Ladies Literary Club 1929-1934
- Title
- Ladies Literary Club 1929-1934
- Description
- Christian County (Mo.) genealogical indexes
- Creator
- Christian County Library
- Publisher
- Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
- Date
- 2020-02
- Contributor
- Christian County Library
- Rights
- Rights Information
- Format
- text/PDF (Portable Document Format); 742 KB
- Language
- English
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- Text
- Identifier
- ccm033
- extracted text
September 2, 1929 thru May 21, 1934
First entry in Minute Book is undated
Meeting called at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams at which time she tendered her resignation
as president and as a member of the club owing to the fact that she was moving to Springfield.
Mrs. Rogers made motion that resignation be accepted. Mrs. Tunnell seconded same. Motion
Motion made and seconded that we elect a new president retaining our present V. President.
Mrs. Cox & Mrs. Wilson appointed tellers. Mrs. Hixson elected president for ensuing year.
The name of Maggie Stine was presented for membership. Rules suspended and she was elected
to membership to fill vacancy of Mrs. Adams.
Two letters read. Letter in reference to crippled children turned over to Mrs. Pile for publication.
Motion made & seconded to send $1.00 for Federated News for the president of club. Motion
Nell Robertson, Sec’y
September 2, 1929
Ozark Ladies Literary Club met for the 1st meeting of the year with Mrs. Nell Robertson. Mrs.
Ida Breazeale V. President presided. Roll Call, Vacation Gleaning. Minutes of last meeting of
club read by Mrs. Moore & approved. Minutes of Call Meeting read and approved. Mrs. Hixson
not accepting Presidency the election of a new president was ordered. Mrs. Butler and Mrs.
Farthing appointed tellers. Mrs. Alderman was elected president for the ensuing year.
Motion made & seconded that bill for $1.50 for secretary book be allowed. Motion carried.
Mrs. Butler chairman of Program Committee made a very interesting talk on the programs for
the coming year.
Motion made by Mrs. Ellis seconded by Mrs. Adams that club give program committee a rising
vote of thanks. Motion carried. Mrs. Cox presented Mrs. Massey’s name as a member in Mrs.
Bingham’s place. Motion made and seconded that rules be suspended and ballot on name of
Mrs. Massey. Mrs. Massey elected to membership. Motion made that one of our year books be
sent to Mrs. Mary Asbury McKay at Columbia. $13 collected on yearbooks. 30 cents on back
assessments. Program Samuel Gompers and His Life Work, Mattie Adams. The Effect of the
Labor Union on Industry, Isabel Alderman. Round Table – Labor Question.
Members present, Mesdames Adams, Alderman, Belshire, Breazeale, Butler, Cox, Ellis,
Farthing, Giehl, Garrison, Moore, Pile, Ried, Rees, Rogers, Robertson, Woody and Young. Club
adjourned to meet with Mrs. Ivey Rogers Monday afternoon at 2:30.
Nelle Robertson Sec’y
September 9, 1929
Ladies Literary Club met Monday afternoon Sept. 9 with Mrs. Ivy Rogers. Mrs. Ida Breazeale,
V. President presiding. Roll Call – Wonders of Egypt. Minutes read and approved. Treasurer’s
report. Mrs. Moore announced that $1.00 is assessed each member for the year books. Bill of
$24.00 for printing year books was presented. Motion made & seconded bill be allowed.
Motion carried. Mrs. Moore stated there would be a meeting of the P.T.A. at the school house
Tuesday night. Basket supper at 7 o’clock. The room that has the largest number of mothers
present is to be given a prize. The club voted to buy a picture for one night P.T.A. meeting.
Mesdames Moore, Farthing and Miss Maude Rees were appointed committee to see about the
picture. The new members Mesdames Stine & Massey expressed their appreciation to the club
for accepting them as members. Also short talks by the visitors Mesdames Thompson and
Six Dollars was collected on the year books making a total of Eighteen Dollars collected on
books. Motion made that Mrs. Bingham and E. Adams be made honorary members of club.
Motion carried.
Program: Egyptian Houses, Dress and Family Life
Clo Butler
Roundtable – Temples
Members and visitors present: Mesdames Adams, Butler, Belshie, Breazeale, Cox, Farthing,
Garrison, Giehl, Hixson, Jones, Jennison, Love, Moore, Massey, Rogers, Robertson, Ried, Stine,
Tunnell, Thompson, Wilson, Young & Miss Rees.
Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Clo Butler Monday afternoon Sept. 16 at 2:30.
Isabelle Alderman Pres.
Nell Robertson Sec’y
September 16, 1929
The ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Clo Butler Monday afternoon Sept 16. Mrs. Isabelle
Alderman Pres. Presiding. Roll Call: My Ideal Home
Minutes read and approved. $2.00 collected on year books making a total of $20 collected.
No unfinished business or new business. The program was as follows:
Character Building in the Home
Mrs. Ida Breazeale
Influence of Modern Amusements, Music and Literature in the Home
Harriet Giehl
Round Table – Homes of Famous Americans
Members present. Mattie Adams, Isabelle Alderman, Mrs. N. K. Alderman, Breazeale, Butler,
Belshire, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Giehl, Jones, Love, Moore, Massey, Pile, Ried, Robertson, Stine,
Woody, Wilson, Young.
Club adjourned to meet with Ethel Shollenberger Monday afternoon Sept. 23 at 2:30.
Nell Robertson, Sec’y
Isabelle Alderman, Pres.
September 23, 1929
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Ethel Shollenberger Monday afternoon Sept. 23.
Mrs. Isabel Alderman, President, Presiding. Roll Call – My Favorite Bird
Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Communications: Letters from Byrda M. Taylor in
regard to District Convention to be held in Springfield, Oct. 16, 17 & 18. Letter tabled until next
meeting. Letter from Jessie Bronson a Life member of the club expressing her appreciation for
the year book. Mrs. Cox reported having had letters from Mrs. McKay and Mrs. Ethea Ried a
former member and Life expressing her thanks for the yearbook. Moved and seconded that bill
for $3.25 be allowed Mrs. Madge Tunnell for plants and labor for the different flower beds.
Motion carried. Motion made and seconded that Mrs. Lula Wornel be elected a visiting member.
Motion carried. Two Dollars collected on yearbooks making a total of $22.
American Birds and Foreign Birds
Norah Cox
Birds of Menace and Protected Birds
Verna Mae Belshire
Round Table – Song Birds and Birds of Missouri
Members present: Mesdames Alderman, Adams, Butler, Belshire, Breazeale, Cox, Ellis,
Garrison, Giehl, Jones, Massey, Moore, Pile, Rogers, Robertson, Shollenberger, Thompson,
Wilson, Woody and Young.
Mrs. Tunnell being unable to have the club next week on account of the illness of her mother the
club will meet with Mrs. Ida Breazeale Monday afternoon Sept. 30.
Nell Robertson Sec’y
Isabelle Alderman Pres.
September 30, 1929
The first social meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held with Mrs. Ida Breazeale. After a
few remarks by the president Mrs. Isabelle Alderman the meeting was turned over to the social
committee composed of Mrs. Quintilla Young, Margaret Wilson and Juanita Woody. The
following program was rendered. Roll Call – Your Neighbor’s Weakness
Nursery Rhymes Contest with Lola Thompson and Belle Farthing leaders. Farthing’s side
winning. Battles of United States Contest – Tunnell & Robertson winning.
Uncle Josh’s Death – a game
Stunt Contest – by members of club
Mrs. Belle Farthing & Maggie Stine were the prize winners. The hostess assisted by the social
committee served lovely refreshments to Mrs. D. R. Engstrom of Gary Ind., Mesdames
Alderman, Belshie, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Thompson, Giehl, Hixson, Jones, Moore, Pile, Reid,
Robertson, Stine, Tunnell, Wilson, Woody, Young, Wernet, Adams, and Garrison.
Adjourned to meet with Mrs. Juanita Woody Monday afternoon Oct. 7 at 2:30.
Isabelle Alderman Pres.
Nell Robertson Sec’y
October 7, 1929
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Juanita Woody Monday afternoon Oct 7, 1929. Mrs.
Isabelle Alderman President presiding. Roll Call – Cities of China
Minutes of last regular meeting and social meeting read and approved. Letter in regard to
delegates for District Convention read and Mrs. Shollenberger & Robertson appointed
Committee to prepare a report of club work to be read at Convention. Mesdames Cox, Woody &
Wilson were appointed delegates to District Convention and Mrs. Moore & Reid alternates.
Mrs. Alderman reported picture the club had selected for prize at P.T.A. meeting at the depot.
Mrs. Tunnell made motion that the picture be paid for by check and taken to school house. Mrs.
Reid seconded motion. Motion carried.
Motion made and seconded that $150.00 of the club money be put on time deposit for six
months. Motion carried.
Program: Present Day China – Mrs. Ellis, after a short talk on her subject, introduced her brother
in law, Glen Ellis, who as a marine spent several months in China. He showed pictures as he
told of the country, its people, and their customs. Also hand made silk scarves & a plate made
by hand of copper.
Missionaries in China – Belle Farthing
Round Table: Chinese Customs
Members & visitors present. Butler Ellis, Alderman, Wilson, Jones, Reid, Tunnell, Thompson,
Patsy Woody, Mabel Mapes, Cox, Farthing, Wernet, Robertson. Meeting adjourned to meet
with Mrs. Maggie Stine Monday afternoon Oct. 14, 1929 at 2:30 P.M.
October 14, 1929
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Maggie Stine Monday afternoon Oct. 14, 1929. Mrs.
Isabel Alderman President presiding. Roll Call – Quotations on Women. Minutes read and
approved. Motion made that Mrs. Ethel Moore be added to committee to make report for
District Convention to be held in Springfield. Mrs. Ellis expressed the thanks of the P.T.A. for
the beautiful picture presented by club and won by the 4th Grade Room for having most parents
in attendance at last P.T.A. meeting. One Dollar collected on year books making a total of $23.
Program – Women Authors and Artists
Paper prepared by Mrs. Hixson and read by Mrs.
Joe Jones.
Round Table – Women of the White House.
Members Present. Mesdames Cox, Reid, Alderman, Jones, Adams, Wilson, Moore, Ellis,
Breazeale, Pile, Thompson, Young, Farthing, Robertson, Massey, Stine and Mrs. Jack Howard of
Isabelle Alderman Pres.
Nell Robertson, Sec’y
October 21, 1929
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Margaret Wilson Monday afternoon Oct 21. Isabel
Alderman, President, presiding. Roll Call – quotation from “Saga of King Olaf.” Minutes read
and approved. Motion made and seconded that bill of $2.75 for wire to Bingham Hardware be
paid. Motion carried. Mrs. Norah Cox and Ella Reid gave interesting reports on District
Convention. They reported Mrs. Taylor stressed that a Federated Day be observed and a Peace
Treaty be endorsed. The following resolution was presented the club for endorsement.
Resolved: That the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in Local _______meeting assembled
___________1929 having endorsed the original proposal of President Harding for accession of
the United States to the World Court now urges the Senate to ratify without delay, the new
protocol when presented, in order to bring to a just conclusion the six year long movement so
widely endorsed by the American people. Tabled until next regular meeting Nov. 4. One Dollar
collected on year books. Mrs. Belshie having moved away sent her regrets at leaving and
thanking the club for her pleasant times with them. Club asked Mrs. Cox, Cor Sec’y, to send
letters or cards to Mrs. Rogers, Belshie and Bingham.
Program – Modern Norway & Sweden
Ethel Moore
Strange Scenes of the Far North
Josephine Jones
Round Table – Industries of Norway & Sweden.
Members present – Mrs. Alderman, Cox, Adams, Jones, Reid, Farthing, Moore, Massey,
Breazeale, Wilson, Thompson, Butler, Robertson, Pile, Garrison, Shollenberger & Woody.
Adjourned to meet with Mrs. Young Monday afternoon Oct. 28. Nell Robertson
Monday, October 28, 1929
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Oct. 28 at the home of Mrs. J. ? Young for a Halloween
frolic. Guests were met at the door and after wraps were removed escorted to the darkened
dining room by ghosts. After we had arrived dim lights were turned on and each guest was
offered a fortune. Fortunes were attached to the straws of a whisk broom and were very fitting
and well suited to the ones whom they were meant for. Then a ghost appeared with a small
punch board and each one was required to get up and do the “stunt” as outlined on a piece of
paper. Mrs. Farthing was awarded the prize. The “peanut pass” was the cause of much laughter
and fun. The Shade of Houdini then appeared and read the thoughts of all present. Then another
ghost, the spirit of a radio announcer, wailed of his trials and tribulations. The lights were turned
on and the ghosts disappeared. The decorations were beautiful and delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess. Next meeting at the home of Mrs. J. F. Adams. Members present –
Massey, Thompson, Wernet, Breazeale, Alderman, Butler, Ellis, Farthing, jones, Moore, Pile,
Reid, Robertson, Shollenberger, Adams, Garrison, Young, Wilson.
Program Committee: Breazeale, Alderman, Massey
J. Alderman Pres.
Nell Robertson Sec’y
Monday, November 4, 1929
The Ladies Literary Club met Nov 4 1929 with Mrs. J. F. Adams. Isabel Alderman, Pres,
presiding. Roll Call “Dams Under Construction”
Minutes read and approved. Pres. Harding’s original proposal for accession of U.S. to World
Court discussed. Motion made and passed that the club endorse this resolution as is being done
by all General Federated Clubs. Mrs. Lola Thompson and Mrs. Lula Wernet voted into
membership to take places of Mrs. Belshie and Mrs. Robertson, respectively. Mrs. Massey
elected secretary to fill unexpired term of Mrs. Robertson who has moved away. Motion made
and passed that two club members visit school each week. The following committee chairmen
appointed by Pres.: American Citizenship, Mrs. Reid; Applied Education, Mrs. Pile; American
Home, Mrs. Moore; Fine Arts, Mrs. Thompson; Literature, Mrs. Breazeale; Music, Mrs.
Farthing; International Relations, Mrs. Cox; Junior Membership, Mrs. Butler; Motion Pictures,
Mrs. Young; Public Welfare, Mrs. Ellis; Press & Publicity, Mrs. Tunnell. Letter from Mrs.
Rogers read.
Program: “Dams of Old World”
Mrs. Pile
Roll Call – Discussion
Members present: Garrison, Tunnell, Giehl, Alderman, Farthing, Breazeale, Pile, Wilson, Cox,
Jones, Woody, Shollenbarger, Adams, Massey.
Isabelle Alderman
Harriet Massey, Sec’y
November 11, 1929
Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Massey Nov 11, 1929. Isabel Alderman – Pres. Presiding.
Roll Call – Heroes. Minutes read and approved. Motion made and passed to send a basket of
fruit to inmates of poor farm for Thanksgiving. Committee – Mrs. Giehl, Mrs. Shollenbarger,
Mrs. Young. Mrs. Ellis suggested that we should not be negligent in displaying flags on
National holidays. Discussion. Mrs. Farthing that we sponsor a Thanksgiving celebration for
Ozark. Tabled. Program – “The Lives of Marshall Foch and General Pershing” Mrs. Rogers
Paper read by Mrs. Breazeale
Round Table – “Principal Events of the World War”.
The members were glad to have Mrs. Mary Bingham of Springfield, former member, present.
Members present: Mesdames Adams, Alderman, Thompson, Breazeale, Butler, Cox, Ellis,
Farthing, Garrison, Giehl, Jones, Moore, Pile, Reid, Wernet, Stine, Woody, Young, Massey.
Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Ed. Thompson Nov. 18.
Isabelle Alderman
Harriet Massey, Sec’y
November 18, 1929
Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Ed. Thompson November 18, 1929. In absence of Pres. Mrs.
Alderman, Mrs. Breazeale – Vice Pres. Presided. Roll Call – “Name a Modern Thinker”. Matter
of Thanksgiving celebration taken up. Committee appointed to arrange a program if possible.
Members of committee – Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Hixson, & Mrs. Shollenbarger. Bill of 55 cents for
stamps and stationery allowed to Mrs. Cox. Mrs. Adams and Mrs. Jones were unable to visit
school last week but will do so this week.
Program – Sketch of Life of Rousseau
Mrs. Stine
Sketch of Life of Burke
Mrs. Wernet
Sketch of Life of Emerson
Mrs. Wilson
Sketch of Life of Carlyle
Mrs. Woody
Roll Call – Famous Authors
Members present: Mesdames Adams, Alderman, Thomson, Massey, Breazeale, Cox, Ellis,
Farthing, Garrison, Giehl, Hixson, Jones, Moore, Pile, Reid, Wernet, Shollenbarger, Stine,
Wilson, Woody, Young.
Isabelle Alderman
Harriet Massey, Sec’y
November 25, 1929
The Ladies Literary Club met for the November Social at Mrs. Belle Farthing’s Nov. 25, 1929.
Social Committee – Mrs. Cox, Ellis, Butler. Mrs. Farthing also had for her guests the Modern
Seekers and a few other ladies. The first number on the program was a song “Praise God from
whom all blessings flow” by a quartette composed of Mrs. Reid, Clayman, Leonards, and _____.
A pantomime of the first Thanksgiving was then given in which most of the club members took
part. The next number was a pantomime “The Courtship of Miles Standish” – Mrs. Hixson.
After this interesting and amusing games and contests were played. The hostess served lovely
refreshments to about thirty five guests. Announcement was made by the committee that they
had arranged a Thanksgiving program to be held at the Baptist Church Wednesday night, Nov.
27. Adjournment to meet with Mrs. Tunnell Dec. 2. Members present: Alderman, Robertson,
Massey, Butler, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Giehl, Hixson, Jones, Moore, Pile, Reid, Wernet,
Shollenbarger, Stine, Tunnell, Woody. Young.
Harriet Massey, Sec’y
December 2, 1929
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Madge Tunnell, Dec 2, 1929. Mrs. Alderman presiding.
Roll Call – Cities of Japan. Minutes of Nov. 18 and Nov 25 read and approved. Report of
Committee for sending fruit to County Farm for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Giehl reported that sacks
containing two bananas, two oranges, an apple and ten sticks of candy were sent each inmate.
Cost of same - $2.40. Assessment of 25 cents each made to cover cost of same and Mrs. And
Mrs. Wade’s supper November 27. Motion made and carried that $5 be sent Mr. Mace for his
expenses and services, Nov. 27. Motion made and carried that the Club send Christmas dinner to
County Farm. The matter of decorating square for Christmas discussed. Committee appointed
to meet with business men to discuss this – Mrs. Pile, Tunnell and Wernet. Motion made an
carried that 25 cents only be paid for gifts for Club Christmas tree. Program – “Industries &
Customs” – Mrs. Young. Round Table “Disasters of Japan”
Members present – Cox, Wernet, Giehl, Young, Thompson, Alderman, Pile, Moore, Tunnell,
Harriet Massey, Secy. Isabelle Alderman
December 9, 1929
Ladies Literary Club met Dec 9 with Mrs. Norah Cox. Mrs. Alderman presiding. Roll Call –
Famous Inventors. Report of Committee that met with business men to discuss Christmas
decoration. Mrs. Tunnell reported that business men wanted Club to sponsor decoration and
collect money for same. Discussion. Motion made and passed that Club report to business men
that it will go ahead with work if they will guarantee $60. Bill of $2.65 for fruit for County Farm
allowed. Committee for Christmas dinner for County Farm appointed – Mrs. Massey, Stine,
Moore. Program – “Luther Burbank and His Life Work” – Mrs. Thompson
“Thomas A. Edison’s Achievements” – Mrs. Adams
Round Table – “Modern Inventive Achievements”
Meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Ellis Dec. 16. Members present: Mrs. Adams, Alderman,
Thompson, Massey, Butler, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Hixson, Jones, Moore, Pile, Reid, Wernet,
Shollenbarger, Tunnell, Woody.
Harriet Massey, Sec’y Isabelle Alderman
December 16, 1929
Ladies Literary Club met Dec 16 with Mrs. Beatrice Ellis. The president, Mrs. Alderman,
presided. Roll Call – “Political Women”. Bill of 45 cents for Mr. & Mrs. Mace’s supper Nov.
27 allowed. Report of Committee on Christmas dinner for County Farm. The Tunnell Café will
not be open on Christmas. The “Appetite” will fix a turkey dinner for 40 cents each. Motion
made and passed that Committee order dinners from the “Appetite”. The President announced
that the Club had been asked to present a program for the High School Assembly on the third
Friday in January. Motion made and passed that Club work on a program. Committee – Mrs.
Thompson, Woody and Wernet. Christmas card from Mrs. Wade read. Program “Organization
of Professional & Business Women’s Club” – Mrs. Breazeale
“National Organization of Federated Clubs” – Mrs. Cox
Roundtable – General discussion.
Meeting adjourned. Christmas social will be at home of Mrs. Alderman Dec. 27. Members
present – Alderman, Thompson, Breazeale, Butler, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Giehl, Hixson, Jones,
Moore, Pile, Reid, Wernet, Shollenbarger, Woody, Young, Massey.
Harriet Massey, Sec’y
December 27, 1929
The Ladies Literary Club met for the Christmas social with Mrs. Alderman, Friday, Dec. 27.
Committee – Mrs. Tunnell, Pile and Moore.
The Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. A quartette composed of Mrs. Thompson, Hixson,
Butler and Farthing sang “Silent Night”. A tableau representing the first Christmas eve was
presented by a group of the club members. The quartette sang “Oh, Little town of Bethlehem”.
Mrs. Linnie Steele favored the group with a piano solo. The Christmas tree with exchange of
present followed. The following guests were present, Mrs. Dorothy Aber of Mound Valley,
Kansas; Mrs. Steele, Robertson, Gray, Bingham, Love and Ragsdale of Springfield and Mrs.
Fred Hawkins of Ozark. Members present: Alderman, Thompson, Breazeale, Butler, Cox, Ellis,
Farthing, Garrison, Giehl, Hixson, Moore, Pile, Reid, Wernet, Shollenbarger, Wilson, Woody
and Young. Adjournment to meet Dec. 30 with Mrs. Garrison at home of Mrs. Love in Spgfld.
Harriet Massey, Sec’y
December 30, 1929
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Garrison at the home of Mrs. ? Love in Springfield Dec.
30. In absence of the President and Vice Pres., Mrs. Young presided. Roll Call – Irish
Quotation. Mrs. Moore reported that the Christmas dinners were sent to the County Farm. The
bill was $5.60. An assessment of 25 cents was made to cover cost. Mrs. Thompson reported for
the Committee on H.S. program that the pantomime “Poor Hunters” was being considered for
presentation at this program. Club authorized committee to assign parts for this pantomime.
Program “Customs and Industries of Ireland” – Mrs. Ellis
Poem “The Cry of the Dreamer” – Mrs. Bingham
Piano Solo – Mrs. Linnie Steele
Vocal Solo – Mrs. Mary Gray
Round Table – Irish Poets
Guests present were – Mesdames Steele, Elkins, Gray, Robertson, James Johnson, Bingham, &
Baty of Springfield. Members present: Thompson, Cox, Ellis, Garrison, Hixson, Jones, Moore,
Pile, Reid, Wernet, Tunnell, Woody, Young and Massey. Meeting adjourned to meet Jan 6 with
Mrs. Giehl Jan 6.
Harriet Massey, Sec’y
January 6, 1930
Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Giehl Jan 6. Mrs. Alderman president presided. Roll Call –
“Noted Aviators” Bill of $3.00 for flowers for Mr. Biddingfield allowed. Card of Thanks from
Mrs. Stine read. Motion made and passed that club pay bills of $9 to Britton Hdwe and $5 to
Empire Dist. Elec. Co for decorations around square Christmas. Bills are to be paid out of
checking account on condition that money be replaced later. Mrs. Moore was appointed to
interview Mrs. Coma Turner Rice about giving a program in Ozark to be sponsored by the club.
Matter of beautifying pumphouse grounds discussed. Committee appointed to meet with Mr.
Maples to discuss plans – Mrs. Adams, Farthing and Woody. Program – “History of Aviation” –
Mrs. Farthing
Roundtable – “Leading Airports”
Members present: Adams, Jones, Farthing, Thompson, Butler, Reid, Pile, Moore, Wilson, Ellis,
Hixson, Cox, Garrison, Shollenbarger, Young, Woody, Alderman, Massey, Giehl. Meeting
adjourned to meet with Mrs. Moore, Jan 13. Harriet Massey, Sec'y’
January 13, 1930
Ladies Literary club met with Mrs. Lola Thompson Jan 13. Mrs. Alderman, president, presided.
Roll Call – “New Books” Minutes of Jan 6 read and approved. In the absence of Mrs. Moore,
who is ill, no report was made about interviewing Mrs. Rice. Mrs. Thompson, chairman of H.S.
program committee, announced practice on pantomime for Wed. and Thursday nights. Program
“Popular Magazine Writers of Today” – Mrs. Stine
Roundtable – “Favorite Magazines”
Meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Josephine Jones Jan. 20. Members present: Giehl, Reid,
Hixson, Wilson, Jones, Garrison, Woody, Adams, Stine, Pile, Cox, Farthing, Wernet, Alderman,
Thompson, Massey. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
February 3, 1930
The ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Pile, Feb. 3. The president, Mrs. Alderman, presided.
Minutes of Jan 20 and Jan 27 read and approved. Roll Call – “Cities of Mexico” Mrs.
Thompson reported that the program to be given by the club at the High School will be
postponed indefinitely. Program “Education and Government in Mexico Today” – Mrs.
Shollenbarger Round Table “Presidents of Mexico”. Meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Ella
Reid, Feb 10. Members present: Wilson, Cox, Giehl, Shollenbarger, Garrison, Adlerman,
Breazeale, Young, Moore, Wernet, Butler, Farthing, Stine, woody, Pile, Massey.
Harriet Massey, Sec’y
February 10, 1930
The ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Ella Reid, Feb. 10. The president, Mrs. Alderman
presided. In the absence of the Sec’y – Mrs. Massey, Mrs. Moore read minutes of previous
meeting which were approved. Roll Call – Current Events of Missouri. Mrs. Adams reported
the city would have the grounds cleaned up around the pump house and gave their permission for
the club to do what they wanted to. A letter was read from the treasurer regarding dues for the
year. Everyone requested to bring their dues 50 cents each Mon Mar 3rd. Program was given as
follows: “Early History of Mo” Mrs. Young Roundtable – Mines of Mo.
Mrs. Reid assisted by her daughter Mrs. Jones served refreshments to the following, Mrs.
Alderman, Wilson, Jones, Cox, Braezeale, Hixson, Thompson, Young, Adams, Ellis, Farthing,
Moore and Reid. The club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Wernet Feby 17th. Ethel Moore sec’y
February 24, 1930
Mrs. Ethel Shollenberger was hostess to Ladies Literary Club on Social Day, Feb. 24. A short
business session was held and the following matters given attention: On account of the Minstrel
Show coming on March 7th it was decided that we not have Mrs. Rice to give her program on the
10th. Mrs. Pile and Mrs. Thompson report a very interesting visit to the school. Mrs. Reid and
Mrs. Massey to be visitors for next week. The President announced the following program
committee for 1930-1931: Mesdames Ellis, Stine and Thompson. Corresponding Secretary was
instructed to extend thanks to Modern Seekers for entertainment at Colonial Tea. Games, stunts
and a musical contest provided entertainment for an hour after which refreshments were served
by hostess to the following members: Mesdames Rogers, Garrison, Pile, Thompson, Hixson,
Cox, Reid, Jones, Wilson, Farthing, Alderman, Stine, Moore, Giehl, Woody, Butler, Ellis,
Young, Wernet and Breazeale. Ida Breazeale Secy pro tem
Approved Mar. 10 – 1930
March 3, 1930
The ladies Literary Club were entertained by Miss Maud Rees on March 3, 1930. Mrs.Alderman
President presided. Roll Call “ Name an Obligation we owe to the child.” Letter was read from
Mrs. Paul E. Hopkins asking for a short article on some distinctive activity or resume of years
study to be published in Missouri Club Woman in April issue. Letter from Mrs. Massey read
thanking L.L.C. for flowers. The Committee on putting on program at school, report for
approval of Club, of arranging new program of readings, music, etc. giving up the play first
proposed. This Club entertaining the Modern Seekers was discussed and tabled until next week.
Bill of $1.50 was allowed. Miss Rees donated 50 cents to club. The following members paid
Federated Dues of 50 cents each – Mrs. Young, Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Farthing. Delicious
refreshments of gingerbread and grape juice were served to: Mrs. Garrison, Adams, Wernet,
Farthing, Thompson, Stine, Ellis, Young, Alderman, Breazeale, Jones, Cox, Woody, Reese,
Moore, and Shollenberger. Next meeting with Mrs. Cox instead of with Mrs. Stine. Ethel
Shollenberger Secy pro tem
Approved Mar 10- 1930
March 10, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Cox on March 10, with President Mrs. Alderman
presiding. Minutes of Feb. 17, Feb. 24 and March 3 - 1930 – were read and approved. Roll Call
“German Quotations”. Mrs. Thompson reported failure on program for school assembly on
Friday morning, and was instructed to notify Miss Mason. After discussion it was voted to not
plan entertainment for Modern Seekers until next fall. Letter read from Mrs. Byrda M. Taylor
suggesting that each club member pay $2.50 in three annual installments to raise an endowment
fund, half of which is to go to General Federation and half to State Federation. Motion made and
passed that we as Club members cannot comply with the request. Voted to have election of
officers next week. The following interesting program was given:
Germany and World War – Mrs. Pile
Germany Before and Since the War – Mrs. Alderman
Round Table – German and American Generals
Refreshments were served to Mesdames Alderman, Pile, Butler, Thompson, Moore, Adams,
Reid, Jones and Breazeale. Meeting next week to be held at home of Mrs. Breazeale.
Ida Breazeale Secy Pro tem
March 17, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Geo. T. Breazeale on March 24 with President
Mrs. Alderman presiding. Roll Call was responded to by mention of Favorite Movie Star.
Minutes of march 10 read and approved. Mrs. Josephine Jones having moved to Branson,
resigned as a member of Club. Mrs. Young and Mrs. Woody were appointed as tellers in
election of officers which resulted in selection of following officers for 1930-1931:
Mrs. Belle Farthing
Mrs. Ida Breazeale
Rec. Secy
Mrs. Harriet Massey
Cor Secy & Treas
Mrs. Nora Cox
Press Reporters:
Mrs. Lola Thompson and Mrs. Berta Pile – Mrs. Thompson’s name only
to appear in Year Book.
