, Turl D.
Lorentzen, Paulus
Love, Beryl (married surname: Tice)
Love, Chester H.
Love - Whitley
Loving, John
Loving, William
Lowe, Harley A.
Luckan, Blanche Grace
Lundberg, Elmer
Lunsford, Thomas
Luther, Captain John
Lynch, Alice
Lynch, Riley and Isabella (McGrew)
Mabry, Elmer
Mabry, Riley, Jr. and Ruth (Frazier)
Maddocks, Lazarus
Maddox file 1
Maddox file 2
Maddox file 3
Maddox file 4
Maddox file 5
Maddox file 6
Maddox file 7
2 pages re: "Miss Raytown" in 1959
1 page: 1959 obituary
1 page: 1959 obituary
3 pages: newspaper articles, including 1934 obituary
1 page: obituary
1 page: 1960 obituary
8 pages: pedigree charts
4 pages genealogical & biographical info
4 pages genealogical info & charts
1 page: 1970 obituary
15 pages: genealogical info
21 pages: genealogical info
1 page: letter re: DAR application
8 pages: 1792 Virginia Will
1 page: re: burning of 1839 log house
2 pages: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1943 military promotion
6 pages: genealogical info from 17th century
1 page: genealogical info
96 pages: "The Descendants of Capt. John Luther" compiled by Leslie L. Luther
1 page: 1929 obituary
2 pages: obituaries after killed in car by oncoming train
1 page: obituary
1 page: 1922 marriage announcement
3 pages: 1794 Virginia Will
77 pages genealogical info
Approx.. 54 pages: genealogical info
18 pages: genealogical info
Approx.. 60 pages: genealogical info
32 pages: genealogical info
144 pages: genealogical info
45 pages: genealogical info
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Maddox file 8
Maddox file 9
Maddox / Dinwiddie and allied families
Maddox / Dinwiddie and allied families
Maddox / Dinwiddie and allied families (2)
Maddox / Dinwiddie and allied families (file 3)
Maddox / Dinwiddie and allied families (file 4)
Maddox, Harry
Maddox, John
Maddox, Rev. John
Maddox, Margreter
Maddox, Marquis D. Family
Maddox, Notley
Maddox, Samuel
Maddox, Thomas
Maddox, Thomas Hezikiah and family
Maddox, William
Maddux (Madux), Alex
Maddux, Lazarus
Major, Martha
Mann, Robert C.
Martin, Jeanette Ann
Martin, John VanBuren (Mr. & Mrs.)
Martin, Myra Nichols (lineage)
Mason, Emery
Marvin, Enoch Mather
Mason / Parson
Masten / Mastin
Matlock, George
30 pages: Maddox/Mattox/Maddux genealogical info
39 pages: genealogical info
122 pages: "Ancestry of ---" compiled by Roberta V. Landrum Wiley 1973: gift
Book #1B
pages 1-143 (of 393) from Original Book #1: "Ancestry ---"
pages 144-234 (of 393) from Original Book #1 "Ancestry ---"
pages 235-368 (of 393) "Ancestry ---"
pages 369-393 of "Ancestry --" index
3 pages: genealogical info
1 page: 1782 Will
3 pages: search info
1 page: page 57 from Maryland Calendar of Wills
1 page: family chart (wife: Sarah Margaret Sparks)
28 pages: including Rev. War records and family chart (wife: Susannah Burch)
8 pages: genealogical info incl. Maryland Calendar of Wills pages 57 & 144
2 pages: Maryland Calendar of Wills-pages 30 & 178
family info (wife: Maria Caroline Gaines)
4 pages: 1813 Will, etc.
1 page: page 105 from Maryland Calendar of Wills
2 pages: pages 104 &159 from Maryland Calendar of Wills
70 pages: "The Maine History" by Bessie Sawyer Myer
3 pages: 19th century Nebraska family history
1 page: 1960 obituary
1 page: 1960 wedding announcement to Miss Kossine Downing
1 page: obituary
2 pages: 1907 surprise golden wedding event
1 page: lineage info
1 page: 1908 obituary
15 pages: "First Native Missouri Bishop" by Richard A. Seaton
31 pages: family record of Mrs. Howard L. Kipper for DAR
93 pages: genealogical and biographical info
Approx.. 8 pages: 1801 estate settlement
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Matney, James S.
Matthias, Mary
Maddox, Notley file 2
Mauzey, Alma M.
Mayflower Lineages
McConchie, Margaret W.
McCord, Gertrude
McCoy, John Calvin
McCracken, Rose (Dyer)
McElhattan Family Group pages
McGehee, Melvin Leroy
McGilton, Olive
McGinnis (McGinnes), William H.
McGrin, Thomas A.
McGuire, Lucy
McIntire, Robert C.
