March 5-10, 1870 - Transcription
- Title
- March 5-10, 1870 - Transcription
- Description
- Transcription of Melville Titus' journal entries for March 1870
- Publisher
- Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
- Date
- 2014-06
- Contributor
- Midwest Genealogy Center
- Rights
- Rights Information
- Format
- application/pdf (Portable Document File); 26.4 KB; 1 page
- Language
- English
- Type
- Text
- Identifier
- March_5-10.pdf
- extracted text
March, Saturday 5
March, Wednesday 9
Snowed in the morning pleasent [sic] thro
ugh the day John Canfield and his
boy staid [stayed] here last night Went down
into the field and cut some wood
and drew up three loads and cut the
wood to last over Sunday John came
back to stay over Sunday with us
he is pedling [sic] tin ware
Pleasent [sic] and thawing in the
roads drew up wood in the fore
noon in the afternoon went to
Dansville to get the mail and some
thing and got the rocking chair
that I left to Mr Fieldses to get
repaired which cost 63 cts [cents] and
bought ½ lb of tea at Mr [illegible]
for 70 cts [cents]
March, Sunday 6
Snowed the most of the day did
not go to meeting to day [sic] The boys
went a horse back up to the scho
-ol house up by Father Holts I
staid [stayed] at home and read for the
children And how many have gone
since this year has commenced from
earth but our little family is still spared
March, Monday 7
Snowed through the night not very
cold John left here this morning We
ground the axes and we choped [sic] wood at
the door in the forenoon and after
dinner went over to Fitchburgh and
Mrs Richmond came home with us
We had been home but a little
when John Holt came down to get
Andrew to do his chores while he went
to Howel a visiting
March, Tuesday 8
Pleasent [sic] went into the woods to
chop in the forenoon and after dinner
hiched [hitched] up the team to get some
ice to wash with Squares folks
and Hirams folks came here
I went and got the ice had not
been here but a little while when
Square was sent for the [illegible] [illegible]
had come
[Notes added by transcriber]
March, Thursday 10
Cloudy part of the day went out
into the field to chop wood we had
not been out there but a little while
when a man came out there to buy
some cows I came to the barn with
him but did not sell any drew
up a load of wood in the afternoon
and Mr Beals came along I sold
him a cow for forty dollars
- Item sets
- Titus Family Collection
Part of March 5-10, 1870 - Transcription