Club voted to send flowers or a blooming plant to our invalid Life Member Mrs. Rowena Park.
The following dues were paid, Mesdames Wilson, Massey, Garrison, Reid, Jones, Hixson &
ellis. Fine of 25 cents for failure on today’s program by Mrs. Josephine Jones. Mrs. Juanita
Woody gave interesting “Life in Hollywood”, which was followed by Round Table discussion of
Favorite Films. Refreshments served to Mesdames Hixson, Ellis, Alderman, Woody, Young,
Adams, Reid, Cox, Wilson, Pile, Farthing, Jones, Moore & Garrison. Club to meet next week
with Mrs. Wilson. Belle Farthing Secy – Pro Tem
March 24, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Margaret Wilson. Mrs. Breazeale V. pres.
Presided - the pres. being absent. Roll call was responded to with current events. Minutes of
Mar 17 read and approved. Moved & seconded that flowers be sent Mrs. Giehl. Mrs. Wilson &
Mrs. Wernet to buy flowers. Also an appropriate card to send Mrs. Massey from the Literary
Club. The following program was given “Mean Who Gave us Printing – paper prepared by Mrs.
Cleo Butler read by Margaret Wilson. “The Linotype” – Ida Breazeale
Roundtable – Metropolitan Papers.
The hostess served refreshments to the following: Mrs. Cox, Garrison, Wilson, Breazeale, Pile,
Woody, Young, Adams, Reid, Stine, Thompson, Tunnell, Wernet, Jones, Hixson and Moore.
Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Young for the March social Mon. Mar. 31
Ethel Moore Sec’y protem
March 31, 1930
Mrs. Quintella Young was hostess to Ladies Literary Club on March 31 – 1930.
It being social day no business was transacted except the reading of a letter from Mrs. Butler
saying it would be impossible for her to attend the meetings of the club and tendering her
resignation as a member. The Social Committee composed of Mesdames Adams, Garrison and
Wernet conducted games, contests, and stunts, which brought to light much artistic talent and
provided merriment for all. The hostess served refreshments to the following – Mesdames Reid,
Woody, Wernet, Adams, Wilson, Hixson, Shollenberger, Ellis, Thompson, Stine, Alderman,
Moore, Garrison, Farthing & Breazeale. Club to meet with Mrs. Adams next week.
Ida Breazeale Secy Protem
April 7 – 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Mattie Adams on Monday afternoon April 7 – 1930,
President Mrs. Alderman presiding. Roll call was responded to with “What Makes a Happy
Home?” Minutes of March 24 and March 31st read and approved. Leave of absence was granted
to Mrs. Clo Butler for
Telephone bill of 60 cents was allowed and ordered paid. Mrs.
Adams as Chairman of Committee to secure plans for landscaping City lot presented a plan with
memorandum of trees, shrubbery and plants necessary to carry out plan. The price to be
$129.75. After discussion it was voted to accept the plans as presented and authorize Mr.
Maples to secure this shrubbery, the barberry not to be planted along west side until street paving
is finished. The Committee with Mr. Maples to see that necessary fills and extra dirt be hauled,
the Club to pay expense of same. The following program was rendered: “What is a Home?
Where are the boundaries?” by Norah Cox who read experiences of Edward Guest in
Homebuilding. Round Table – Individual Responsibility of Parents. Refreshments were served
to Mesdames Moore, Young, Reid, Hixson, Alderman, Thompson, Ellis, Pile, Wernet, Wilson,
Cox, Woody, Breazeale, Garrison and Stine. Ida Breazeale Secy-Protem
April 14 – 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met with the President, Mrs. Isabelle Alderman. Roll call “The Best
part of being a Literary Club Woman.” The minutes of April 7th read and approved. The
Treasurer reported the Time deposit on our fund in bank had expired and was authorized to place
same in checking account. The Corresponding Secy. Was requested to write Mrs. Birdie Taylor,
Six District President, advising her the Club has voted to not participate in 50-50 campaign. A
note of thanks for flowers was read from Mrs. Giehl. Report was given from Mrs. Clo Butler
that she would be glad to accept leave of absence and remain a member. The name of Mrs. Zoe
Gibson for membership was presented, to fill vacancy caused by resignation of Mrs. Joe Jones.
Dues of Mrs. Ethel Shollenberger paid. Also fines from Mrs. Giehl 25 cents and Mrs. Farthing
25 cents. The following program was given “Prominent Club Women of the Past and Present”
Minnie Garrison. Round Table “National Club Women”. The hostess served refreshments to
Mesdames Adams, Cox, Farthing, Thompson, Garrison, Moore, Pile, Young, Wilson and
Breazeale. Meeting next week to be with Mrs. Moore. Ida Breazeale Secy-Protem
April 21 – 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Moore April 21 – 1930. Roll call was
responded to by giving Favorite Statesman. Minutes of April 14 – 1930 read and approved.
President Mrs. Alderman reported the City had not yet made the City lot ready for planting
shrubbery but that Alderman Logan promised to have the work on grounds done and that Mr.
Maples would have Will Shirley do planting. The name of Mrs. Zoe Gibson having been
presented for membership, a proper ballot was taken resulting in her election to membership.
The following program was given: Mr. Hoover and his cabinet
Ethel Moore
Statesman of America 1739-1929
Lula Wernet
Round Table – Women Legislators
Refreshments were served by hostess to following members – Mesdames Alderman, Ellis,
Hixson, Wernet, Farthing, Thompson, Woody, Cox and Breazeale. Next meeting to be at Mrs.
Hixson’s. Ida Breazeale Secy. Protem
April 28, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club did not meet because of the serious illness of Mrs. Rowena Park, a Life
Member of the Club.
May 5, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Ida Breazeale May 5. The President – Mrs. Alderman –
presided. Roll Call – Musical Celebrities. The minutes of April 21 were read and approved.
Mrs. Adams reported that the work on the City lot is completed. She presented the bill, which
was $120.30. Bill allowed. Bill of $6 to Klepper for flowers was allowed. Card of thanks from
Mrs. Tunnell for flowers sent to her mother’s funeral read. It was decided to leave the matter of
Mrs. Coma Turner Rice’s program until next fall. Motion made and passed that program of May
12 be dispensed with and program of May 19 be given on May 12. Mrs. Alderman announced
that Mr. Young asked that all members of club who will work for school bonds again will meet
with school board at next meeting. Plans for May social discussed. Voted to leave things
entirely to committee. Program – “Lives of Schuman – Heink and Melba” Mrs. Giehl’s paper
read by Mrs. Moore. Round Table “Is Music Necessary Part of Child’s Education?” Members
present: Adams, Alderman, Thompson, Breazeale, Cox, Ellis, Hixson, Moore, Wernet, Stine,
Wilson, Massey. Next meeting with Mrs. Juanita Woody May 12. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
May 12, 1930
Minutes in book is the article published in the newspaper
The Ladies Literary Club met May 12 at the home of Mrs. Isabelle Alderman with Mrs. Juanita
Woody as hostess. The program consisted of the “Early History of the Ozark Region”, with
several of the older members relating thrilling incidents of the time when the Bald Knobbers
were hanged in Ozark. The last meeting of the club for this year will be held at the home of Mrs.
Ethel Moore. Plans will be completed for this meeting when the club meets next Monday at the
home of Mrs. Maggie Stine. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Juanita Woody
assisted by Mrs. Isabelle Alderman, to the following members, Mesdames Maggie Stine, Jude
Hixson, Ida Breazeale, Minnie Garrison, Mattie Adams, and Lela Thompson.
May 19, 1930
Ladies Literary Club met May 19 with Mrs. Maggie Stine. Mrs. Alderman – president –
presided. Roll Call “Favorite Radio Station”. Minutes of May 5 read and approved. Bill of
$1.35 to Ozark Drug Co. for flowers allowed. Bill of $3.78 from Light Co. for Christmas
lighting allowed. Letter of thanks from Mrs. Cox for flowers read. Plans made to plant flowers
in corner of Court House lawn. Mrs. Adams reported that Mr. Maple will have prisoners dig up
ground. Planting will be left till ground gets drier. Mrs. Hixson announced that Mrs. Gibson
will not accept membership. Mrs. Reid sent in her resignation. This leaves two vacancies in
Club. Mrs. Roper’s name presented for membership to be voted on at next meeting. Mrs.
Young brought up necessity for stressing Memorial Day Observance. Club members will put out
flags. Three living veterans will be sent flowers. Motion made and passed to fix baskets of
presents for Mrs. Rogers’ birthday June 23. Plans for social on May 23 discussed. Program
“Education Influence of Radio” – Mrs. Hixson Round Table “Favorite Radio Artist”. Meeting
adjourned to meet May 23 at Mrs. Moore’s for social. Members present: Wilson, Thompson,
Breazeale, Hixson, Wernet, Farthing, Moore, Young, Stine, Adams, Garrison, Alderman,
Woody, Massey. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
May 23, 1930
Minutes in book is a copy of the article published in the newspaper
The Ladies Literary Club held its “Last Day” club party at the home of Mrs. Ethel Moore. The
house was beautifully decorated with mock orange blossoms and peonies. The bountiful
luncheon was served cafeteria style and, after being served, each guest found her place at small
tables. On each table was a bud vase containing a beautiful dark red rose. The invocation was
delivered by Mrs. Beatrice Ellis. After luncheon, Mrs. Linnie Steele, in her usual charming
manner sang two beautiful selection, “My Treasure,” and “Go Out and Play”. Mrs. Mary
Bingham favored the guests with two of her splendid readings, “This Week’s Bridge Hand”, and
“The Shopping Trip,” a one-ace play in two parts. The children of the club then showed their
talent. Mary Moore showed her ability as a pianist by rendering “Calvin’s March”; Jean
Alderman sang in her pretty way, “In the Heart of the Hills”; Caroline Moore surprised the
guests by her capable rendition of two readings; “’n So Was I”, and “Nothin’ a Tall”. After
impromptu talks by the visitors, honorary members and old and new officers, the program was
drawn to a close with a rising vote of thanks to the hostess for her hospitality in inviting the club
to her home. Those present were: Mesdames Wm. Kerr of Oakdale, California: E. E. Love, J.
A. Robertson, Howe Steele, Mary Bingham of Springfield; Will Hixson, R. R. Farthing, Oliver
Wilson, Leonard Stine, Chas Woody, Francis Wernet, J. W. Alderman, Ed Thompson, Chas
Shollenberger, L. K. Ellis, O. J. Butler, Chas. Cox, J. C. Young, Mattie Adams, Minnie Garrison
and the hostess.
Setpember 1, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club held its first meeting for the year 1930-31 at the country home of Mrs.
L. K. Ellis near McCracken on Mon Sept 1. The president, Mrs. Belle Farthing, presided. Roll
Call was answered with Current Events. The minutes of the meeting of May 23 were read and
approved. Bill of $2 to Ozark Drug Co for flowers sent veterans on Memorial Day allowed.
Mrs. Ellis, as chairman of the yearbook committee gave her report as follows: Both Ozark papers
bid for printing of yearbooks and as C. C. Republican bid was lower the printing was let to them.
They printed 32 books for $19. Motion made & passed that $1 per member assessment be made
to cover cost of year books. Motion made and passed that bill of $19 to C. C. Republican be
allowed when assessments are paid. Note of appreciation from Mrs. Pile for book & flowers
read. Bill for $1.25 for book & flowers for Mrs. Pile allowed. Mrs. Cox reports $87.91 in
Treasury. Program – Travelogue – Club Round Table – Engineering projects of Mo”
Adjournment to meet with Mrs. Farthing Sept 8. Members present: Wilson, Woody, Moore,
Alderman, Cox, Stine, Roper, Young, Shollenbarger, Garrison, Giehl, Breazeale, Butler, Ellis,
Farthing, Massey.
September 8, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Belle Farthing Sept 8. Sixteen members
responded to roll call with interesting accounts of their own wedding anniversary. There was no
business of any kind. Eight members paid the $1 assessment on year book. The following
program was rendered: Mrs. Quintilla Young read of the wedding customs of different
countries. Mrs. Clo Butler gave a paper on weddings mentioned in Bible. Marriage laws of
different states was the Round Table discussion. Next meeting to be with Margaret Wilson
instead of with Mrs. Garrison. Mesdames Roper and Wernet assisted in serving refreshments.
Members present: Ellis, Moore, Hixson, Giehl, Roper, Alderman, Wilson, Wernet, Stine, Butler,
Breazeale, Young, Tunnell, Cox and Farthing. Norah Cox Sec’y protem.
September 15, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met Sept 15 at home of Mrs. Margaret Wilson. The president, Mrs.
Farthing, presided. Roll Call – Current Events. Minutes of meeting of Sept 8 read and
approved. Mrs. Cox reported letter from Mrs. Esther Reid, thanking club for year book. Bill of
$1.25 to Hixson Drug Co. for flowers allowed. The program consisted of a talk by Mrs. Beatrice
Ellis on Parliamentary Usage. Her discussion was very instructive and thorough. She used as
authorities on the subject Fox, Lougan, and Roberts. Announcement was made that Mrs. Maud
Rees has sold her business and will now have time to be active in the club. Therefore motion
was made and passed to rescind action which made her a life member and to make her an active
member. Meeting adjourned to meet with Mrs. Harriet Giehl on Sept. 22. Members present:
Moore, Cox, Wernet, Woody, Young, Roper, Shollenbarger, Massey, Pile, Farthing, Breazeale,
Alderman, Garrison, Hixson, Giehl, Tunnell, Ellis & Wilson. Harriet Massey sec’y
September 22, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met Sept 22, 1930 at the home of Mrs. Harriet Giehl. Mrs. Belle
Farthing, President, presided. Roll Call – Modern Writers. Minutes of meeting of Sept 15 read
and approved. Letter from Mrs. Taylor, Pres. Of Sixth Dist. M.F.W.C. regarding Dist.
Convention read. Convention to be held at Salem Nov 5 & 6. The following program was
rendered: Mrs. Lula Wernet gave an interesting paper on the life of Zona Gale. “The
Neighbors” a play by Zona Gale was given by the following group: Madge Tunnell, Margaret
Wilson, Ethel Shollenbarger, Maggie Stine, Ethel Moore, Clo Butler, Ella Roper and Harriet
Massey. The club was glad to have Mrs. Pyland, Mrs. Morre’s sister, as a guest. The next
meeting is to be a social at home of Mrs. Hixson. Members present: Wilson, Stine, Moore, Ellis,
Alderman, Tunnell, Pile, Wernet, Adams, Roper, Hixson, Farthing, Breazeale, Young, Garrison,
Butler, Shollenbarger, Giehl and Massey. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
September 29, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met for the September social at the home of Mrs. Jude Hixson on Sept.
29. The President, Mrs. Farthing, called the meeting to order and asked for any new business.
Mrs. Cox read letters from Mrs. Alice Wade and Mrs. Ellen Reid acknowledging the receipt of
their year books and thanking club for same. The meting was then turned over to the social
committee which was composed of Mesdames Alderman, Garrison & Cox. The committee and
the hostess were dressed as old fashioned ladies and announced that the weekly quilting party
was now in session. Small packages were passed that contained quilt puzzles to be solved.
Juanita Woody finished first and was awarded the prize. “The Quilting Party” was next rendered
by an impromptu chorus, who endeavored to make up in volume what they lacked in quality of
tone. Another extemporaneous number was the square dance with Mrs. Ellis on the fiddle, Mrs.
Alderman calling off and eight members doing as many different steps. The climax of the
“Quilting Party” was the piecing of blocks for a club quilt. When the quilt is finished each
member will pay 50 cents for a chance to win it. The proceeds will be used for a flower fund.
At the conclusion of this very enjoyable program refreshments were served to: Mesdames
Gibson, Adams, Alderman, Breazeale, Butler, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Hixson, Massey,
Moore, Roper, Shollenbarger, Thompson, Tunnell, Wernet, Wilson, Woody, and Young.
Harriet Massey, Sec’y
October 6, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met Oct 6 at the home of Mrs. Harriet Massey. Mrs. Farthing,
president, presided. The roll call was answered with short sketches of Missouri College and
Universities. The minutes of Sept 22nd and 29th read and approved. A bill for $2.75 for flowers
from the Ozark Drug Co presented by Mrx. Cox. Bill was dated March 29, 1930. The recording
secretary was instructed to inquire about bill as it had been made several months ago and no one
was sure who the flowers were for and who purchased them. The president again mentioned the
State Convention at Salem on Nov 2nd thru 6th. She urged that someone attend if possible. The
president called on Miss Maude Rees, who was back for the first times in several years as an
active member. Miss Rees responded by expressing her joy at being with us again. The
following instructive program was given: “Prominent Educators of Mo” Berta Mae Pile
“Mo. Parks and Caves” Ethel Moore The round table discussion was “Missouri Rivers.”
Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Ethel Moore on Oct. 13th. Members present: Adams,
Alderman, Breazeale, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Moore, Pile, Tunnell, Wernet, Wilson,
Young, Rees and Massey. Harriet Massey Secy
October 13, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met Oct 13 with Mrs. Ethel Moore as hostess. The president, Mrs.
Farthing, presided. Roll Call – “Modern Musicians” Minutes of Oct 6 read and approved. Bill
of $2 to Ozark Drug Co for flowers ordered (for Mrs. Giehl and Mrs. Park) on March 29
allowed. The president read a letter urging clubmembers to subscribe for the “Club Woman” at
50 cents per year. Another letter was read by the president regarding the national “Better
Homes” movement. She asked for a volunteer to take the chairmanship of the movement in
Ozark. The following program was presented:
“Life of John Philip Sousa” – Harriet Massey “Life of Walter Daurosch” - Ella Roper
“Life of Irving Berlin” – Harriet Giehl Round Table – “The Radio and Music”
The club was provided a special treat when Mary Moore played a beautiful piano solo. Club
adjourned to meet with Mrs. Berta Mae Pile Oct. 20. Members present: Stine, Giehl, Wilson,
Shollenbarger, Farthing, Garrison, Massey, Moore, Thompson, Cox, Alderman, Pile, Young,
Wernet, Hixson, Roper, Rees, Breazeale, and Adams. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
October 20, 1930
Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Pile on Oct. 20. President, Mrs. Farthing, presided. Roll
Call – “Famous Debators”. Minutes of Oct 13 read & approved. Mrs. Moore accepted
chairmanship of “Better Homes” movement. Mrs. Breazeale announced Mrs. Stewart had
offered poppy seeds to club. Pres. Appointed her to receive the seed and disposition of it would
be decided later. Bill of $1.60 for flowers (Mrs. Woody) to Hixson’s Drug Co was presented.
President called for discussion on spending money in treasury. Motion made and passed that we
spend money as we see fit. Bill then allowed. Pres. Appointed Mrs. Adams, Moore and
Breazeale to decide quilt question. Mrs. Rogers phoned to say little Woods boy needed shoes.
Mrs. Stine said she would get some for him. Mrs. Woody to thank club for flowers. Following
program given: Debate: Resolved: “Woman has done more than man for happiness of human
race” Affirmative: Isabelle Alderman & Jude Hixson. Negative: Minnie Garrison & Ida
Breazeale. The arguments were all clever and an audience vote resulted as follows: Aff. 6
Neg. 4. Mary Moore then played a lovely piano solo. Mrs. Ellis announced club has been asked
to give “First Thanksgiving” at Nov. P.T.A. Members present: Adams, Alderman, Breazeale,
Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Stine, Thompson, Wilson & Rees.
Harriet Massey Sec’y
October 27, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club held a Halloween Social at the home of Mrs. Ella Roper on Oct 27.
The entertainment committee comprised of Mesdames Adams, Wilson and Stine had previously
sent invitations to the members requesting them to come as the shades of certain characters in
history. On arriving the guests were met by a spook who led them into a room and instructed
them to sign their names in a register. This was impossible as there was no ink. They were then
led into another room where the other spooks and shades were. When all had assembled they
were asked two questions about shades and if they failed to answer they were given the acid test.
Each shade was led separately into the torture room for the test which consisted of drinking of
sulfuric acid, having their neck cut with a sharp knife and other things too horrible to mention.
The next thing was “Raising the Shades”. Each shade asked two questions about him or herself
and Mrs. Ellis received the prize for the most correct answers. T. Roosevelt –(Mrs. Pile) &
Jennie Lind.- (Mrs. Farthing) told something of their lives. A. Lincoln (Mrs. Massey) gave his
Gettysburg Address. By vote of all there Mrs. Tunnell as Rip Van Winkle received prize for best
costume. All costumes were good and showed careful preparation. Those present were
Cleopatra - Mrs. Cox; F. Nightingale – Mrs. Ellis; Rosalind – Mrs. Moore; Minnehaha – Mrs.
Wernet; Jennie Lind – Mrs. Farthing; Sarah Bernhardt – Miss Rees; Priscilla – Mrs. Alderman;
Topsy – Mrs. Garrison; B. Fritchie – Mrs. Thompson; Columbus – Mrs. Roper; Lincoln – Mrs.
Massey; Henry VIII – Mrs. Hixson, Roosevelt – Mrs. Pile, Rip Van Winkle – Mrs. Tunnell;
Caesar – Mrs. Young; Queen of Sheba – Mrs. Breazeale; History – Mrs. Wilson; Modernism –
Mrs. Stine; and Supreme Shade – Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Silver was a guest. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
November 3, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Ethel Shollenbarger on Nov. 3. The meeting
was called to order by the President Mrs. Farthing. On account of the political meeting the club
assembled late and Roll Call was omitted. During the business session it was decided that the
club would be unable to help with the P.T.A. Thanksgiving program but will do something later.
The following instructive program was given:
The United States Constitution
Legislative – Ivie Rogers
Executive – Mattie Adams
Judicial – Lola Thompson
The following members were present: Mesdames Adams, Cox, Farthing, Garrison, Hixson,
Massey, Moore, Pile, Rogers, Roper, Thompson, Wilson, Young, and Rees. Harriet Massey
November 10, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Maggie Stine on Nov 10. The Pres – Mrs. Farthing
presided. Roll Call was answered with “First Armistice Day Recollections” Minutes of Nov 3
read and approved. A letter from Mrs. Cleo Butler was read in which she tendered her
resignation as she was unable to attend club regularly. It was moved and passed to accept her
resignation. The Corresponding Secretary was instructed to write her a note expressing our
regret that she could not retain her membership. Letter from Washington Memorial at Valley
Forge, Pa
Asking club for donation for Mo. State Bell read. Matter was tabled till next meeting. It was
moved and passed that club send fruit and candy to County Farm for Thanksgiving. Miss Rees
and Mrs. Pile were appointed as committee to purchase and send these. The following program
was rendered: “Events leading us to World War” – Mrs. Cox
“Germany and World War” – Mrs. Pile
General discussion on “What is the Government Doing for its Veterans”
Popular war songs by club with Mrs. Ellis at the piano. The hostess served refreshments to the
following members: Adams, Alderman, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Giehl, Hixson, Massey, Moore,
Pile, Shollenbarger, Wilson and Rees. Next meeting with Mrs. Tunnell on Nov 17 with program
of Dec 1 to be rendered. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
November 17, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met Nov 17 with Mrs. Madge Tunnell. In absence of the President,
Mrs. Farthing, the Vice Pres. – Mrs. Breazeale, presided. Roll Call “Popular Magazines”
Minutes of Nov 10 read and approved. After discussion the motion was made that we send a
donation for the Mo. Bell in the Washington Memorial at Valley Forge. When put to a vote the
motion was lost. A letter from the Modern Seekers in which they asked us to attend their
carnival Saturday night was read. The following program was rendered:
“New Books” – Isabelle Alderman. Open discussion. The next meeting will be a Thanksgiving
social at the home of Mrs. Lula Wernet. Members present; Adams, Alderman, Breazeale, Cox,
Garrison, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Roper, Shollenbarger, Thompson, Wilson, Woody and
Young. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
November 24, 1930
No meeting on account of funeral of Mrs. James Farthing.
December 1, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Minnie Garrison on Dec. 1. Roll Call answered with
current events. Minutes of Nov 17 read & approved. The committee for sending fruit to Co.
Farm for Thanksgiving reported that a sack containing 2 bananas – 1 orange – bunch of grapes &
4 sticks of candy were sent each inmate. The cost of same was $1.98. Motion was made and
passed that bill be allowed. Mrs. Young asked that she be relieved of Christmas social. Miss
Rees invitation for that date was then accepted. The matter of Christmas gifts at social tabled till
next meeting. After discussion club decided not to undertake Christmas decorations for the
square. The program consisted of a short play in two acts by the following characters: Lula
Wernet, Margaret Wilson, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Hixson, Mrs. Farthing and Mrs. Breazeale. The
name of the play was “The Arrival of Billy”. It was very humorous and exceptionally well
rendered. The climax came when Billy arrived as a cat instead of a four year old boy. The
meeting Dec 8 will be with Mrs. Rogers. Members present: Adams, Breazeale, Cox, Ellis,
Farthing, Giehl, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Rees, Roper, Thompson, Tunnell, Wernet, Wilson
& Young. Visitors Mrs. Amanda Clayman & Mrs. Grace Love. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
December 8, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Ivie Rogers on Dec. 8. The President – Mrs.
Farthing presided. Roll Call – Bible Quotations. Minutes of Dec 1 read and approved. Motion
made and passed that each member bring a present to Christmas social for the person to whom
she is bluebird. The motion was lost to limit cost of presents. Motion was passed to send
Christmas dinner to County Farm. Committee Mesdames Young, Alderman & Shollenbarger.
As Mrs. Nelle Robertson has returned to make her home in Ozark she was voted a member of the
club. The following program was rendered: “The Psalms” – Mrs. Garrison “The Story of Job”
– Mrs. Cox. Round Table – Favorite Bible Characters. The next meeting will be with Mrs.
Breazelse instead of with Mrs. Alderman. Members present: Farthing, Cox, Ellis, Alderman,
Young, Shollenbarger, Hixson, Wilson, Breazeale, Woody, Wernet, Moore, Rogers, Garrison,
Tunnell, Pile and Massey. Visitor; Mrs. John Taylor. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
December 15, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met with Mrs. Ida Breazeale on Dec 15. Mrs. Farthing, president,
presided. Roll Call “Composers of Today”. Minutes of Dec 8 read and approved. Bill for
flowers for Mrs. Farthing allowed. The following program was presented: “The Story of the
Opera Pagliacci” – Beatrice Ellis
Duet – Mary Margaret and Lillie Dell Pile
Reading “House by the Side of the Road” Elizabeth Ellis
Round Table – Grand Opera Singers
Club adjourned to meet Dec 22 with Miss Maud Rees
Members present: Alderman, Adams, Breazeale, Cox, Garrison, Hixson, Farthing, Wernet,
Robertson, Thompson, Stine, Giehl, Pile, Ellis, Young, Wilson and Moore.
Mrs. Adams – Sec’y Protem
December 22, 1930
The Ladies Literary Club met for its Christmas social on Dec 22 at home of Miss Maud Rees.
The members had previously decided to bring a present for their bluebird with an outer wrapping
of newspaper. These were deposited on the front porch when everyone had arrived. The
program committee consisting of Mrs. Ellis, Tunnell and Cox carried the packages to the
Christmas tree and arranged them attractively. The program consisted of prayer by Mrs. Rogers;
reading of the first nativity from the Bible by Margaret Wilson; A Christmas Story – Mrs.
Garrison; and Christmas message – Mrs. Farthing. The gifts were then distributed and very
much enjoyed by all. There was a record number in attendance, only one member, Mrs.
Shollenbarger, being absent. The next meeting will be Jan 5 with Mrs. Alderman. Members
present: Adams, Alderman, Breazeale, Robertson, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Giehl, Hixson,
Massey, Moore, Pile, Rogers, Roper, Stine, Thompson, Tunnell, Wernet, Wilson, Woody, Young
& Rees. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
January 5, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Jan 5 at the home of Mrs. J. W. Alderman. Roll Call was
answered with New Year resolutions. Minutes of Dec 15 and 22 read and approved. Mrs.
Alderman reported that she and Mr. Alderman delivered the Christmas dinners donated by the
Club to the county farm. Bill for same not ready to be presented. Letter from Mrs. Taylor, 6th
District President, read. The program was presented as follows: “Pottery” Mrs. Nelle
Robertson “Antiques” – Harriet Massey Round Table “Recent Excavation” Vocal Solo Jean
Alderman The club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Norah Cox on Jan 12. Members present:
Hixson, Wilson, Pile, Roper, Rees, Farthing, Young, Massey, Robertson, Tunnell, Moore,
Wernet, Breazeale, Rogers, and Cox. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
January 12, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Jan 12 with Mrs. Norah Cox. The president, Mrs. Farthing,
presided. Roll Call was answered by each member giving an account of “An Enjoyable Trip”.
Minutes of Jan 5 read and approved. There being no old or new business to be transacted the
following program was presented: Excerpts from “Innocents Abroad” by Mark Twain – Harriet
Giehl Places of Interest in California – Ida Breazeale Round Table “An Historical Place I Have
Visited”. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Adams on Jan 19. Guests present: Mesdames W.
R. Radliff and M. R. Logan. Members present; Alderman, Breazeale, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison,
Giehl, Hixson, Massey, Pile, Roper, Stine, Thompson, Wernet, Woody, and Rees. Harriet
Massey, Sec’y
January 19, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Jan 19 with Mrs. Adams as hostess. The Vice Pres., Mrs.
Breazeale, presided. Roll Call – Customs of India. After a discussion of the report of the State
Survey Commission pertaining to Educational, Penal, Eleemosynary Institutions and financial
resources in Mo., The club voted to send a resolution to the members of the State Legislature in
this district expressing its approval of the recommendations of the Commission’s report. Mrs.
Young reported that the bill for the Christmas dinner to the Co. Farm was $4.85. Motion was
made and passed to pay this bill. Motion was passed to make an assessment of 25 cents per
member to cover this bill and remainder to be left in Treasury. The following program was
rendered “Modern India” – Berta Mae Pile Open forum
The following were present: Mesdames Clayman, Garrison, Hixson, Rees, Wernet, Moore,
Adams, Farthing, Robertson, Breazeale, Young, Pile, Wilson and Thompson. Harriet Massey,
January 26, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met for the January Social at the home of Mrs. Farthing. The social
took the form of a Take-A-Dish Luncheon and the day was spent quilting on the club quilt.
