March 2, 1953 - Transcription
- Title
- March 2, 1953 - Transcription
- Description
- Transcription of Guy Lee Tinder Jr.'s correspondence.
- Publisher
- Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
- Date
- 2014-09
- Contributor
- Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
- Rights
- Rights Information
- Format
- application/pdf (Portable Document File); 139 KB; 2 pages
- Language
- English
- Type
- Text
- Identifier
- 1029_transcription_19530302.pdf
- extracted text
Guy Lee Tinder, Jr. correspondence
March 2, 1953
Mon [Monday] Morn [morning] 8:45 AM
[Sticker of pin-up girl with words ‘Mein Schatzlein’ written by it]
Hi “Gal”
I don’t know if it is wise to send you a picture of my woman or not but since I am kinda short of
paper I suppose there is nothing I can do about it. Course I still love you a little, isn’t that nice of me?
Well took me about a[n] hr [hour] to make out a packing list but now I am back writing as you can see.
Boy another wk [week] has gone by, heck I am about ready to start counting the days, you know
I will be leaving this place before every long? I had C.Q [Charge of Quarters] all [page 2] last Monday
and that night sure didn’t like it over at H.Q [Headquarters] it was better pulling it at the Det
[Detachment]. Tue [Tuesday] I broke a clamp off my upper partial took them 1 day to repair them sure
felt funny when they were out. They did a poor job my teeth don’t fit at all and the new clamps have
made them really ache. Went back on Fri [Friday] to get it re-fitted the major was trying to press them
in place and his tool slipped off and tore up the roof of my mouth. So, I have been in much misery, I am
going back at 11 this morn [morning] so they can butcher me some more. [page 3] I played bingo on
Thur [Thursday] night still never won a darn thing. Guess what? I had CQ [Charge of Quarters] again Fri
[Friday] night boy was I ever mad they wouldn’t let me off to bowl and I had just pulled it Monday. I am
afraid my temper sort of run away from me a bit. We got payed [sic] Sat [Saturday] I got $79 put 5 in
Soldier deposits, 3 for KP [Kitchen Patrol], 1 for red cross so I had $70 left. I may be late with your
birthday for I want to shop around a little till I find something that suits me. I tried to get a wk [week]end pass to go see Don but there were so many people who wanted one on payday that I never got it. If
at first you don’t suceed [sic] try and try again [page 4] isn’t that the old saying? Wound up going to the
show, Sun [Sunday] nite I went out honky-tonking didn’t do much thou [sic]. We have sure been having
some spring weather hope it keeps up. I spent a day getting some athletic Equip [equipment] the boys
have got ball fever allready [sic]. If you put the weights on the clock and pulled them up next to it and
the cuckoo or music doesn’t play check and see if there are clamps on the little boxes that make the
thing work if there isn’t it must be broke. Does it keep time? Glad to hear Warren and Lucille got a lot
of nice gifts Mrs Strat may have her faults but it was nice of her to have it for them. Course I recon [sic]
they would [page 5] of had a shower some place anyhow. I was thinking Sat [Saturday] that Jr and Doris
tied the knot I bet they are happy as can be. Remember the first day we got married? You wouldn’t
even go to bed with me, not that I blame you. So you played the guitar? When did you start playing
second to square dances? I knew you could was just supprised [surprised]. I didn’t know I had a cousin
named Billy Reed maybe I don’t know all my Kin folks. Could it have been Marshal Reed? if not I am
curious as to who it was so find out and write and tell me. I have been thinking of buying a tape
recorder you can get them a $100 or so cheaper here [page 6] do you think one would be worth a $115
it is darn nice but I figure we don’t have the money to afford one.
Mon [Monday] afternoon
Here I am back from chow also back from the dentist. My teeth sure don’t fit I believe they are
going to make me a new set. This Fri [Friday] I get I filled and get them cleaned next Wed [Wednesday] I
go up again to see what they have decided to do. Yes I was thinking of getting a set of dishes before I
come home they really do have some nice ones. There is so much I would like to get but cain’t afford
still I plan to do some shopping before I leave in June. [page 7] Say I will admit I about fell over when I
received a 12 page letter from you. I am not trying to set a record in this one it just happens I have
something to write about for a change. I got a letter from you and mom today. What do you mean I
must have red hair someplace besides my head? I am glad to hear you do not smoke I have drank a
[Notes added by transcriber]
Guy Lee Tinder, Jr. correspondence
little, only the times when I thought it would help. Cain’t see why you are so shook up about taking care
of me if I get sick. I hope I never do but if it does happen I would let both of you help me along. [page 8]
My mother happens to be fond of me (I hope). Maybe she isn’t used to me being married either, after
all we haven’t had much of a chance to know what married life is ourselves. I see were[where] you
found out my cousins name was Marshal that is what I thought it could be. I don’t like you having that
tumor I wish you didn’t for I am afraid it will give you trouble later. I hope not thou [sic]. Everyone I
hear thinks our son is okay he will be quite a man when I get home. I except I will be a pretty proud
papa even if I don’t know how to be one. I tell you when I think about it [page 9] it sure seems strange.
Probally [sic] strange you being a mother huh? You better believe I am much happier this year than I
was last in fact I feel pretty darn good, 3 months isn’t very long much better than 15. Yes I think it will
be much harder on Helen and Fred, nothing a person can do about it thou [sic]. I see you couldn’t get a
copy of the songs I wrote for maybe you can get me a copy of these 1. Tomorrow Night-Hank Thompson
2. This may not be the correct title but I think it is –My mother must have been a girl like you-Ernest
Tubb. We are about to start us another band I hope so as I would like to get some experience. I really
want to gel with a band when I come [page 10] home. You better believe it reminds me of Rounders.
What I wouldn’t give for a chicken liver dinner. I ate fried chicken at the club last night between you and
me it wasn’t so hot. Still better than the chow hall I suppose. Sure I wish I was making as much money
as you, at least I make half that much. You probally [sic] want me to re-enlist don’t you? Believe I will
wind this note up by saying I love you very much. Hope all are oaky and tell all hello
Your traped [trapped] Husband
Jr Tinder
P.S. Was going to write the folks didn’t think I could write you so much. Since I have nothing lined up
believe I will wait till tomorrow.
[Notes added by transcriber]
Part of March 2, 1953 - Transcription