McKenzie, Williametta
McLaughlin, James
McMillan, Daniel
McMillen / McMillan
McMurray - Boomer
McPherson, Walter Henry
Merrell, William Stanley
Mertins, Mary E.
Michael, Bert
Michael, M. A.
Miller, Bertha
1 page: 1973 obituary
13 pages: genealogical info
1 page: page 57 from Maryland Calendar of Wills
3 pages: acts & Will
1 page: 1973 obituary
16 pages: some records
29 pages: "History of the McCall Family; 1755-1955"
2 pages: 1966 article r:e death & Obituary
1 page: 1962 obituary
2 pages: family chart & obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
12 pages: family charts, starting with Alexander B. Born 1814
1 page: family chart (wife: Margaret A. Green)
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: family chart (wife: Eliza Jane Landrum)
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: 1965 funeral program
2 pages: 1971 obituary
16 pages: genealogical info with pedigree charts & picture
1 page: 1972 obituary
3 pages: pedigree charts
1 page: 1811 North Carolina Will
10 pages: Wills and inventories
17 pages: "The McMurray-Boomer Families of Ireland, Pennsylvania, Illinois &
Iowa" by Agnes Boomer Pierce
1 page: family chart (Wife: Sally Colvin)
130th anniversary booklet of Wm. S. Merrell Co. published 1958
1 page: 1924 obituary
2 pages: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
3 pages: genealogical info starting with Elizabeth Cook Morse Miller, born 1863
1 page: obituary
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Mills, Peter
Mitchell, Doris (Bates)
Mitchell, George William
Mitchell, Thomas Jr. Family
Mock, David, Dr.
Monday / Munday
Monroe, Loma V.
Moone, Abraham
Moore, Albert
Moore, Bertha Jane
Moore, Carl Jackson
Moore, Carol Lea
Moore, Denton H.
Moore, Donna Rae
Moore, Dorothy Ann
Moore, Anna Lenna (Mrs. Levi Durns)
Moore, John Wesley
Moore, Louetta Potts
Moore, Lowell
Moore, Mary
Moore, Mary Adelia
Moore, Minnie
Moore, Nancy June
Moore, Orin A.
Moore, Sheldon H.
Moore, W. C.
Moore, William Harrison
1 page: page 144 from Maryland Calendar of Wills
3 pages: genealogical info
1 page: 1965 biographical article
1 page: 1943 marriage announcement to Ailene Austion
1 page: family chart (wife: Susan Amanda Maddox)
1 page: obituary
8 pages: Kentucky & Indiana census records
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: from Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstract of Virginia Land Patents & grants,
21 pages: including 2 pictures, by Faith Marie Moore & genealogical charts, etc.
descendants of Henry Clay of Kentucky
3 pages: descendant of William Moore
1 page: 1960 scholarship award
1 page: 1958 obituary
1 page: 1959 obituary
2 pages: 1959 article re musical honors
1 page: 1960 obituary
3 pages: 1960 musical honors & music scholarship (sister of Carol lea)
1 page: 1959 obituary
1 page: 1926 obituary
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: article re: photographer
3 pages: 1966 & 1967 newspaper articles re: injured teacher
1 page: 1959 obituary
1 page: 1960 obituary
2 pages: American Royal Queen in 1958
1 page: 1959 obituary
1 page: 1960 obituary
2 pages: 1958 article & picture re: "Turtle Club" (safety award)
genealogical info
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Folder Index
Moore, William L.
Moore, Zora Lee
Moore, Edna
Moore, Elisha
Moore, Esther
Moore, Flaven O.
Moore, Frank H.
Moore, Guy Rowe
Masterson, John D.
Mathes, Rev. Alvin Rush
Moore, Hattie Gladys
Moore, Hattie Parks
Moore, Heath
Moore, Col. Horace L.
Moore, James
Moore, James F.
Moore, Jesse N.
Moore, Mrs. John
Moores, William Parson
More, Phillip Dan
Morrow, Benjamin H.
Morrow, Williams Barton
Morse charts
Morse, Edward Clarke
Morse Family Bible
4 pages: pictures from Blue Summit School where he was teacher
1 page: obituary
1 page: 1960 obituary
1 page: genealogical info
1 page: 1958 marriage announcement to Donald Perry
1 page: 1960 obituary
1 page: 1959 newspaper story by Bill Moore about story by Frank L. Moore and
his father, Col. Horace L. Moore
1 page: 1916 obituary
2 pages: copies of family and biographical info
2 pages: biographical and genealogical info (wife: Alice Dinwiddie)
1 page: 1960 obituary
1 page: 1960 obituary
1 page: 1959 obituary
1 page: 1959 story by Bill Moore about Horace L. Moore and his son, Frank H.
1 page: 1967 story re: Naval Academy appointment
1 page: 1960 obituary
1 page: 1959 obituary
1 page: 1969 obituary
2 pages: biographical sketch
1 page: 1959 obituary
1850 & 1860 Ohio & Iowa census records and genealogical info by Mrs. James W.