During the afternoon the drawing for the quilt took place and Mrs. Shollenbarger was the winner.
Each member had previously paid in 50 cents which is to be used as a flower fund. The
committee in charge of arrangements was Lula Wernet, Jude Hixson and Harriet Massey. A
very enjoyable day was spent socially as well as profitable. The quilt was finished about 4:30
p.m. We were all proud of it. Members present were: Adams, Alderman, Breazeale, Robertson,
Cox, Giehl, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Shollenbarger, Stine, Thompson, Wernet, Wilson,
Woody, Young and Rees. Visitors: Mesdames Gibson, Kerr and Ragsdale. Harriet Massey,
February 2, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Feb 2 with Mrs. Beatrice Ellis as hostess. Roll Call “Men Who
have helped develop Canada”. The matter of having alight placed on the water tower was
discussed. The following committee was appointed to investigate matter: Mesdames Garrison,
Adams & Tunnell. A letter was read requesting that we send in Federation dues by April. Mrs.
Moore suggested that we entertain Madam Sukero soon. Following program was presented:
Geography of Canada – Maggie Stine
Canadian Laws & Government
Lola Thompson
Canadian Products & Industries
Mattie Adams
The guest Miss Mildred Pile gave three clever readings. Members present – Adams, Young,
Cox, Tunnell, Pile, Moore, Stine, Garrison, Farthing, Hixson, Wernet, Robertson, and
Thompson. Lula Wernet Sec’y Protem
February 9, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. Feb. 9 with Mrs. Giehl. During the absence of both Pres.
And Vice Pres the Secretary, Harriet Massey, presided. Roll Call was answered by quotations
from a Modern Poet. Plans for entertaining the Modern Seekers were discussed. Motion was
made and passed that Mrs. Shollenbarger find how much it would cost to have the Drury Girls
Quartette give an afternoon program, and if it does not cost too much, we would engage them
when we have the Modern Seekers. Letter from Literature Chairman read. It urged observance
of Drama Week – Feb 8 to 14. Motion was made and passed that Cor. Sec’y write mentioning
plays we have given. Mrs. Moore read letter from Springfield Museum of Art urging us to
attend the Art Exhibit at Wilhoit Bld. Feb 10 to 28. The following program was presented:
“Paul Lawrence Dunbar” – Madge Tunnell “Walt Mason” Ehtel Moore
Round Table – Women Poets of Today. Members present: Tunnell, Ellis, Moore, Pile, Cox,
Young, Shollenbarger, Thompson, Woody, Wernet, Robertson and Massey.
Harriet Massey, Sec’y
February 16, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. Feb 16 with Mrs. Minnie Garrison. The President, Mrs.
Farthing, presided. Roll Call was answered by each member recalling memories of her
“Sixteenth Birthday”. The minutes of Feb 9 read and approved. Plans for the Modern Seekers
entertainment were tabled till next meeting. Letter from State Senator John C. Harlin read. He
acknowledged receipt of our resolution endorsing State Swine Commission Report and said he
had introduced it in the Senate. The following program was rendered: Picture Contest – each
member brought an early picture of herself and the members guessed who the pictures were of.
Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. Farthing guessed all correctly. “The Life of Abraham Lincoln” – to be
given by Maggie Stine was read by Mrs. Robertson. Round Table – “Birthdays of Prominent
Women”. Members present: Young, Pile, Robertson, Moore, Adams, Rogers, Thompson, Cox,
Rees, Farthing, and Massey. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
February 23, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met for the February Social on Feb 23 at the home of Harriet Massey.
The committee for the days entertainment was composed of Mesdames Thompson, Roper and
Giehl. The program was carried out in honor of George Washington’s birthday. The guests
were divided into red, white and blue groups for the afternoon. Contests in which these groups
took part included making insignia of George Washington’s time, Washington contest, fife and
drum corps and pruning cherries on trees. The blues held high score at the close of the afternoon
and were awarded a box of candied cherries. The last number on program was the scene of
cutting down the cherry tree which was enacted by the committee. Guests present were Mrs.
Amanda Clayman and Mrs. Stanley Clayman. Members present: Adams, Alderman, Robertson,
Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Giehl, Hixson, Moore, Pile, Roper, Shollenbarger, Thompson, Tunnell and
Young. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
March 2, 1931
The ladies Literary Club met March 2 with Mrs. Jude Hixson at the home of Mrs. Gibson. Mrs.
Farthing, president, presided. Roll Call ‘State and National Flowers” Motion was made and
passed that we not have the Drury girls for entertainment. Mrs. Moore suggested that we have
an old fashioned party for Modern Seekers with a “Take-A-Dish” luncheon. A motion to that
effect was passed. The following committees were appointed for the event:
Entertainment – Moore, Wernet and Alderman
Food – Breazeale, Hixson and Shollenbarger
Decorations – Tunnelll, Robertson & Garrison
Mrs. Young offered to have party in her home. It was voted to have it in two weeks and
eliminate social day at Mrs. Thompson’s. Mrs. Pile will exchange times with Mrs. Young. The
following program was presented:
“Perennials Through All Seasons” – Mrs. Young
“Rock Gardens” – Mrs. Robertson
Round Table - “Garden Plans and Suggestions”
Members present: Thompson, Roper, Rees, Robertson, Pile, Tunnell, Cox, Farthing, Young,
Garrison, Moore, Wernet and hostesses Mrs. Hixson and Mrs. Gibson. Lula Wernet Secy
March 9, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon March 9 with Mrs. Ethel Moore as hostess. The president,
Mrs. Farthing, presided. Roll Call – Household Hints. A clever note of acceptance in verse form
to our party from the Modern Seekers was read. An invitation from Sorosis Club of Springfield
to their House Warming March 10 was read. The Civic Affairs committee of the Chamber of
Commerce of Springfield wrote inviting us to hear speeches on civic beautification March 9.
Mrs. Garrison reported that it would cost $300 to have lights spelling Ozark placed on tower.
Mrs. Shollenbarger asked to change dates with some member for entertaining club on April 6.
Jula Wernet volunteered to change. The program consisted of a very interesting talk on “Interior
Decorating” by Mr. Oscar Brockman of the Lee Savage Paint Co in Springfield. At the
conclusion of his talk he answered numerous questions of those present on their individual
problems. The following guests were present: Mesdames Morvay, Shipman, Hawkins, Burress
Johnson, J. N. Young and Zoe Gibson. Members present: Robertson, Alderman, Wernet,
Adams, Thompson, Shollenbarger, Giehl, Massey, Ellis, Hixson, Farthing, Young, Garrison,
Breazeale, Wilson, and Pile Harriet Massey, Sec’y
March 16, 1931
(an article published in the newspaper was pasted in the minute book instead of written minutes)
Dame Fashion stepped from out the panel of the past at the old fashioned party given at the home
of Mrs. J. C. Young by the ladies of the Literary club Monday afternoon when the club was host
to the members of the Modern Seekers. Those antique fashions of from fifty years ago on down
thru to the ultra modern styles were in gay parade as they appeared on the members of the two
clubs. The little postage-stamp bonnet, the hoop skirts with their ankle length pantalets beneath,
the polonaise and bustles, broad extended ruffles, all made their appearance. In fact almost every
style which has appeared during the past fifty years was revived by some one of the forty ladies
present. The Young home was beautifully decorated for the affair, St. Patrick designs and colors
being used in artistic profusion, with jonquils as the predominating flower. After the arrival of
all the guests and club members and the hilarity created by the antique costumes had somewhat
subsided, the gathering was called to order and after an invocation by Mrs. R. R. Farthing, a two
course luncheon was served. After luncheon the following program was given: Roll call, “My
Earliest Recollection,” or a story told by Grandmother. Song, “When You and I were Young,
Maggie” by the group. Reading by Mrs. Oliver Wilson. Contest “Historical Nonsense,” won by
Mrs. T. B. Chaffin and Mrs. Fray Johnson. Six groups were then formed and each group
presented a pantomime. Such scenes as “The Boston Tea Party,” “Tenting on the Old Camp
Ground” “Barbara Fritchie”, etc., were enacted. Prizes for the most charming costumes worn by
some member of the two clubs went to Mrs. J. C. Young of the Literary Club and Mrs. J. L.
Woody of the Modern Seekers. The meeting closed by singing “Auld Lang Syne”. Those
present were Mesdames J. C. Young, J. C. Rogers, John M. Pile, J. W. Alderman, Omer Brown,
A. H. Giehl, R. R. Farthing, J. N. Young, Ward Shelton, T. R. Moore, Stanley Clayman, L. K.
Ellis, T. B. Chaffin, Francis Wernet, Ed Thompson, Oliver Wilson, Lyman Kerr, R. R. Hartley,
Fray Johnson, Reg Mapes, Mahlon Stine, R. r. Tunnell, Roy Green, J. L. Woody, Leonard Stine,
Gordon Massey, John Canard, Chas. Woody, Bert Whittington, Irvine Gardner, John Campbell,
Emmett Kerr, Rex Harris, Geo. T. Breazeale, Chas. Shollenberger, W. L. Hixson, Rose
Robertson, Misses Virginia Giehl and Maude Rees. The committee in charge of the luncheon
consisted of Mrs. Geo. T. Breazeale, Mrs. W. L. Hixson and Mrs. Chas. Shollenberger. The
decoration committee consisted of Mrs. R. R. Tunnell, Mrs. Ross Robertson and Mrs. Minnie
Garrison. The program committee consisted of Mrs. T. R. Moore, Mrs. J. W. Alderman and
Mrs. Francis Wernet. The Literary club will meet next Monday with Mrs. J. A. Roper.
March 23, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. March 23 with Mrs. Ella Roper. Roll Call – Current Events
Minutes of March 9 & 16 read & approved. Mrs. Tunnell reported that she thought a sign could
be put on the water tower for $45 or $50. Motion was made and passed that if we can get the
sign for $45 or $50 and city council will pay for current we will have it done. Mrs. Garrison not
being well she was relieved of work on the committee and Mrs. Moore was put in her place.
Mrs. Tunnell volunteered to see Mr. Maynard about the wire and bulbs and the Christmas
decorations we had left with him and then she will take care of them. A letter from Jane Rench
on Vacation Schools was read by Mrs. Farthing. The election of officers for year 1931-32
resulted as follows:
Pres. – Ethel Moore
V. Pres. – Margaret Wilson
Rec. Sec’y – Ida Breazeale
Cor. Sec’y – Lula Wernet
Press Reporter – Maud Rees
Program Committee for 1931-32 appointed: Wernet, Massey and Robertson
Members present: Moore, Shollenbarger, Wilson, Cox, Pile, Tunnell, Rees, Robertson,
Breazeale, Thompson, Farthing, Alderman and Wernet.
Nell Robertson, Sec’y Protem
March 30, 1931
The ladies Literary Club met Mon. March 30 with Mrs. Lola Thompson. The president Mrs.
Farthing presided. Roll Call – Irish Quotations Minutes of March 23 read and approved. Mrs.
Moore reported that we can get the sign put on the water tower of hollow tile – open letters – 18
inches high – spelling Ozark. Can be seen from all directions. 4 – 6 – or 8 lights. Cost $50 or
less. The city council meets Tues April 7 and we will await their decision about furnishing the
current before we vote on sign. A bill for $2.20 from Hixson’s for ice cream used at club party
March 16 was presented. Motion made and passed that it be paid. The program for April 20 will
be given next week at Riverside with Mrs. Juanita Woody as hostess. The program for the day
consisted of an interesting book review by Mrs. Ellis. The book reviewed was “Hangman’s
House” by Donne Byrne. Everyone joined in singing “Wearing of the Green” Mrs. Thompson
at piano. Members present: Farthing, Wernet, Pile, Moore, Young, Ellis, Cox, Woody, Wilson,
Rees, Garrison, Breazeale, Robertson, Adams and Massey. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
April 6, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met April 6 at Riverside Inn with Mrs. Juanita Woody as hostess. The
president, Mrs. Farthing, presided. Roll Call “Famous Painting and the Painter” Minutes of
March 30 read and approved. It was announced that the meeting April 13 will be at the home of
Mrs. Nell Robertson with Mrs. Maggie Stine as hostess. There being no business at hand the
program was then presented. Mrs. Roger’s paper on “Famous Masterpieces” was read by Miss
Maud Rees. Mrs. Rogers also sent some paintings to illustrate her paper. Round Table
discussion was on “Cartoonists and Comic Artists”. Mrs. Patsy Woody was a guest. Lovely
refreshments were served at one long table. Members present: Hixson, Giehl, Robertson, Pile,
Moore, Wernet, Massey, Cox, Wilson, Thompson, Garrison, Farthing, Woody, Alderman,
Breazeale, Tunnell and Rees. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
April 13, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. April 13 at the home of Mrs. Nell Robertson with Mrs.
Maggie Stine as hostess. The president, Mrs. Farthing, presided. Roll Call – Scripture
Quotations. Minutes of April 6 read and approved. Mrs. Moore reported that city council will
pay for the current for a sign on the water tower. The committee, composed of Mesdames
Moore, Tunnell and Adams, was authorized to go ahead and have the sign put up. The
Corresponding Secretary asked to write for Club’s credentials to State Convention at Carthage.
Mrs. Farthing offered her home for last day program. Mrs. Wilson announced that Social Day –
April 13 – is to be a Kid Party. Following program was presented. Song “My Faith Looks UP to
Thee” by Club “Hymns and Hymnmakers” – Harriet Massey Poem by Edgar A. Guest –
Isabelle Alderman
Round Table – Favorite Humns
Members present: Tunnell, Wilson, Ellis, Rees, Wernet, Garrison, Cox, Pile, Moore, Alderman,
Hixson, Breazeale, Roper, Farthing, Robertson and Massey. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
April 20, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. April 20 with Mrs. Ethel Shollenbarger. The minutes of
April 13 were read and approved. Mrs. Maggie Stine sent in her resignation as she is unable to
attend Club regularly. Her resignation was accepted. Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Massey were
appointed delegates to the State Convention at Carthage. Alternates to be chosen next meeting.
Volunteers were called for to judge debates at Highschool this week. The following responded:
Mesdames Alderman, Farthing, Moore, Breazeale, Wernet, Massey, Wilson, Robertson and Cox.
The following program was presented by the Honorary Members. Mrs. Bingham was chairman
of the group and announced it was an Arbor Day Program. Solo “Trees” – Maise Gray
“Significance of Arbor Day” – Grace Love Poem “Streets I have Seen” Julia Robertson
Piano Solo “Rustles of Spring” – Linnie Steele Contests on Trees led by Mrs. Bingham won by
Mrs. Pile and Mrs. Thompson. Honorary Members present: Mesdames Robertson, Bingham,
Steele, Love, & Gray
Members present: Alderman, Breazeale, Robertson, Cox, Farthing, Garrison, Giehl, Hixson,
Massey, Moore, Pile, Thompson, Wernet, Wilson, Woody, Young and Rees. Harriet Massey,
April 27, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. April 27 with Mrs. Madge Tunnell. The following business
was transacted. Mrs. B. O. Womble’s name was brought before the club as a member to take the
place left vacant by the resignation of Mrs. Stine. For the benefit of the yearbook committee the
motion was made that rules be suspended and Mrs. Womble be elected at once. Motion carried.
Ballot resulted in her election. Mrs. Giehl & Mrs. Young to advise her of her election. Voted to
make Mrs. Maggie Stine a visiting member for next year. Voted to send $5 to Scholarship Loan
Fund. The plan of the Lasts Day Social Committee for a Take-A-Dish luncheon at Mrs.
Farthing’s was accepted. Mrs. Wilson & Mrs. Wernet menu committee. Mrs. Tunnell reported
that the sign for the water tower was unsatisfactory and another type of sign would have to be
used. The committee was instructed to do as they think best in the matter. This being Social
Day the meeting was then turned over to the Committee: Mesdames Wilson, Woody and Hixson.
The members had been instructed to come dressed for a Kid Party and the costumes were
appropriate and amusing. Various games were played in the yard and were climaxed by
crowning “The May Queen” and winding the May pole. Refreshments were served in attractive
May baskets of the club colors purple and gold. Members present: Alderman, Breazeale,
Robertson, Cox, Farthing, Garrison, Giehl, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Thompson, Wernet,
Wilson, Woody and Young. Harriet Massey Secy
May 4, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met May 4 with Mrs. Lida Wernet. In the absence of the president the
Vice Pres – Mrs. Breazeale – presided. Minutes of April 27 read and approved. Mrs. Cox read a
letter from the Scholarship loan fund thanking club for contribution. Volunteers were called for
to attend the State Convention at Carthage May 12-16. Tabled till next meeting. The club was
glad to welcome the new member, Mrs. Womble, who made a few remarks of acceptance. Mrs.
Maggie Stine accepted the visiting membership offered her at last meeting. Club voted to
endorse Myrtle Agnes Robertson for Scholarship Loan Fund. Following program was rendered:
Vocal Solo – Jean Alderman
Readings – Mary Juanita Bingham
Piano Solo – Mary Moore
Spelling Match – Club
Next meeting, May 11, will be at home of Mrs. Margaret Wilson. Members present: Alderman,
Breazeale, Robertson, Cox, Garrison, Giehl, Massey, Moore, Pile, Stine, Thompson, Tunnell,
Wernet, Wilson, Young and Womble. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
May 11, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. May 11 with Mrs. Margaret Wilson. In the absence of the
Pres. And Vice Pres. The Sec’y, Harriet Massey, presided. Roll Call – My Greatest Adventure
Minutes of May 4 read and approved. Mrs. Moore reported that the light committee had decided
that a satisfactory sign reading Ozark could not be put on the water towel. A single light with
reflection can be put up for $18 or less. It would cost $10 to replace light each time it burned
out. Following discussion the motion was made and passed for light committee to go ahead as
they think best. Mrs. Wernet presented some problems of the last day menu committee which
were discussed. Bill of 25 cents allowed to Mrs. Cox for stamps. Mrs. Tunnell asked that club
members send clothes to Mrs. Hawkins for girl who is going to School of Ozarks. Question of
Club sponsoring the girl tabled till next meeting. The program consisted of Mrs. Woody’s paper
“Lindberg’s Adventure” which was read by Mrs. Moore. Guest present: Mrs. Lines. Members
present: Adlerman, Robertson, Cox, Ellis, Garrison, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Roper,
Womble, Thompson, Tunnell, Wernet and Young. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
May 18, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. May 18 with Mrs. Pile. The president, Mrs. Farthing,
presided. Minutes of May 18 read and approved. Roll Call – Name an Eminent Woman
The Light Committee reported that the light will be placed on the water tower sometime this
week. Letter from Public Welfare Chairman read urging us to hold clinics for children of
county. Nothing was done by club as this work is being taken care of by the State. It was
decided to have the last day program on Tuesday May 26. Voted to allow last day committee $1
for expense. The following program was presented: “Home Life and Out of Madame Louise
Homer” – Maggie Stine Readings from “Evangeline” – Margaret Wilson
Report on State Federated Clubs Convention by Mrs. Cox. Mrs. F. W. Wernet of Springfield
was a guest. Members present: Adams, Alderman, Breazeale, Robertson, Ellis, Farthing,
Garrison, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Roper, Stine, Wernet, Wilson, Woody, Young, Rees and
Womble. Harriet Massey, Sec’y
May 26, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club held its last meeting for the year 1930-31 at the home of the president,
Mrs. Farthing. The meeting took the form of a Take-A-Dish luncheon and social. The luncheon
was served on card tables on the porch which was profusely decorated with flowers. At the close
of the lunch Mrs. Pile gave some words of appreciation to Mrs. Farthing as our president and
Mrs. Farthing responded. The guests then adjourned to the living room where the following
program was presented: Each guest was asked to write “who I think my Bluebird is, and why?”
these were collected by Mrs. Juanita Woody, who later read them aloud. The club members then
pantomimed their gifts to their bluebird and when the member guessed her bluebird she was
presented with a ten cent gift. Next was a clever original Bluebird playlet by Margaret Wilson
and Madge Tunnell. At the close of this two little bluebirds, Patty Alderman and Lula
AnnWernet passed the bluebird cards for next year. The yearbooks for 1931-32 were then
distributed. Committee in charge were: Program – Massey, Alderman and Woody; Menu –
Wilson and Wernet. Guests present: Mrs. Zoe Gibson & Miss Lyons. Honorary members
present: Bingham, Love, Robertson, Steele and Gray. Members present: Adams, Alderman,
Breazeale, Robertson, Cox, Ellis, Garrison, Giehl, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Roper,
Shollenbarger, Stine, Thompson, Tunnell, Wernet, Wilson, Woody, Young, Rees and Womble.
Harriet Massey, Secy
Assessments for 1931-1932
On printed page #72 in the secretary’s book is a list of assessments collected and monies paid
out. Total collections are $50.20 and total paid out is $50.20.
Call Meeting July 28, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club was called to a special meeting by the President, Mrs. Moore, at her
home, July 28 – 1931. There were present: Miss Maud Rees, Mesdames Margaret Wilson,
Berta Pile, Isabelle Alderman, Quintilla Young, Ethel Moore, Madge Tunnell, Nelle Robertson
and Ida Breazeale. The object of the meeting was stated as being to pass on the matter of the
Club assisting to the amount of $5.00 on the expenses of two delegates from the Girls 4-H Club
to the annual Convention to be held at Columbia, the first week in August. After explanation of
the work and activities of the Girls Health Club this summer, sponsored by Mrs. Margaret
Wilson, a motion was made, seconded and carried that each member be assessed 25 cents for the
purpose of raising the $5.00; the money to be paid by the Treasurer out of funds now on hand
and assessments to be paid in by members at the first meeting in Sept. The work and leadership
of Mrs. Wilson in the Girls Health Club was commended by the Ladies Literary Club.
Ida Breazeale, Secy. Approved Sept 7 – 1931
September 7, 1931
The first meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held Monday, Sept. 7, 1931, at the home of
Mrs. Ethel Moore, Pres. With Mrs. Moore presiding. Mrs. Nelle Robertson, Secretary Protem.
Roll call was responded to “What I can do to best aid our Club President this year.” Minutes of
last regular meeting May 26 – 1931 were read and approved. Minutes of special meeting July
28, 1931 were also read and approved and report made that it was not necessary to collect
assessment as voted at that meeting Mrs. Lula Wernett explained the two errors in Program
Book. Mrs. Rigby, Health Nurse, requested that a member from this Club be appointed on the
County Health Com. And the President appointed Mrs. J. C. Young. Letters were read from
officers of the 6th District Federated Clubs calling attention to the meeting of 28th Annual
Convention of 6th District on Thursday and Friday Oct. 1st & 2nd, as the guests of “Self Culture”
and Pathfinder Clubs of Steelville, Mo. Clubs are entitled to representation as follows: The
president or her appointed and delegates, 2 for a membership of less than 50. At the meeting the
President or delegates will be requested to give activities of our Club for past year, this to be
given during roundtable talks. Letters were also read from Mrs. David S. Long, State President
and from Mrs. Byrda M. Taylor, President 6th District to the effect that beginning Sept. 1st each
member of all per capita paying clubs will receive the magazine “Missouri Club Woman” free;
and asking that a correct mailing list of our membership be furnished the State President.
Correspondence concerning the department in Capper’s Farmer which is to be known as the
“College of Homemaking” was discussed. The President, Mrs. Moore announced her intention
of enrolling. The President appointed committee chairmen as follows:
American Citizenship – Margaret Wilson
Education – Berta M. Pile
Fine Arts – Ethel Shollenberger
Legislation – Harriet Massey
Press & Publicity – Nelle Robertson
Public Welfare – Madge Tunnell
International Relations – Quintella Young
American Home – Isabelle Alderman
The following program was rendered: Club Collect – Mrs. Nelle Robertson
President’s Message – Mrs. Ethel Moore
Writing the successful Club Paper – Mrs. Lula Wernett
Song – “Old Oaken Buckett”
Refreshments served to members as follows: Isabelle Alderman, Quintilla Young, Belle
Farthing, Ethel Moore, Berta Pile, Margaret Wilson, Jaunita Woody, Jude Hixon, Ethel
Shollenberger, Minnie Garrison, Ella Roper, Robe Wamble, Nora Cox, Lula Wernet, & Nelle
Robertson. Nelle Robertson, Secy Protem Approved Sept. 13 – 1931
September 14 – 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Sept. 13 at the home of Mrs. Alderman. Roll Call –
Poems of the Sea. Minutes of Sept 7th meeting read and approved. The 6th District Convention
to be held at Steeleville, Oct. 1st and 2nd was discussed and as no one volunteered to attend, the
secretaries were requested to formulate and send in report of the activities of the Club for 1931.
A crippled child who is in need of surgical aid was discussed and Mrs. Hixson appointed to
investigate the matter. The corresponding secretary was asked to correspond with hospital as to
necessary expense of operation and treatment. Mesdames Young, Rees and Pile were appointed
to look over condition of shrubbery planted two years ago on City Lot and report same. Motion
carried to raise a fund to send delegate to 6th District Convention next year. Mesdames Ellis,
Cox and Woody appointed to suggest plans and raise fund. The President read a very clever
poem on “Model Club Woman”. Program for Sept. 21st read. Program for today was rendered:
Romance of Deep Sea Diving, Jaunita Woody. Deep Sea Life, Madge Tunnell, Round Table,
Famous Shipwrecks or Famous Castaways. Refreshments ere served to the following:
Mesdames Young, Hixson, Moore, Tunnelll, Cox, Roper, Wernet, Woody, Thompson,
Robertson, Farthing, Ellis, Garrison, Rees, Pile, Wilson and Breazeale. Ida Breazeale Secretary
approved Sept 21 – 1931
September 21, 1931
The regular meeting of Ladies Literary Club was held at 2:30 p.m. Sept 21 at home of Ida
Breazeale. Roll Call – Pioneer Women. Minutes of Sept. 13 read and approved. Mrs. Hixson
reported that County Health Clinic is seeing to operation of crippled child. She will report later
to Club if Clinic does not have the case attended to. Letter was read from Missouri Children’s
Home Society asking for contribution to help care for homeless children. It was decided no aid
could be given. The program as per year book was given as follows: The Story of the Old Trails
– Rose Womble; Famous Desperadoes – Lola Thompson; The Morman Migration – Ethel
Shollenberger; Solo – Out Where the West Begins” – Margaret Ann Ellis. The solo followed by
an encore number. Mrs. M. Garrison added to program by relating her experience in drifting into
the Mormon Temple at Salt Lake City. Next meeting with Mrs. Cox on Social Day. The
following members – Mesdames Moore, Shollenberger, Hixson, Womble, Garrison, Ellis,
Robertson, Alderman, Thompson, Rogers, Cox, Wernet, Young, Massey, Adams, Wilson,
Farthing, miss Maud Reese & Margaret Ann Ellis. Approved Oct. 5, 1931
September 28, 1931
The ladies Literary Club met for monthly social meeting at the home of Mrs. Nora Cox, on
Monday, Sept. 28, 1931. The report of Club’s activities for the past year to be read at 6th District
Convention Oct. 1st and 2nd, was submitted for approval, and ordered mailed to Dist. President.
The meeting was taken in charge by the Social Committee, composed of Mesdames Wernett,
Woody and Thompson. Games, all emphasizing labor, were indulged in, the last being a “Hog
Calling Contest”. Mrs. Nora Cox won the prize. The President and Jr. Past President then chose
players and ‘Labor” charades kept all minds working. Refreshments were served to the two
guests: Mrs. Lyon and Mrs. Nelle Heaton, and to the following members: Mesdames Alderman,
Moore, Ellis, Tunnell, Massey, Wilson,Adams, Garrison, Robertson, Womble, Farthing,
Wernett, Woody, Thompson, Breazeale and Miss Maud Rees. Ida Breazeale, Recording Sec.
Approved Oct. 5, 1931
October 5, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Oct. 5-1931, at the country home of Mrs. Ellis. Meeting
was opened at 2-30 by the Pres. Mrs. Ethel Moore, there being 14 members and one visitor
present. Roll Call “Describe a Beauty Spot in Missouri”. The minutes of meeting Sept. 21 and
of social meeting Sept. 28 were read and approved. The report of the committee to investigate
condition of shrubbery planted on City Lot, two years ago, was given by Mrs. Young, Chairman
of the Committee. The report was to the effect that there was a good showing considering the
lateness of the season and the drought the following year. The Committee recommended that we
do some fall planting especially on the East side. The President asked the Committee to secure
prices on shrubbery to carry out their recommendations and report to club next week.
Committee also recommended that City Council be asked to remove the old hose cart from City
Lot. Mrs. Nelle Robertson, Mrs. Minnie Garrison and Mrs. Mattie Adams was appointed to
confer with County court, asking that walks across court yard be used instead of walking on
grass. 25 cents was paid by Mrs. Massey as fine for failure on program Sept. 7th. The following
program was given: Reforms in Missouri Government in last 5 yrs. – Maude Rees
Missouri State Capitol Building – Ella Roper Parliamentary Drill – Ida Breazeale
Missouri Waltz – Lola Thompson Refreshments served to Mesdames Moore, Thompson, Cox,
Massey, Alderman, Giehl, Roper, Young, Robertson, Garrison, Shollenberger, Breazeale, Miss
Maud Rees and Mrs. Wells of Springfield.
Approved Oct. 12-1931
October 12-1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Oct. 12th at the home of Mrs. Belle Farthing. There were
19 members present as follows: Mesdames Alderman, Woody, Womble, Wernet, Hixson,
Roper, Robertson, Cox, Pile, Moore, Thompson, Garrison, Rees, Young, Wilson, Tunnell,
Womble, Breazeale and the hostess. Roll Call – Favorite Classical Music Selection The minutes
of Oct. 5th meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Young as Chairman of landscape committee
reported that the planting of shrubbery recommended at last weeks meeting, and two trees would
cost $13.10 and labor in setting same at 75 cents per hr. and would likely take a half day.
