Finding Aid for the Townsley Family Album

This collection contains one hardbound album. The pages within the album have slots for photographs and all photographs are in black and white. A note in the front of the album states that “penciled notations are those of Aunt Lena-sister of Florence Evelyn formerly Leland.” A notation in the back of the book states that in 1950, Mary McCoy, nee Mary Laura Townsley, went through the album and tried to identify the various people and their relationship to her. Some notations in the album are underneath the photographs and others are written on the backs of the photographs. The creator of the original album is unknown. The first photograph is of Mary (Townsley) McCoy’s grandmother, Mary (Bowen) Moses. The photographs in the album mainly represent the Moses and Townsley families.



Jolene Clark, Archivist, Midwest Genealogy Center, Finding Aid for the Townsley Family Album, Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri, 2018

Cite As

Jolene Clark, Archivist, Midwest Genealogy Center, “Finding Aid for the Townsley Family Album,” Genealogy Gallery, accessed July 16, 2024,


Finding Aid for the Townsley Family Album


Family history
Townsley family
McCoy family
Moses family


This collection contains one hardbound album. The pages within the album have slots for photographs and all photographs are in black and white. A note in the front of the album states that “penciled notations are those of Aunt Lena-sister of Florence Evelyn formerly Leland.” A notation in the back of the book states that in 1950, Mary McCoy, nee Mary Laura Townsley, went through the album and tried to identify the various people and their relationship to her. Some notations in the album are underneath the photographs and others are written on the backs of the photographs. The creator of the original album is unknown. The first photograph is of Mary (Townsley) McCoy’s grandmother, Mary (Bowen) Moses. The photographs in the album mainly represent the Moses and Townsley families.


Jolene Clark, Archivist, Midwest Genealogy Center


Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri




Portable Document File Format; 488 KB; 2 pages.






townsley family album.pdf