March 23, 1953 - Transcription
- Title
- March 23, 1953 - Transcription
- Description
- Transcription of Guy Lee Tinder Jr.'s correspondence.
- Publisher
- Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
- Date
- 2014-09
- Contributor
- Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
- Rights
- Rights Information
- Format
- application/pdf (Portable Document File); 124 KB; 1 page
- Language
- English
- Type
- Text
- Identifier
- 1029_transcription_19530323.pdf
- extracted text
Guy Lee Tinder, Jr. correspondence
Mar [March] 23, 1953
Mon [Monday] Afternoon
1: PM
Hi “Sugar”
Spect [expect] your Old Man better report in. Course I don’t feel to old, in fact I feel pretty good
all I need is a little loving from you. Since you are so cold I don’t suppose it would do me any good if I
were there. Even thou [sic] I haven’t mentioned it lately I think you won’t be as cold as you say. Still if
you don’t love me much and since we have been apart so long maybe what you say is true. How is
Kenneth? I bet okay and bigger than ever. I know I never ask about him much to be truthful I wouldn’t
know what to ask so you can just tell me what I need to know. Boy we have been having some real nice
weather even the last couple nights have been warm hope it stays that way. Spring is here so perhaps it
will last. I didn’t get to write this morn [morning] we had a quarterly alert when I came back I took a
shower and went to the P.X [Post Exchange] the rest of the morn [morning]. Thought I would write you
now [page 2] and later record some as I brought my recorder down. We now have a new 1st Sgt
[Sargent] at the Det [Detachment] boy is he a bird may turn out to be okay thou [sic]. Our old one goes
home this wk [week]. Got the Gen [general] inspection over everything went okay hope that is the last
one I have. Didn’t do much last wk [week] took in the shows played bingo and bowled as usual. We
won all three games fri [Friday] night. Next wk [week] we are having a tournament would like to win
something only I have my doubts about it. Tonight they are having a hillbilly show at the theater after it
the show (against all flags) I think this should be a good evening. As my times grows shorter I am
thinking up ways to be away from this place must as possible I hope to take my first 3 day pass the 1-2-3
of April come back on Sat [Saturday] work ½ day off Sun [Sunday] & Mon [Monday] on account of easter
which brings me up to the seventh. That’s leaves 23 days on the 4th of May take a 15 day leave makes
the 20th only 15 day in that month total 38 days left after March. Pretty good schedule huh? [page 3]
Hope I get Don or Bill to go to Paris with one or both. I want to try my new camera out and pick up a
few souenviers [souvenirs] I have never took a picture with it yet got to learn how to operate it
Tue [Tuesday] Morn [morning] 24/3/53
7:55 AM
Hi “Angel”
Better get this wound up I held off finishing it yesterday thought I might get a letter. No such
luck. Sure saw a wonderful stage show last night (The Blue Star Boys). They were the best I have heard
in a long time. The boy on the Electric guitar was about the best I have heard period. Had a couple
comedians to that were really good. The show was also okay. Enjoyed myself more last night than I
have in a long time even thou [sic] it did make me think of the good times in the States. I recorded a ½
hr [hour] of hillbilly gasthaus yesterday afternoon I tell you it is quite a machine that I bought. Hon
[Honey] I have got to get this in the morning mail so will sign off. Tell all hello for me
Bye for now
Jr Tinder
[Notes added by transciber]
Part of March 23, 1953 - Transcription