Motion was made and seconded that we have this work done. Motion carried. Motion made and
seconded that Mr. Maples be employed to do the planting. Motion carried. Motion made and
seconded that we loan our Halloween decorations to P.T.A. for their childrens party. Motion
carried. The following program was rendered: Legend of Humoresque – Jude Hixson
Legend of “Minnetonka” – Minnie Garrison Record – ByWaters of Minnetonka
Appreciation of Music – Isabelle Alderman Lovely refreshments to those present. The meeting
next week to be held at home of Margaret Wilson instead of with Mrs. Garrison. Ida Breazeale
Secretary approved Oct. 19-1931
October 19-1931
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday Oct. 19th 1931, 2-30 P.M. at the home of Mrs. Margaret
Wilson. Nineteen members were present, namely; Mesdames Rogers, Adams, Alderman,
Hixson, Wernet, Ellis, Garrison, Roper, Farthing, Cox, Robertson, Womble, Shollenberger,
Thompson, Woody, Moore, Breazeale, Pile and the hostess. Roll Call – Woman Suffragettes
Minutes of Oct. 12 meeting read and approved. Mrs. Lula Wernet read letter and
correspondence from Mrs. Chas. A. Lee of Jefferson City in regard to the National Kindergarden
Association. After discussion, a committee composed of Lula Wernet, Jaunita Woody and Jude
Hixson, were appointed to learn number of children of kindergarten age, and report that with
any other information at next meeting. Mesdames Belle Farthing, Ethel Shollenberger and
Madge Tunnell were appointed a committee to learn whereabouts of Xmas lights and decorations
belonging to the club. Mrs. Jude Hixson suggested the club buy 24 books to be passed from
member to member until all members have read the entire number, then be disposed of to some
other organization or donated to some library. On motion which was seconded and carried to
table the matter until next week. The following program was given:
Queen Mary of England – Belle Farthing; Queen Elizabeth – Beatrice Ellis; Queen Victoria –
Norah Cox; Catherine the Great – Isabelle Alderman. Refreshments to above named members.
Ida Breazeale, Secretary
October 26, 1931
This is from a newspaper article pasted into the minute book.
The Ladies Literary Club met on Social day for a Halloween party at the home of Mrs. Giehl.
The door was opened by a witch and a witch told fortunes in a kettle over a jar in the hall. After
many trials a small roll was secured from the red hot kettle and one was directed by another
witch to a chart on the wall covered with Chinese characters when you deciphered some eof the
things that are sure to befall. Afterward other Halloween games were played. The hostess
served refreshments to Mesdames Mattie Adams, Isabelle Aldeman, Ida Breazeale, Norah Cox,
Belle Farthing, Minnie Garrison, Jude Hixson, Harriet Massey, Nell Robertson, Ella Roper, Ethel
Shollenberger, Madge Tunnell, Margaret Wilson, Rose Womble, Juanita Woody, Quintill Young
and Miss Maude Rees, and two visitors, Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Clell Adams
November 2, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met November 2, 1931, at 2-30 P.M. at the home of Mrs. Jude Hixson.
Mrs. Margaret Wilson presided in the absence of the President. Mrs. Ethel Moore and Mrs.
Nelle Robertson acted as secretary in absence of the regular Secretary. Roll Call “Handicrafts of
our Grandmother’s Days.” Minutes of meetings of Oct. 19th and Oct. 26 were read and
approved. Reports on Kindergarten Committee and committee to learn where Xmas lighting
equipment belonging to the club, is stored, were not ready to report. The matter of the Club
buying books was discussed pro and con. Motion was made that we buy books as many as we
can afford. After we are through with books donate them to High School Library. The motion
was seconded and carried. A committee composed of Mesdames Alderman, Hixson and Woody
were appointed to suggest or select books and report to Club. Mrs. Wilson reported buying spray
of flowers for funeral of Mr. Butler, husband of our former member Mrs. Chloe Butler. Program
Patchwork Quilts – Mrs. Mattie Adams; Homemade Rugs & their Story – Mrs. Margaret Wilson;
A Century of Dress – Mrs. Quintilla Young; Song – Quilting Party – Club. Display of prized
bits of handicrafts and interesting old quilts. Refreshments were served to Mesdames Garrison,
Wernet, Alderman, Young, Wilson, Womble, Adams, Thompson, Robertson, Ellis,
Shollenberger, Farthing and Mesdames Zoe Gibson & Elizabeth Adams. Nelle Robertson Secy
November 9, 1931
The regular meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. Harriet Massey on
Monday Nov. 9 – 1931 at 2-30 P.M. There were fifteen members present as follows: Mesdames
Farthing, Robertson, Garrison, Cox, Shollenberger, Giehl, Alderman, Thompson, Wernet,
Moore, Tunnell, Hixson, Massey, Breazeale and Miss Maude Rees. Roll Call ‘Important Men
Who Lost Their Lives in the World War.” The minutes of October 26 and Nov 2 –1931 were
read and approved. The Committee appointed three weeks ago report that Mr. Chas.
Shollenberger has the Xmas lights and decorations belonging to the Club, packed and stored at
the Ozark Drug Co’s store. On motion it was voted to leave same stored until we are ready to
use same. A suggestion was made that we begin soon to plan for Xmas decorations on streets.
The committee appointed Nov. 2nd to secure prices on books report that for an assortment – some
poetry, some fiction, etc the average cost of book will be $1.35. Mrs. Farthing moved that the
Club buy 12 books. Motion was seconded and carried. The motion carried at last meeting that
we donate books to High School, was reconsidered and on motion which carried, books are to be
kept and added to Club Library. Each member to bring to next week the name of a book she
would like included in the 12. Mrs. Harriet Massey called attention to the Red Cross annual Roll
Call which is being made this month. Program – Reading; “Things” by Aline Kilmer – Madge
Tunnell; Christian County Boys Who Lost Their Lives – Lela Thompson; Solo ‘Trees” by Joyce
Kilmer – Angie Shaeffer & Miss Cavender Accompanist. Encore.
Taps – King Shollenberger. Delicious refreshments served by hostess. Ida Breazeale, Secretary
November 16, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Mattie Adams on Monday, Nov. 16 at 2-30
P.M. The following members answered to the roll call: American Wonders: Mesdames, Minnie
Garrison, Elizabeth Adams, Berta Pile, Jude Hixson, Margaret Wilson, Nora Cox, Rose Womble,
Harriet Massey, Lola Thompson, Ivie Rogers, Quintilla Young, Ethel Moore, Lula Wernet,
Jaunita Woody, Ella Roper, Belle Farthing, Ethel Shollenberger, Isabelle Alderman, Nelle
Robertson, Ida Breazeale, Miss Maude Rees and the hostess. Minutes of Nov. 9 meeting read
and approved. The written choice of books handed in by members, were turned over to the book
committee with instructions to make selections. Mrs. Lula Wernet resigned as Chairman of
Kindergarten Committee and Mrs. Nelle Robertson was appointed to fill vacancy as Chairman of
Committee. The President reported that the P.T.A. had requested this Club to solicit for and
have charge of a country store and fish pond at a school fair to be held at Ozark School Building
on 1st Friday in December. Motion was made, seconded and carried that we undertake this work.
The President appointed the following committee to have charge and solicit for country store:
Mesdames Ethel Shollenberger, Beatrice Ellis, Isabelle Alderman, Norah Cox, Jaunite Woody
and Rose Womble. Committee on Fish Pond; Margaret Wilson, Nelle Robertson, Jude Hixson,
Harriet Massey, Lola Thompson. Mrs. Shollenberger requested that each member bring an
article to club next week, wrapped ready for country store. Motion made, seconded and carried
that we send fruit and candy to inmates of almshouse on Thanksgiving. Mrs. Garrison, Mrs.
Rogers and Mrs. Pile appointed to buy and see that same is delivered. Note of thanks for flowers
was read from Mrs. O. J. Butler and Ruth Elizabeth. The following program was rendered:
Historic Spots of America: Jamestown Tower & Independence Hall – Rose Womble
Plymouth Rock & Ticonderago – Lula Wernet
Mrs. Shollenberger’s number “The Alamo” and Gettysberg were postponed until a later date on
account of lateness of the hour. Refreshments were served by hostess. Ida Acuff Breazeale
November 23, 1931
The November Social meeting of Ladies Literary Club was held at home of Mrs. Berta Pile,
Nov. 23-1931, there being 19 members and three visitors present. A short business session was
held. The President reported that the American Legion had asked the assistance of the Club,
along with other organization in sponsoring a Community Christmas tree. Matter discussed and
tabled until next week. A bill for $16.80 due Maple’s Gardens was allowed in payment of the
following: 6 Tamarix @ 40 cents = $2.40; 10 spirea thumbergi @ 50 cents = $5.00; 2 Wisconsin
weeping willow @ $1.00 = $2.00; 9 Pink Tartarian honeysuckle @ 30 cents = $2.70; 1 Chinese
Elm at 50 cents; 1 Mountain Ash @ 50 cents; 3 ½ hrs planting = $2.65; 3 ½ hrs. help = $1.05;
total $16.80. The social committee composed of Mesdames Young, Rogers & Robertson took
charge of meeting. Mrs. Young read 103rd Psalm. Song “Count Your Blessings.” Mrs.
Alderman read an original poem on a “Maple Tree”. Members were then asked to write in
Poetry or Prose the things we are most thankful for. Mrs. Garrison won the prize. Contests of
“Trees” and Word Building resulted in prizes being won by Mrs. Womble & Mrs. Tunnell.
Delicious refreshments were served to the following members: Mesdames Isabelle Alderman,
Ida Breazeale, Nora Cox, Belle Farthing Minnie Garrison, Jude Hixson, Harriet Massey, Ethel
Moore, Berta Pile, Ella Roper, Madge Tunnell, Nelle Robertson, Lola Thompson, Rose Womble,
Jaunita Woody, Quintilla Young and Miss Maude Rees. Visitors: Mrs. Silver, Mrs. Gibson and
Mrs. Elizabeth Adams. Ida Breazeale Secretary
November 30, 1931
The regular meeting of The ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Miss Maude Rees on
Monday Nov. 30 at 2-30 P.M. The minutes of November 16 and November 23 were read,
corrected and approved. Roll Call – Current News About Indians. The change in date of school
fair was reported same to be held Saturday afternoon and evening instead of Friday. Margaret
Wilson, Chairman of Fish Pond Committee for Fair, reported soliciting an advertisement from
the Thomas Fish Hatcheries and a check for $2.50 had been received from Mr. Thomas. Mrs.
Massey reported that Mrs. Vandeventer as Chairman of Art Booth Committee for the School Fair
would like entries in that department such as pictures, tapestries, quilts or antiques. Mrs.
Garrison reported their visit to County Almshouse to carry packages to inmates, containing fruit,
cookies and candy. On motion which carried an assessment of 25 cents from each member was
made to defray the expense. The Committee to select and order books report books ordered and
part received, all to be here by next week. Mrs. Robertson reported that 25 children of
kindergarten age had been located, and she was instructed to forward report to that effect to Mrs.
Chas. Lee at Jefferson City. The Club will not be expected to furnish funds in Community
Christmas Tree sponsored by American Legion but will have a Committee to assist with
arrangements. The Club voted to have Xmas party in usual way, each member bringing a gift for
her Bluebird. The following program was given: Indian Welfare: Indian Arts and Crafts – Ivie
Rogers; American Indian in the World War – Lola Thompson; Questions led by Nelle
Robertson: What Tribes are in the United States? Where located? Health and Religious
Conditions? Rights and Citizenship? How Does Education and Government Compare with the
Past? General discussion followed. The hostess served refreshments to the following members:
Mesdames Moore, Rogers, Tunnell, Massey, Thompson, Roper, Adams, Giehl, Cox, Hixson,
Robertson, Garrison, Farthing, Young, Woody, Wilson & Breazeale. Ida Breazeale, Secretary
December 7, 1931
The Ladies Literary Club members were joined by their husbands and other guests, in a 1
o’clock “Take-a-dish” luncheon on Monday, Dec. 7-1931, at the home of Mr. And Mrs. Ed
Thompson, honoring Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Young, who are leaving this week for a winter in
Florida. After lunch a short program was given as follows: Solo – One Alone – Elizabeth
Adams; Encore – A Little Home in the Hills; Readings – Our Hired Girl and Nobody Asked You
- Margaret Wilson; Original Poem – Dr. and Mrs. Young Go to Florida” – Mrs. Isabelle
Alderman. A book of poems by Eddie Guest was presented to Mrs. Young. After talks by Dr.
and Mrs. Young, the men departed. At 2-30 P.M. the President, Mrs. Ethel Moore, presided at a
business meeting of the Club. The minutes of meeting of November 30-1931 were read and
approved. Mrs. Moore reported having attended the meeting of representatives from other
organizations who met with the American Legion on Wednesday evening to discuss plans for
Community Christmas Tree and Program. This Club is asked to loan their lights and decorations
for tree and that members assist with committee work if needed and that we carry out our usual
custom of sending Christmas dinners to inmates of almshouse. Motion made, seconded and
carried that we furnish the dinners and pay for same with assessment. The Club’s activities in
conducting country store and Fish Pond at School Carnival netted about $18.00 and $8.60
respectively. Club extended a vote of thanks to committees who had charge of these booths. A
note of thanks was read from P.T.A. also. A lengthy letter to the Club was read from Mrs. Jessie
Bronson, a charter member of this Club, extending thanks for the Year Book, and inquiring as to
new members, etc. A suggestion was made that members who care to write Mrs. Bronson and
send letters in a group. The following members and visitors enjoyed the luncheon, program and
later business meeting. Mr. And Mrs. W. Clyde Pile of Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mesdames H. V.
Reid, J. A. Robertson, E. E. Love and R. Neil Gray of Springfield, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Young, Mr.
And Mrs. John S. Taylor, Mr. And Mrs. Fred Hawkins, Mr. And Mrs. Tom R. Moore, Mr. And
Mrs. John M. Pile, Mr. And Mrs. Frances Wernet, Mr. And Mrs. Ross Robertson, Dr. and Mrs.
R. R. Farthing, Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Rober, Mr. And Mrs. R. R. Tunnell, Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Ghiel,
Mr. And Mrs. Chas. Shollenberger, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Massey, Mr. And Mrs. Womble, Mr.
And Mrs. W. L. Hixson, Mr. And Mrs. Geo. T. Breazeale, and Mesdames J. W. Alderman,
Oliver Wilson, Chas. Cox, J. K. Ellis, Chas. Woody, John C. Rogers, Minnie Garrison, Miss
Maud Rees and the host and hostess. Meeting on Dec. 13-1931 to be held with Mrs. J. C.
Rogers. Ida Breazeale Secy
December 14, 1931
The ladies Literary Club met Monday, Dec. 14-1931 at the home of Mrs. Ivie Rogers. There
were 16 members and two visitors present. Roll call – Our Island Possessions. The minutes of
December 7th meeting were read and approved. A request was presented from the Parents
Teachers Association that this Club be responsible for the fitting and paying for glasses for one
school child, the cost to be between $4.00 and $6.00. The matter was tabled until next week. A
bill for $13.25 for book and $2.40 for ice cream and paper napkins was presented and on motion
which carried, same was ordered paid. Mrs. Alderman reported the books were here for
inspection and use, and were passed to first ten in alphabet present. Mrs. Rogers kindly offered
to act as librarian for the Club. The Secretary was authorized to write not of Thanks to Mrs.
Hixson for his assistance in ordering books through his firm at cost price. The following
program was given: History of Virgin Islands to time of purchase by U.S – Ella Roper
Life on the Virgin Islands – Maud Rees; The Island of Vera Cruz – The Birthplace of Alexander
Hamilton – Berta Mae Pile. Round Table – Islands of the World. The following members and
visitors were present: Mesdames Isabelle Alderman, Berta May Pile, Harriet Massey, Jude
Hixson, Margaret Wilson, Ethel Moore, Nelle Robertson, Minnie Garrison, Lola Thompson,
Belle Farthing, Nora Cox, Ella Roper, Ida Breazeale, Miss Maud Rees. Visitors: Mrs. Julia
Taylor and Mrs. Maxine Rogers and the hostess. Refreshments were served to members &
visitors. Ida Breazeale
December 21, 1931
The annual Christmas Party and program was held at the home of Mrs. Ella Roper on Monday
Dec. 21-1931 at 2-30 P.M. The committee on program and entertainment being Jude Hixson,
Maude Rees and Harriet Ghiel. A short business session was held in which it was voted to have
the Tunnell Café prepare a Xmas dinner for inmates of County Almshouse, at 35 cents per meal.
A motion was made, seconded and carried to allow bill of $5.40 to Love’s Grocery in payment
of Thanksgiving treat of fruit, cookies, etc. to Almshouse patients.
Following is from a newspaper article pasted in the minute book:
An enjoyable Christmas Social was held by the Ladies of the Literary Club on Monday,
December 21st at the home of Mrs. J. A. Roper. All joined in singing “Holy Night”. Harry Van
Dykes Christmas prayer was read by Miss Maude Rees. Reading, “The Other Wise Man” by
Mrs. Womble. A Christmas tree, lights and beautifully decorated rooms, ending with dainty
refreshments made for an exceptionally pleasant afternoon. In the guessing contest Mrs. Ellis
won the prize. Mrs. Harriett Massey was acknowledged the best salesman, having convinced all
present they should have a radio in every room. Those present were Mesdames J. W. Alderman,
Geo. T. Breazeale, C. P. Cox, L. K. Ellis, R. R. Farthing, A. H. Giehl, W. L. Hixson, Gordon J.
Massey, T. R. Moore, John M. Pile, Ross Robertson, J. C. Rogers, Chas. Shollenberger, W. Ed.
Thompson, R. R. Tunnell, Francis Wernet, Oliver Wilson, B. O. Womble, Chas. Woody, Ford
Haguewood, Mrs. Mattie Adams, Mrs. Minnie Garrison and Miss Maude Rees. The next
meeting will be on Monday, January 4th, 1932.
January 4, 1932
The regular meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ethel
Shollenberger, on Monday, Jan 4 at 2:30 P.M. Fourteen member were present as follows:
Mesdames Moore, Tunnell, Womble, Wernett, Farthing, Alderman, Cox, Robertson, Massey,
Thompson, Pile, Breazeale, Miss Maud Reese and the hostess. The minutes of the past two
meetings December 14 and December 21-1931 were read and approved. The request made on
December 14 by P.T.A. for a donation from this Club to buy glasses for a school child was
discussed and it was reported other provisions had been made for financing same. Bill of $6.65
was allowed and ordered paid to Tunnell Café, being for 19 Christmas dinners at 35 cents to
inmates at County Almshouse. Mrs. Tunnell reported the dinner consisting of chicken, dressing,
gravy, sweet potatoes, escalloped corn, green beans, butter, rolls and pumpkin pie, as being much
enjoyed and appreciated by the recipients. Assessment of 30 cents per member was made to
provide funds for same. Mrs. Lula Wernett tendered her resignation as a member of the Club
saying she could not keep up work of two clubs. Her wish being to entertain the Club as per
Year Book on January 25th. This resignation created a vacancy in the office of corresponding
secretary-treasurer and Mrs. Nelle Robertson was appointed by the President to serve the balance
of the year. The following program was given, roll call having been responded to with “How I
Resolve to Save Time and Effort During the Year”. New Years Reading – Isabelle Alderman;
Making the Meal of Today – Harriet Massey; Around the Circle – Comments on Life from Great
Writers. Miss Jean Alderman could not sing on account of a cold but will give her number later
on. Refreshments were served to those present and adjournment to meet with Mrs. Madge
Tunnell next week. Ida Breazeale Secretary
The following is a list of the books recently purchased by the Club:
The Sophisticate; A Man for the Ages; The Soul of Ann Rutledge; Bell Mere; All Alongshore;
Hatters Castle; With Malice Toward None; American Beauty(Edna Ferber); Exit; Upstream.
January 11, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club held its regular meeting in the home of Mrs. Madge Tunnell on
Monday, Jan 11-1932 at 2-30 P.M. There were 18 members and one visitor present as follows:
Mesdames Giehl, Woody, Rogers, Farthing, Pile, Roper, Adams, Massey, Thompson, Cox,
Moore, Womble, Wilson, Robertson, Tunnell, Hixson, Breazeale and Miss Maud Rees. Mrs.
Mayme Lyons, aunt of Mrs. Tunnell was a visitor. Roll Call – Marvels of Science
The minutes of Jan. 4th meeting was read and approved. Attention was called by Mrs. Rogers
that letters were to be written by members to Mrs. Bronson. Mrs. Moore the President appointed
Year Book Committee as follows: Mrs. Womble, Miss Rees and Mrs. Shollenberger. The
following program was given: Artificial Sunshine – Ivie Rogers; Commercial Aviation – Nora
Cox; Discussion – What we may expect of aviation in the future. Mrs. Ellis was absent but will
give her number “Why the Weather” another time. Refreshments were served by hostess.
Meeting Jan 18th to be held with Mrs. Nelle Robertson. Ida Breazeale Secretary
January 18, 1932
The regular weekly meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. Nelle
Robertson on Monday, Jan. 18 at 2-30 P.M. There were 16 members present. Roll Call – Art
Galleries of Europe and America. Minutes of Jan. 11 meeting read and approved. After
discussion of the vacancy caused by resignation of Mrs. Lula Wernet, it was decided to ask Mrs.
Elizabeth Adams to become a member again, she having resigned when moved away some time
ago. Mrs. Harriet Massey announced that the W.C.T.U. is giving a series of declamation
contests among 7th and 8th Grade pupils, the first contest to be given Friday evening of this week.
A small admittance fee to be charged to pay expenses and help along with other work of the
organization. The following program was given: Stained Glass Windows – Jude Hixson;
Cathedrals and Castles of France – Harriet Giehl. Round Table – Famous Buildings.
Refreshments were served to the following Mesdames, Harriet Massey, Lola Thompson, Ethel
Moore, Rose Womble, Mattie Adams, Nora Cox, Beatrice Ellis, Madge Tunnell, Harriet Giehl,
Belle Farthing, Ethel Shollenberger, Jude Hixson, Margaret Wilson, Ida Breazeale, Miss Maud
Rees and the hostess. Meeting next week to be held at home of Mrs. Lula Wernet. Ida Breazeale
January 25, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Lula Wernet on Monday, Jan. 25-1932 at 2-30
P.M. The last meeting in the month ordinarily is Social Day but the Committee had arranged a
miscellaneous program as follows:
Roll Call was responded to with paragraphs read from an article taken from Cappers Weekly on
“Manchuria”. Mrs. Ellis read a paper on “Why the Weather” and Mrs. Shollenberger on “The
Alamo and Gettysburg” these numbers not having been given on the regular programs. A
guessing contest to be answered with names of kitchen utensils was won by Mrs. Beatrice Ellis
and Mrs. Ethel Moore. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Wernett to the following members:
Mesdames Lola Thompson, Minnie Garrison, Ella Roper, Rose Womble, Jude Hixson, Nelle
Robertson, Jaunita Woody, Margaret Wilson, Beatrice Ellis, Ethel Shollenberger, Nora Cox,
Belle Farthing, Isabelle Alderman, Ethel Moore, Harriet Massey, Mattie Adams, Elizabeth
Adams, and Ida Breazeale. Meeting on Feb. 1st to be held with Mrs. Minnie Garrison. Ida
Breazeale Secretary
February 1, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday February 1st-1932 at 2-30 P.M. in the home of Mrs. Ethel
Moore instead of with Mrs. Garrison. There were 17 members present. The President, Mrs.
Ethel Moore, presided. The minutes of January 18th and Jan 25th were read and approved. It
being the first of the Geo. Washington programs, in commemoration of the 200 anniversary of
the birth of George Washington, Pledge was given to the Flag, and the American Creed given in
concert. This was followed by singing “America”. Other numbers on the program were: Family
Relationships of George Washington – Ida Breazeale; The Mother of George Washington –
Berta May Pile; The Youth and Manhood of George Washington – Mattie Adams. Two Piano
numbers: Chapel in the Valley & Old Mission Chimes – Mary Moore. Refreshments were
served by the hostess to Mesdames Harriet Massey, Margaret Wilson, Jaunita Woody, Belle
Farthing, Nora Cox, Rose Womble, Nelle Robertson, Madge Tunnell, Berta Pile, Isabelle
Alderman, Mattie Adams, Minnie Garrison, Elizabeth Adams, Lola Thompson, Miss Maude
Rees and Ida Breazeale. Meeting on Feb. 8th to be held at home of Mrs. Minnie Garrison. Ida
Breazeale Secretary
February 8, 1932
The regular meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. Minnie Garrison
on Monday, Feb. 8th at 2-30 P.M. Mrs. Ethel Moore, President presiding. There were 17
members and four visitors present. Pledge to the Flag was given and the American’s Creed
given in concert. Minutes of Feb 1st read and approved. The matter of furnishing a rest room in
court house was discussed. There being no business the Year Book program was given as
follows: The Homes of George Washington – Margaret Wilson; George Washington, the Man of
Sentiment – Madge Tunnell; George Washington, the Man of Action – Rose Womble. Singing
of America. Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following: Mesdames Isabelle
Alderman, Mattie Adams, Ida Breazeale, Nora Cox, Belle Farthing, Harriet Giehl, Jude Hixson,
Ethel Moore, Ivie Rogers, Nelle Robertson, Lola Thompson, Madge Tunnell, Ethel
Shollenberger, Margaret Wilson, Jaunita Woody, Rose Womble and the hostess. Visitors Mrs. L.
C. Thebo, of California, Mrs. Chlo Butler; Mrs.Grace Love of Springfield and Mrs. Emma
McCauley of Dallas, Texas. The meeting on Feb 15 to be held at home of Mrs. Jude Hixsons.
Ida Breazeale Secretary
February 15, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Jude Hixson on Monday, Feb. 15-1932, at 230 P>M> Mrs. Ethel Moore presiding. There were 15 members and three visitors present.
Pledge to the Flag and the American’s Creed. The minutes of Feb. 8th meeting were read and
approved. Mrs. Massey reported that at the request of the local W.C.T.U. the County Court is
having the Ladies Rest room in Court House painted and calcimined. The following program as
per year book was given: George Washington, the Christian – Jaunita Woody; George
Washington, the Leader of Men – Elizabeth Adams; The Social Life of George Washington –
Margaret Wilson. Singing – Star Spangled Banner. Refreshments were served by the hostess to
the following: Visitors; Mrs. Chloe Butler, Mrs. Thebo and Mrs. Zoe Gibson. Members, Harriet
Massey, Mattie Adams, Nelle Robertson, Isabelle Alderman, Minnie Garrison, Ethel Moore,
Margaret Wilson, Lola Thompson, Jaunita Woody, Belle Farthing, Madge Tunnell, Elizabeth
Adams, Berta Mae Pile, and Ida Breazeale. Next meeting, Feb. 22 at home of Mrs. Mattie
Adams. Ida Breazeale Secy
February 22, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Mattie Adams on Monday, Feb 22 at 2-30
P.M. There were 15 members and 3 visitors present. Minutes of February 15th were read and
approved. Pledge to the Flag and American’s Creed. The following program was given: Roll
Call – Tributes to Washington; George Washington, the Builder of the Nation – Lola Thompson;
George Washington, the President – Ethel Shollenberger; Patriotic Song “Columbia the Gem of
Ocean” by Club. Mrs. Rogers read a paper on Governmental affairs in general and a general
discussion followed. Mrs. Womble, as Chairman of Year Book Committee, inquired if the
members would like some programs the coming year on our government. It was voted that we
ask the Committee to arrange programs that will give us a better knowledge of our laws.
Refreshments were served by the hostess to three visitors; Mesdames Chloe Butler, Thebo, and
Zoe Gibson. Members: Lola Thompson, Jude Hixson, Ivie Rogers, Harriet Massey, Mattie
Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Ethel Shollenberger, Ethel Moore, Rose Womble, Nelle Robertson,
Minnie Garrison, Beatrice Ellis, Nora Cox, Madge Tunnell and Ida Breazeale. Meeting on Feby
29th to be held at home of Mrs. Alderman, it being Social Day. Ida Breazeale Secy
February 29, 1932
This is a newspaper article pasted into the minute book:
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday, February 29th, at the home of Mrs. J. W. Alderman. In
the absence of the president, Mrs. Moore, the meeting was called to order by the Vice-President,
Mrs. Wilson. As there was no business to transact the meeting was turned over to the program
committee, consisting of Mrs. Tunnell, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Massey, who gave a playlet,
portraying the human side of George Washington when a youth. While waiting for the
characters to get ready, the club sang a song entitled, “A Washington Party.” Mrs. Ed Thompson
was at the piano. Afterwards, three groups of five each displayed their histrionic ability by
depicting scenes from the Life of Washington. The hostess served refreshments to one visitor,
Mrs. Gibson, and seventeen members, Mesdames Geo. Breazeale, C. P. Cox, L. K. Ellis, R. R.
Farthing, A. H. Giehl, W. L. Hixson, Gordon Massey, John M. Pile, Ross Robertson, J. C.
Rogers, Chas. Shollenberger, W. Ed Thompson, R. R. Tunnell, Oliver Wilson, Mrs. Mattie
Adams, Mrs. Minnie Garrison and Miss Maude Rees. The club meets next Monday with Mrs.
George Breazeale.
The following is written into the minute book:
At the business session it was voted to send post cards to the President Mrs. Moore. Next
meeting to be held at home of Ida Breazeale. Ida Breazeale Secy
March 7, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Ida Breazeale on Monday, March 7, 1932 at 2:30
P.M. with 12 members and one visitor present. Mrs. Margaret Wilson presided in the absence of
the President, Mrs. Ethel Moore. Roll Call – Women in Business and Public Life. The minutes
of meetings Feby. 22nd and February 29th were read and approved. Attention was called to the
election of officers for 1932-1933 to be held on last Monday in March. Vote was taken as to
whether or not the meeting for the afternoon be adjourned and attend convention of Health Unit
at school building. Majority vote being to continue regular meeting of Club. Motion made and
carried that the playlet given by Mesdames Tunnell, Wilson and Massey on Feby. 29th program,
be presented at the High School Assembly on Friday morning of this week along with other
special features by Club members. The following program was given: The Status of Women
Through the Ages – Nell Robertson, Club Talks – If Women Ran the Government.