3 pages: request letter & genealogical info
5 pages: family chart (wife: Amanda Marsh) & 4 obituaries
1 page: 1969 obituary
3 pages: genealogical info
57 pages: family charts compiled by Paul F. Morse
20 pages: genealogical info
5 pages: from family Bible, starting with Jonas Morse, born 1770
2 pages: Coats of Arms & family info
4 pages: story about Nathan Mosher & letter from Judith A. Mosher
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Mosslander, Zena Blanche (Boatman)
Morse, Walter Cripps Blake
Mudd, Thomas
Mueller, Barbara
Munroe Family Bible
Muir - Cabness, Bettie M.
Myers, Joseph W.
Napier, William G. B.
Nation, Carrie
Neal, Fernando Phineas
Neal, Thomas Hoard, Sr.
Nelson, William Rockhill
Newman, Esther
New Salem Baptist Church
Newton, Robert I. sr.
Nichols, Burton L.
Nicholson, John Edward
Nivens, Joseph Edward
Norris, Samuel
Odessa College Program, Class of 1889
Oelschlaeger, Herman
Oliaro, Adam Francis
Olmstead, Wilbur
O'Neill, Mary Elizabeth
Noland, Mary Frances
Noland, Emma
1 page: 1970 obituary
7 pages: lineage papers
refer to Moulder Family Tree
1 page: page 57 from Maryland Calendar of Wills
4 pages: "An Ancestor who interests me" by Mrs. L. C. Stump
2 family charts: Hiram Muir & wife: Nancy Parr, and?
11 pages: including Nathan Munroe, born @ Maine 1804
9 pages: including 2 pictures & biographical and obituary
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1923 obituary
1 page: 2-sided, handwritten family story by Mrs. C. N. Elliott
1 page: family chart (wife: Ida Davis Adkins)
1 page: 1965 obituary
2 pages: 1965 & 1967 articles about founder of Nelson Art Gallery
2 pages: Coats of Arms & family info
1 page: 1965 obituary
3 pages: from Memorandum Book (see: Grand Detour Plow Company file in
H.A.G.S. collection)
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1966 obituary
2 pages: copies obituaries
1 page: page 178 from Maryland Calendar of Wills
graduation program
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: 1943 commissioned 2nd Lieutenant
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1928 obituary
19 pages: "Families of Connecticut prior to 1800" compiled by Claude W. Barlow
in 1965
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Orr, Ivan J.
Orrick, Frank J.
Osborne, Hattie
Osiier, Evelyn Mary
Owens, Ellen M.
Paddock, Alma
Palmer, William Notley
Palmer, Clara A.
Palmer, Florence Marie
Pardee, Robert B.
Parker, Margaret Lavell
Parks, John
Parr - Muir, Nancy
Parrish, Doney
Patrick, John
Payne, William Curtis
Peace, Isaac
Peak, James M.
Pearl - Waller
Pennsylvania Study Group
Pentecost, Barbara Louise
Perkins, Abraham Family
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1962 obituary
3 pages: 1965 obituaries
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
3 pages: genealogical info
8 pages: "North Carolina Paces in Clay County, KY" by Jane C. Britt
1 page: 1971 obituary
2 pages: 1965 obituary & letter
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1955 wedding announcement to Ens. Richard Edgar Buzbee
1 page: 1968 obituary
14 pages: genealogical info by Mrs. Ida Pendergast Parker
1 page: 1961 obituary
1750 Indenture legal papers
3 pages: "My Most Interesting Ancestor Who Lived in Jackson County 1750" by
her granddaughter Mrs. Bettie Muir-Cabness
1 page: 1799 Virginia marriage record to Thomas Landrum
1 page: 1807 Kentucky Deed of Bethel Church
1 page: family chart (Wife: Virginia Corine Casey)
1 page: biographical sketch
1 page: funeral announcement
16 pages: genealogical info contributed by Dorothy Stinson Joyce (Mrs. Ruel L.)
86 pages: genealogical info & trees
17 pages: "Penning Family History: 1849-1957" compiled by Erma Foster Penning
9 pages: family charts & obits & other genealogical info
15 pages: historical info, including several "Information Leaflets" from
Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission
1 page: 1933 obituary
83 pages: family group pages starting with George Perkins of Abbots Salford Co.
of Warwick, England
18 pages: family charts starting with Abraham of Hampton, N. H., born 1611
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Perkins Family
Perkins Family by E. Perkins
Perkins, Isaac Family
Perkins, John Family
Perkins, Stephen
Perkins, William Edward
Perlman, Anna
Perry, Donald
Perry, Oliver N.
Perry, Vern Webb
Peters Bible Records
Peterson, Earl F.
Penn, Jesse
Phelps, Kathryn E.
