April 4-9, 1870 - Transcription
- Title
- April 4-9, 1870 - Transcription
- Description
- Transcription of Melville Titus' journal entries for April 1870
- Publisher
- Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
- Date
- 2014-06
- Contributor
- Midwest Genealogy Center
- Rights
- Rights Information
- Format
- application/pdf (Portable Document File); 104 KB; 1 page
- Language
- English
- Type
- Text
- Identifier
- April_4-9.pdf
- extracted text
April, Monday 4
April, Friday 8
Pleasent [sic] wind North Went to town
meeting in forenoon Samantha
went to Mr Picketts and made a
visit while I was gone I staid [stayed] till
after the path master were elected
Mr Pickett came back with me I
stoped [stopped] there till after supper
and then came home
Another pleasent [sic] and warm
day unloaded the potatoes
in the forenoon and split
post in the afternoon went
to Dansville and Samantha went
with me we staid [stayed] at Marthas
over night [sic] went to the Lodge
in the evening
April, Tuesday 5
April, Saturday 9
Nice and pleasent [sic] wind north
Went over to Fitchburgh with some
apples 3 bushels for Mr Hawley
one bushel for Frank Fitch one
bush [bushel] for Mr Lord one and a
half for Square Holt In the
afternoon split rails at the house
Snow nearly all gone along the fences
Still pleasent [sic] and warm Bought
of Mr Payne 50 lbs of nails for
[illegible] cts [cents] per [illegible] one Rill
[illegible]Hammer for one dollar and
fifty cts [cents] Did not get home
till night Martha came home
with us Sent a letter to Allen
to day [sic] Recieved [sic] a letter from
him yesterday They were all well
when he wrote
April, Wednesday 6
Pleasent [sic] and wind north warm
Split fence post and short rails
in the forenoon in the afternoon
went and took Samantha up to Mr
Toxen and cleaned out the celler [sic] way
and then went up after her and
staid [stayed] till after supper The boys went
over to Squares to night Willie Smith
came to see them and he went after
them they was going to stay all night
April, Thursday 7
Pleasent [sic] and warm Split
fence post in afternoon the
boys took out a hole of potatoe
es [potatoes] and drew them up to the
house They boys went home
with Charlie Smith he
has been here all day with
the boys
[Notes added by transcriber]
- Item sets
- Titus Family Collection
Part of April 4-9, 1870 - Transcription