Finding Aid for the Harry E. Corbin Collection

This collection comprises six marriage record books belonging to Reverend Harry E Corbin. The first book notes that Harry E Corbin bought the book while living in Canton, Missouri in 1923. The book details marriages dating back to 1913 added by Harry E Corbin after the purchase of the book. The date of the last entry in the final book is 1969. The number of recorded marriages performed by Reverend Corbin totaled 585 marriages. Each record lists the date and place where the license was issued, the names and residences of the couple being married, the witnesses, and the date and location the marriage was performed. At the front of each book is an alphabetical index of names along with the corresponding page number of the marriage record.



Jolene Clark, Archivist, Midwest Genealogy Center, Finding Aid for the Harry E. Corbin Collection, Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri, 2018

Cite As

Jolene Clark, Archivist, Midwest Genealogy Center, “Finding Aid for the Harry E. Corbin Collection,” Genealogy Gallery, accessed July 17, 2024,


Finding Aid for the Harry E. Corbin Collection


Family history
Corbin family


This collection comprises six marriage record books belonging to Reverend Harry E Corbin. The first book notes that Harry E Corbin bought the book while living in Canton, Missouri in 1923. The book details marriages dating back to 1913 added by Harry E Corbin after the purchase of the book. The date of the last entry in the final book is 1969. The number of recorded marriages performed by Reverend Corbin totaled 585 marriages. Each record lists the date and place where the license was issued, the names and residences of the couple being married, the witnesses, and the date and location the marriage was performed. At the front of each book is an alphabetical index of names along with the corresponding page number of the marriage record.


Jolene Clark, Archivist, Midwest Genealogy Center


Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri




Portable Document File Format; 407 KB; 2 pages.






harry e corbin collection.pdf