Phipps Family
Pierson, Torvald (Pete)
Pinson / Pinzon
Pipkin, William Philip III
Pippert, Irvin Edward
Plumer, William
Pohl, Henry W.
Pope, Burwell
4 pages: pedigree charts, etc.
35 pages: "The Perkins Family" by Edward Perkins- published 1888
17 pages: family charts starting with Isaac, bro of Abraham, of Hampton, N.H.
35 pages: family charts starting with John, the Elder of Newent Co.
Gloucestershire, England
4 pages: biographical & genealogical info compiled by Robert M. Perkins
1 page: letter from Robert M. Perkins re: inquiry
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1958 wedding announcement to Esther Moore
1 page: 1964 obituary
1 page: 1929 obituary
1 page: 2-sided handwritten info from Peters Bible Records
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: family info; see also PARKER
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
62 pages: "A Phillips Workbook"
14 pages: family charts starting with Lawrence Cowle Phipps & wife: Ibrealla
4 pages: from 1965 Empire Magazine re: Colorado family
1 page: 1961 obituary
2 pages: name origin & variations
2 pages: (2-sided) of pedigree charts
1 page: 1965 obituary
3 pages: handwritten copied Bible Records from Jane Plummer's Bible
1 page: page 181 from Cavaliers & Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patents &
Grants: 1623-1666
1 page: 1970 obituary
32 pages: genealogical info, including Indenture papers of sale of Georgia land
parcel to Thomas Landrum
13 pages: genealogical info, marriage records, etc.
Indenture papers (see: Pope)
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Folder Index
Pope, Priscilla
Potter - Williams, Ellen Priscilla
Pratt, Helen E.
Prewitt, George
Pullin, Richard
Purdue, Melvin P.
Quality Hill (Kansas City, Mo.)
Quest, Charles
Ragan, Jacob
Rake, Mary Louise
Randolph Farm Home
Randall, Minnie Ellen
Rapp, George
Rash, Claiborn Warren Family
Reasor, Daniel and Family (born 23 July, 1782)
Reeves, Josiah
Renick, Dora
Reser, Ervin
Reynolds Land Records
Reynolds, Sadie Virginia (Franklin)
Rhodes, Samuel
Rice, Dan
Rice, Ira Clyde
Richardson, Daniel
Ridgway, Nelson D.
Riffe and related Families
2 pages: Indenture papers (see: Burwell Pope & Pope folders)
11 pages: biographical & genealogical info (1879-1947)
17 pages: genealogical info, obits, etc.
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 professional photo
1 page: page 30 from Maryland Calendar of Wills
1 page: 1966 obituary
13 pages: genealogical info
17 pages: "Quality Hill: The History of a Neighborhood" by Clifford Naysmith
published 1962
biographical info
3 pages: 1868 Will & 1886 Warranty Deed
1 page: obituary
5 pages: genealogical info
1 page: newspaper article re: historical family farm & home
1 page: 1971 obituary
9 pages: his Harmony Society in Pa.
1 page: family chart (wife: Lucy Ann Maddox)
2 pages: historical info
1 page: family chart (wife: Susanah Jackson)
1 page: biographical info
1 page: marriage announcement to W. A. Jackson
1 page: 1972 obituary
4 pages: Tennessee records
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: handwritten military record
"My Grandfather Rice's Family Record" by Sarah A. Hudspeth
1967 biographical info re: "beloved circus clown"
1 page: 1967 obituary
8 pages: "The Daniel Richardson Story" by Lois Inman Baker
1 page: 1969 obituary
28 pages: genealogical info, including King family
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Riggs, Jack Dempsy
Roberts, Roy A.
Robertson, Harold (Mr. & Mrs.)
Robertson, J. Marion (family)
Robertson (family of Culpeper Co.)
Rochester, Harlan A.
Rodgers, Rufus E.
Roe, Harold Edwin
Rogers, Ginger
Rogers, Thomas family
Rogers, Joseph
Roi / Roy
Roi / Roy, Andre
Roley,, Charles E.
Roller, William L. Sr.
Rose, Robert
Ross, David F.
Ross, Mary Elizabeth
Round, John E.
Rowland, Elizabeth
Rowland, William
Royal / Royle
Ruch, Edwin H.
Russell, Jesse Walter
Russell, Martha
Russell - Majors - Waddell National Monument
Rutherford, Grace Louise (Akers)
Sale - Moore, Martha Ann
Salvin, Ann
1 page: family chart (Wife: Virginia Lea (Waresback) Kretzschmer
3 pages: 1967 obituary & tributes
1 page: 1947 birth announcement of daughter
1 page: 1949 newspaper photo of 4 adopted children
44 pages: family pedigree charts, photos, & genealogical info compiled by Lois J.
12 pages: family info & genealogy
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1960 obituary
1 page: 1972 obituary
1 page: 1966 newspaper article re: receives award for famous Missourians
4 pages: genealogical info
5 pages: family Bible
5 pages: "The Roi (Roy) Family History" by Mrs. Roy Hostetter, Sibley, Mo.
