Finding Aid for Margaret Hubbard Countryman Collection

The collection includes research done in 1940s and 1950s by Margaret Hubbard Countryman on both her family, the Hubbard line, and her husband’s family, the Countryman line. The collection includes unique family items some dated from the nineteenth century. The oldest item in the collection is a pension request for Godfrey Young dated 1806. Some other interesting items include a calling card from Paulina Hubbard circa 1830, Alonzo Hamlin’s bank notes from the 1850s and 1860s, a Palmer family reunion invitation from 1881, and a Thanksgiving dinner menu and guest list from 1907. The collection contains some old correspondence including a not dated 1832, a letter dated 1853, a telegram from Ralph Countryman from Nicaragua in 1933 that stated he was “back from the jungle,” and a letter typed in 1956 on war surplus paper that was for “unimportant letters (those that need not be kept long).” Also included are photographs of several family members including a tintype of James Alonzo Countryman, a member of the Illinois state legislature.



Nicole Pye, Archivist, Midwest Genealogy Center, Finding Aid for Margaret Hubbard Countryman Collection, Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri, 2014

Cite As

Nicole Pye, Archivist, Midwest Genealogy Center, “Finding Aid for Margaret Hubbard Countryman Collection,” Genealogy Gallery, accessed July 17, 2024,


Finding Aid for Margaret Hubbard Countryman Collection


Family history
Baldwin family
Bradt family
Cogswell family
Countryman family
Denison family
Dunkleburg family
Dunkleburger family
Dyer family
Ellis family
Fiske family
French family
Hamlin family
Hillard family
Hubbard family
Hudson family
Hyde family
Inman family
Jacobus family
Jillson family
Palmer family
Potter family
Randall family
Ray family
Ritchie-Davis family
Shimer family
Sitler family
Sweet family
Thompson family
Young family


The collection includes research done in 1940s and 1950s by Margaret Hubbard Countryman on both her family, the Hubbard line, and her husband’s family, the Countryman line. The collection includes unique family items some dated from the nineteenth century. The oldest item in the collection is a pension request for Godfrey Young dated 1806. Some other interesting items include a calling card from Paulina Hubbard circa 1830, Alonzo Hamlin’s bank notes from the 1850s and 1860s, a Palmer family reunion invitation from 1881, and a Thanksgiving dinner menu and guest list from 1907. The collection contains some old correspondence including a not dated 1832, a letter dated 1853, a telegram from Ralph Countryman from Nicaragua in 1933 that stated he was “back from the jungle,” and a letter typed in 1956 on war surplus paper that was for “unimportant letters (those that need not be kept long).” Also included are photographs of several family members including a tintype of James Alonzo Countryman, a member of the Illinois state legislature.


Nicole Pye, Archivist, Midwest Genealogy Center


Midwest Genealogy Center, Mid-Continent Public Library, Independence, Missouri




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