Refreshments were served by the hostess to the following: Mesdames Mattie Adams, Elizabeth
Adams, Isabelle Alderman, Nora Cox, Minnie Garrison, Jude Hixson, Harriet Massey, Nelle
Robertson, Margaret Wilson, Jaunita Woody, Quintilla Young and the hostess, members, and
Mrs. Zoe Gibson, visitor. Meeting on March 14th to be held at home of Mrs. Nora Cox. Ida
Breazeale Secy
March 14, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Norah Cox on Monday, March 14, 1932, at
2:30 P.M. Seventeen members and two visitors were present. Roll Call – Why Save? The
minutes of March 7th were read and approved. Bill of $2.50 due Hixson Drug Co. for flowers for
Clara Farthing funeral was allowed and Treasurer ordered to pay same. Attention called to
Federated dues payable this month, being 50 cents per member, and Treasurer ordered to send
the amount to Federated headquarters. The program subject being “Family Finance” the
following program was given: Importance of making a Will – Judge Jacob Hartley
Types of Insurance – Fray Johnson
Different Types of Bank Paper – Wm. C. Taylor.
These speakers were masters of their subjects and the talks were very instructive and interesting.
The hostess served refreshments to the following: Mattie Adams, Isabelle Alderman, Ida
Breazeale, Nora Cox, Belle Farthing, Minnie Garrison, Harriet Giehl, Jude Hixson, Ethel Moore,
Harriet Massey, Nelle Robertson, Maude Rees, Madge Tunnell, Lola Thompson, Jaunita Woody,
Margaret Wilson, Rose Womble and two visitors Mrs. Nelle Heaton and Zoe Gibson. Meeting
on March 21 to be held at home of Mrs. Beatrice Ellis. Ida Breazeale Secy.
March 21, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Beatrice Ellis on Monday, March 21, 1932, at
2:30 p.m. Roll Call – Scripture Quotations. Prayer – Mrs. Ivie Rogers. Letter was read, also
program from General Motors of their broadcast on “A Tribute to Missouri” on Monday
evening, March 28 at 8:30 C.S.T. W.E.A.T.-N.B.C. network. The following program was given
Places in the Holy Land as they are today – Harriet Massey
Easter Poem – Minnie Garrison
Song: Mesdames Ethel Shollenberger
Appearances of Jesus after the Resurrection – Ivie Rogers
Around the Circle – Easter Customs
Refreshments were served by hostess to Isabelle Alderman, Harriet Massey, Maud Rees, Nora
Cox, Elizabeth Adams, Ivie Rogers, Ethel Shollenberger, Jude Hixson, Ethel Moore, Minnie
Garrison and Nelle Robertson. Next meeting to be held at home of Mrs. Farthing, being Social
Day, also election of officers. Nelle Robertson Secretary ProTem
March 28, 1932
The regular meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. Farthing on
Monday afternoon at 2:30 P.M. The Minutes of March 14 and March 21st were read, corrected
and approved. It being the day for election of officers, the President appointed Mrs. Alderman
and Mrs. Robertson as tellers and resulted in election of the following:
For President – Mrs. Margaret Wilson
For Vice President – Mrs. Harriet Massey
For Recording Secretary – Mrs. Ethel Shollenberger
For Corresponding Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. Nelle Robertson
For Press Reporter: Mrs. Elizabeth Adams
Mrs. Ella Roper thanked the club for flowers sent to Clara Farthing funeral. The President, Mrs.
Ethel Moore, requested members to come next week prepared to discuss and decide whether or
not the “Blue bird” custom will be continued into next year. The Committee for Social Hour,
Mesdames Nora Cox, Mattie Adams and Elizabeth Adams, furnished entertainment in the
following: An interesting Question and Answer Game: A Human Radio, each member crooning
on assigned time. A contest on popular magazines. Mrs. Alderman and Mrs. Wilson winning
prizes. Hostess served refreshments to Mesdames Mattie Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Hixson,
Moore, Alderman, Robertson, Rees, Young, Wilson, Cox, Roper, Massey, Thompson and
Breazeale. Meeting on April 4 to be held at home of Mrs. Garrison, the honorary members in
Springfield furnishing program. Ida Breazeale Secy
April 1, 1932
On April 1st, the Modern Seekers were hostesses to Ladies Literary Club at the home of Mrs.
Anna Clayman. A report of same is given below as reported to Christina County Republican.
Modern Seekers Entertain Ladies Literary Club
The Modern Seekers club entertained the ladies of the Literary club with a lovely 1 o’clock
luncheon in the home of Mrs. Stanley Clayman on Friday, April 1st. As the guests arrived they
were greeted by Mrs. Francis Wernet, Mrs. Reg Mapes, Mrs. Fray Johnson and Mrs. Bert
Whittington. The ushers were Mrs. Rex Harris, Mrs. M. D. Stine and Mrs. Jean Woody. The
date being April 1st, the party took on the air of a “Fools” party, so after the guests removed their
wraps they were given soda crackers to eat while finding their places at the eleven quartet tables
and they were not allowed to speak until they had each eaten a cracker. After everyone was
seated, Mrs. Francis Wernet, president of the Modern Seekrs, gave an address of welcome and
then turned the affair over to the program committee, consisting of Mrs. Fray Johnson, Mrs. D.
C. Leonard and Mrs. Mahlon Stine, who had planned a very clever “April Fool’s Party”. During
the luncheon hour roll call was answered with “The Most Foolish Thing I Ever Did.” The
serving committee consisted of Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. Irvan Gardner, Mrs. James Wallace,
and Mrs. Emmett Kerr, all wearing white dresses. After lunch each guest was presented with
white and pink rosebuds. Mrs. J. C. Young won the April Fool prize for telling the most foolish
thing she ever did. Seven “old maids” and seven “old bachelors” then put on some stunts which
brought forth screams and laughter. The “Old Maids” were Ethel Stine, Golda Harris, Jessie
Chaffin, Mabel Mapes, Ruth Kerr, Reba Campbell and Katy Lee Whittington. The “Old
Bachelors” were Loretta Leonard, Lula Wernet, Lucille Brown, Edna Green, Lola Wallace,
Lillian Mowry and Belle Canard. A match box race (a small matchbox with slip on cover being
attached to one nose and placed onto another without being dropped) was won by Mrs. Omer
Brown. A flower contest was won by Mrs. J. C. Rogers and a tree contest by Mrs. W. L. Hixson.
The guests from the Literary Club were Mesdames T. R. Moore, W. L. Hixson, Gordon Massey,
Ross Robertson, John M. Pile, Geo. T. Breazeale, A. H. Giehl, Chas. Shollenberger, R. R.
Farthing, Chas. Cox, R. R. Tunnell, Oliver Wilson, Clell Adams, L. K. Ellis, Ed. Thompson, B.
O Womble, Chas. R. Woody, J. W. Alderman, J. C. Rogers, Mrs. Minnie Garrison and Miss
Maude Rees. Those present from the Modern Seekers were Mesdames Francis Wernet, Fray
Johnson, Mahlon Stine, Jean L. Woody, Emmett Kerr, Irvan Gardner, R. D. Mowry, John
Canard, Penny Spenny, Reg Mapes, Bert Whittington, Rex Harris, Lyman Kerr, John Campbell,
James Wallace, D. C. Leonard, Roy Green, Omer Brown, T. B. Chaffin, Stanley Clayman, Ford
Haguewood and Ralph Hartley. Other invited guests were Mrs. Raymond Southworth and Mrs.
Monte E. Blunn of Oklahoma City.
April 4, 1932
The regular meeting of Ladies Literary Club on April 4th, 1932, was designated by Program
Committee as Honorary Members Day with Mrs. Grace Love as Chairman of the Day’s program
and Mrs. Minnie Garrison as hostess. The meeting was called to order by Mrs. Ethel Moore
President, and turned over to Honorary Members, who gave the following program:
Vocal solo – “Your Eyes” by Mrs. Howe Steele, playing her own piano accompaniment, with
Mrs. Claude Love playing the violin obbligato.
Violin solo, “La Gitana” by Mrs. Claude Love, accompanied by Mrs. Howe Steele at piano.
Playlet – Mrs. Steele at piano, introducing characters in song; as follows:
Mrs. R. Neil Gray, Hero
Mrs. Clay Jones, Shy Heroine
Mrs. J. A. Robertson, Heroine’s mother
Mrs. H. V. Reid, Heroine’s father
Mrs. Claude Love, Vampire
Mrs. Ed Love, Villian
Piano Solo – Mrs. Clay Jones
Greetings and Talk – Mrs. H. V. Reid
Refreshments were served to the following honorary members: Mesdames H. V. Reid, J. A.
Robertson, Howe Steele, Ed Love, R. Neil Grey and Clay Jones. Visitors: Mesdames Fulbright
of Dinuba, California, Claude Love and John Hinson of Springfield, and the following active
members: Mesdames Mattie Adams, Clell Adams, J. W. Alderman, Geo. T. Breazeale, C. P.
Cox, Ellis, R. R. Farthing, Minnie Garrison, A. H. Giehl, W. L. Hixson, Gordon Massey, Tom R.
Moore, J. M. Pile, Ross Robertson, J. C. Rogers, Chas. Shollenberger, Ed Thompson, R.R.
Tunnell, Oliver Wilson, Chas. Woody, J. C. Young. Next meeting at home of Mrs. A. H. Giehl
Ida Breazeale Secy
April 11, 1932
The regular meeting of Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. A. H. Giehl on
Monday April 11 – 1932 at 2-30 P.M. with the President Mrs. Ethel Moore presiding. Roll Call
– Nature Verses. The minutes of March 28-1932 and April 4-1932 were read and approved.
After much discussion, it was voted to continue the Blue-bird custom through next year. A letter
from Mrs. W. L. Allee, Chairman of Department of Public Welfare, was read, soliciting books
(new and used) and magazine subscriptions for the Algoa Farms new Intermediate Reformatory
for Young Men at Jefferson City. Friday, May 27th, was decided upon as the date for last day
meeting instead of Monday May 30th. The President reported that Mrs. Julia Robertson with
other honorary members in Springfield had requested the Club to hold their meeting April 25 in
Springfield at home of Mrs. Robertson. Invitation accepted. Program follows:
Our Woods and their workers, Jude Hixson
How a Tree Stores Sunshine, Belle Farthing
What Trees Draw Lightning, Beatrice Ellis
Reading – “Mawnin” – Mary Margaret Pile
Reading - When I am by her side – Tillie Dell Pile
The hostess served refreshments to the following members: Mesdames Hixon, Shollenberger,
Roper, Cox, Tunnell, Alderman, Ellis, Massey, Farthing, Pile, Wilson, Moore, Woody, Garrison,
Young, Womble, Robertson, Breazeale & Miss Maud Rees. Visitors Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Spenny
and M. M. & Tillie Dell Pile. Next meeting with Mrs. Young. Ida Breazeale Secy
April 18, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. J. C. Young on Monday, April 18-1932 at 230 P.M. the President Mrs. Moore presiding. Roll Call – An Original Poem. The minutes of
April 11th meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Moore reported that the next meeting would be
in Springfield with Mrs. J. A. Robertson. Mrs. Ethel Shollenberger who was recently elected as
Secretary for next year, tendered her resignation, and upon ballot vote Mrs. Rose Womble was
elected. Mrs. Elizabeth Adams who was elected Press Reporter also tendered her resignation and
Mrs. Lola Thompson was elected. The following program was given:
Reading – Mrs. J. C. Young
Reading g- Mrs. Oliver Wilson
Selection from Longfellow’s Poems – Ida Breazeale
Round Table – Gems From Your Favorite Poet
Refreshments were served by Mrs. Lula Wernet for Mrs. Young who left to attend a funeral.
The following members were present: Mesdames Mattie Adams, Elizabeth Adams, Ida
Breazeale, Belle Farthing, Minnie Garrison, Harriet Massey, Ethel Moore, Berta Pile, Nelle
Robertson, Ivie Rogers, Ella Roper, Ethel Shollenberger, Lola Thompson, Madge Tunnell,
Margaret Wilson, Rose Womble, Quintilla Young, and Miss Maud Rees. Visitors – Clo Butler
and Lula Wernet. Ida Breazeale, Secy
April 25, 1932
The April social meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. J. A.
Robertson, 808 E. Elm St. in Springfield with the honorary members as hostesses. The meeting
was called to order by the President, Mrs. Ethel Moore, and was then taken in charge by Mrs.
Jaunita Woody, Chairman of program committee for the day, and the following program given:
Song – Auld Lang Syne
Original Poem, to Honorary members Mrs. Isabelle Alderman
Contest – won by Mrs. Alice Wade
Reading – Sewing Out by the Day – Mrs. Margaret Wilson
After which an hour was spent in playing charades. Mrs. Wade gave a short poem.
Refreshments were served at 4-45. The following honorary members were present: Mesdames
Julia Robertson, D. C. Chegwidden, Grace Love, Maria Gray, Alice Wade, Vivian Johnson, Jo
Jones, Ella Reid and Linnie Steele. Visitor: Mrs. Alice Elkins. The following active members
were present: Mesdames Ethel Moore, Beatrice Ellis, Isabelle Alderman, Berta Pile, Ethel
Shollenberger, Nora Cox, Madge Tunnell, Jaunita Woody, Margaret Wilson, Harriet Massey,
Lola Thompson, Nelle Robertson, Belle Farthing, Minnie Garrison, Quintilla Young, Ivie
Rogers, Jude Hixson, Elizabeth Adams, Ida Breazeale and Miss Maud Rees. Ida Breazeale Secy
May 2, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club held their weekly meeting at the home of Mrs. Chas. Woody on
Monday, May 2-1932 at 2-30 P.M. the President, Mrs. Ethel Moore presiding. Roll Call was
answered to with quotations about “Mother”; Mrs. Garrison answering by presenting flowers
grown by members to Mrs. Rogers, the oldest mother present and to Mrs. Woody the hostess as
the youngest mother. The minutes of April 18 and April 25 were read and approved. Request
was made by President that club books be brought in next week for a re-distribution. The
following program was given. Reading – So Not to be Alone – Rose Womble
Book Review “Mother Knows Best” Edna Ferber – Isabella Alderman
Round Table – Mothers of Famous Men
Refreshments were served to 17 members and two visitors, the visitors being Mrs. Metta Stewart
and Mrs. Reginald Mapes. Members present: Mesdames Ethel Moore, Ella Roper, Lola
Thompson, Quintilla Young, Ivie Rogers, Margaret Wilson, Madge Tunnell, Jude Hixson,
Minnie Garrison, Berta Pile, Nora Cox, Isabella Alderman, Harriet Massey, Rose Womble, Nelle
Robertson, Ida Breazeale, and the hostess. Next meeting to be held with Mrs. J. M Pile.
May 9, 1932
The May 9-1932 meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. John M. Pile.
The President Mrs. Ethel Moore presided. Eighteen members and one visitor present. Minutes
of May 2 meeting were read and approved. Announcement was made that the Biennial
Convention of General Federation of Women’s Clubs, would be held June 9-18-1932 at Seattle,
Washington. Announcement was made that Mrs. Garrison will act as librarian during the
summer vacation. Envelopes were distributed and each member requested to give name of
member to whom she has been Bluebird, envelopes to be returned to committee next week.
“Folk Songs in America” was subject for the day and the following program was given:
Song – Old Folks at Home – Club
Negro Spirituals – Harriet Giehl. Paper read by Ethel Shollenberger.
“Swing Low Sweet Chariot” – club
Other old and familiar songs were sung by club after which refreshments were served by hostess
to the following: Mesdames: Quinnie Young, Minnie Garrison, Beatrice Ellis, Ethel
Shollenberger, Isabella Alderman, Mattie Adams, Nelle Robertson, Ethel Moore, Margaret
Wilson, Lola Thompson, Harriet Massey, Rose Womble, Nora Cox, Madge Tunnell, Jude
Hixson, Ida Breazeale, Miss Rees and one visitor Mrs. Zoe Gibson. Next meeting to be held at
home of Miss Maud Rees. Ida Breazeale Secretary.
May 16, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Miss Maud Rees, Monday, May 16-1932 at 2-30
P.M. the President Mrs. Ethel Moore presiding. The minutes of May 9th meeting were read and
approved. Envelopes ere returned to the Committee on Last Day program. Motion was made by
Mrs. Rogers that the club buy a copy of the book “Old Massa’s People”, by Orland Kay
Armstrong, and present it to the Library of Ozark schools at the beginning of the school year in
August; the members of the club to have privilege of reading the book during vacation. Motion
seconded and carried. The President made a second request that the books purchased by the club
in November 931 be brought in next week in order to get a check on them. A committee
composed of Mesdames Mattie Adams and Minnie Garrison was appointed to audit books of
Secretary and Treasurer. The following program was given: Roll Call – From Psalms of David.
Bringing the Bible Back to the Home – Nora Cox
Song – He Leadeth Me – club
General discussion: How Shall We Use Books, Pictures, and Radio in Religious Education.
Mrs. Pile absent and will give her paper next week. The hostess served refreshments to the
Mesdames Moore, Hixson, Farthing, Rogers, Young, Alderman, Cox, Roper, Garrison, Ellis,
Massey, Robertson, Wilson, Womble, Woody, Adams, Tunnell, Breazeale and the hostess. Next
meeting to be held with Mrs. Womble. Ida Breazeale Secy
May 23, 1932
The regular meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. Rose Womble on
Monday May 23-1932 at 2-30 P.M. There were nineteen members present. Minutes of May 261932 read and approved. A note was read from Mrs. Harriet Giehl expressing her thanks for
flowers sent her by club and also asking for a years leave of absence. On motion, which carried,
same was granted. It was moved, and seconded that when a former member of this club moves
away, upon her return, it shall be necessary to take the usual vote for membership. A resignation
now exists in the club, Mrs. Elizabeth Adams having removed from Ozark. On motion which
carried, rules were suspended and Mrs. Grace Love was elected to fill such vacancy, she having
been a member before removing to Springfield. On motion which carried Mrs. Chloe Butler was
elected as a visiting member during the coming year in place of Mrs. Giehl. The committee
appointed to audit books of Secretary and Treasurer report as follows: “We your committee
appointed by the Ladies Literary Club to audit the books of the Secretary and Treasurer of said
club, find that they have been well kept, and find that there was on hand at opening of club year
$79.93 That there was collected during the club year $50.20 Making a total of $130.13. That
there has been paid out according to said books $101.10 Leaving a balance on hand of $29.03.
M.A. Adams & M. Garrison – Committee
On motion, which was seconded and carried the report was adopted and committee discharged.
All books belonging to the club were ordered returned to Mrs. Minnie Garrison, Librarian, she to
keep a record of same. The year books were distributed and members requested to bring the
price of $1.00 to the last meeting Friday, which is to be held at home of Mrs. Moore. Attention
was called to picnic at Sequoita at 7-00 P.M. for members and families. Bill of $19.00 due
Christian County Republican for printing year books was allowed and ordered paid by Treasurer.
Bill of $1.35 for flowers sent Mrs. Giehl was ordered paid to Ozark Drug Co. The following
program was given: Roll Call “What I have enjoyed most in club this year”
Instances of Friendship Which Have Been made
Immortal in Story-Song and Picture – Jaunita Woody
Adventures in Friendship – Lola Thompson
Spiritual Values in the Home – Berta May Pile (this from last week)
Song – Blest Be the Tie That Binds – club
The hostess served lovely refreshments with tiny cards bearing hand painted blue birds and
quotation on “Friendship” on each plate. Those present were, Mesdames Beatrice Ellis, Isabelle
Alderman, Nora Cox, Jude Hixson, Ella Roper, Margaret Wilson, Harriet Massey, Minnie
Garrison, Ethel Moore, Berta May Pile, Nelle Robertson, Madge Tunnell, Quintilla Young,
Jaunita Woody, Lola Thompson, Ida Breazeale, Miss Maude Rees and hostess. Last day meeting
to be Friday of this week at home of President. Ida Breazeale, Secy
May 27, 1932
The last meeting before adjournment for the summer, was held at home of the President Mrs.
Moore, on Friday, May 27-1932 at 2-30 P.M. The following guests were present: Mesdames
John S. Taylor, J. T. Wilson and Zoe Gibson. Honorary members from Springfield, were
Mesdames Julia Robertson, Grace Love, Linnie Steele and Mary Bingham. Members present:
Mesdames Jude Hixson, Ivie Rogers, Rose Womble, Ella Roper, Quintilla Young, Margaret
Wilson, Belle Farthing, Nora Cox, Harriet Massey, Beatrice Ellis, Jaunita Woody, Isabelle
Alderman, Minnie Garrison, Nelle Robertson, Berta Mae Pile, Ethel Moore, Madge Tunnell,
Lola Thompson, Ida Breazeale and Miss Maude Rees. The Social Committee composed of
Beatrice Ellis, Berta Mae Pile and Belle Farthing had charge of program for the afternoon as
follows: Invocation – Mrs. Ivie Rogers, with musical accompaniment Mrs. Lola Thompson
Tribute to retiring President- Mrs. Belle Farthing
Response – Mrs. Ethel Moore
Welcoming hand to Incoming President (Mrs. Margaret Wilson) – Mrs. Beatrice Ellis
Response – Mrs. Margaret Wilson
Piano Solo – Mrs. Linnie Steele
Reading of verses disclosing personality of Blue-birds for post year. Favorite Hobbies of
Members, told in rhyme – Mrs. Berta Mae Pile
Announcement was made that this club would edit the Literary Digest this week. In groups of
five, material for “Front Page News” “Foreign News” “Want Adds” and “Society” sections were
compiled and read, creating much merriment. The club colors of Purple and Gold and the Club
flower, Pansy, decorated plates bearing dainty refreshments served by hostess and committee.
The names for 1932-33 Bluebirds were concealed in sealed egg shells. All joined in singing
“God Be With You Till We Meet Again.
At 6-30 P.M. club members with families and friends met at Sequoita for picnic supper.
Ida Breazeale
September 5, 1932
The first meeting of the Ladies Literary Club for 1932-22 was all day picnic at the Cove Hollow
Estate. The meeting being a social day, no business was taken up, excepting the president, Mrs.
Wilson, mentioned the possibility of Mrs. Elizabeth Adams becoming a member of the Club
again, in which event, some adjustments necessarily would be made in program numbers. The
secretary read an invitation to the club members from the Ozark P.T.A. to attend their first
meeting of the year, Sept. 7th. Members present were Mesdames Alderman, Cox, Ellis, Farthing,
Garrison, Hixson, Moore, Pile, Robertson, Rogers, Shollenberger, Thompson, Wilson, Womble,
Young and Miss Rees. Honorary members present were Mesdames Linnie Steele, Marie Gray,
Julia Robertson, Mary Bingham, and Vivian Johnson. Other visitors were Misses Mary
Elizabeth Shollenberger, Jennie Vie Taylor, Lizzie McDaniel and daughter Jessie. Rose
Womble, Secy
From a newspaper article paperclipped into the book:
Ladies Literary Club
We must have recreation
As well as education:
So take this timely punch
At ten prepare a basket lunch
And meet at Shollenbergers habitation.
The Program Committee
This invitation appeared in the yearbook for the first meeting of the Ladies Literary Club. At ten
o’clock members had assembled with well filled baskets and then drove to “Cove Hollow” where
a picnic was enjoyed in a summer house on the Cove Hollow estate. Several honorary members
from Springfield joined the active members at lunch, after which the afternoon was enjoyed in
visiting, while the more ambitious members roamed over the hillsides and enjoyed the beautiful
scenery. Members present were: Mesdames Isabelle Alderman, Norah Cox, Beatrice Ellis,
Belle Farthing, Minnie Garrison, Jude Hixson, Ethel Moore, Berta Mae Pile, Nell Robertson,
Ivie Rogers, Ethel Shollenberger, Lola Thompson, Margaret Wilson, Rose Womble, Quintilla
Young and Miss Maude Rees. From Springfield: Mesdames Linnie Steele, Marie Gray, Julia
Robertson, Vivian Johnson and Mary Bingham. Miss Lizzie McDaniel, owner of the beautiful
Cove Hollow estate and Jessie, the charming daughter of the house, joined the Club at lunch.
The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Nell Robertson.
September 12, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Sept. 12, 1932, at the home of Nelle Robertson, with the president,
Margaret Wilson, presiding. Roll Call – Current Events. Some very interesting news was
given. The minutes of the meetings of May 23, May 27, and Sept. 5, were read and approved.
Motion was made and seconded that the club suspend rules and vote Mrs. Elizabeth Adams in as
a member. Motion carried. Mrs. Adams was elected. Motion was made and seconded that an
amendment be made in by-laws to the effect that when a member of the club moved away, in
order to be reinstated as a member of the club, her election must be voted upon the same as if she
had never been a member of the club. Motion carried. Mrs. Rogers, Young and Garrison were
appointed as committee to formulate the wording of the Amendment. Letters from Mrs. Jessie
Bronson and Mrs. Ethea Reid expressing appreciation for Year Books received from Club were
read by the secretary. Also letter from Human Betterment Foundation. The following program
was given: Sources of School Revenue in Missouri – Ethel Moore
How Shall I Carry my Education beyond the School House Door – Beatrice Ellis
Members present were: Mesdames Rogers, Pile, Roper, Wilson, Garrison, Adams, Massey,
Moore, Ellis, Love, Tunnell, Thompson, Robertson and Womble. We enjoyed having Mrs. Alice
Lisle with us as a visitor. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Ivie Rogers Sept. 19. Rose
Womble, Secy.
September 19, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Sept. 19, 1932, at the home of Mrs. Ivie Rogers, with the
president, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, presiding. An interesting roll call was given, each member
responding. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. A letter from Salem Fortnightly
club read, in regard to Old Age pensions. Same turned over to Mrs. Massey, Chairman of
Legislation Committee. Mrs. Elizabeth Adams tendered her resignation as member of the club.
The president, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, advised that Miss Elizabeth Mason, Chairman of P.T.A.
Emergency Com. Had called her asking our help in sewing for children who would be unable to
attend school if suitable clothing was not provided. Motion made and seconded that the club
cooperate with the P.T.A. and make clothing for the needy children. It was decided to meet
Wed. Sept. 21st, at 9 a.m. in the Home Economics Room for this purpose each member attending
to bring a dish for lunch. Committee consisting of Ida Breazeale, Harriet Massey and Belle
Farthing was appointed to see to necessary details. Mrs. Breazeale requested that each person
bring thimble, shears and thread. Mrs. Rogers brought up the matter of furnishing two qts of
milk daily to Grace Woods family for 6 mo. Commencing Oct. 1st. Committee consisting of
Grace Love, Norah Cox, and Ella Roper was appointed to investigate where milk might be
obtained. Mrs. Young mentioned a destitute family of five. President suggested that we do all
we can to help the needy. Miss Rees brought up the matter of disposition of club minute books
she had been keeping for some time. Motion made and seconded to turn these records over to
Mrs. Garrison to be kept with the rest of the club books. The book “Old Massa’s People”, by O.
K. Armstrong, which was purchased by the club during 1931, was presented to the Ozark High
School for their library, Wed. Sept. 21, by the President. A short story of the author a former
Ozarkian, was compiled by Mrs. Garrison and Rogers, and posted in the book. Nothing further
arising, the following program was given:
1. The Perfect Club
Ella Roper
2. Growth of Federation
Norah Cox
3. Message from our State President
Clo Butler
Refreshments were served to the following members: Wilson, Alderman, Breazeale, Garrison,
Robertson, Love, Tunnell, Butler, Hixson, Rees, Moore, Rogers, Massey, Roper, Young,
Farthing, Cox, Pile, Shollenberger, Thompson, Mattie Adams. Club adjourned to meet Sept. 26
with Mrs. Ella Roper. Rose Womble, Secy
September 26, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Sept. 26, 1932, at the home of Mrs. Ella Roper, with the president,
Mrs. Wilson, presiding. Roll Call of current events was unusually interesting. Minutes of
previous meeting read and approved. Mrs. Breazeale, Chairman of Serving Com. Appointed
Sept. 19, reported that ten members of the club met all day at the school house Sept. 21st, to sew
for needy children. About 45 or 50 garments were mended, remodeled, etc. Other members met
for part of the day. A suggestion was made that the club dispense with serving and each member
pay 50 cents into club treasury instead, to take care of the needy, for the remainder of this club
year. Each member who has already served to be exempt from paying 50 cents. Motion was
made and seconded that the matter be tabled. The Milk Com. Appointed Sept. 19, reported that
no one is willing to donate milk. Motion was made and seconded that the club buy 2 qts of milk
per day at 10 cents a gal for 6 mo. From Mrs. Ogi at Cheese factory, for the Grace Woods
family, treasurer to check out money for same. Motion carried. Mrs. Love was asked to order
the milk and Woods children to call for the milk at the cheese factory. Motion was made and
seconded that club rules be suspended and Mrs. Clo Butler be taken into club as an active
member instead of a visiting member. Motion carried. No further business arising, the
following program was given: Why the Lack of Respect for our Laws, Mrs. Belle Farthing
Politics in America – Mrs. Berta Mae Pile, Laws Affecting Women – Mrs. Harriet Massey, The
Blue Laws of New England – Mrs. Quintilla Young. (Paper read by Mrs. Moore.)
Refreshments were served to the following members: Alderman, Breazeale, Cox, Farthing,
Garrison, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Rees, Robertson, Rogers, Roper, Shollenberger,
Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson and Womble. Club adjourned to meet October 3, at the home of
Mrs. Shollenberger. Rose Womble, Secy
October 3, 1932
The regular meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ethel
Shollenberger, Oct. 3, 1932. Roll Call – Miscellaneous Current Events. Minutes of Sept. 26th
meeting read and approved. The By-Laws Committee, Mrs. Rogers, Young and Garrison,
submitted the following amendment to Club By-Laws:
“Any member, having resigned from the Ladies Literary Club and later wishes to become a
member, may do so by having her name presented, and proceed according to Article III, Section
2 of the By-Laws”. The adoption of this amendment was voted upon and passed by more than
two-thirds vote. The amendment to be used by 1933-34 Year Book Committee. A motion was
made and seconded that each hostess serve only a drink and one other thing and donate 50 cents
to club treasury to be used for care of the needy. The 50 cents to be paid by Jan. 1, 1933.