4 pages: Andre Roi (Roy) A Patriot; & genealogical info
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
3 pages: 1750 Indenture papers
1 page: inquiry letter to HAGS
1 page: 1958 obituary
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1931 obituary & history
1 page: 1909 obituary
2 pages: 1907 obituary
39 pages: genealogical info compiled by Grace E. Wilson
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1945 article re: "return from Italy" military duty
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: informational pamphlet
1 page: 1968 obituary
2 pages: Tribute to Martha Ann (Sale) Moore
2 pages: tribute letter and 1913 Minnesota death certificate
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Samuels, Catherine
Savagte, Albert L.
Scanlon Family
Scarborough Family
Scherrer, Dan F.
Schmidt, Jacob
Schnebly, Elsie Ellen
Schenck (Shank) and Warlick (Warlock)
Scholl, Septimus
Schrader, Henry and Ida (Cantrell)
Schroyer, George W.
Schulmeyer, Louise
Schwartz, Virgil F.
Scott, Harriet (Bristow)
Scott, Jennie
Scott, John William
Scott, Mathew
Searcy, Frank M. and Mrs. Susan E. Rogers
Searcy, Okal K.
Sears, Alexander
Sears, Emery C.
Sebring (Suebering) file 1
Sebring (Suebering) file 2
Seck, Robert M. Sr.
Settle, Gayle W. B.
1 page: marriage announcement to William G. Humston
22 pages: "Sargert Roots and Branches" compiled by Doris A. Lucas in 1992
1 page: 1973 obituary
19 pages: compiled by Barbara Metygue Scanlon-Ahnentafel Report, 2 April 1997
Family Reunion Photo ca. 1937
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1885 Kansas census page
1 page: 1970 obituary
25 pages : "Historical Sketch of the Schenck and Warlick Families" by Hon. David
Schenck in 1884
5 pages: "My Most Interesting Ancestor Who Lived in Jackson County, Septimus
Scholl" by Octavia Hinde Voegtli
1 page: 1927 marriage announcement
1 page: 1964 dedication of memorial marker @ Waverly Cemetery
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
18 pages: "Great Scotts - Eight Generations of Scotts; 1814-1966" compiled by
Marilyn Dickens Kimberling
2 pages: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1926 obituary
22 pages: genealogical info re family, starting with Washington Scott
1 page: family chart (1st wife: Zarilda)
1 page: marriage announcement
1 page: 1973 obituary
killed by neighbor in self defense
1 page: 1971 obituary
3 pages: lineage info and chart
155 pages: "Some descendants of Roelof Lukassen Suebering (Sebring)" compiled
by John C. Sebring in 1964
129 pages: compiled by John C. Sebring 1964 (as above)
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: 1961 obituary
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Seybold Tavern
Seyler, Robert E.
Shawhan Distillery
Sheffer, Dorothy E.
Sherar, Harry Wheeler
Shibley - Weber, Hazel
Sherrill, Cravens
Shirley, Richard Homer
Short, Cornelius
Shotwell, m Daniel M.
Showalter, Clarence Murray
Shrout, David
Shrout, Hurst and Marie (Storms)
Shuck, Mary Gertrude
Simpson, William
Sims, Gerald D.
Sitterley, George
Skene file 1
Skene file 2
Skorija, Rudolph (Roy Smith)
Slaughter, Susan (Winn)
Slusher, David Francis
Smith Bible Records
19 pages: compiled by Adrienne Tinker Christopher- genealogical info of direct
1 page: 1952 newspaper article re: historical tavern destroyed
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: historical article by Miss Eleanore Sheley
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: ancestor chart
1 page: family chart (wife: Mary A. Branson)
3 pages: SAR application, 1988
1 page: lineage info
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: 1965 obituary
2 pages: family chart (wife: Mary A. ) & Shrout Cemetery description.
1 page: marriage announcement
1 page: 1965 obituary
3 pages: genealogical info
6 pages: "Silverthorn Ancestry" compiled by Faith Marie (Coffman) Moore 1992
9 pages: "Simms of Virginia" compiled by Frances C. Griffin
12 pages: Bible records & Family group charts starting with William Simpson,
born 1807, & wife: Eleanor A. Jones
1 page: engagement announcement to Brenda Sue Lauck
2 pages: wife's(Elizabeth L. ) obit, and daughter's (Susan) award
49 pages: "From These Roots" contributed by M. Marguerite Simpson ("The
Skene Family History")
47 pages: part I & II of the Skene Family Who's Who Series
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: obituary
1 page: 1947 marriage announcement to Marie Wood
6 pages: 19th century family records: donated by L. B. Guillod
18th century will Virginia Will records compiled by Mary B. Aker
20 pages: genealogical info from Tennessee, New Jersey, Kentucky, etc.
