February 3-8, 1870 - Transcription
- Title
- February 3-8, 1870 - Transcription
- Description
- Transcription of Melville Titus' journal entries for February 1870
- Publisher
- Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri
- Date
- 2014-06
- Contributor
- Midwest Genealogy Center
- Rights
- Rights Information
- Format
- application/pdf (Portable Document File); 97.4 KB; 1 page
- Language
- English
- Type
- Text
- Identifier
- February_3-8.pdf
- extracted text
February, Thursday 3
February, Monday 7
Cloudy wind in the north east
Samantha washed I brough [brought]
in the snow to melt and
helped her in washing cut
the wood and done the chores
at the barn drove a sow up to
Mr Toxens Went over to Fitch
burgh to meeting and had a good one
Pleasent [sic] and thawed some went to
Mason after some money that
was paid to Mr Reed for me Stoped [sic]
to Gustavus to dinner and Mary
Gray came home with me Mr Duglass
died last night Four years since
Mary died and one year since Madora
was buried so we are all passing away
February, Friday 4
February, Tuesday 8
Pleasent [sic] wind south east chilly
went down into the woods and choped [sic]
some wood in the fore noon in the
afternoon drew up a load and
done the chores and cut the wood
for night and in the evening went
over to Fitchburgh to meeting
Andrew went home with Charlie Smith
Pleasent [sic] went into the woods to chop
Wood had not been there long before
Squares folks and Mr Lord came
over here and staid till afternoon
And then Father Holt Uncle Bowens
folks Tommy Whiple and Olive John
and Ett Tommy Smith and Lucinda
and Mary Gray was all here in
the evening Mr Duglass was buried
to day
February, Saturday 5
Cloudy and looks like a storm
moved some fence this forenoon
in the afternoon cut the Sunday
wood and done the chores and
went over to Fitchburgh to
meeting Andrew did not get home
till this afternoon Sent to Dansvile
for the mail by Square he got one
letter and the papers
February, Sunday 6
Pleasent [sic] and thawed some to
Day did not go to meeting this
fore noon went in the afternoon
up to the north schoolhouse
to meeting and in the evening
Martha and the boys went over
to Fitchburgh and I staid [stayed] at
home with Samantha and the children
[Notes added by transcriber]
- Item sets
- Titus Family Collection