Motion carried. $1.00 was paid into this fund. $3.50 was paid on the Milk Fund. Mrs. Moore
brought five booklets left from Country Store at School Carnival, and some were turned over to
Mrs. Garrison to be kept with the rest of the Club Books. The club was glad to welcome Mrs.
Chloe Butler back again as a regular member. Mrs. Butler made a delightful little speech of
acceptance. No further business coming before the club, the following program was given:
Early History of Missouri
Maude Rees
Missouri Writers
Minnie Garrison
Famous Characters of Missouri
Missouri Musicians and Artists
Ivie Rogers
Madge Tunnell
“America the Beautiful” was sung by club members. The following members were present:
Mesdames: Love, Adams, Alderman, Breazeale, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Hixson, Moore,
Robertson, Rogers, Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson, Womble, Butler, Young, Shollenberger, and
Miss Rees. Club adjourned to meet Oct. 10 at the home of Mrs. Grace Love, with Mrs.
Thompson as hostess. Rose Womble, Secy
October 10, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Oct. 10, 1932, at the home of Mrs. Grace Love, with Mrs. Lola
Thompson as hostess. Roll Call – Current events. Reading of the minutes of last meeting which
were approved. Letter was read from Mrs. Lillian Bodine, Chairman of High Beautification, 6th
District, asking for report from the club concerning any Highway Beautification that has been
done in our vicinity this year. Motion was made and seconded that two members of the club
attend luncheon at Kentwood Arms Hotel in the near future, the purpose of the luncheon being to
discuss and make plans for Highway Beautification. Fifty cents to be allowed each of the two
members for luncheon. Motion carried. Mrs. Wilson, the president, appointed Mrs. Moore and
Mrs. Shollenberger, as committee to attend. Substitutes – Farthing and Breazeale. $2.00 was
paid on fund for needy. 50 cents was paid on fund for milk. No further business arising, the
following program was given:
The Origin of Folk Songs
Rose Womble
American Folk Songs
Grace Love
How Folk Songs Influence Modern Music
Ethel Shollenberger
Folk Dance: Patty Alderman, Lula Ann Wernet, Phyllis Alderman, Barbara Johnson
Refreshments were served to the following members: Mrs. Adams, Alderman, Breazeale, Cox,
Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Moore, Robertson, Shollenberger, Thompson, Wilson, Womble,
Young, Love, Miss Rees and the following visitors: Mrs. Lula Wernet and daughter Lula Ann,
Patty Alderman, Phyllis Alderman, Barbara Johnson, and Betty Lou Love. Club adjourned to
meet Oct. 17. With Mrs. Madge Tunnell. Rose Womble, Sec’y
October 17, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Oct. 17, 1932, with Mrs. Margaret Wilson, the president. The
following members responded to roll call of current events, Margaret Wilson, Nora Cox, Jude
Hixson, Maude Rees, Belle Farthing, Nelle Robertson, Minnie Garrison, Quintilla Young, Ella
Roper, Chloe Butler, Ethel Shollenberger, Ida Breazeale, Beatrice Ellis. One visitor, Mrs. Earle
Harris, was present. The minutes of Oct. 10th were read and approved. An announcement was
given of bake sale to be given by Child Psychology Club. A motion was made, seconded and
carried that members of club give Mrs. Giehl a gift shower, one package to be opened each day.
Gifts to be ready by Wed, Oct. 19th. Mrs. Young and Mrs. Robertson were appointed to number
and deliver packages. Mention was made of three faithful members who are ill, Mesdames
Moore, Alderman, and Tunnell. Motion was made to remember them with cards from the Club.
$1.00 was allowed to Cor. Secy. For cards, postage, etc. The following program was given:
Duties and Responsibilities of the Woman Voter – Belle Farthing
Why we Need Politicians
Jude Hixson
Prohibition and Kindred Problems – Nelle Robertson
Round Table – How Can Women Help Make Politics Cleaner
Thirty five cents was received on Milk Fund, and 50 cents on Refreshment Assessment. Club
adjourned to meet Oct. 24th with Mrs. Tunnell. Ida Breazeale Secy Protem
October 24, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Oct. 24, 1932, with Mrs. Madge Tunnell. Roll Call of current
events. Minutes of Oct. 17 read and approved. Mrs. Young reported sending of gifts to Mrs.
Giehl last Friday. Mrs. Giehl sent her thanks to club members for their remembrances. Mrs.
Cleo Harris was voted a visiting member for the year to take the vacancy caused by Mrs. Giehl’s
leave of absence. Mrs. Moore and Tunnell extended their thanks for cards sent to them while
sick. Letter was read from Washington Memorial Church at Valley Forge, Pa., regarding funds
for the Missouri bell in the National carillon. Cor. Secy. Was asked to write expressing our best
wishes and inability to send financial aid at this time. Letters from our Dist. Pres. Mrs. Harry
Bissett, were read informing our club of the 29th Annual Convention of the 6th District to be held
at Springfield Nov. 3 and 4th. President appointed Mrs. Shollenberger and Massey to serve as
club delegates. President also plans to attend Convention. No further business, the following
program was given.
Character Sketches of our Presidential Candidates – Maude Rees
The Five Wives of the Last Four Presidents – Margaret Wilson
Women in Washington – Madge Tunnell
A clever contest prepared by the Year Book Committee was played. Papers marked R – D – P –
S were passed. Groups were formed by those holding the same letter. A candidate was selected
by the different groups. Each candidate was handed a small pair of scissors and was instructed to
cut her way to the Capitol (which building was drawn on paper and posted on the wall).
Margaret Wilson, candidate for the Republican party, was the winner. In the “Preamble” contest,
Ida Breazeale and Lola Thompson were the only two club members who could “stagger” through
it. $1.00 was paid on Poor Fund $1.25 was paid on Milk Fund
Refreshments were served to the following members: Breazeale, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison,
Hixson, Massey, Moore, Rees, Robertson, Roper, Shollenberger, Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson,
Young and one visitor, Mrs. Mayme Lyon. Club adjourned to meet Oct. 31, with Rose Womble.
Nell Robertson, Sec’y Protem
October 31, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Oct. 31, 1932, with Mrs. Rose Womble, the President, Mrs.
Wilson, presiding. Roll Call of Current Events. The minutes of Oct. 24, read and approved.
Also, the secretary read a list of achievements of the club during the past year which were
corrected and approved. The list to be given as a report of club achievements at the District
Convention. Mrs. Shollenberger, Chairman of Beautification Com. Of Club, informed the club
that she had reported to Mrs. J. L. Bodine, Chr. Of Highway Beautification Com. That the Ladies
Literary Club had spent $120.25 in beautifying unsightly vacant lot near highway #65. This in
reply to Mrs. Bodine’s inquiry as to what the Literary Club had done along such lines. A motion
was made, seconded and carried that the milk bill be paid regularly each month. At this date
$5.95 has been paid on Milk Fund, and $5.00 on Poor Fund. The following program was given:
Famous Rogues of History – Nora Cox
Early New England Witches and Witchcraft – Ella Roper
Ghost Stories were then told by club members. The club enjoyed very much the piano selection
“Yellow Jonquils” by Caroline Moore. The following members were present: Mesdames Love,
Breazeale, Cox, Farthing, Garrison, Massey, Moore, Pile, Robertson, Roper, Shollenberger,
Tunnell, Wilson, Young, Womble. Also the following visitors: Mrs. August Spriss and Misses
Mary Elizabeth Shollenberger, Mary Juanita Bingham and Caroline Moore. Rose Womble, Secy
November 7, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Nov. 7, 1932, at the home of Mrs. Quintilla Young, with the
President, Mrs. Wilson, presiding. Roll Call of Current Events. Minutes of Oct. 31, were read
and approved. A letter was read from Mr. Arthur P. Craven, pastor of the Christian Church of
Ozark, inviting the ladies of the Literary Club to a special service Nov. 13, 7 p.m. Subject: “The
Model Woman of the Home.” Also, a letter from the Ozark P.T.A. inviting the members of the
club to attend the County Council of P.T.A. at the school building. Mrs. Massey made a short
talk urging the members of club to enroll in the Red Cross this month. Mrs. Tunnell asked the
club members to bring to next club meeting any old white material suitable for bandages, to be
used in School Clinic Room. This material is very much needed. Mrs. Wilson, the President,
gave an interesting talk on her trip to the District Convention of Clubs at Springfield, Nov. 3 &
4th. The thing of most interest to the club was that our club won the $2.00 prize for having the
best year book this year in 6th district, decision based on subject matter of programs. Mesdames
Shollenberger and Massey, delegates to the Convention, in their reports, brought to the club
much that was interesting and enjoyable. Motion was made, seconded and carried that club have
election of officers the first Mon. in Jan. instead of last Mon. in March as here-to-fore. This
action was taken at suggestion of our State President Mrs. Bertha Hare Long. At the suggestion
of Mrs. Long, State Pres. Corresponding Sec’y was instructed to send a list of Washington
Bicentennial programs to our State President Mrs. Long and copy to Washington, D.C. Cor.
Sec’y was instructed to send a correct mailing list to State Cor. Sec’y for “Missouri
Clubwoman”. Mrs. Womble, Chairman of the Year Book Com. Suggested that the programs
could be made more interesting and instructive if each one on the program could avoid reading
from the written page as much as possible, and urged that each member at least TRY to do it.
The following program was given:
Criticism of the Press – Good and Bad
(written by Isabelle Alderman – read by
Mrs. Moore)
Training our Children in Citizenship – Berta Mae Pile
Will Rogers on National Politics – Maude Rees
The following members were present: Mesdames Love, Breazeale, Farthing, Garrison, Butler,
Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Robertson, Roper, Shollenberger, Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson,
Womble, Young, Miss Rees and visiting member Mrs. Cleo Harris. Club adjourned to meet
Nov. 14 with Mrs. Harriet Massey. Rose Womble Secy
November 14, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Nov. 14, 1932, at the home of Mrs. Harriet Massey, with the
president, Mrs. Wilson, presiding. Roll Call of Current Events. The minutes of last meeting
were read and approved. Letter was read from Pres. Of the National Federation of Women’s
Clubs requesting signatures necessary to put on exhibit of women’s work in Women’s
Organizations at the International Congress to be held in Chicago next July – to be sponsored by
Postal Telegraph Company. After a brief discussion, it was suggested that the club procure as
many signatures as possible. Letter of thanks for year book was read from Mrs. Geraldine Gibbs
of Steeleville, Mo. $1.00 was paid on Poor Fund. Several members brought bandages to
meeting as suggested by Mrs. Tunnell. Anyone who desires to donate bandages to School Clinic
may turn same over to Miss Mason at School bldg. No further business arising, the following
program was given:
Bruce Barton on War – Harriet Massey
Effect of World War on Morals and Standards – Paper written by Ida Breazeale but read by
Isabelle Alderman
Mrs. Adams was not able to give her paper “Woman’s Part in Establishing World Peace” on
account of quarantine at her home. The following members were present:
Mesdames: Love, Alderman, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Harris, Massey, Pile, Robertson,
Roper, Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson, Young, and Miss Rees. Club adjourned to meet Nov. 21
with Mrs. Norah Cox instead of Mrs. Love. Nell Robertson Secy Pro Tem
November 21, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Nov. 21, 1932, at the home of Mrs. Norah Cox. The meeting was
called to order by Mrs. Wilson, the president, who also brought up the matter of sending food to
the County Almshouse on Thanksgiving as usual. A motion was made, seconded and carried
that the club send a bushel of apples to Alms house for Thanksgiving. The president appointed a
committee consisting of Mesdames Tunnell, Robertson and Garrison to take charge of the
matter. Mr. Francis Wernet had asked the club to furnish the Radio Program for Friday
afternoon Nov. 25th. Mrs. Wilson brought the matter before the club, and a motion was made
and seconded that the club put on the program. After some discussion the club voted in favor of
the motion. Mesdames Alderman, Farthing & Hixson were appointed to work up the program.
It was suggested that cards be sent to Mrs. Shollenberger and Breazeale who have been absent on
account of illness. No further business, the meeting was turned over to the Social Com.
Consisting of Mesdames Moore, Pile and Cox, who took charge and gave the following program.
Piano Solo “Second Valse” by Godard – Mary Moore
Pantomime “Lord Ullin’s Daughter” Mary Moore, Caroline Moore, Edna Ruth Moore, Mary
Margaret Pile, Tillie Dell Pile, Mrs. Norah Cox, Mrs. Ethel Moore
Reading “The Last Leaf” Mrs. Clyde McConnell
Also Encore “Just Gib Him One’ O’ Mine”
Spelling contest by club members
Reading “Radio Romance” Mary Moore
Duet “Now the Day is Over” Tillie Dell and Mary Margaret Pile
With Mary Moore at the piano
This was a splendid program and was greatly enjoyed by those present consisting of:
Mesdames Love, Alderman, Cox, Farthing, Garrison, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Robertson,
Roper, Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson, Womble. The following visitors were also present: Mrs.
Clyde McConnell, Misses Mary, Edna Ruth and Caroline Moore, Tillie Dell and Mary Margaret
Pile. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Moore, Nov. 29 instead of Mrs. Mattie Adams. Rose
Womble, Sec’y
November 28, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met Nov. 28, 1932, with Mrs. Ethel Moore, the president, Mrs. Wilson,
presiding. Roll Call of current events. Minutes of Nov. 14 and Nov. 21 read and approved.
More signatures of club members were added to list on letter concerning Women’s
Organizations at international Congress held in Chicago next July. Letter was turned over to
Cor. Sec. To be sent to Pres. Of Nat. Fed. Of Women’s Clubs. Chairman of Com. To provide
apples for inmates of Almshouse Thanksgiving reported that a bushel of apples were bought for
$1.50 and sent to the Almshouse. Mrs. Wilson reported that on Nov. 16th, seven members of the
club met at the home of Mrs. Breazeale and made six shirts, and same were delivered to Mrs.
Roper at the bakery. A letter was read by Mrs. Ellis, which she had received from Mo. Lib.
Com. Urging persons interested to use their influence with our representative in Legislature
relative to increasing the no of books at Library. A motion was made and seconded that our Cor.
Sec. Send a letter to our Sen. And Rep. Urging them to use their influence to get appropriation of
books at Library at Jefferson City. After discussion the motion carried. A motion was made,
seconded and carried that the President ask the Modern Seekers to help the Ladies Literary Club
provide Christmas dinner at the County Almshouse. Mrs. Alderman, Chairman of the Radio
Program Com. reported the following program given Fri. afternoon, Nov. 25 – 32 at Station
K.G.B.X. Mrs. Alderman announced.
Greeting – Mrs. Farthing
Vocal solo “My Laddie” Thayer Jean Alderman
Piano Solo “Alle Monde and Gavotte” De Albert, by Mary E. Shollenberger
Violin Solo “Kiss Me Again”, Herbert. By Mary Juanita Bingham
Piano Solo “Air de Ballet” Channinade by Mrs. Howe Steele
Mrs. Alderman gave several of her splendid poems, among which were “Hill Country” “Finley
River” “Montague” “Riverside” “On Highway 65” “Village Lights”
No further business, the following program was given: Character Sketches of Contemporary
Sara Teasdale – Mrs. Cox
Amy Lowell – Mrs. Robertson
Emily Dickinson – Mrs. Harris
Mrs. Roper was unable to be present to give her paper on “Edna St. Vincent Millay
A contest of writers was enjoyed by members and the prize awarded to Mrs. Alderman who had
28 names correct, out of a list of 32. The hostess served refreshments to the following:
Mesdames Alderman, Cox, Ellis, Garrison, Butler, Massey, Moore, Robertson, Shollenberger,
Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson, Womble, Young, Harris, and Miss Rees. Club adjourned to meet
Dec. 5th at the home of Mrs. Alderman. Rose Womble, Secy
December 5, 1932
No meeting of club on account of prevalence of scarlet fever in the community. Program as of
yearbook postponed until later dates and Mrs. Alderman to serve as hostess at later date. Club to
meet Dec. 12 at the home of Mrs. Ida Breazeale Rose Womble Sec’y
December 12, 1932
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Ida Breazeale on Mon. Dec. 12, 1932, at 2:30
P.M. There were 16 members present as follows: Mesdames Love, Adams, Breazeale, Cox,
Farthing, Garrison, Hixson, Moore, Robertson, Roper, Shollenberger, Thompson, Tunnell,
Wilson, Womble and Young. Roll Call of current events. Minutes of Nov. 28 and Dec. 5
meetings were read and approved. The matter of serving Christmas dinners to inmates of County
Almshouse was discussed. The Modern Seekers declined to help in serving dinners as they had
planned to help others who were less fortunate. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the
club serve the dinners, money to be taken out of the club Poor Fund. Tunnell’s Café to furnish
for 20 cents a boxed dinner the following menu: Pressed Chicken & Dressing, Salad, Mashed
Potatoes & gravy, Peas & Carrots, Pumpkin Pie, the caretaker at Almshouse to call for dinners at
Café. Motion was made, seconded & carried that since Mrs. Alderman will not be able to attend
our Christmas Social, the club send her a potted plant. Also motion made & carried for all
members to send Mrs. Giehl Christmas cards. Mrs. Thompson, Chairman of Social Com. For
Christmas Social asked that all presents for the Christmas party at Mrs. Hixson’s be wrapped
with Bluebirds name on same and be sent to Mrs. Hixson’s by next Monday. The Sec. Read a
letter from Mr. Hixson expressing his desire to use his influence relative to increasing number of
books at Missouri Library. This in response to letter sent to him by club recently. Also a letter
from Mrs. Mary Sherman of the U. S. Com. For the Celebration of the 200th Anniversary of the
birth of Geo. Washington, in acknowledgment of Club’s Bicentennial Program sent them
recently. The Milk Com. Was asked to see if new owner of Cheese Factory (Mr. Bender) would
continue same arrangement as the club had with Mr. Ogi with regard to furnishing milk. No
further business, the following program was given:
Music in Industry – Paper by Mrs. Shollenberger for Mrs. Ellis
Creative Value of Music – Mrs. Farthing
Singing Towers and Carillon Music – Mrs. Young
Club adjourned to meet Dec. 19 for Christmas Social at the home of Mrs. Hixson. Rose
Womble, Secy
December 19, 1932
From a newspaper article pasted in the minute book
Ladies Literary Club
The Ladies’ Literary club held its Christmas party Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. L.
Hixson, with Mrs. Wm. Ed Thompson, Mrs. Chloe Butler and Mrs. Gordon Massey as the
committee in charge. The home was beautifully decorated with the season’s features, including a
large Christmas tree from which the ‘blue bird’ exchange of gifts was made. The afternoon’s
program opened with the club singing “Silent Night”. A reading, “The Gift of the Magi” by
O’Henry was given by Mrs. Chloe Butler. Each member was then asked to write a letter to Santa
Claus with Mrs. Earl Harris winning the prize for the most cleverly written letter. The club was
then divided into quartets each group of four composing a four line verse with the rhyme word
being given each group, the verses were then gathered and grouped and read as a Christmas
poem. For a closing number to the program the club sang, “Oh Little Town of Bethlehem”.
After the gift exchange the hostess, assisted by the committee and the hostess’ sister, Mrs. Zoe
Gibson, served lovely refreshments to the following, Mesdames b. O. Womble, E. E. Love, Geo.
T. Breazeale, Ross Robertson, Em. Ed Thompson, T. R. Moore, John M Pile, C. P. Cox, R. R.
Farthing, J. C. Rogers, J. C. Young, Chas. Shollenberger, Earl Harris, Oliver Wilson, J. A.
Roper, R. R. Tunnell, Gordon Massey, Mrs. Chloe Butler, Mrs. Minnie Garrison, and one guest,
Mrs. Zoe Gibson. The next meeting of the club will be on January 2nd with Mrs. L. K. Ellis. A
good attendance is desired as officers are to be elected.
January 2, 1933
The regular meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. Beatrice Ellis on
Mon. afternoon, Jan. 2, 1933, at 2:30. The regular roll call was omitted, and the minutes of Dec.
12 and Dec. 19 were read and approved. It being the day for the election of officers, the
president appointed Mrs. Love and Mrs. Cox as tellers and resulted in the election of the
following officers:
For President – Mrs. Margaret Wilson
Vice-Pres. – Mrs. Harriet Massey
Recording Sec. – Mrs. Grace Love
Cor. Sec. And Treas – Mrs. Nell Robertson
Press Reporter – Mrs. Minnie Garrison.
Mrs. Wilson reported that a beautiful poinsettia plant had been bought for Mrs. Alderman for a
Christmas remembrance at a cost of 75 cents. As a parting gift to the club from Mrs. Hoxsan
who goes with her husband to Jefferson City, the first of the year, the book “Jalna” by Mao De
La Rote was presented by Mrs. Hixson A letter of appreciation from Mrs. Giehl for gift and card
shower from club was read by Sec. Bill for $5.20 for 26 Christmas dinners for Almshouse
inmates at 20 cents each was presented. Bill was allowed. No further business, the following
program was given:
What is a Successful Life – Mattie Adams
Evolution of the Home – Ivie Rogers
Leisure Time and How to Use It – Chlo Butler
Round Table Discussion: Time Saving Devices for the Modern Home Maker.
Vocal Solo “Friend of Mine” – Margaret Ann Ellis
The following members were present: Mesdames Love, Adams, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison,
Butler, Massey, Moore, Robertson, Rogers, Roper, Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson, Womble, Miss
Rees and visiting member Cleo Harris. Club adjourned to meet Jan. 9 with Mrs. Farthing. Rose
Womble, Sec’y
January 9, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met Jan. 9, 1933 at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Belle Farthing. As the
president Mrs. Wilson was ill, the Vice Pres., Mrs. Harriet Massey, presided. Roll Call of
current events. Minutes of Jan. 2 were read and approved. Mrs. Tunnell, Chairman of Year
Book Com. For 1933-34 requested that suggestions for programs for Year Book be given in next
Mon. Jan. 16. No further business, the following program was given:
Review of News stand Magazines – Harriet Massey
Life of Edward K. Bok – Beatrice Ellis
Literary Contest – “Say It with Magazines” was next enjoyed by members. Due to illness Mrs.
Alderman was not able to give her paper on “Present Day Story Writers – Their Type of Stories”.
Club members enjoyed a Round Table Discussion of the Subject. The following were present:
Mesdames Love, Adams, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Butler, Massey, Moore, Robertson,
Thompson, Tunnell, Womble, Young and Harris. Club adjourned to meet Jan. 16 with Mrs.
Garrison. Rose Womble, Sec’y
January 16, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met Jan. 16, 1933, at the home of Mrs. Minnie Garrison, with the
president, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, presiding. Roll Call of Current Events. Minutes of Jan. 9 were
read and approved. Bill for $1.10 allowed for flowers sent to Mrs. Tunnell during her recent
illness. Letter read by secretary, from Mrs. Tunnell expressing her appreciation of flowers sent.
Mrs. Wilson, the president, urged every club member to participate in insurance contest voted at
a meeting of the State Board of the Mo. Fed. Of Women’s Clubs. Also instructed Cor. Sec. To
send the names of the new officers for 1933-1934 to District Pres., State Pres. And Dist. Cor.
Sec. In accordance with State Year Book. Discussion of subjects for year book for 1933-34.
The club has been honored by the appointment of our Pres. As Chairman of American Home
Department of Sixth District. This is the first time our club has been so honored. No further
business, the following program was given:
Russia Yesterday – Mrs. Pile
Discussion of Russia Today
Book Review – Mrs. Adams
Victrola Records – Song of the Volga Boatmen
The following were present: Mesdames: Love, Adams, Breazeale, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Massey,
Pile, Robertson, Rogers, Roper, Thompson, Wilson, Womble, Young, Garrison, and Miss Rees.
Also visiting member Mrs. Harris. Club adjourned to meet Jan. 23 with Mrs. Chloe Butler.
Rose Womble, Sec’y
January 23, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met Jan. 23, 1933, at the home of Mrs. Chloe Butler, at 2:30 P.M. with
the president, Mrs. Wilson, presiding. Roll Call and reading of the minutes was dispensed with.
Mrs. Farthing reported attending Highway Beautification Com. Meeting at Kentwood Arms
Hotel last week, when Mr. Brewster discussed project – would later submit planting for different
organizations to consider. President reported club account amounting to $36.00 was tied up at
Bank of Ozark. Milk Fund discussed and it was decided to keep on furnishing milk for the
present. Matter to be discussed further next meeting, as Jan. milk bill will be due at that time.
Miss Rees appointed Press Reporter for today’s meeting on Mrs. Thompson’s absence. Mrs.
Harry Bissett of Springfield, Pres. Of 6th Dist. Made a talk on club work. She presented the
$2.00 prize the club received for the best Year Book in the 6th District. Also said Mrs. Horine of
City Library, who judged Year Books, when commenting on her surprise at work Federated Club
women were doing, said the Ladies Literary Club year book was outstanding among all
submitted. Mrs. Pritchard made a splendid talk on the importance of maintaining American
homes and protecting them by intelligent financing. No further business, the following program
was given:
Famous Poems Set to Music – paper written by Mrs. Thompson – read by Mrs. Moore.
Music of the Bible – Mrs. Farthing
The Story of the Opera, Lohengrin – Mrs. Love
Those present were: Mesdames Garrison, Breazeale, Young, Farthing, Wilson, Moore, Massey,
Love, Butler, Robertson, Roper, Rogers, and Miss Rees. Also present were the following
visitors: 6th Dist. Pres. Mrs. Harry Bissett of Springfield
Mrs. W. S. Pritchard of Garner, Iowa (American Home Departmental Worker)
Mrs. DeWitt Leonard, and Mrs. Frank Brown.
Club adjourned to meet Jan. 30 with Mrs. Grace Love
Ethel Moore, Sec’y Pro Tem
January 30, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met Jan. 30, 1933, at 2:30 P.M. with Mrs. Grace Love. Roll Call –
Current Events. Minutes of Jan. 16 and Jan. 23 were read and approved. Motion was made,
seconded and carried that club pay January milk bill ($1.55) out of the $2.00 Year Book prize
money. Motion made and carried that the club sign the depositor’s agreement sent out by the
Bank of Ozark. No further business, the following program was given:
The Social and Religious Life of India – paper written by Mrs. Rogers & read by Mrs. Wilson
Work of Ghandi – Nell Robertson
The Art and Music of India – Chlo Butler
Life of Kipling – Rose Womble
The following were present: Mesdames: Love, Adams, Breazeale, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Butler,
Moore, Pile, Robertson, Shollenberger, Thompson, Wilson, Womble, Young, and Miss Rees.
Also visiting members Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Elizabeth Adams. Rose Womble, Sec’y
February 6, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met Febr 6, 1933, at the home of Mrs. Harriet Massey. The meeting
was called to order by the president, Mrs. Wilson. This being social day, the roll call and reading
of the minutes were dispensed with. Letter received from Miss Amelia D. Wetherell, Chm of
Div. Of Law Enforcement of MF.W.C. contents noted and letter turned over to Cor. Sec. Nell
Robertson. Miss Wetherell urged that club be represented at Rally of Day Forces at Jefferson
City. Suggestion was made that Mrs. Hixson attend, since she is at present in Jefferson City.
Cor. Sec. Is to write Mrs. Hixson concerning the matter. A very clever letter written in rhyme
from Mrs. Rogers, thanking Club for card send during her recent illness. Discussion of date of
entertaining Modern Seekers. Motion was made and carried to table the matter. No further
business, the meeting was turned over to the Social Com. Consisting of Mrs. Young, Breazeale
and Harris. Two very clever and laughable plays were given.
Milly and Tilly in New York – Mrs. Breazeale and Young
There is One Born every Minute – Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Harris
Piano Solo – Russian Dance by H. Engleman – Amie Jean Thompson
The following members were present: Mesdames: Love, Adams, Breazeale, Cox, Garrison,
Massey, Moore, Pile, Robertson, Roper, Shollenberger, Thompson, Wilson, Womble, Young and
Miss Rees and visiting member Mrs. Harris. Rose Womble, Sec’y
February 13, 1933
The regular meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. Mattie Adams,
Feb. 13, 1933, at 2:30 P.M. The minutes of Jan. 30 and Feb. 6 were read, corrected, and
approved. Roll Call of Current Events. Motion was made, seconded and carried that the Modern
Seekers be entertained by Ladies Literary Club on May 8th at Mrs. Young’s home. Motion made
and carried that club entertain Mrs. Bissett and Mrs. Shepard on some other date than the date we
entertain Modern Seekers. Motion made and carried that owing to the fact that Mrs. Giehl is not
able to take her place as an active member of club, she be made a Life Member of Club. Motion
made and carried that club deposit club money in Christian County Bank. $2.50 was paid in on
Gen. Fed. Dues. The president, Mrs. Wilson, recommended that club reimburse Mrs. Farthing
the amount she spent as delegate at Highway Beautification Luncheon. Mrs. Farthing declined
to accept, giving as her reason that it was indeed a pleasure for her to attend the luncheon. No
further business arising the following program was given:
Lincoln, the Most Lied about Man – Paper prepared by Mrs. Tunnell and read by Mrs. Harris
The Religion of Lincoln – paper prepared by Mrs. Hixson & read by Mrs. Farthing
The Romance of Lincoln – Mrs. Breazeale
Reading: Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight – Mrs. Young
The following were present: Adams, Breazeale, Cox, Farthing, Garrison, Massey, Moore,
Robertson, Shollenberger, Wilson, Womble, Young, Rees, and visiting member, Mrs. Harris.
Club adjourned to meet Feb. 20 with Mrs. Pile. Rose Womble, Sec’y
February 20, 1933
On February 20, 1933, the Ladies Literary Club held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs.
Pile, at 2:30 P.M. with the president, Mrs. Wilson, presiding. Roll Call of Current Events.
Minutes of Feb. 13 were read, corrected and approved. Motion was made and carried that rules
be suspended and club vote Mrs. Earl Harris in as a regular member. Mrs. Harris was
unanimously elected. The Bissett matter was discussed and tabled until a little later. Motion
made and carried that club send letters to our Rep. And Sen. At Jefferson City, asking them to
vote against Bill No. 5, which abolished the Missouri Library Commission and places it under
political control. Also a letter to Gov. Park concerning same. The Pres. Instructed Cor. Sec.
