December 18-23, 1870 - Transcription
Transcription of Melville Titus' journal entries for December 1870
Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
Midwest Genealogy Center
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extracted text
December, Sunday 18
December, Thursday 22
Cold and some snow on the ground
there was no meeting any where around
to day so we did not go any where
to meeting We all staid [stayed] at home
We do not know how long we shall
stay together before we shall be
sepperated [separated] and scattered in
different parts of the country
Very cold drew up a load of wood
and I nearly frose [froze] my feet while
I was out I opened the cellar way
and it was freeseing [freezing] some in the
cellar so I closed it up and drew
on some manure it is freeseing [freezing]
very fast it is the coldest weater [weather]
of the season
December, Monday 19
December, Friday 23
Cold and rough traveling on the
roads went this forenoon to
help Mr Poxson butcher Mr
McCann and Patrick O brine helped
him in the afternoon it snowed
very hard in the evening sent
after Squares waggon [sic] to go to
Jackson with a load of wheat
Still very cold did not do much
but the chores and wenet [went] to
Stockbridge and paid my taxes
amounting eighteen dollars and
eighty two cts [cents] a little less than
they were last year The cold
weather takes hold of the cattle
sheep and draws them up it
has been so warm this fall
December, Tuesday 20
Not very cold snow quite deep started
for Jackson a little after day light
it was hard going till we got where
the track was broke I took 12 bags
of wheat and it weighted 29, 250 lbs
sold for 1, 17 cts [cents] per bushel amounting
34, 42 cts [cents] I staid [stayed] all night in
Jackson done some trading for Christmas
for the children got my team around
to the barn a little after two
December, Wednesday 21
Very cold the coldest day we have
had this season Mr Poxson and I
started from Jackson a little after
nine o clock we stoped [sic] at the Log
Tavern to warm and then I drove
home without stoping [sic] to warm I stoped
[sic] to Squares and left his wagon and took
mine and came home got home at 2 o clock
[Notes added by transcriber]