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World War II Scrapbook
World War II Scrapbook
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Air power rules the Indies
World War II Scrapbook
Huge Jap invasion armada wiped out
World War II Scrapbook
Japs move on Australian Territory
World War II Scrapbook
Australia is threatened
World War II Scrapbook
Japs Take Malacca
World War II Scrapbook
Jap invaders menace Australia
World War II Scrapbook
First family all out for defense
World War II Scrapbook
World War II Scrapbook
War pictures
World War II Scrapbook
Plane battle over Singapore
World War II Scrapbook
3,600,00 ordered U.S. Army by Stimson
World War II Scrapbook
Japs invade Dutch Indies
World War II Scrapbook
World War II Scrapbook
Our war with Germany
World War II Scrapbook
Our war with Germany
World War II Scrapbook
Our war with Germany
World War II Scrapbook
What to do in an air raid
World War II Scrapbook
Roosevelt pledges
World War II Scrapbook
Draft call
World War II Scrapbook
U.S. air leader
World War II Scrapbook
Beat Japs off Corregidor
World War II Scrapbook
New Year 1942
World War II Scrapbook
Japanese attack unifies American people
World War II Scrapbook
Macarthur's men blast Japan's war timetable
World War II Scrapbook
U.S. vows to avenge Manilla attach
World War II Scrapbook
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