May 1-3, 1870 - Transcription
- Title
- May 1-3, 1870 - Transcription
- Description
- Transcription of Melville Titus' journal entries for May 1870
- Publisher
- Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
- Date
- 2014-06
- Contributor
- Midwest Genealogy Center
- Rights
- Rights Information
- Format
- application/pdf (Portable Document File); 100 KB; 1 page
- Language
- English
- Type
- Text
- Identifier
- May_1-3.pdf
- extracted text
May, Sunday 1
Warm and pleasent [sic] a nice growing
time went to meeting in the
afternoon up to the [illegible] school
house and they organised [sic] for a
Sunday school for the summer
They are to have it every
week at the present and some
wanted every two weeks
May, Monday 2
Nice growing weather Went up to
Byrons after some hay and corn
stalks in the forenoon in the after
noon went to drawing manure
I would help the boys load and
while they were unloading I worked
at my fence in the lane It will
soon by planting corn time
May, Tuesday 3
Warm and pleasent [sic] worked at
my fence while Alpha was unloading
manure I helped to load Andre
-w [sic] was sick all day was taken last
night did not set up much in all
day Nice growing time we need
a little rain wheat looks very
well for the time of year
[Notes added by transcriber]
- Item sets
- Titus Family Collection
Part of May 1-3, 1870 - Transcription