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Smith, Charles Lewis
Smith, Clarence Edwarde, Jr.
Smith, C. Walton
Smith, James Corney pedigree
Smith, John
Snead, Joan Findley
Snodgrass, Erma Juanita
Snodgrass - Roof, Mary
Snodgrass, Rufus Franklin
Snowbarger, Roy
Snyder, Oran Kent, Sr.
Solter, Marie G.
Sooter, Rev. Merritt
Souders, Leo A.
Southern, John Nelson
Sparks, Oliver
Speer - Aiken
Spencer, Bertha Lovella
Spencer, Joyce Elaine
Spofer, C. C. and Maggie (Bohn)
Stanislaus, Napoleon
Stanley, Judge Richard Daniel
Stanley Cemetery
Staples, John
Staples, Joseph
Westbrook, Falia (Stark)
Stark, Frances W.
Stark, Josephine A.
Stark, William J.
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1947 birth announcement
2 pages: 1905 Missouri marriage certificate to Mrs. Lula J. Hoover, & 1900
Missouri, Green County census page
13 pages: ancestry charts
1 page: family chart (wife: Martha Looney)
1 page: 1927 obituary
1 page: 1923 obituary
1 page: 1959 article re Wagon Train memories
1 page: 1922 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: family chart (wife: ---Zurback)
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1921 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1966 article re: Confederate Veteran was first Publisher
1 page: family chart (wife: Susan Amanda Maddox)
24 pages: family history compiled by Frederick Aiken Speer
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: wedding announcement (married to Don L. Gensler) & picture
7 pages: genealogical info of family, compiled by Marie Spires
1 page: 1893 marriage announcement
55 pages: genealogical info donated by Floyd And Mary Leighty
2 pages: family chart (Wife: Mary Frans) & pedigree chart of Lela America Stanley
1 page: 1959 article re: historic cemetery
19 pages of historical and genealogical info
8 pages: Revolutionary War records
10 pages: Revolutionary War records, etc.
tombstone photo-died Feb. 6, 1921
tombstone photo-died Jan. 15, 1923
tombstone photo-died Nov. 1, 1922
tombstone photo-died 1882
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Steele, Lorrene A.
Stephens, Jacob J.
Stephens, Lula (Dawson)
Stephens - Morgan
Stephenson, Charles Franklin
Stephenson / Stevenson
Stark, Blanche E.
Stephenson, Howard Clair
Sterrett, Mary E.
Stewart, Melvin S.
Stillions, F. L.
Stoner / Hungate
Story, Alta Mae (Turner)
Stottlemyer, Lee
Stotts, Fred H.
Strong, Helen Mabel
Studer, Nellie
Sullivan, Lillie (Sutton)
Swan, Jewel (Krebs)
Tacks in 1900 Federal Census
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: pedigree chart compiled by Mrs. Ilene Sims Yarnell
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 pamphlet: "A Family Record: STEPHENS" & 14 pages: "Stephens - Morgan
Ancestry" compiled by Faith Marie Moore
2 pages: 1958 article re: Norman Stephenson, horticulturalist; & 1966 article re:
Stephenson Restaurant
1 page: obituary
35 pages: "Stephenson/Stevenson Family in Ohio & Kentucky" published in 1978
& genealogical info
55 pages: genealogical info contributed by Faith Marie Moore, including "Stout
and Allied Families", "Descendants of Richard & Penelope Stout" (Lincoln
ancestral line) & "Quaker heritage"
2 pages: funeral program and letter
1 page: family chart (Wife: Hattie Leona Jack)
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: obituary
11 pages: genealogical info including German info
1 page: 1960 memorial program at R-4 school district
5 pages: historical & genealogical info
1 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
11 pages: genealogical & historical info
2 pages: 1973 obituary
3 pages: genealogical info (husband Peterson)
1 page: 1968 obituary
3 pages: genealogical info
1 page: 1928 obituary
9 pages: Ahnentafel chart starting with Leslie Gerald Swenson, Jr.
16 pages: historical & genealogical info compiled by Helen H. Gordon
23 pages: compiled by Richard Harms Tacks
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Talley, Marion
Tanner, Mary Elizabeth
Taylor, Kate
Taylor Family of Lincolnshire
Taylor, George
Taylor, Joseph R.
Teasdale, Joseph P. (Missouri Governor
Taubman, John K. Judge
Temple, George Martin
Thomas, J. B.
Thomas, Notley
Thomas, O. W.
Thomas, Vivien H.
Thompson, Mrs. Gordon
Thompson, Hobart H.
Tiber, Leonard C.
Tiffany Springs, Mo.
Tittel, Fred
Trayford, Donald Eugene
Treat, Herbert Adams
Treat, Sidney Wellington
Trimmer, Burl
Trimble, Emily Adaline
Trotter, Harriet Georgena (Talbot)
Truman Presidential Library
Tucker, Thomas J.
