November 18-23, 1870 - Transcription
Transcription of Melville Titus' journal entries for November 1870
Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
Midwest Genealogy Center
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extracted text
November, Friday 18
November, Tuesday 22
Cloudy the most of the day
Started early for Jackson with
a load of wheat The roads were
very bad stoped [sic] at the Center
house and fed my team and
went into town and sold my
for one dollar per bushel amoun
ting [amounting] to 25, 83 cts [cents] and then
put out my team
Cloudy and cool Hiram Burrell
and Almira was here last night
and staid [stayed] all night We went
to husking husk a load in the
forenoon and one in the afternoon
and unloaded them Andrew
went up to help John a few days
looks like snow in the evening
November, Saturday 19
Looked plesasent [sic] in the morning
but clouded in the afternoon
done some trading and then
loaded up and then started
for home Mr Poxson went out
we were in company from the
Center house and back it was
quite cool in the afternoon
November, Sunday 20
Cloudy and cool did not go to
meeting to day [sic] Andrew went
to Nora Burrell home And
Martha and Alpha went down
to Mr Bachelors and went to
meeting with them down to
the Bowdish School house [I?]
was alone again for a long time
The day[s] are passing away
November, Monday 21
Cool but pleasent [sic] went to
husking corn Square come over
here after some bags to put
his clover seed into I paid
him 2, 50 cts [cents] for
thrashing and for the change
he paid on Lina Shoes unloaded
one load of corn in the afternoon
[Notes added by transcriber]
November, Wednesday 23
Snowed last night and is quite
cool took the box of the wagon and
put on the rack and drew some
corn Stalks to the barn and Shoe
-d [shoed] In the afternoon drew a load of
wood to the house and done the
chores was all done to day [sic]
The days are short and cold
Weather is comeing [sic] on