Nell Robertson to send letters immediately. $2.00 paid in Gen. Fed. Dues. No further business,
the following program was given: Some Living Celebrities – Mrs. Shollenberger
Late Celebrities Noted in Newspapers – Miss Rees
Science and Progress – Mrs. Moore
Reading: “And That’s How That got Started” – Mary Margaret Pile
Piano Solo – “The Cello” – Tillie Dell Pile
Game of Modern Inventions by Club.
Refreshments were served to the following members: Love, Adams, Breazeale, Cox, Ellis,
Farthing, Massey, Moore, Pile, Rees, Robertson, Shollenberger, Wilson, Womble, Young and
one visitor, Mrs. Clell Adams. Club adjourned to meet Feb. 27 with Miss Maude Rees. Rose
Womble, Sec’y
February 27, 1933
The regular meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Miss Maud Rees, on
Monday, Feb. 27, at 2:30 P.M. Roll Call of Current Events. Minutes of Feb. 13, were read and
approved. A letter from Mr. Will Hixson, Senator from 19th Dist. Was read regarding House Bill
#5 (regarding Missouri Library Commission Abolishment) to the effect that the Ozark women
probably did not understand the proposed changes. Motion was made and carried that the club
write Sen. Hixson and Rep. Maple again, urging them to do all possible to continue Library
Com. As it now is. Motion was amended to the effect that Mr. Hixson’s letter be sent to Mrs.
Long, asking her for action on it. A committee was appointed to take care of this, consisting of
Mrs. Massey, club chairman on Legislation, Mrs. Shollenberger and Mrs. Adams. Motion was
made and carried that an invitation be sent to Mrs. Harry Bissett, Mrs. Pope Meyers and Mrs.
Shepherd to attend our regular club meeting on Monday, March 6, at the home of Mrs. Farthing,
with Mrs. Robertson as assistant hostess. Motion was made and carried that club cooperate with
Springfield Chamber of Commerce regarding Highway Beautification project on #65. Mrs.
Farthing read a newspaper clipping on this matter and Mrs. Wilson reported a conversation with
Mr. Smith, Secy of C of C at his office on Sat. Feb 25. It was decided to get a representative
group of Ozark people to meet with the Spgfield Com. Thurs. Mar. 2nd in the Circuit Court Room
of the Court House, at 2:30. Motion was made and carried that the club write Sen. Hixson
requesting him to do all possible to have Senate Bill #20 (on crippled children’s appropriation)
reported favorably out of committee. Treasurer reported that she had sufficient funds on hand to
take care of the milk bill for the Grace woods family for the month of Feb. Announcement was
read from the Fifth Dist. Pres. Announcing the candidacy of Mrs. DeWitt C. Chastain of Butler,
Mo. For Pres. Of the Mo. Fed of Women’s Clubs, subject to the action of the Biennial at St.
Louis in May, 1933. Fifty cents was paid on Poor Fund and $1.00 on Fed. Dues. No further
business arising, the following program was given:
Motion Pictures and Morals – Mrs. Pile
(used material from Mrs. Franklin Burt, State Motion Picture Chrman)
Educational Value of the Movies – Mrs. Ellis read by Mrs. Shollenberger
Stars in the Better Pictures – Mrs. Garrison
A clever contest prepared by the Year Book Com. Was played and prize awarded to Mrs.
Wilson. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Adams, Breazeale, Farthing, Garrison, Harris,
Massey, Moore, Pile, Robertson, Rogers, Roper, Shollenberger, Wilson, Young and Miss Rees.
Club adjourned to meet Mar. 6th at the home of Mrs. Farthing. Grace Love Sec’y Protem
March 6, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club held their regular weekly meeting, Mar. 6, 1933, at the home of Mrs.
Farthing with Mrs. Robertson as joint hostess. The following members were present: Mesdames
Love, Adams, Cox, Farthing, Garrison, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Robertson, Rogers, Roper,
Thompson, Wilson, Womble, Young. The club was honored by having as guests Mrs. Henry
Bissett Pres. Of the Sixth Dist., and Mrs. Pope Myers, State Chairman on American Citizenship.
Roll Call of current events. Reading of minutes of Feb. 27. Mrs. Farthing gave a report on
Highway Beautification meeting at Court House, March 2nd. This was followed by an interesting
discussion of the beautification of Highway #65. Mrs. Wilson, the president, appointed Mrs.
Farthing to meet with City Council Tues. evening to urge Council to take action regarding the
matter. Mrs. Young reported that she had inspected the city lot where club has planted shrubs
and found them to be in excellent condition. No further business, the following program was
Prayer for our Nation – by Mrs. Rogers
Out State Officers – Mrs. Cox
Important Measures Before our State Legislature – Harriet Massey
Our State Institutions – Mrs. Adams
Mrs. Bissett then gave a short talk in which she announced that a prize would be given again for
the best Year Book in 6th Dist. Mrs. Myers gave a talk on American Citizenship, urging the club
to have programs on the subject. The club was happy to have Mrs. Hixson back with them after
her several weeks in Jefferson City with her husband, Sen. Hixson. $1.00 paid on Fed. Dues.
Club adjourned to meet Mar. 13th with Mrs. Ivie Rogers. Rose Womble, Sec’y
March 13, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met Monday, March 13, 1933 at the home of Mrs. Ivie Rogers. Roll
Call of Current Events. Minutes of march 6th were read, corrected and approved. Mrs. Farthing
not being present, Mrs. Young reported the City Council had no available funds to use in
beautification on Highway 65. A motion was made by Mrs. Young and seconded by Mrs.
Hixson, that for the present we drop the matter of Beautification on Highway 65, and, if at any
future time we are asked or feel inclined to take up the work, we insist on doing our planting
nearer Ozark. Motion carried. Mrs. Young suggested that if members have any shrubs or plants
to spare, some be donated to city lot space. Mrs. Young also reported that in the matter of the
City Council looking out for shrubs planted on the city lot by this club, it was promised that a
man would care for same. Club voted to send greeting card to Mrs. Berta Mae Pile who is will
with the “flu”. The President appointed Mrs. Grace Love to serve on the “Last Day Committee”
in place of Mrs. Madge Tunnell who is ill. The club was happy to welcome Mrs. J. W.
Alderman back after a two months absence due to illness. No further business, the business
session ended and the following program given:
“How to Read with Profit – Lola Thompson (read by Grace Love)
“How to Judge a Book” – Isabelle Alderman
“How Books are Made” – Jude Hixson
“Rare Books & Manuscripts” – written by Mrs. Wilson read by Ethel Moore
An interesting contest, prepared by the Year Book Committee consisting of 40 pictures of
famous people, taken from newspapers and magazines was enjoyed. Prize awarded to Margaret
Wilson for guessing the most.
Refreshments were served to the following members: Jude Hixson, Margaret Wilson, Harriet
Massey, Quintilla Young, Beatrice Ellis, Grace Love, Chloe Butler, Ethel Shollenberger, Nora
Cox, Nell Robertson, Ethel Moore, Isabelle Alderman, Minnie Garrison, Ella Roper, Ida
Breazeale, Maude Rees and the hostess. Club adjourned to meet Monday, March 20th, at the
home of Mrs. Etta Roper. Ida Breazeale, Sec’y Pro Tem
March 20, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. March 20, 1933, at the home of Mrs. Ella Roper. Roll Call
of Current Events. Minutes of Mar. 13th were read and approved. The President urged Club
members to bring Gen. Fed. Dues by next Monday without fail. Also urged all members who
had not yet handed in their essays on “Insurance” to do so by next Mon. Discussion of Honorary
Members Day program. Motion was made that the club furnish the program. Motion carried. A
committee, consisting of Harriet Massey, Belle Farthing and Berta Mae Pile, was appointed to
take charge of the program. Mrs. Pile was appointed as Press Reporter for the day, in the
absence of Mrs. Thompson. Motion was made and carried that the club continue the “Bluebird”
custom. Nor further business, the following program was given: America’s Contribution to
Literature – Grace Love
Sketch of Marquis James – Chloe Butler
Origin and Explanation of Pulitzer Prize; Explanation of Nobel Prize – Cleo Harris (read by Mrs.
The following members were present: Grace Love, Mattie Adams, Ida Breazeale, Nora Cox,
Belle Farthing, Minnie Garrison, Chloe Butler, Harriet Massey, Ethel Moore, Berta Mae Pile,
Maud Rees, Nell Robertson, Ethel Shollenberger, Margaret Wilson, Rose Womble, Cleo Harris
and the hostess. Club adjourned to meet March 27th with Mrs. Shollenberger. Rose Womble
March 27, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met Mar 27, 1933, at the home of Mrs. Shollenberger. Mrs. Harriet
Massey, Vice Pres. Presided in the absence of Mrs. Margaret Wilson who is ill. Roll Call of
Current Events. Minutes of Mar. 20 were read and approved. Motion was made and carried that
an assessment of 10 cents be made against each member to pay milk bill for Marc. Members
urged to finish Insurance Essays and have in hands of Pres. At once. Mrs. Pile consented to act
as Press Reporter. Letter and questionnaire from Mrs. Bissett, Chairman of Sixth District, read.
The following Chairmen of Departments for 1933-34 were announced:
American Citizenship – Mrs. Geo. Breazeale
Education – Mrs. B. O. Womble
Fine Arts – Mrs. W. Ed. Thompson
Legislation – Mrs. Tom R. Moore
Press & Publicity – Mrs. Chloe Butler
Public Welfare – Miss Maud Rees
International Relations – Mrs. L. K. Ellis
American Home – Mrs. R. r. Farthing
Junior Sponsor – Mrs. Will Hixson
Motion Pictures – Mrs. Earl Harris
Mrs. Young suggested that we pay more attention to flying of flag on holidays and in other ways
showing our appreciation of World War Veterans. After discussion it was decided to learn days
on which flags should be displayed and this matter be discussed again soon. Program and
hostess for next week was read. No further business, the following program was given:
The New Cabinet Officers and Their Duties – Brief Sketch of Each – Mrs. Minnie Garrison
The Lame Duck Amendment – Mrs. Nelle Robertson
Violin Solo – King Shollenberger
Announcement of Play Party at hall of O.E.S. on Saturday,, Apr 1st. Admission 10 cents.
Refreshments were served to the following members: Mesdames Alderman, Adams, Love,
Massey, Robertson, Moore, Young, Garrison, Pile, Farthing, Rogers, Hixson, Breazeale, Miss
Rees and the hostess. Ida Breazeale, Sec’y Pro Tem
$1.50 paid on Federated Dues and 50 cents paid on Poor Fund
April 3, 1933
From a newspaper article secured in the minute book
The honorary members of the Ladies’ Literary Club were delightfully entertained at the regular
meeting of the club held Monday at the home of Mrs. Wm. Ed Thompson. The committee in
charge was composed of Mrs. Gordon Massey, Mrs. R. R. Farthing and Mrs. John M. Pile. The
first number on the program was a vocal solo by Mrs. A. C. Adams, accompanied on the piano
by Mrs. Howe Steele. A couple of guessing games then occupied the time and afforded much
amusement. A quartet, composed of Mesdames J. C. Young, R. R. Farthing, A. C. Adams and
Mrs. Chloe Butler then sang “Old Black Joe” characterizing the race with which this song is
connected. Parts of the song were dramatized in a very clever manner and caused much
amusement for the guests. Two piano numbers were then rendered by Miss Mary Elizabeth
Shollenberger, followed by two readings by Mrs. Earl Harris. The hostess served lovely
refreshments to Mesdames R. Neil Gray, J. A. Robertson, Howe Steele, and Mrs. Mary
Bingham, all of Springfield; Earl Harris, A. C. Adams, Geo T. Breazeale, C. P. Cox, L.K. Ellis,
R. R. Farthing, W. L. Hixson, Gordon Massey, T. R. Moore, John M. Pile, Ross Robertson,
Chas. Shollenberger, Oliver Wilson, B. O. Womble, E. E. Love, J. C. Young, Mrs. Mattie
Adams, Mrs. Minnie Garrison, Mrs. Chloe Butler and Miss Maude Rees. The meeting next
Monday afternoon will be at the home of Mrs. J. W. Alderman instead of with Mrs. R. R.
Tunnell as per the year book.
The following is written in the minute book under the newspaper article:
Motion was made and carried that club surprise Mrs. Alderman with a take-a-dish luncheon at 12
o’clock on next Monday, since she will soon be leaving Ozark for her new home. Also, each
member is to take some little remembrance. Rose Womble, Secy.
April 10, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met April 10, 1933, at the home of Mrs. Isabelle Alderman, with a 12
o’clock Take-a-Dish Luncheon as a surprise to Mrs. Alderman, who is moving to Billings, Mo.
After lunch, the President, Mrs. Wilson, called the meeting to order. Roll Call of Current Events.
Reading of minutes of March 27 and Apr 3. Minutes approved. Motion was made by Mrs.
Young that club observe all days when the flag should be displayed. Motion carried. Motion
made and carried that flag be displayed at each meeting. Mrs. Young amended motion to the
effect that each member salute the flag as she enters the room. For convenience, it was decided
that at the close of each meeting, the hostess for the following meeting should take care of the
flag. The flag to be used is a gift from Mrs. Tunnell whose mother gave the flag to her. The
President appointed the following committees for the meeting of May 8th, when the club
entertains the Modern Seekers. Entertainment Com. Year Book Com: Rose Womble, Ethel
Shollenberger, Maude Rees Reception Com: Club Officers Margaret Wilson, Harriet Massey,
Rose Womble, Nell Robertson, Lola Thompson. Menu Com: Ida Breazeale, Cleo Harris,
Beatrice Ellis. Arrangements Com: Jude Hixson, Chlo Butler, Lola Thompson
No further business, the following program was given:
Moral Training of the Child – Rose Womble
The Bible in the Making – Lola Thompson
Literary Study of the Bible – Ella Roper
The club members then engaged in charades depicting Bible events, characters and places. The
members before leaving left little gifts of remembrance in various hidden places in the house, to
be found by Mrs. Alderman after the guests had departed. The following members were present:
Mesdames: Love, Adams, Breazeale, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Butler, Hixson, Massey,
Moore, Pile, Robertson, Rogers, Roper, Shollenberger, Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson, Womble,
Harris, Young and as visitors, Mrs. J. A. Robertson, Mrs. Howe Steele, Mrs. Mary Bingham,
Mrs. H. V. Reid, Mrs. H. N. Rogers, Mrs. Clay Jones, Mrs. Neil Gray. Club adjourned to meet
Apr 17th with Mrs. Margaret Wilson. Rose Womble, Sec’y
April 17, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met at 2:30 P.M. Apr. 17, 1933, with Mrs. Margaret Wilson. Roll Call
of Current Events. Minutes of Apr. 10 read and approved. Mrs. Breazeale made a report for
Menu and Arrangements Committees, appointed last week, as follows: Committees have
planned a tea for May 8th when club entertains Modern Seekers. Refreshments to be taken care
of by Committees, club to be assessed for same later. Motion was made and carried that club
follow the plans of the committees. Cor. Sec. Nell Robertson, was instructed to write invitation
to Modern Seekers. Mrs. Breazeale also reported on official flag days as follows:
Lincoln’s Birthday – Feb. 12
Washington’s Birthday – Feb. 22
Mother’s Day – 2nd Sunday in May
Memorial Day – May 30
Flag Day – June 14
Independence Day – July 4
Labor Day – 1st Monday in September
Armistice Day – November 11
Mrs. Boye’s name was presented as new member to fill place left vacant by Mrs. Alderman.
Name to be held over till next meeting to be voted upon, in the meantime some one to volunteer
to find out if Mrs. Boye would like to be member of the club. No further business, the following
program was given:
Influence of Topography on History of the Scandinavian Pinusula – Mrs. Breazeale
Scandinavian Literature – Mrs. Farthing
Story of Ibsen’s Drama – Peer Gynt – Mrs. Womble
Round Table – Famous Scandinavians
The following members were present: Mesdames: Love, Adams, Alderman, Breazeale, Cox,
Farthing, Garrison, Hixson, Massey, Moore, Pile, Robertson, Roper, Thompson, Womble,
Harris, Young, miss Rees, and the hostess. Club adjourned to meet Apr. 24 with Mrs. Adams
instead of with Mrs. Womble as per year book. Rose Womble, Sec’y
April 24, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met Apr. 24, 1933, at the home of Mrs. Mattie Adams, the president,
Mrs. Margaret Wilson, presiding. Roll Call of Current Events. Minutes of Apr. 17th read and
approved. Letter from Modern Seekers Club accepting invitation to a tea to be given at the home
of Mrs. J. C. Young, May 8th. Unanimously voted in Mrs. Boye as member to take the place of
Mrs. Isabelle Alderman who has moved to Billings. No further business arising the following
program was given:
Life of John James Audubon – Mrs. Ethel Moore
Curious Homes of Birds – paper prepared by Ethel Shollenbeger read by Mrs. Garrison
Reading “All Things Beautiful” – Nell Robertson
Reading – The Trouble with Rastus – Martha Louis Adams
Encore “The Old Leather Trunk”
Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Robertson were winners in a bird contest. The following members were
present: Mesdames Breazeale, Farthing, Garrison, Hixson, Moore, Pile, Robertson, Rogers,
Roper, Thompson, Wilson and Miss Rees. Visitors Mrs. Elizabeth Adams and Martha Louise
Adams. Club adjourned to meet May 1st with Mrs. Cleo Harris. Rose Womble, Sec’y
May 1, 1933
The May 1, 1933 meeting of the Ladies Literary Club was held at the home of Mrs. Earl Harris.
The president, Mrs. Margaret Wilson presided. Roll Call of Current events. Reading of the
minutes of Apr 24. Minutes approved. Mrs. Rogers reported, after a call on Mrs. Boye, that
Mrs. Boye will accept membership in the Club. No further business the following program was
May Day – Origin and Customs – Madge Tunnell
Wild Flowers of Missouri – Quintilla Young
Value of Nature Study – Minnie Garrison
Reading – “An Apple Orchard in the Spring” Margaret Wilson – read by Grace Love
The club then enjoyed an exchange of plants and flower seeds. The hostess served lovely
refreshments to the following members: Mesdames: Grace Love, Mattie Adams, Beatrice Ellis,
Chlo Butler, Jude Hixson, Harriet Massey, Ethel Moore, Berta Mae Pile, Nell Robertson, Ivie
Rogers, Ella Roper, Ethel Shollenberger, Lola Thompson, Madge Tunnell, Margaret Wilson,
Rose Womble, Cleo Harris, Quintilla Young and Miss Rees. Club adjourned to meet May 8th at
the home of Mrs. Young to entertain Modern Seekers with a tea. Rose Womble, Sec’y
May 8, 1933
From a newspaper article secured in the minute book
Literary Honors Modern Seekers’ Club
The ladies of the Literary Club were hostesses Monday afternoon with a tea at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. J. C. Young, honoring the members of the Modern Seekers’ Club. The rooms of the
home were beautifully decorated with a profusion of spring flowers, arranged in a clever and
artistic manner. The reception room was especially adorned with a massive bouquet, the gift
from the Modern Seekers to the Literary Club, the Literary Club colors of purple and gold being
carried out in the gorgeous assembly of beautiful blossoms. The receiving line consisted of
Mesdames Oliver Wilson, Gordon Massey, B. O. Womble, Ross Robertson and Wm. Ed
Thompson, officers of the club. At the appointed hour the curtains to the serving room were
drawn aside to reveal the continuation of spring flower revelry, with the Modern Seekers’ colors
of pink and white predominating in the roses and lilies of the valley which formed a massive
centerpiece, surrounded by pink and white tapers on the serving table. Mrs. Chloe Butler
presided at the pouring and Mrs. L. K. Ellis served. The sociability of the occasion was carried
out most pleasingly as each member of the entertaining club escorted an invited guess to the
serving room. In the refreshments the color or pink and white continued in a most clever
manner. This committee consisted to Mesdames Earle Harris, L. K. Ellis and E. E. Love. In the
entertaining rooms the guests were welcomed by Mrs. Wilson, president of the Literary club.
The program committee, consisting of Mrs. B. O. Womble, Mrs. Chas. Shollenberger and Miss
Maude Rees then took charge and presented Miss Mary Davis of the Teachers’ College, who in a
very pleasing manner reviewed Eugene O’Neill’s Trilogy, “Mourning Becomes Electra”, an
extraordinary drama composed of three separate plays, “Homecoming”, “The Hunted” and “The
Haunted”. Miss Rosemary Morgan, a student at the Teachers’ College next gave a group of
humorous readings. Both entertainers were pleasing in their presentations and assisted greatly in
making of the afternoon one which will live long in the memory of all present. Guests present
were Mesdames J. N. Young, Arthur Roper, John Canard, Stanley Clayman, John Campbell, Joe
Shipman, Ford Haguewood, Rex Harris, Fray Johnson, Lyman Kerr, Emmett Kerr, D. C.
Leonard, Ralph Hartley, Mahlon Stine, James Wallace, Francis T. Wernet, Bert Whittington,
John Hartley, John Bostic, Miss Irene Reed and Mrs. Swenson of Kansas City. Club members
present were Mesdames Earle Harris, L. K. Ellis, R. R. Farthing, W. L. Hixson, Gordon Massey,
T. R. Moore, John M. Pile, Ross Robertson, J. C. Rogers, J. A. Roper, Chjas. Shollenberger, Ed
Thompson, J. F. Boye, Oliver Wilson, B. O. Womble, Ed Love, Mrs. Minnie Garrison, Mrs.
Chloe Butler and Miss Maude Rees. The club meets next Monday with Mrs. Ed Love.
May 15, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met Mon. May 15, 1933, at 2:30 P.M. at the home of Mrs. Grace Love,
the president, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, presiding. Roll Call of the usual current events. Minutes
of May 8th read and approved. Mrs. Harris presented bill for expenses of tea held May 8th –
Hixson Drug Store $6.00
Tea and Lemons
35 cents
Telephone call
20 cents
Roses for table
59 cents
12 cents
Total $9.26
Motion was made by Mrs. Young that bill be allowed. Motion carried. Mrs. Young then added
to motion that club be assessed to cover bill for tea expenses and for flowers for Mrs. Giehl’s
funeral. Assessment to be 40 cents per member. Mrs. Moore, chairman of Last Day Com.
Requested that all members who expected to attend Last Day bring 50 cents next meeting to
cover expense of lunch and show in Springfield. The president appointed Mrs. Adams, Garrison
and Robertson as auditing committee to audit Treasurer’s Book. Pres. Also urged that all
assessments be paid by next meeting if possible. A letter of thanks was sent by Cor. Sec. To
Modern Seekers for the lovely flowers sent to club the day of the tea. Modern Seekers sent club
a Mother’s Day Greeting. Pres. Reported that flowers had been taken to Mrs. Cox, Mrs. Tunnell,
Mrs. Mabel Mapes, Mrs. Breazeale. Discussion of club practice of sending flowers to bereaved
club members. It was suggested, and met with approval, that we abide by decision made by club
a few years ago. Club held a short Memorial Service in honor of our beloved Mrs. Harriett Giehl
who passed away May 11th after a long illness. The following program was given:
Expositions – Maude Rees
Chicago – History and Interesting Facts – Rose Womble
Poem “Chicago” – Minnie Garrison
Then following reminiscences of trips to World’s Fairs by club members. The following
members were present – Mesdames: Adams, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Butler, Hixson, Massey,
Moore, Pile, Robertson, Thompson, Wilson, Womble, Harris, Young, and the hostess. Visitors,
Mrs. Miller and Elizabeth Adams. Club adjourned to meet May 22 with Rose Womble. Rose
Womble, Sec’y
May 22, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met May 22nd, at the home of Mrs. Rose Womble, at 2:30 P.M. The
president, Mrs. Margaret Wilson, presided. Roll Call – Current Events. Minutes of May 16th
read and approved. Motion was made, seconded and carried that former ruling in regard to
flowers being sent to the bereaved be rescinded and that flowers be sent to bereaved club
members or husband at the death of either, and in case of sickness of member, a card, only, to be
sent to member. Auditing Com. Submitted report. Motion was made and carried that report be
accepted. Report was placed on file with club papers. Motion was made, seconded and carried
that the book, “Mother” by Edgar Guest, with note accompanying be sent to Mrs. Nora Cox.
Pres. Appointed Mesdames Moore, Thompson and Rogers as committee to purchase book and
present to Mrs. Cox. President announced that the club had won a $2.00 prize in Insurance
Essay Contest. Bill for $18.75 for 1933-34 year books was read. (36 books) Motion made and
carried that bill be allowed. Motion made and carried that members be assessed $1.00 each for
yearbooks. No further business the following program was given:
History of Ozark – Ivie Rogers
Discussion: “Beauties of Ozark and Vicinity”
“How to Make Ozark more Attractive”
club members
Contest: “Who’s Who in Ozark”.
The following were present: Mesdames: Love Adams, Ellis, Farthing, Massey, Moore, Pile,
Robertson, Rogers, Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson, Harris, Young, Miss Rees and the hostess.
Rose Womble, Sec’y
May 29, 1933
From a newspaper article pasted in the minute book
Ladies Literary Club
The Ladies Literary Club met for its last day meeting with a one o’clock luncheon at the
Springfield Country Club. The twenty-five guests wee seated at one long table, beautifully
decorated in the Club colors, purple and gold. A short program was given as the meal was being
served. The committee in charge was Mesdames T. R. Moore, E. E. Love and J. A. Roper.
Those entertained were Mesdames Chas. Woody of Montgomery City, E. A. Barber, G. A.
Watson, C. B. Elkins, Howe Steele, WashWade, J. A. Robertson and Mrs. Mary Bingham of
Springfield; Mesdames Fred Hawkins, Howard Breazeale, L. K. Ellis, J. C. Rogers, J. C. Young,
John M. Pile, Chas. Shollenberger, T. R. Moore, Ed Thompson, Oliver Wilson, George T.
Breazeale, J. F. Boye, Ross Robertson, Earle Harris, R. R. Farthing, Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Mattie
Adams of Ozark
September 4, 1933
The first meeting of the ladies Literary Club for 1933-34 was held in the home of Mrs. Madge
Tunnel Sept 4. A club litany was given by Mrs. Adams followed by the Lord’s Prayer by the
club. Roll call: Labors of Love. Mrs. Harris was elected corresponding secretary and treasurer
for the ensuing year. The club voted to present Dr. Giehl and his daughters with a copy of our
year book. Mrs. Massey was ask to serve as club critic for Sept in Mrs. Breazeale’s place.
Letters were read from Jesse Bronson and Etheca Reed thanking the club for the year books sent
them. Mrs. Reed ask that her name be omitted from the list of past presidents as she had not
filled that office (thereby keeping the record straight). A letter was read from Nell Robertson in
which she ask to be remembered to the club members. We were then entertained by Mrs. Young
who gave a wonderful reading “Sally Arms experience” from the book “Aunt Jane of Kentucky”.
The president gave a message of welcome to the club. The program closed, with a flag drawing
contest. Mrs. Wilson winning first prize and Mrs. Garrison booby. Lois Vaughn read
instructions for displaying the flag. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Adams, Moore,
Thompson, Massey, Harris, Young, Garrison, Reese, Boye, Wilson, Ellis, Love and three visitors
Mrs. Ross Moore, Mrs. Lyons and Miss Lois Vaughn. Club adjourned to meet Sept 11th with
Mrs. Wilson. Grace Love Sec’y
September 11, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Margaret Wilson Monday afternoon Sept 11th
the president Mrs. Wilson presiding. Roll Call – Colleges. Minutes of previous meeting were
read and approved. The names of Mrs. Ross Moore and Miss Lois Vaughn were presented for
membership in the club. Margaret Wilson was asked to take Nell Robertsons place on the
program Sept. 18th. The regular program followed.
“Is College Worth four years of a boys life” – Lola Thompson
Mrs. Harris read Mrs. Shollenbergers paper on “West Point and U. S. Military Academy”. “The
Navy and Marines” by Mrs. Rogers. A round table discussion on college life followed and
refreshments were served to Maude Reece Mrs. Young, Thompson, Rogers, Cox, Wilson, Harris,
Tunnel, Love, Adams and Moore. Club adjourned to meet Sept 18th at the Ellis home Mrs.
Butler hostess. Grace Love Sec’y
September 18, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club was entertained by Mrs. Butler in the home of Mrs. Ellis Sept 18th the
president Margaret Wilson presiding. The names of Lois Vaughn and Mrs. Ross Moore were
voted on to fill the vacancy left by Nell Robertson. Mrs. Moore was elected to membership in
the club. A committee consisting of Mrs. Garrison, Pile, Moore and Shollenberger was asked to
call on the new member. The matter of the club donation to the “National Carrilion” was tabled
for two weeks. There being no further business to come before the club the regular program was
given and refreshments were served to the following, Mesdames Pile, Garrison, Farthing Ellis,
Young, Ellis, Massey, Wilson, Adams, Moore and Love. Club adjourned to meet Sept 25th with
Mrs. Cox. One dollar was paid Mr. Thompson leaving a balance of $2.75 on our year books.
Grace Love Sec’y
September 25, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Cox Sept 25th. The president Margaret Wilson
presiding. Roll Call – Handicap
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Our new member, Mrs. Ross Moore was
presented with a 1933-34 year book. An invitation was read from the local P.T.A. (inviting each
club member to be present at their meeting Sept. 26). It was decided to make the next meeting a
take-a-dish luncheon at the home of Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Moore was appointed a committee of
one to superintend the refreshments. The following program was given
Prayer – hostess
Accomplishment under Handicaps – Mrs. Massey
What is being done for our crippled children – Grace Love
Crusade against Illiteracy – Cleo Harris
Song by the club
Refreshments were served to Mesdames Roper, Pyle, Farthing, Ellis, Womble, Wilson, Boye,
Love, Reese, Thompson, Moore, Adams, Ross Moore, Tunnell, Masey, Harris and one visitor
Mrs. Morris Reese. Grace Love, Secy
October 2, 1933
The ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Ellis for a take-a-dish luncheon Oct. 2nd. The
president Mrs. Wilson presided. Minutes of Sept 25th read and approved. A committee
consisting of Mrs. Cox, Thompson and Reese was appointed to visit sick club members. A
motion was made and seconded that a donation for national carillon not be made now. Mrs.