Turner, Benola E. E.
Turner, James "Pete"
Turpen, Oliver
4 pages: biographical info
1 page: 1947 article re 100th birthday
1 page: pedigree chart (husband: Luther Brown) submitted by Elsie Farrow
4 pages: genealogical info
Virginia Land Grant from King George III
3 pages: Virginia Land Grant from King George III
1977 program of inaugural ceremonies
1 page: 1943 article re: performing 1st marriage ceremony
1 page: 1928 obituary
24 pages: genealogical info-including Notley Thomas & 4 photos
1 page: 1972 obituary
1 page: "Notley Thomas and his Ancestry, 1722-1767
1 page: handwritten info re: "Pastor Sold Whiskey"
1 page: 1973 obituary
1 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1966 article re: KC area history
1 page: 1962 obituary
1 page: family chart (wife: Vernida Deean --)
11 pages: genealogical info-including Charles Payson Treat
lineage info from "First Families of America"
lineage info from "First Families of America"
28 pages: genealogical info
1 page: 1971 obituary
3 pages: biographical info
2 pages: 1968 obituary
1 page: newspaper article
1 page: obituary
1 page: 1925 obituary
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1973 obituary
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7 pages: family genealogical info-including "Record of Isaac Tuttle of Morristown,
New Jersey"
Tuttle, George
1 page: family chart (wife: Fidelia Chloe Blighton)
Twyman, George Thomas Dr.
1 page: family chart (wife: Caroline Matilda Robinson) & 1910 obituary
Twyman, Frances C. (Fristoe)
1 page: obituary (mother of Dr. George Thomas Twyman)
Twyman, Lyddall W. Dr.
biographical sketch
Tyler, Nancy
3 pages: "My Most Interesting Ancestor" by Miss Mary Ethel Noland
Tyson, Thomas S., Rev.
1 page: obituary
United Daughters of the Confederacy - Stonewall Jackson 1974-1976 directory
3 pages: handwritten genealogical info by Mrs. William Arthur Fite (nee Julia
Twyman Family
University of Missouri
1 page: from Missouri Heritage by Lew Larkin
Upson, Thomas
3 pages: genealogical info
Vaile mansion
1 page: 1966 article re: purchase of Vaile mansion by DeWitt
Vane, William J.
1 page: 1948 obituary
Van Horn, Mary Ellen
1 page: 1959 or 1969 obituary
Van Horn, Robert Thompson
4 pages: biographical info (Civil War Mayor & Veteran Publisher)
Van Wagoner, Jacob
preliminary work page of pedigree chart: "Descendants of--)
Vaughn, Edward
WWII report sent to Italy
Vaughn, William W.
1 page: 1969 obituary
Vauquellin, Robert ancestry
6 pages: compiled by Faith Marie Moore-including Stout ancestry
2 pages: heraldry info
Veze (Veazey), Nathaniel
1 page: page 105 from Maryland Calendar of Wills
Virginia: Elizabeth City & County
6 pages: 17th century records
Virginia: James City & County
2 pages: from 1768 Tax Book
Waddell, William Bradford
2 pages: 1959 & 1960 historical articles
Waggner, W. B.
1 page: biographical info
Waldo, David
4 pages: estate appraisal
6 pages: genealogical info
Walker, Helen
1 page: 1970 obituary
Walker, Robert Elmo
1 page: 1972 obituary
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Walker, Wyatt Luther
Stark, Emily (Waller)
Waller, Lewis M. & Lewis M.
Ward, Quinton C.
Waring, Florence May (Miles)
Warner, William
Warrick, Amanda Jane
Washington, George
Waters, Nimrod
Watkins Brothers Memorial Chapels
Watkins Mill
Watkins, Ethel
Watson - Lowery
Wattier, Jack Edward, Jr.
Webb, Blanche E.
Webb, Henry Clay & Ada (Potts)
Webb, Samuel Preston
Weir - Long
Weir, James William McKnight
Weir, James Avis
Wells, Ernest P
Weston Blacksmith Shop
Weston, Robert
Weston, Samuel
1 page: biographical info
tombstone photo (died 1891)
1963 photos from Waller Cemetery
1 page: some Wards who married some Hungates
1 page: biographical info
1 page: 1970 obituary
see cross-reference under "Schenck & Warlick"
1 page: 1968 obituary
14 pages: "The House of Warren"
2 pages: biographical info
1 page: pedigree chart
27 pages : "Nimrod Waters and his Journal--1850" donated by Gene Taylor
2 pages: 1991 article re: cemetery purchase
3 pages: 1959 article re: history of Mill
1 page: 1967 obituary
28 pages: family genealogical info (1863-1963) by Anna Marie Watson Harding
and Harvey Wade Watson
1 page: family chart (wife: Effie Roberts)
8 pages: genealogical family info by Kenneth Ray Webb
1 page: 1970 obituary
1 page: 1928 marriage announcement
1 page: 1961 obituary
1 page: inquiry re family connections
1 page: Weir family tree
1 page: Weir family tree
1 page: 1973 obituary
3 pages: 1965 promotional article & 2 brochures
1 page: re: historical Independence shop
1 page: biographical sketch
13 pages: including 7 handwritten pages "My Most Interesting Ancestor Who
Lived in Jackson County--" by Mrs. Inez (Strode) Thompson
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Folder Index
Westport Historical Society
Wetmore, G. W.
White, Spicy Jane
White Oak School
Whitford, Shirley Ann
Whitley, Mrs. Lucie Braden (Love)
Vick, Lota Fern
Wiggins, Ruby F.
Wild Woody's Bargain Barn
Wiley, Captain Benedict Thomas
Wiley, Serat
Wilkinson, Norman Lee
Willgus, Leon
Williams, Judge Albert Gallatin
Williams, Edward H.
Williams, John Wesley
Williams, Leo
Williams, Raymond Franklin
Williams School
Williams, Thomas family
Williams, William Tucker
Williamson, Eric
Williamson, Captain Lyman P.
Williamson, John Hayden
Wilsey, J. J.
Wilson, Edna
1 page: pictorial article
1 page: article re: new president of Society
1 page: California legal document
9 pages: family genealogical info by Glen LeRoy Whitaker
1 page: 1971 obituary
1917 class picture of teacher, Mr. William L. Moore's class
1 page: 1958 bridal announcement with picture (groom: Bill Boone)
8 pages: genealogical info "First Families of America"
11 pages: family charts (Hubert Marion Wick, Sr. et al)
1 page: 1971 obituary
1 page: 1970 obituary
13 pages: family genealogical & historical info
1 page: 1960 article
3 pages: biographical info (retires 1940, death 1948)
3 pages: family info & 13 pictures & negatives
2 pages: family charts
1 page: family chart
2 pages: 1969 obituary
1 page: family chart (wife: Amanda Aden Gibson)
1 page: 1961 obituary
1 page: article re: historical home in Johnson County, KS
2 page: 1965 obituary
1 page: 1965 obituary
1912 or 1913 class picture with Eugene Rider, teacher
6 pages: genealogical info compiled by Steven R. Williams
1 page: family group chart (wife: Olive M. Shelton) with notes on back
1 page: 1969 obituary
2 pages: 1960 historical article & pictures
1 page: family chart (wife: Florida Elizabeth Johnson)
1 page: 1907 article re: 50th wedding anniversary
14 pages: genealogical info compiled by Grace E. Wilson
2 pages: 1965 obituary
Page 53 of 54
Heart of America Genealogy Society Collection
Folder Index
Wilson, Lt. James (descendants of)
Winkler, William Andy or Wyatt, Thomas
Winner, Willard E.
Winsor, William
Winters, Will W.
Women's Christian Temperance Union
Wood, Marie
Woodbury, John
Woodman, Orville
Woolery, Thomas Taylor
Workman, James R.
Wormley (Wormeley), Ralph
Wornall Home
Wornall, Kearney
Wortham, James Kelly
Wright, Giles O.
Wiley, Maude (Wright)
Van Buren, Edward
Wyatt, Ruby (Burrus)
Yeats, T. D.
Zeliff, Geraldine
Zumalt, Lewis E.
1 page: DAR work page
1 page: family chart (wife: Arminda Bowen) compiled by Wm. Joseph Winkler
1 page: inquiry letter from Charles F. Jumper
28 pages: "Case History of an Unsuccessful Promoter, His Times, and His
Influence" prepared by Katherine Goldsmith
1 page: family chart (wife: Marion Matilda Canfield)
1 page: 1966 obituary
18 page booklet: "Witthaus Genealogical Record 1968"
1 page: 2-sided historical info by Grace E. Wilson
1 page: 1947 marriage announcement to David Francis Slusher
25 pages: "John Woodbury and some of his Descendants"
1 page: coroner's jury report re: death
1 page: family chart (wife: Virginia Louise Elrod)
1 page: 1972 obituary
2 pages: Landrum genealogical info
4 pages: work page for membership to national Society of Daughters of Colonial
Wars, Inc.
3 pages: historical & promotional info
1 page: 1961 retirement
1 page: family chart (wife: Mary (Mollie) Jane McGinnis)
4 pages: genealogical & historical info
1 page: 1974 obituary
1 page: 1943 obituary (Mrs. Joseph Wright)
1 page: family chart (wife: Mary Farris (Polly Ann Farris))
1 page: 1967 obituary
1 page: ancestral chart
1 page: 1921 obituary
1 page: 1974 obituary
2 pages: heraldic info
1943 WWII promotion info
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