Tunnell volunteered to act as press reporter in the absence of Mrs. Garrison. The club critic
promised her report on Oct. 9. The regular program followed.
Prayer – Hostess
Roll Call – current Events
Algoa Farm – Belle Farthing
Our State Flag, Emblem, Flowers and Birds – Nora Cox
The painting in our capitol – Jude Hixson
Missouri song – Beatrice Ellis
Those present were Mesdames Harris, Farthing, Tom Moore, Cox, Tunnell, Wilson, Hixon,
Ross, Moore, Pyle, Ellis Young, Thompson, Womble and one visitor Mrs. Lyon. Club
adjourned to meet Oct 9 with Belle Farthing. Grace Love Sec’y
October 9, 1933
The ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Farthing Oct 9. The president Mrs. Wilson
presiding. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. A letter was read from the
president of the 6th district, Mrs. Bissitt, informing us of the 30th annual convention at West
Plains Oct 27 and 28th. The president made a motion (which was seconded) that Mrs. Moore and
Mrs. Farthing be sent as delegates from our club. (The matter of defraying the expenses of the
trip was tabled.) The secretary was ask to make a list of the outstanding accomplishments of the
club for the past year. The regular program was then given and refreshments served to the
following Mesdames Shollenberg, Ross Moore, Garrison, Boye, Wilson, Harris, Hixon, Cox,
Tom Moore, Pile, Love, Thompson, Butler, Young, Womble, Braezelle and two visitors Mrs.
Alice Lile and Mrs. Mildred Walters from Aurora. Club adjourned to meet with Minnie
Garrison Oct 16th. Grace Love Sec’y
The president requested club members to bring bandages for the school clinic
October 16, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Minnie Garrison Oct 16th with 19 members present.
Mesdames Wilson, Massey, Harris, Reese, Breazealle, Tunnel, Womble, Adams, Pile, Moore,
Thompson, Shollenberger, Butler, Hixon, Young, Ellis, Rogers, Love and Mrs. Ross Moore.
Meeting was called to order by the president and minutes of previous meeting were read and
approved. Members were again requested to bring bandages or material that can be used for
bandages to club meeting or send to Miss Mason at the school. Mrs. Massey (Club Critic for the
month) made some suggestions which were discussed resulting in the motion being made and
carried that we remain seated for roll call. She also complimented the club on improved
attendance and suggested the secretary stand for he report and that we make our papers as
interesting as possible. A motion was made and carried that we sponsor a booth at a carnival
given by the “Omega Club” of high school Oct. 28th the proceeds to go to needy school children.
Mrs. Harris, Pile and Womble appointed to superintend the booth. The regular program was
given, refreshments served and club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Harris Oct. 23rd. Grace Love
October 23, 1933
The Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Cleo Harris. Meeting called to order by the pres.
Mrs. Wilson who presided. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Roll call
responded to with political leaders. $2.00 collected on year books. Mrs. Harris made a report on
the carnival booth and that they had decided on a fish pond. Each member to donate all the
articles they can and to leave same at the Christian Co. Rep. Office for the com. To get. Mrs.
Wilson brot up the matter of the Carillon fund. Mrs. Leonard is chairman of this fund and in
view of this fact motion made & seconded that the members of the club donate 10 cents each to
this fund. Same carried and check sent to Mrs. Leonard. Mrs. Garrison sent in her resignation as
press reporter and Mrs. Ross Moore elected to fill the vacancy. Mrs. Farthing reported she was
unable to attend the district meeting at West Plains. Mrs. Pile kindly consented to go in her
stead. The pres. Reported that our club and the Modern Seekers Club were the only two clubs in
the district which were 100% in the recent insurance contest and same is in the State Year Book.
Program as per year book. In the contest furnished by Mrs. Rogers, Mrs. Moore won first prize.
Mrs. Pile second and Mrs. Adams consolation. Refreshments were served to the following
members Mesdames Cox, R. Moore, Hixson, Pile, T. Moore, Young, Shollenberger, Adams,
Womble, Boye, Breazeale, Roper, Butler, Rees, Thompson, Farthing, Wilson & the hostess, Mrs.
Harris. E. Moore Secy Pro tem
October 13, 1933
(I’m sure they mean Oct 30 but it says 13th in the minute book)
L.L. Club met for our first social of the year with Jude Hixon Oct 13th. The house was
beautifully decorated in honor of Halloween. Members of the entertainment com. Mrs. Ross,
Moore, Pile and Reese were dressed in witches costumes to receive the guests and each one was
handed a verse to be read explaining the origin of Halloween. The president Mrs. Wilson and
the delegated Mrs. Tom Moore and Mrs. Pile gave very interesting reports of the convention at
West Plains. The scene of the three witches was given by Mrs. Butler, Ellis and Boye from
Shakespeare’s “Tragedy of Macbeth” Act 4 Scene 1. It was splendidly given and we were
highly entertained. Our fortunes were told on slips of paper handed us from the cauldron. A
“banana feeding” contest by Mrs. Wilson and Harris furnished the crowd much amusement (as
the contestants were blindfolded). Mrs. Harris reported $7 cleared by fish pond at carnival. Mrs.
Wilson was the winner in a written contest wherein all the answers were words beginning with c
a t refreshments were served to Mesdames Womble, Boye, Ellis, Garrison, young, Butler,
Massy, Moore, Cox, Pile, Tunnel, Breazeale, Adams, Ross Moore, Farthing, Harris, Wilson,
Rees, Love, Hixon and three visitors Mrs. Reed, Jones and Gipson. Club adjourned to meet with
Mrs. Ethel Moore Nov 6. Grace Love Sec’y
November 6, 1933
The L.L. Club met at the home of Thel Moore Nov 6. With the president, Mrs. Wilson
presiding. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Mrs. Morwood was voted a visiting
member for the remainder of this club year. A com. Mrs. Cox and Tunnell was appointed to call
on her. Mrs. Farthing offered her home and suggested we entertain the husbands with a dinner
party. A vote to that affect carried and the date set for Friday Nov 17. Mrs. Moore, Young and
Farthing were appointed on the refreshment com. B. Moore, Ida B & Lola Thompson the com.
For arrangements and Mrs. Massy, Love, and Shollenberger for the entertainment. The club
critic for Oct. Mrs. Breazealle gave her report (which was complimentary). It was voted on and
passed that the critic added to her usual report make a notation of mispronounced words. The
regular program followed with the addition of two piano solos by Mary Moore. Refreshments
were served to Mrs. Adams, Breazeale, Butler, Cox, Farthing, Harris, Love, Massey, Pile, Rees,
Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson and Young. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Massey Nov. 13.
Grace Love Sec’y
November 13, 1933
The L.L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Massey the following members present Mrs. Adams,
Boye, Breazeale, Butler, Farthing, Garrison, Harris, Hixon, Love, Ethel Moore, Mrs. Pile, Maude
Rees, Roper, Young, Thompson, Ellis, Berta Moore, Shollenberger and Rogers. The president
Margaret Wilson presided. Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. Our favorite
authors were given in response to Roll Call. A com consisting of Mrs. Womble, Boye and
Adams was appointed to arrange a number from the L.L. Club for a program at a P.T.A. meeting
Nov. 21 at the school house. Mrs. Massey mentioned the Red Cross drive and read a list of
donations from the Red Cross to this district or county. Members were ask to bring their favorite
recipes to Madge Tunnell for the book being made by the “Help Along Club” . The regular
program followed and club adjourned to meet with Grace Love Nov. 20th Grace Love Sec’y
November 20, 1933
Ladies L.L. Club met at the home of Grace Love Nov. 20th. Minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved. An invitation from the Ozark P.T.A. Association to participate in a
“Take a dish” luncheon at the school house Nov. 23rd was read. Notice of a play to be given Nov
25th at the school house by the young ladies of the Ozark Baptist Sunday School was read. The
Lord’s Prayer was given in unison. Interesting people were given in response to roll call. The
regular program followed with the addition of a piano solo by Annie Gean Thompson.
Refreshments were served to Mesdames Boye Butler, Cox, Ellis, Farthing, Garrison, Massey,
Ethel Moore, Pile, Gerta Moore, Rogers, Shollenberger, Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson, Young,
Maude Reese, and two visitors Mrs. Arthera Spicy and Mrs. Leota Punics. Club adjourned to
meet for a social meeting at the home of Mrs. Pile Nov. 27th. Grace Love Sec’y
November 27, 1933
Ladies Literary Club met at the home of Mrs. Pile for a Thanksgiving Social Nov 27th. Mrs.
Young, Adams and Boye served as the committee in charge. Those present were Mesdames
Shollenberger, Adams, Harris, Boye, Wilson, Thompson, Young, Breazealle, Moore, Ethel
Moore, Hixon, Morwood, Farthing Butler, Garrison, Massey and Love. A song of Thanksgiving
was sung by the club with Mrs. Thompson at the piano. A prayer was read by Mrs. Pile.
Reasons for being thankful were read by each member from slips handed them by Mrs. Young.
Two guessing contests were held Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Butler being the winners. A game
requiring quick thinking was enjoyed very much and lovely refreshments were served. Club
adjourned to meet with Maude Rees Dec 4th.
December 4, 1933
Ladies L Club met Dec 4th with Maude Rees, the following members present, Mesdames
Womble, Tunnell, Cox, Farthing, Harris, Breazeale, Pile, Shollenberger Young, Moore, Roper,
Rogers, Hixon, Thompson, Wilson and Love. The President Margaret Wilson presided. Bible
verses were given in response to Roll Call. A motion was made and carried that we send
Christmas dinner to the inmates of the Almshouse and Mrs. Hixon and Roper appointed to obtain
prices form the restaurants. Our critic for Nov. Mrs. Womble gave her report. The regular
program followed and club adjourned to meet with Berta Moore Dec 11th
December 11, 1933
L.L. Club met at the home of Berta Moore Dec the eleventh with the following members present,
Wilson, Cox, Moorwood, Moore, Farathing, Massey, Young, Rees, Rogers, Roper, Womble,
Garrison, Pile, Hixon, Tunnell, Thompson, Adams and Love. Meeting called to order by the
president Mrs. Wilson. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Federated News was
given in response to roll call. The committee reported the menu and price of the Xmas dinner to
be given the inmates of the Almshouse. Royce Tunnell was given the order for the dinner. A
motion made and carried to assess each member 30 cents to cover the expense of same. The next
business meeting being the time selected to elect officers the president made the suggestion we
elect a nominating committee who would interview the candidates thereby simplifying election.
Mrs. Farthing was appointed to represent our club at the county workers association. Mrs.
Farthing volunteered to pick up any donations to the associations. The program committee
informed the club of a Xmas party Dec 29 at 7 thirty. Each member to bring her husband and a
present for her bluebird and her bluebirds husband. Reg program followed club adjourned to
meet with Mrs. Pile Dec 18
December 18, 1933
L L Club met at the home of Mrs. Pile Dec 18 with the following members present, Berta Moore,
Young, Cox, Adams, Wilson, Massey, Hixon, Harris, Thompson, Farthing, Moore, Love and a
visitor Mrs. McCauley. Meeting was called to order by the president. Minutes of previous
meeting read and approved. “front page high lights” were given in response to roll call. Owing
to sickness in the Roper home the Xmas social was changed. The place for the meeting to be
reported by the committee later. Our president reported an invitation from the Ozark P.T.A. to
attend a meeting Dec 19 at the school house. Mrs. Berta Moore gave an excellent paper on
Journalism. She brot with her newspapers 133 years old one containing the account of Geo
Washington’s death, another president Lincoln’s assassination.
Dorothy Dix and her newspaper fame – Thel Moore
David Lawrence by Harriet Massey
Refreshments were served and club adjourned to meet Jan 1st with Mrs. Shollenberger. Grace
Love Sec’y
Madge reported the Xmas dinners were delivered to the Almshouse Christmas morn. The bill
amounts to six dollars and seventy five cents ($6.75) twenty seven individual boxes at 25 cents
each Grace Love
January 1, 1934
L L Club met at the home of Mrs. Cox Jan 1st the president Mrs. Wilson presided. Response to
roll call – How we will try to improve. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The
bill for the Xmas dinner was presented $6.75. Members voted to pay Mrs. Tunnell what was on
hand balance when collected. Mrs. Boye, Harris and Berdie Moore were appointed to serve on
the year book committee for 1934-35. A motion made and carried that the bylaws be suspended
that on the first ballot the one getting highest number of votes be elected president, second
highest vice president, same for secy-cor sec’y & treas – press reporter. The following officers
were elected for the ensuing year, Ethel Moore pres. Jude Hixon v. pres, Cleo Harris sec’y, Belle
Farthing cor. Sec’y and Treas. Mrs. Cox press reporter. Constitution and bylaws read by Mrs.
Wilson. (Mrs. Harris will give her report as club critic later) Mrs. Harris told about her work
club courtesy. Mrs. Womble club adjourned to meet Jan 8 with Mrs. Lola Thompson Grace
Love sec’y
January 8, 1934
L L Club met Jan 8 at the home of Lola Thompson. In the absence of the president Mrs. Massy
presided. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Current events were given in
response to roll call. The Jew of yesterday and his wanderings and the return of the Jews to
Jerusalem were read by Cleo Harris. Song by the club refreshments were served to the following
members, Massey, Butler, Boye, Harris, Pile, Young, Moore. Club adjourned to meet with Ida
Breazeale Jan 15th.
January 15, 1934
L. L. Club met at the home of Ida Breazeale Jan 15 with the following members present, Wilson,
Womble, Pile, Reese, Farthing, Massey, Rogers, Tunnell, Cox, Morewood, Butler, Garrison,
Boye, Young, Womble & Love. Meeting called to order by the president Mrs. Wilson. Minutes
of previous meeting read and approved. Mrs. Breazeale paid the customary fine of 25 cents for
not appearing on the program. The regular program followed refreshments were served during
the social hour and club adjourned to meet with Vada Boye Jan 15th.
January 22, 1934
L. L. Club met at the home of Vada Boye Jan 22 with the following members present, Mesdames
Hixon, Moore, Farthing, Roper, Butler, Rogers, Young, Massy, Shollenberger, Cox, Reese,
Love, Womble, Moore, Breazeale, Garrison and Wilson. Meeting called to order by the
president. Talks on the meaning of thrift was given in response to roll call. Minutes of previous
meeting were read and approved. A motion was made and carried that the club send a gift box to
Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Moore, Shollenberger, and Hixon appointed to see after the box. It was
decided to send a note of congratulation to Mr. And Mrs. Alderman on the arrival of their twin
boys. A letter was read from the treasurer of the State Federation of Woman’s Clubs reminding
us that dues are payable Nov. The regular program followed. Refreshments were served during
the social hour and club adjourned to meet with Rose Womble Jan 29th. Grace Love Sec’y
January 29, 1934
L. L. Club met at the home of Rose Womble Jan 29. Meeting called to order by the president
Mrs. Wilson. Bible verses were given in response to roll call. Minutes read and approved. A
note of appreciation from Mr. Ellis was read. Twenty cents was allowed Mrs. Harris for a new
treasurers book. The program followed
How to Use Christian liberty – Birdee Moore
Rules for Divine Worship – Ethel Shollenberger
Christ our advocate and propitiation – Ella Roper
A hymn was sung by the club.
Refreshments were served to Mesdames, Moore, Boye, Young, Breazeale, Birdie Moore, Roper,
Wilson, Cox, Farthing, Massey, Harris, Shollenberger & Love. Club adjourned to meet with
Mrs. Young Feb 5th.
February 5, 1934
L. L. Club met at the home of Mrs. Young Feb 5. The president Mrs. Wilson presided.
Quotations from Shakespeare were given in response to roll call. A letter was read from the
president of Woman'’ Clubs asking for a donation of books for the library at Algoa farm. Each
member promised to donate one book. Books to be taken to Mrs. Adams home Feb. 12th. A
com. Consisting of Mrs. Thompson, Shollenberger and Pile appointed to arrange a program for a
school assembly. A suggestion was made, followed by a motion which carried unanimously that
the daughters of club members be invited to become visiting members of the club until such time
when they can be made active members. Later an amendment was made to the effect that no
invitation be extended a daughter who is an active member of the Modern Seekers Club at the
present. The recording sec’y and the sec’y were ask to send the girls invitations to the Valentine
social at Mrs. Adams Feb 12th. Invitation were issued to the following – Mrs. Fay Breazeale,
Mrs. Ruth Butler Ellis, Genevieve Taylor, M. Elizabeth Shollenberger, Elizabeth Ellis, Margret
Ann Ellis, Bernice Boye, Virginia Giehl, Betty Loy Love, Mary Margret Pile, Tillie Dill Pile,
Mary Moore, Martha Louise Adams, Amy Geame Thompson, Carylon Moore, Ruth Moore. The
regular program followed and refreshments served to Mesdames Adams, Boye, Breazeale,
Butler, Farthing, Harris, Hixon, Massey, Ethel Moore, Pile, Rogers, Roper, Shollenberger,
Thompson, Wilson,Womble and Love. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Adams Feb 12. Grace
Love Sec’y
February 12, 1934
From a newspaper article secured in the minute book
The Ladies Literary Club met on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mattie Adams for a
Valentine party. Mrs. Ethel Moore, Mrs. Harriet Massey and Mrs. Grace Love were the
entertainment committee. The feature of the program was a 3 act play in which each member
was asked to take part. Number of 1's, 2’s and 3’s were passed out, and in this manner the
members were divided into three groups, each group to put on a 3-act original play. And it
happened that the last play (by the 3’s) was awarded the palm by the judges. Next came along a
new flower guessing contest “A Romance of Long Ago” in which Virginia Giehl won the prize.
And other contests on the afternoon’s program were greatly enjoyed by all. The hostess served
refreshments to the following; Mesdames J. F. Boye, Geo. Breazeale, Chas. Cox, R. R. Farthing,
W. L. Hixson, Ed Love, Gordon Massey, Tom R. Moore, Jno. M. Pile, J. C. Rogers, Ed
Thompson, Oliver Wilson, B. O. Womble, J. C. Young; Mattie Adams, Minnie Garrison and
Howard Breazeale, and honorary members Martha Louise Adams and Virginia Giehl. At the
previous meeting of the club certain girls and young women closely related to club members or
past or honorary members of the club were invited to accept an honorary membership. The club
will meet next Monday, February 19th, at the home of Mrs. W. L. Hixson
Written in pencil in the minute book:
A motion was made and carried that the president appoint a com to be present at the C.W.A.
meeting to discuss projects. Our club recommended a general clean up project for Ozark or
anything better the com saw fit to sanction.
February 19, 1934
L. L. Club met at the home of Jude Hixon Feb 19 with the following members present Mrs.
Adams, Boye, Breazeale, Butler, Farthing, Morwood, Garrison, Harris, Massey, Ethel Moore,
Pile, Reese, Wilson, Womble, Young, Virginia Giehl, Jenny Taylor Love and one visitor Mrs.
Gipson. The president Mrs. Wilson presided. Minutes of two previous meetings read and
approved. Sayings of Geo Washington were given in response to roll call. An invitation from
the local P.T.A. to attend a founders day program Feb 20th was read. A letter was read from the
chairman of the “Grace Morrison Poole birthday fund”. The com appointed to be present at the
C.W.A. meeting reported the L.C plans were “snowed under” by the Municipal building project.
Com was discharged. Miss Reese paid a fine of 25 cents for failure to appear on the program.
Some books were donated to be sent to Algoa farms. The president ask the members to return
the books belonging to the club to the library at Mrs. Garrisons (then thru with them). Mrs. Pile
club critic for Feb gave her report some favorable criticisms and a few corrections. A Biblical
program followed. During the social hour Bible stories were dramatized in pantomime and
refreshments were served. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs. Breazeale Feb 26.
February 26, 1934
L L club met Feb 26th at the home of Ida Breazeale with the following members present, Adams,
Cox, Moore, Farthing, Garrison, Harris, Hixon, Ethel Moore, Pile, Rees, Rogers, Roper,
Womble, Young, Jessy Taylor, Fay Breazeale, Virginia Giehl and Love. In the absence of the
president and vice president Mrs. Moore presided. Women of renown were given in response to
roll call. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Several ladies gave a favorable
account of the club program which was given at the P.T.A. meeting Feb. 20th. Mrs. Cox read a
paper on “Mrs. Thomas G. Winters”. Mrs. Cox was winner in the guessing contest prepared by
Mrs. Boye. Refreshments were served and club adjourned to meet with in the Giehl home Mrs.
Butler hostess March 5th
March 5, 1934
L L club met at the home of Virginia Giehl with Mrs. Butler hostess March 5th. 24 members
were present, Mesdames Farthing, Fay Breazeale, Jenny Taylor, Rogers, Adams, Reese,
Moorwood, Moore, Massey, Young, Hixon, Ida Breazeale, Roper, Boye, Pile, Tunnell, Cox,
Garrison, Ruth Ellis, Womble, Virginia Giehl, Mary Elizabeth Butler and Love. The meeting
was called to order by Mrs. Massy and minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Negro
verses were given in response to roll call. A note of appreciation from Margaret Wilson family
was read. A motion was made and carried that the club sponsor a clinic for the crippled children
of Christian County. The regular program followed. Each member then told a humorous Negro
story. Mrs. Roper winning the prize for the most humorous. Club adjourned to meet March 12
for a social meeting at the home of Mrs. Roper
March 12, 1934
This from a newspaper article pasted in the minute book
The Literary Club
The Ladies Literary Club of Ozark met Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. A. Roper. It
being a social day for the club, the entertainment committee (Belle Farthing, Madge Tunnell and
Lola Thompson) presented a St. Patrick’s Day program. First, was a song “Wearing of the
Green” sung by the club. Several contests were then enjoyed by all. Refreshments were served
by the hostess to: Mesdames J. C. Young, Ed Thompson, B. O. Womble, Royce Tunnell, J. C.
Rogers, Ross Moore, Tom R. Moore, Gordon Massey, Ed Love, W. L. Hixson, Earl Harris, R. R.
Farthing, Chas. Cox, Geo. Breazeale, J. F. Boye, Mattie Adams, Minnie Garrison, Chloe Butler;
and Misses Maud Rees, Virginia Giehl and Jennie Taylor; and two visitors, Mrs. Arthur Roper
and Mrs. Ford Haguewood. Mrs. Gordon Massey will entertain the club next Monday, March
Written in the minute book under the newspaper article
During a short business session Mrs. Cox made a report on her visit to the crippled children’s
clinic at Marshfield. A bill of 78 cents was allowed for a telegram to our president Mrs. Wilson.
Grace Love sec’y
March 19, 1934
L L Club met at the home of Mrs. Massey March 19th with 24 members present. Meeting was
called to order by the president Mrs. Massey. Minutes of previous meeting were read and
approved. Movie Stars we like were given in response to roll call. A motion was made and
carried that the club plant a tree. Mrs. Moore volunteered to see our local nurseryman regarding
trees and prices. The club decided to have the history, list of charter members and present
members placed in the cornerstone of the new municipal building. The regular program
followed with the addition of Mrs. Butler’s paper and refreshments served to the following:
Mesdames Butler, Moowood, Womble, Cox, Rogers, Young, Moore, Pile, Bertie Moore,
Garrison, Tunnel, Farthing, Hixon, Breazeale, Moore, Thompson, Miss Resse, Jeny Taylor,
Virginia Giehl, Fay Breazeale and one visitor Mrs. Clayman. Club adjourned to meet with Mrs.
Farthing March 26th. Grace Love Sec’y
March 26, 1934
L L Club met at the home of Mrs. Farthing March 26th. The president Margaret Wilson presided.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Nature verses were given in response to roll
call. Mrs. Moore who had been ask to ascertain prices of trees reported and club voted to
purchase a Norway Maple. Mrs. Moore was then appointed to purchase the tree and have Mr.
Maples plant it on the city lot. Plans were discussed to hold some ceremony at the time and the
8th of April was suggested after the club meeting at Mrs. Wilson’s. The president volunteered to
collect and pack the books donated to Algoa farms and deliver them to Mr. Hixon who would
take them to Jefferson City. 18 books were delivered. The regular program followed,
refreshments served and club adjourned to meet with Grace Love April the 2nd. Grace Love
April 2, 1934
L L Club met at the home of Grace Love April 2nd for a social meeting. During a short business
session a letter was read calling the attention of the club to the council meeting of the General
Federation of Women’s clubs in Hot Springs Ark May 21-26. The president reported that 18
books donated by club member for Algoa farms were delivered to Mr. Hixon. The meeting was
then turned over to the chairman of the program committee for the day Mrs. Harris. Special
Easter morning services in a Negro church was presented by the com with the assistance of other
members. Refreshments were served to 24 members and club adjourned to meet April the 9 with
Cleo Harris. Grace Love Sec’y
April 9, 1934
L. L. club held a little ceremony at the city lot preceding the regular meeting at Mrs. Harrises
April the 9th. The occasion being the planting of a Norway Maple tree by the club. Mrs. Rogers
read the poem “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. Those present were Mrs. Rogers, Wilson, Garrison,
Farthing, Reese, Massy, Love, Tom Moore, Birtie Moore, Young, Tunnel, Pile, Virginia Giehl,
Jeny Taylor. Grace Love Sec’y
April 16, 1934
L L Club met April 16 at the home of Madge Tunnell. There were present Mesdames Adams,
Butler, Cox, Garrison, Pile, Harris, Wilson, Shollenberger, Moore, Roper, Womble, Rogers,
Massey, Breazeale, Hixon, Misses Maude Reese, Jenny Taylor, Virginia Giehl and a visitor Mrs.
Lyons. The meeting was called to order by the president and minutes of previous meeting read
and approved. There was a paper by the hostess. The club pledged Allegiance to the flag. Facts
about Dams and Giant springs were given in response to roll call. The crippled children’s clinic
was discussed. Mrs. Harris reported C.W.A. nurses not working but one nurse. Mrs. Gilbert
promised to help with clinic. Transportation was discussed. Bertie Moore reported on the lunch
to be served. A motion was made and carried that donations for the lunch be kept within the
club. There was a discussion of the matter of raising funds to help in furnishing the community
building. A motion was made by Mrs. Butler that we give an ice cream festival in court house
yard when weather is warm and give proceeds to fund. The motion was seconded and after
discussion motion was withdrawn. Cost of cream is ascertained. Mesdames Butler and Rogers
appointed on this com. Mesdames Farthing, Shollenberger and Roper appointed to get details on
serving a full dinner. Committee to report at next meeting. A motion passed that we endorse the
5 resolutions and send resolutions to National Council at Hot Springs Ark. The regular program
followed. Refreshments were served and club adjourned to meet with Ethel Moore Apr 23.
Grace Love Sec’y
Crime Control
Equal Suffrage
Open Saloon
Motion passed that we send endorsement of this club resolutions to General Fed of Woman’s
Clubs at Hot Spring, Ark May 21-26 -–1934
Mrs. Boye paid five of 25 cents for failure to appear on program
April 23, 1934
L. L. Club met at the home of Ethel Moore April 23 with the following members present,
Thompson, Massey, Roper, Womble, Farthing, Moorwood, Rogers, Cox, Tunnell, Reese,
Adams, Pile, Harris, Love, Young, Breazeale, Bertie Moore, Fay Breazeale and Maude Reese,
Jeny Taylor. Three visitors Mrs. Gren, Butler, Liles. Meeting called to order by Mrs. Massy.
Mythical characters were given in response to roll call. Minutes of previous meeting read and
approved. The Crippled Children’s clinic was discussed and Mrs. Massy reported the plans
made by transportation committee. Mrs. Farthing and Rogers reported plans for raising money
for the new community building. This matter was tabled until next club meeting. The club
voted to spend the day at the home of Mrs. Alderman May __ in Republic each member to take a
dish for luncheon. There being no further business the regular program followed. Refreshments
were served and club adjourned to meet April 30th with Maude Reese.
April 13, 1934 Yes – this says 13th – know they meant 23rd
L. L. Club met April 13th at the home of Maude Reese with the following members present
Mesdames Adams, Breazeale, Farthing, Garrison, Harris, Hixon, Love, Ethel Moore, Pile,
Rogers, Roper, Thompson, Tunnell, Womble and Young. In the absence of the president the
sec’y presided. Prayer by the hostess. Hereditary influences were given in response to roll call.
Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. A letter was read from Mrs. Anna Day
Chastain asking that we have an educational program in our club within the next 3 weeks in the
interest of the proposed $10,000,000 bond issue ( for the rehabilitation of the state eleemosynary
and penal institutions). There being no business the regular program followed, refreshments
were served and club adjourned to meet May 7th with Minnie Garrison.
May 7, 1934
L L Club met at the home of Minnie Garrison May the 7th with the following members present
Mesdames Cox, Moore, Wilson, Adams, Breazeale, Pile, Roper, Hixon, Tunnell, Harris,
Womble, Young, Reese, Moore, Tunnell, Love and M. Elizabeth Shollenberger, Jeny Taylor and
Virginia Giehl. Meeting called to order by the president Mrs. Wilson. Favorite music was given
in response to roll call. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The club excepted Mrs.
Boys invitation to have our last meeting in the form of a picnic supper inviting our husbands to
the Boye farm. A motion carried that the club continue the Bluebird gifts. The proposed
$10,000,000 bond issue was discussed and the president suggested that each member be prepared
to discuss it more fully at the next meeting. No further business before the club the following
program was given.
Lola Thompson club critic for April gave her report.
R. Richie Robertson, M. E. Shollenberger, Max Rosen, Violinist Bertie Moore. Joe Maddeys
project that launches young musicians - Maude Rees
Refreshments were served and club adjourned to meet May 17 with Mrs. Rogers.
May 21, 1934
L L Club met at the home of Mrs. Alderman in Republic May 21 each member taking a dish for
luncheon. An elaborate luncheon was served at one o clock. The afternoon was spent with
needlework and games. The following were present Adams, Breazeale, Cox, Moore, Farthing,
Garrison, Hixon, Love, E. Moore, M Rees, Rogers, Shollenberger, Thompson, Tunnell, Wilson,
Womble, Young, J Taylor, V Giehl, M. E. Shollenberger and guests Billie Woody, Doris
Johnson, Ellen Wilson, Mrs. Reese and Nell Robertson. Club adjourned to meet May 27 for the
last business meeting of the year. Addition guest – Mrs. Taylor
Part of Ladies Literary Club 1929-1934